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Blog Roll Call

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Seems like it's been a while since we had a blog roll call. Please list your blog and any info you want to share.


My blog is Golden Grasses. I blog about education, family, faith and do book/curriculum reviews. I frequently participate in the Wordless Wednesday, Weekly Report and 52 books a Year threads, among others.


Curriculum? Peace Hill Press, Memoria Press, IEW among others- the homeschool market is expanding at an ever increasing rate and we are loving some of the great new products out there! We also have experience with TeenPact and Challenge as well as starting co-ops and class days.


We've graduated 3 kids from homeschool so far wtih a 10 and 13 yo yet to go- starting our 23rd year of homeschooling.


How 'bout you?



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Well, my blog has been eerily silent this summer...but I am gearing up for a new school year and have a few things in the works! :)




Homeschooling in a classically ecclectic manner using Peace Hill Press, Sonlight, Biblioplan, and a hodge podge of other stuff. ;)

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Mine is Only Passionate Curiosity


We are a military family living in Europe. My kids are 7, 5 and 2- I am teaching third grade and kinder this year. We do some tot school things with the little one. I'm very eclectic. Really, I'm just finding myself and my groove here. Since we're in Europe currently, we travel a lot and school with LIFE. Every friday, I post about our Field Trips around Europe.


Curriculum wise, we do a lot of unit studies. I write a lot of reviews, so you'll hear about a lot of different curriculum on the blog. Some of my favorites that we use on a regular basis are Story of the World, Singapore Math, Logic of English. This year, I am trying something a little different, so we're working on Oak Meadow with my older, and Moving Beyond the Page with the younger also. (we really only use currculum 3-4 days a week, so we're all off kilter of what a normal year should look like)


Other than that, I love photography and art. I host a wordless wednesday blog hop (originating from this forum). I try and share the little things I make for my kids, like our home library organization and time management cards. :) It's a little bit of everything, and I kind of love doing it.



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My blog is kind of all over the place! The subtitle to it is "a rambling narrative about homeschooling, life, and everything else", which is actually pretty appropriate. I've kept it for several years now.


Explorations in Learning


We're eclectic homeschoolers, trying out more child/interest-led learning in the content areas, blended with a little Classical and Charlotte Mason (for the skills areas), with kids ages 12 (7th grade) and 10 (5th grade).

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Mine is Eclectic Homeschooling


We use many different methods of homeschooling including unit studies, textbooks, classical, and student-led studies.  Foreign languages and a focus on understanding other cultures is an important part of our homeschool.  Science also gets top billing.  


I have created many different unit studies for my kids - mostly for geography and science topics and post them on my blog too.  We just started our 7th year :)

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We're secular homeschoolers in New Mexico, hs'ing for just slightly over a year and a half. Curric wise, we have used lapbooks and unit studies in the past and we're trying to do some different stuff this year, but prepared to go back to the old way if we need to. Please feel free to comment and visit the blog!

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Mine are in my sig.  One is about things that make me happy, so it's all over the place.  I've had it for a little over a year.  The other is very new, but I plan on writing at least weekly posts focusing solely on our homeschool once our school year starts (early August).

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My blog is in my siggy.


I blog about homeschool, life, and being a special needs family.


Our curriculum is a mix of a lot of different things. For my girls, the main curriculum I use is Oak Meadow. For my ds10, it's unit studies. Last year he used Further Up and Further In, a Narnia unit study. This coming year he will be using The Weaver Curriculum Volume 2 (Bible, History, Geography, Science, Language Arts, Literature), which my dd12 will use for her Bible portion of school-and hopefully my dd5 will be able to listen in & grasp some of the concepts. I use Saxon Math with my ds10 and dd12. Dd5 is not using a math program yet due to her developmental delays. She counts M&M's, Chex, etc. and I talk to her about colors and shapes using wooden blocks. Also, I use Wynstone's Kindergarten Series and A Child's Seasonal Treasury with dd5. I hope to add in Waldorf Essentials A Journey Through Waldorf Homeschooling Kindergarten with dd5 soon. We also use http://www.amblesideonline.org/ for nature study, composer/music studies, art study, and poetry. Ds10 will be using Latina Christiana for Latin this year, and dd12 will be using a few different books for Spanish. We attend a weekly co-op, where dd12 will take P.E. and theater, ds10 will take Literature & Science, and I will teach Five in a Row. Dd5 will stay with me in class or go to the nursery with another mom, depending on how she is that particular day. Her developmental level is not at the point of her understanding classes and participating in them.

