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Alright, ladies, bring it on--I've got 16 hrs--

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How can I get this baby out? Other than a major house-cleaning, I tried to be careful yesterday. I didn't want to get this close to 8/8/08 & have it a few hrs early, kwim? But this is too good to go any more overdue for.


Besides which, the only other time I was overdue was w/ #1, & even that was only 2 days. #4 is. not. supposed. to. be. late.


Not that I'm impatient today. I'm really not. If today were a random date like 9/14 or something, I'd be fine. But it's not, & I'm telling you, it will hurt my FEELINGS to get this close & have the baby tomorrow (or later).


So what've you got? I've heard about the castor oil stuff, & I'm not THAT desperate. You have your parameters--let's go!

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How can I get this baby out? Other than a major house-cleaning, I tried to be careful yesterday. I didn't want to get this close to 8/8/08 & have it a few hrs early, kwim? But this is too good to go any more overdue for.


Besides which, the only other time I was overdue was w/ #1, & even that was only 2 days. #4 is. not. supposed. to. be. late.


Not that I'm impatient today. I'm really not. If today were a random date like 9/14 or something, I'd be fine. But it's not, & I'm telling you, it will hurt my FEELINGS to get this close & have the baby tomorrow (or later).


So what've you got? I've heard about the castor oil stuff, & I'm not THAT desperate. You have your parameters--let's go!


Bath and Body Works Orange Ginger Aromatherapy lotion. Smooth some under your nose, rub it all over your belly. Contractions will ensue. :001_smile:


Oh, and eggplant parmesan is supposed to induce labor. Dunno about that.

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You could....


1. Change your mind and plan something wonderful because babies always come when you're busy.


2. Eat hot spicy food that gets you going to the restroom. A good clearing out seems to precede many births. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.


3. Have someone massage your feet and ankles. Some midwives and massage studios know just the spot to bring on the contractions.


4. STAIRS, my mom always said to walk up and down them until you are so tired you can't stand it. The baby is sure to come when your tired and need a nap.


5. Take that pony cart ride...:D


Your little one will be in your arms very soon.

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How can I get this baby out?

Not that I'm impatient today. I'm really not. If today were a random date like 9/14 or something, I'd be fine. But it's not, & I'm telling you, it will hurt my FEELINGS to get this close & have the baby tomorrow (or later).


I hear a massage will do it. There are certain pressure points that can put you into labor. In fact, when you are pregnant a masseuse won't touch those areas until you are due.

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Are you open to accupuncture? I haven't done it, but I understand that it will only put you into labor if your body is ready. It's worth a try!


I don't really try new things. :eek: I mean, *where* do you go? *How*? How *much*?


See? Too complicated. :lol:

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Well, I failed to have a baby on 9/9/99, so clearly I know *nothing*. ;) (Little wretch came on the 13th -- where's the fun in that?!? Except the occasional Friday the 13th birthday. hmph.)


My dd's birthday is 9/13/99. :001_smile: But she was 2 weeks early, was due on MY birthday.:lol:

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Well, the (whispering) s-e-x thing didn't work for me. But, lots of walking did help move things along.


And I agree with the planning thing. Too bad there isn't an important football game or something to watch -- that worked with my dh and dd #2. :)


Good luck! How exciting!


Thinking of you & that baby to be!

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Here is an article on ways to induce labor naturally. http://birthbuddy.wordpress.com/2007/03/01/natural-ways-to-induce-labour/


If you don't have time to read the whole thing she suggests, relaxation, walking, visualization, dancing, ni**le stimulation, spicky food, castor oil, and the reflexology. The article tells you where to massage.

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Both of my babies were overdue. One ended up being born on 8/4/94 which, now that we say it, sounds cool. But, I think she just waited until the weather was so hot she was going to cook inside. As soon as she was born, the temperature dropped like 45 degrees (no, I'm really not exaggerating). The other one was due just before Christmas. When she didn't arrived on time, I just crossed my legs until we were past Christmas. When my mother threatened to go back home -- that did it! Dd2 arrived 12/28.


So, now that you're bored out of your skull at these lovely tales, aren't you particularly inclined to take SolaMichella up on her suggestion? It's better than reading this. It's more accessible than acupuncture or Bath & Body Works. It's not as exhausting as stairs. Um...well, now let me rethink that one...I could be speaking out of turn given that you are that pregnant. But, even when you're that pregnant, it should be more fun than stairs. The humor factor is high, let me tell you!


I say you choose Door Number One. Sola's right! :D






Cheering for you here!


C'mon baby -- you're what we're all waiting for!!!

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I don't know the true effectiveness but dd8 was induced naturally with castol oil, http://www.birthingnaturally.net/cn/technique/castor.html


I took it at 9 pm and by 3 am I was in labor, I didn't have diarrhea, nausea and vomiting like the website says, just labor pains. My water didn't even break until dd8 was delivered, she rode out on a wave. :D


I don't know the true effectiveness though, it was nasty tasting but it did work for me.

