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Tooth Fairy "forgot" to come!


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She has forgotten to come here at least twice.  The first time was because of a kids' hockey game (just like in the movie! LOL).  She came the next time and left an apology note.  The second time was just because she was running late.  Apparently she sneaked into DS's room sometime during the morning and took care of things.  Once she brought money but forgot to take the tooth, too! LOL

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She will probably leave a note the next night giving a perfectly good explanation!  Have you ever seen her handwriting.  It is very fine and delicate and beautiful.  It probably even glistens with fairy dust.  I think your child is VERY LUCKY that the tooth fairy didn't come on schedule, because now there is probably going to be a little gift AND a note!

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Our tooth fairy is a bit of a ditz too. One time she got really busy and forgot to come for over a week. In fact our house knows that she has to organize her routes and will usually take a few days to pick up a tooth... It's almost never 'night of' services here!

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I tell the kids their room must have been too messy for her.  After all such a little fairy could get hurt trying to get through all that mess.  They are sure to clean up before bed that night.  2 birds, 1 stone.  room is clean, tooth fairy comes the second night no problem.


I have a friend that forgot for like 4 days in a row.  One evening while her kids were playing in the livingroom she messed up the blinds in teh bedroom, sprinkled glitter on the window sill and left a crumpled smudged note with the money.  The tooth fairy got trapped in a snow storm in russia and has such a hard time getting there.  This was the very first house she went to when she got back to Canada etc etc.  Then she made a bang knocking over some things in the room and dshes across to her own bedroom.  When the girls heard the noise they went to the stairs to see and she popped out of her room asking what that noise was.  They went together to investigate and found the "evidence" that the tooth fairy had been there.  Her girls were amazed and were telling her in awe all about why the tooth fairy had not come yet etc.  She did a really good job with it.

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Happened to us. And it turned out to be the perfect proof that the tooth fairy exists.


I had told DH to do the tooth fairy job; he had put the money but forgotten to take the tooth.

DD was upset. I told her it was probably an apprentice tooth fairy who would get in trouble, so she'd come back to get the tooth during the day. DD wrote a note and put the tooth with the  note on her pillow. Tooth was gone when she came home.


DD's comment: "Now I know the tooth fairy is real! I had suspected it might be mom, but mom would never have forgotten to take the tooth!"

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She will probably leave a note the next night giving a perfectly good explanation! Have you ever seen her handwriting. It is very fine and delicate and beautiful. It probably even glistens with fairy dust.

Our tooth fairy's handwriting and spelling were remarkably like a dyslexic 9 yo boy's, although she did write in glitter crayon. And apparently tooth fairy parents are into creative name spelling just like human parents, because I think ours was named Tuth Farey.


(DS saved me when DD came crying into the kitchen one morning complaining that the tooth fairy had forgotten her. While I was trying to think up an excuse, he quietly slipped out of the room, made a little card, and put it, along with some of his own pocket money, in her bed.)



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She has forgotten to come here at least twice.  The first time was because of a kids' hockey game (just like in the movie! LOL).  She came the next time and left an apology note.  The second time was just because she was running late.  Apparently she sneaked into DS's room sometime during the morning and took care of things.  Once she brought money but forgot to take the tooth, too! LOL

OH, I wish I would have left the money in her room while everyone was in the car waiting for me to go to church-that would have been perfect!


I think I will tell her that there were lots of kids on the forums who had the "late" experience, also.  It must be much more common than we knew, and we were lucky to have gotten them picked up on time all of these years!

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I'm not sure when the last time she came on time at my house. It is news when she does show up on time. 


Ditto!  Usually the first night it must mean the tooth fairy was just too busy.  If she forgets a second night, then maybe the tooth wasn't clean enough and they go and wash the tooth.  Usually she will remember that night.  I can't use the messy room bit as they have a tooth pillow that gets hung on the outside of their bedroom door.  This came about because when DD was of the early tooth losing age she slept up in a lofted bed and there was no way the tooth fairy could have reached her there.

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Our tooth fairy's handwriting and spelling were remarkably like a dyslexic 9 yo boy's, although she did write in glitter crayon. And apparently tooth fairy parents are into creative name spelling just like human parents, because I think ours was named Tuth Farey.


(DS saved me when DD came crying into the kitchen one morning complaining that the tooth fairy had forgotten her. While I was trying to think up an excuse, he quietly slipped out of the room, made a little card, and put it, along with some of his own pocket money, in her bed.)





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the tooth fairy forgot like 3 days in a row.. finally, I told them there was no tooth fairy, here have a dollar and went about my day...