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I have two blogs:


Hope for Homeschool--pretty self-explanatory, I write about homeschooling, share organizing tips, resources, and more.


Hope Is My Anchor--from my "about" page:


Hope Is My Anchor was inspired by my husband Dave's disability. In June of 2000 he had to leave his position as children's pastor because of memory loss, dizziness, fatigue, joint pain, and chemical sensitivities, among other symptoms.We eventually learned that Dave has late-stage Lyme disease, treatment takes years, and his prognosis was uncertain.

What can I depend on now? I wondered. Where do we turn when circumstances seem to deny God's love, acceptance, and delight in us? What do we do when this world doesn't seem to offer any hope?

In the Bible, the book of Hebrews speaks of a "better hope," one "by which we draw near to God." "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." (Heb. 7:19, 6:19)

2009+Anniversary+Vacation+170.jpgI know what it is to struggle, to fear, to be filled with anger--and I know what it means to submit these to God and continue to walk with Him. Our hope is that you too can be encouraged to walk with God through whatever life circumstance you are facing. Grab a cup of coffee (or some chocolate!) and join us.


You can also read more encouragement in my devotional, Invisible Illness, Visible God: When Pain Meets the Power of an Indestructible Life. ~ 101 Devotions ~

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My blog is Homeschool Discoveries.   I'll have a 4th grader, 1st grader and preschooler this fall...all being chased by their toddler little brother.  ;-)  I like to blog about the books we read and a variety of other random things about our homeschool.  We use a mix of resources, and whatever we do it always seems to involve a lot of library books (including my own lit plans for US History this year).  We also use RightStart for math, Logic of English for spelling/phonics, and we are trying Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space for science (we've used BFSU quite a bit the past 3.5 years).  I'm looking forward to adding some new blogs to my RSS reader from this thread! :-)

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My daughter can be found at http://justalittlebitsquirrely.blogspot.com


She was homeschooled through 8th grade and then was radically accelerated to college at the age of 14.  She writes about life.  She loves to cook and does some cooking posts as well.  She has been blogging for 3 years next month and generally posts a couple of times a week.

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I have two blogs (see signature), both relatively silent over the summer but chock-full of great resources. The math blog has a lot of games and activity ideas for all ages. The other gives steps for setting up and growing a student blog, based on a class I used to teach at our homeschool co-op.


This coming school year my youngest is entering high school and my third child will earn her BA. Our educational style has always been laid-back and eclectic, and I prefer to delay formal academics in the early elementary years. Actually, I've never done "formal" anything very well. :rolleyes:

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Mine is Teach A Fish


Lately, my posts have a lot to do with an annoying peahen (aka female peacock) that showed up at our home and began living here, uninvited. 


We do a mish-mash of parent-directed, and interest-led learning.  Part of that process has included a bright, but completely learning-resistant dd, who has bucked academics since the beginning.  We are beginning now (finally!) to turn some sort of corner where she is finding some things she likes to learn about (but don't *ever* say she likes school, ok?) 


Next year, I'll have a young 8th grader, young 6th grader (two fall birthdays, but our state has a late cut-off date), and a 4-yo-prek'er. 

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My blog is very naked, lol. Every year I try to start over. I only have a few posts up right now, but many more in draft that I'm hoping to work on. And I'm planning out an IKEA hack I hope to talk dh into so I can share that soon!


