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Which daily chore do you despise, or at least try to avoid?


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I truly, deeply, passionately, dislike cooking and meal planning. I've been doing it for so long now, I can hardly think straight when I sit down to make a list. I can't avoid it. I think I have permanent brain fog from it. Unfortunately, I turned out to be good at cooking...stupid me, I should have burned a lot of food when we were first married and developed a bad reputation so sandwich and salad would have been the norm.


When the last kid leaves, dh better start cooking or become comfortable with sandwiches and salads or eating at his mother's house. I have no problem at all with her feeding him, and I'm happy with a boiled egg, celery sticks, red peppers, and cashews night after night, LOL!



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Cleaning the bathrooms. We have three full baths, and 2 men plus 2 boys who use them, so it's daily here too. Yes, they could clean them, but they don't clean them thoroughly, so the urinal smell never quite goes away if they do it. I'm constantly telling dh that if it were possible, I would hire a live-in maid, and her sole responsibility would be to keep the bathrooms sparkling. This will never be possible, but a woman can dream...

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Unloading the dishwasher. Every morning, I get up and unload the dishwasher before anyone else is up and about. Every morning, the same question, "Are these dishes clean or dirty?" Every morning, dishes get put in the sink. It's not the unloading so much as the lack of thought.

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Cat puke cleanup, cleaning toilets, and the worst of all... Washing pots/pans or dishes with food stuck to them. I don't know why this disgusts me so much, but ugh. I will leave casserole pans to soak until my husband gets tired of looking at them and cleans them himself.


Oddly enough, I don't mind scooping the cat box, and even sick kid cleanup duty doesn't faze me. Leftover food in the sink, though... ick ick ick.


Also, I love dusting. Immediate gratification!

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Cleaning the bathrooms. I'm the lone female in a house of men, and apparently none can hit the toilet. Yes, it's a daily chore here. Bleh...


I had a friend with the same problem


She took a washcloth and cut it into 4ths and gave one piece to a child and made them clean the entire toilet area (mainly the floor and seat)  and told them that was their permanent job.  One child on each day of the week.


It magically became better

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Cat puke cleanup, cleaning toilets, and the worst of all... Washing pots/pans or dishes with food stuck to them. I don't know why this disgusts me so much, but ugh. I will leave casserole pans to soak until my husband gets tired of looking at them and cleans them himself.


Oddly enough, I don't mind scooping the cat box, and even sick kid cleanup duty doesn't faze me. Leftover food in the sink, though... ick ick ick.


Also, I love dusting. Immediate gratification!


I don't mind dusting either!!!  I just don't ever do it.

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I can most of the laundry but the sock sorting is done maybe 2 times a year.  I really hate sock pairing.  If I had the money I would buy all new socks, and have them labeled for each child so I could stop having to examine each sock and figure out their mate and owner.


** sigh** I just have a basket in the middle of the living room as a permanent fixture and let the people dig.


After that it would be the clutter of "important" things I have no idea what to do with.--- rocks that are "really cool" or bottle tops, or weird things found on walks.  I usually put them in a basket and clean out the basket every now and then

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ALL of them.  I hate cleaning.   Hate it.


My 9 year old seems to love it.  I have resorted to paying him as of last week.


I told him if he washed all the windows inside and out on the first floor (it has been over a year) and did a great job and even dusted and cleaned the sills, I would pay him $1 per window.  


I have also resorted to each child having his own laundry basket and doing his OWN laundry!  It has been 3 months now and it is WONDERFUL!  I only do my own and towels/household items.  


Kitchen I can never seem to keep clean, ever.  I need a better system for that.

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I am in charge of the "pooper scooper". Nobody else in the house is willing to do that job. We have 3 medium size dogs and 5 incredibly tiny dogs.  I do that job, every other day...


I'm also in charge of the trash and garbage, and I take that out to the street, twice a week. I am going to do that, in a few minutes... Hopefully, before it rains, because I hear thunder, as I write this post...

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I don't "despise" any daily chore, though I get stressed out by not having enough time to do them and still act like a normal human.