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Bath and Body Works Orange Ginger Aromatherapy lotion. Smooth some under your nose, rub it all over your belly. Contractions will ensue. :001_smile:


Oh, and eggplant parmesan is supposed to induce labor. Dunno about that.


Yes, and while you are at the mall to shop at Bath and Body Works, walk around the mall for several hours (do.not.rest.at.all). This unintentionally was what did it for my last two deliveries. That plus what was "whispered" above! :tongue_smilie: Start walking now because I always had the baby the next day!!! And #2 was 3 days "late". Or maybe you could hold him/her in until the 18th. That would be a good birthdate too.....8/18/08....hee, hee :lol: Sorry, you probably don't find that too funny.

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Yes, and while you are at the mall to shop at Bath and Body Works, walk around the mall for several hours (do.not.rest.at.all). This unintentionally was what did it for my last two deliveries. That plus what was "whispered" above! :tongue_smilie: Start walking now because I always had the baby the next day!!! And #2 was 3 days "late". Or maybe you could hold him/her in until the 18th. That would be a good birthdate too.....8/18/08....hee, hee :lol: Sorry, you probably don't find that too funny.


Yep, mall walking has worked here, as well.

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I don't really try new things. :eek: I mean, *where* do you go? *How*? How *much*?


See? Too complicated. :lol:


There's info out there on how you could do this yourself. Do a search and see if you find it. I thought I had a print out from my Bradley labor instructor with this info. It's just a matter of finding the pressure points (via a diagram) and doing it. I seem to recall that for initiating labor they were somewhere on the foot but I could be wrong.

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There's info out there on how you could do this yourself. Do a search and see if you find it. I thought I had a print out from my Bradley labor instructor with this info. It's just a matter of finding the pressure points (via a diagram) and doing it. I seem to recall that for initiating labor they were somewhere on the foot but I could be wrong.


Wait. You want me to stab MYSELF w/ needles??? :blink::smilielol5:

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Yep, mall walking has worked here, as well.


Yeah, that seems to be the most tried & true. I mean, I've heard this from the most women.


Better than castor oil.


Easier than "whispering."


Less heartburn than pizza/Mexican food.


But...<sigh>...the MALL. And the feeling of a wasted day if it doesn't work.


No, no, no, Aubrey. It's an adventure. It's fun. It will be part of baby's story, whether he/she comes today or not. Yes, that's the way to think. Cheerful. Maybe there will be sales.....

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You. have. GOT. to. be. KIDDING.


I mean, the logistics are one thing. *Enjoying* it??????


Who does this research?? :lol:



...there are a number of women here who volunteered quite willingly to be "subjects" for this research project. :D

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Yup... nurses had us do the n**ple thing. :blush:



..that was part of the whole picture. Nurses had to tell you? ;)














(I will now sheepishly admit that I almost typed... "I thought that was part of the package" but thought better of it! :))

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Oh my goodness, Ladies!


Labor is enough without adding vomiting, diarrhea, major heartburn, puncture wounds, sore calves! :tongue_smilie::lol::rofl::willy_nilly::ack2:


So, I'll just join in and tell you what not to do.


Don't pack your bags.

Don't get a sitter lined up.

Don't wash baby clothes.

Don't wash your hair.

Don't make sure your husband is nearby.

Don't have a ride handy.

Don't sit around for hours waiting.


And for heaven's sake don't recline in a chair. Seriously. My son didn't like to stay head down. I spent the day sitting upright in a chair sewing. My contractions got closer and closer together. He was head down that day and ready to go. I decided to get up and clean up. Contractions were 1-3 minutes apart (they always start fast with no early dilation). After I got ready, I decided to sit in the recliner for a while and time them again. You guessed it, he popped up off the cervix and contractions stopped. He spent the rest of the day laying sideways. :001_huh:


When finally a week later my water broke, he was head down (checked with ultrasound after the water broke), but turned into a footling breech during labor. :001_huh:


Just thought I'd join in the fun!?! Can't wait to hear, or not, from you tomorrow. I really hope you get going today though!

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Yes, and while you are at the mall to shop at Bath and Body Works, walk around the mall for several hours (do.not.rest.at.all). This unintentionally was what did it for my last two deliveries.


This is actually what happened with my third. We went shopping in the morning, dh needed jeans. Then ds was born at 10:15 that night.

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You. have. GOT. to. be. KIDDING.


I mean, the logistics are one thing. *Enjoying* it??????


Who does this research?? :lol:


No, seriously, this is the best way, for three reasons: orgasm releases oxytocin, orgasm is a big contraction, and semen contains prostoglandins. You can Google to find positions that work in late pregnancy (with safe search on, results won't be gross).

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I rode my bike outside, around a bumpy-ish playground a few times (neighbors thought I was out of my mind!!), then I ate raspberries for dinner (heard that they toned the uterus muscles), then contractions started and I waked aroud the house, having them, stopping and praying over each of my sleeping children (it was night time at that point), then layed down to get some sleep and my water broke... yippee!



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