After my son finally lost his first tooth at 8 years old, he handed it to me and said, "Here you go Mom. You can just give me a quarter. I thought I would  save the 'tooth fairy' the trouble of digging under my pillow," followed by a wink.



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That silly fairy couldn't find them on our first moving trip to England. In three weeks they lost 4 teeth! None were loose before departure. They left a note as soon as we returned to the US explaining their move!


Our fairy is a bit fancy, dh thought leaving silver dollars from their individual birth year would be a great idea, so no hope of a solution without messing up the collection. ;)

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Our tooth fairy's handwriting and spelling were remarkably like a dyslexic 9 yo boy's, although she did write in glitter crayon. And apparently tooth fairy parents are into creative name spelling just like human parents, because I think ours was named Tuth Farey.


(DS saved me when DD came crying into the kitchen one morning complaining that the tooth fairy had forgotten her. While I was trying to think up an excuse, he quietly slipped out of the room, made a little card, and put it, along with some of his own pocket money, in her bed.)



This is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! You raised a great son!

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Tooth fairies are people, too, and can have bad days. Ours got our house confused with someone else's. She also has trainees who make mistakes, and can get overloaded. One morning we were watching a morning news report about a major hockey game when disappointed child walked into the room. We showed her the news story, and all was better (we had only recently Netflix'd the movie). Another time bad weather in Colorado had the tooth fairy trapped in the mountains by a blizzard. There's no end of stories -- it's a really tough job. But she always comes through in the end.


We always put the tooth in a cup on the dresser across the room. We don't want the tooth fairy getting squished under pillows, or knocked off the window sill. Once one tooth was lost on the school playground -- we left a note for the tooth fairy.


There have been a couple of times Mom had to transport the tooth home, and then forgot to place it. Mom then had to leave a note for the tooth fairy, explaining and apologizing.


BTW, there are boy tooth fairies, too. Having just DDs we always get the girl fairies.

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Our tooth fairy's handwriting and spelling were remarkably like a dyslexic 9 yo boy's, although she did write in glitter crayon. And apparently tooth fairy parents are into creative name spelling just like human parents, because I think ours was named Tuth Farey.


(DS saved me when DD came crying into the kitchen one morning complaining that the tooth fairy had forgotten her. While I was trying to think up an excuse, he quietly slipped out of the room, made a little card, and put it, along with some of his own pocket money, in her bed.)



That is so loving and sweet! :001_wub:

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the tooth fairy forgot like 3 days in a row.. finally, I told them there was no tooth fairy, here have a dollar and went about my day...


This made me laugh so hard.  


I am so glad we aren't the only bad tooth fairies.  I can't remember the tooth fairy ever being late as a kid.  DH told our kids that she only comes on Thursdays.  Then, we forgot on a Thursday... so he said it must be alternating Thursdays.  Who started this tooth fairy crap anyways?

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I could never figure out how to get the tooth out from under the pillow and the dollar in without waking up the kid.  We also had the problem of toys on the floor making it hard to sneek in the room.  So we started putting the tooth in a little cup in the bathroom.  It made it much easier to remove the tooth and replace it with the dollar bill.  Many times that happened the next morning before they realized the Tooth Fairy had forgotten.

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I could never figure out how to get the tooth out from under the pillow and the dollar in without waking up the kid.  We also had the problem of toys on the floor making it hard to sneek in the room.  So we started putting the tooth in a little cup in the bathroom.  It made it much easier to remove the tooth and replace it with the dollar bill.  Many times that happened the next morning before they realized the Tooth Fairy had forgotten.

My kids must be sound sleepers because I have yet to have one wake up to tooth removals or much of anything else. ;) The tooth fairy has forgotten here before and we just  said woops better try again tonight hopefully she remembers. My kids know she isn't real though but we all play along for the fun of it. hehe

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She has forgotten to come here at least twice.  The first time was because of a kids' hockey game (just like in the movie! LOL).  She came the next time and left an apology note.  The second time was just because she was running late.  Apparently she sneaked into DS's room sometime during the morning and took care of things.  Once she brought money but forgot to take the tooth, too! LOL

Exactly the same here. (Well, except between 3 tooth losers I think she's forgotten 4-5 times!)She always leaves an apology note. Now my kids go around during the evening saying, "Pls remember to remind the TF to come tonight" several times.LOL
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Our tooth fairy forgot all the time! But, when she came late, she would always leave a little tiny note (about 2 in. x 2 in.) explaining what happened. Of course it was in fairy writing so we couldn't read it, but I'm sure she always had a good explanation! :)

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