The one I like least is (this is going to sound terrible) providing dinner.  Especially if it involves cooking.  I would rather our nutritional needs cut off after their afternoon snack and resumed in the morning.  I dislike having the evening broken up by those pesky dinners.  Oddly I do not feel this way about providing breakfast, lunch, or snacks . . . .


I think it's because dinner takes so dang long, no matter how simple you try to make it.  Between setup/prep, eating, and cleaning up afterward, half of the evening is shot.  Blah.  I wish there were more Panera/Chopotle type restaurants so I could outsource most of these functions without guilt.


I love laundry, though.  Seriously.

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I can most of the laundry but the sock sorting is done maybe 2 times a year.  I really hate sock pairing.  If I had the money I would buy all new socks, and have them labeled for each child so I could stop having to examine each sock and figure out their mate and owner.


** sigh** I just have a basket in the middle of the living room as a permanent fixture and let the people dig.



I use to have this problem but I read a tip that has changed my life and done away with the permanent sock basket at this house.  I bought a small mesh laundry bag for each person in the house.  It has a zipper and a little hanging tab. Got at walmart for less than $2 each. Took a sharpie and wrote each persons name on their bag.  Got some command hooks and hung the bags near the dirty clothes hamper. 


Ready to wash.... just zip & toss in washer then dryer.  No matching whose socks are whose.  Fold socks and rehang the bag.


After seeing that this system worked I ended up getting 2 bags for each person.  That way if someone changed socks while washing there was already a new bag in place.   


This has been soooooo worth the investment of bags and hooks.  Oh and I started a "program" where if I found your dirty socks out you owed me a quarter for each sock.  It worked even better then.

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For me, the main way I approach socks is to buy almost all identical socks.  So instead of pairing them up I just put them in piles of the same size and color and "fold" them into pairs in the end.


For me the most tedious thing about sock washing is having to turn them all right-side-out.  I have asked my kids to do this themselves, but they are far from being reliable on this point.


I do think that mesh bag idea is a great one, as long as being in a bag doesn't stop them from getting clean.

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For me, the main way I approach socks is to buy almost all identical socks. So instead of pairing them up I just put them in piles of the same size and color and "fold" them into pairs in the end.


For me the most tedious thing about sock washing is having to turn them all right-side-out. I have asked my kids to do this themselves, but they are far from being reliable on this point.


I do think that mesh bag idea is a great one, as long as being in a bag doesn't stop them from getting clean.


I do this though I do not pair and fold. Dd (5) has various colored socks - she can dig through the sock drawer or wear them mismatched, I don't care. Twins (2.5) have all one brand, all one style. I throw them all in a drawer and just grab 2 (or 4) when needed. Once they know how to turn socks right side out (DD can, twins can't yet) I will leave them inside out too. They can turn them before washing or before wearing. The sock drawers aren't pretty inside, but it works.

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Dishes!  I hate washing dishes.  I have no problem popping a few dishes into the dishwasher, but actually washing pots, pans or whatever else doesn't go in the dishwasher, I truly hate and always have.  I have dry skin and my hands hurt for hours afterward even after several applications of lotion.  So, often, my husband comes home to find the dishes from the entire day still in the sink.  He'll say, "So, you had eggs for breakfast? And, I see you had pasta for lunch." :blush:


I don't mind laundry.  But, now that we have 6 kids all 7 and under, I just can't get control of the laundry.  We have a community clothing area for the entire family's clothing...it's located on my love seat.  :lol:  (Seriously though, it's a problem!)

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Socks:  with 4 sons who all have the same size feet, confusion reigns.  My solution:  buy each son a different brand.  Unfortunately I forget which brand goes to whom.  My final solution:  Match the socks and stick them all in a basket in the alcove near the boys' bathroom.  Let them pick out their own socks from the basket.

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Paperwork...anything that involves filing, grading numbers to be balanced, mail, bills....ugh. HATE IT!


I'd rather clean the whole house.


Amending my comment.  I can. not. stand. paperwork.  I am afraid of the consequences of going paperless. I could clean, toilets, gutters, cat litter boxes, before paperwork.  My dad was a CPA for years.  How anyone would choose to do paperwork and taxes for a living is beyond me!!!

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