We're secular homeschoolers, and the blog is likely to be very general homeschooling, no specific focus. fullhousehomeschool.wordpress.com

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I started a blog a few months ago: LIne upon Line http://homeschool.rebeccareid.com. I blog about homeschooling, education in general, and about some of the products I make for homeschooling purposes. (I sell on teachers pay teachers, but that is not the focus of my blog). My kids are still young but my son is brilliant (yep I'm biased) so I'm trying to keep him learning. I am doing Miquon and Logic of English as a basis, with lots of other extras.


I'm starting a new weekly linky I'd love if you consider joining in. It's Wishlist Wednesday where anyone is encouraged to talk about the curriculum or anything homeschool or education related that you WISH you could get right now.  http://homeschool.rebeccareid.com/2013/07/24/wishlist-wednesday-for-my-homeschool-room/



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I blog at Freelance Homeschool Mom. I write about balancing homeschooling and a work at home job. My kids are 15, 10, and 3, so there's a wide range of homeschooling ages. And we're pretty eclectic about what we use. We also homeschool through a public charter school.


My posting has been a bit sporadic over the summer, but I'll pick up again in the fall when our schedule is a bit more structured.

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My blog is in my signature, and it has chronicled our homeschool journey from the beginning, including how we made the decision, found our goals and philosophy, sample schedules and curriculum choices, some photo journals, and random thoughts on homeschooling.


Today's entry is on how we are starting to use journaling-- I call my journal the 'pensieve' after Albus Dumbledore's remarkable storage basin for storing and connecting his thoughts -- in our homeschool, including DS12's big ethical question of the day, which I encouraged him to note in his journal, as I can see him revisiting this question in rhetoric stage and even again in college or as an adult as he gains different tools with which to wrestle with the idea. Medium sized kid, big questions.... Excellent journal material!




Edited to update... I just passed 10,000 views! Thank you to everyone who has read, supported, and commented on my blog!

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Mine's http://www.mommyvan.com (and yes, that is my license plate :D ). I started it when I got back in touch with a high school friend and he was absolutely floored at the fact that I have 3 kids and a minivan. I realized how crazy me in the mommyvan life would look to 20 years ago me, and it made me laugh. Not terribly active thus far, hoping to change that. I am indeed an old dog learning new tricks, and it's quite an adventure.

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I've been blogging for a while now, I homeschool in an eclective way and my blog reflects that style, it covers different aspects of our life. Next year, our homeschooling will look really different, I've gone from homeschooling my 4 plus a bonus student to graduating our oldest from our homeschool this year and losing my bonus student- and then next year my 11th grader will be going to a performing arts highschool she auditioned into. Things are going to look really different this Fall.

We've got a mix of classical, CM, a brief journey into text books last year that didn't go well.

Home is Where You Start From



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Mine is mostly recipes, but my most popular posts are a discussion of homemade laundry detergent and money saving grocery tips.

I'm just starting to blog about our homeschool. I'm feeling more exposed. It's so much more personal than how I make bread.

my post today is about our preK plans.


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Plant, Plant, Electro....What?


I blog about homeschooling, Girl Scouts, and the books I read. Sometimes other random posts will spring up. And there's the possibility that I'll be starting grad school in the fall, so that will make its way in there if I'm accepted. Right now, I'm trying to crank out reviews of some of the curriculum we used this past year.


I'll be HS'ing 2nd grade and PK, with a tag along toddler.

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Guest infamousmare

I'm new to this community, but have been blogging for a few years now - mainly about the funny stuff that happens to me on a pretty regular basis - mostly having to do with homeschooling, constant bouts of technophobia, run-ins with arachnids and snakes, moving from one part of the country to another,  embarrassing situations in church and dealing with special needs kiddos.   www.merrymarysmusings@blogspot.com


I have three kiddos, ages 8, 6 and 2, and I pretty strictly adhere to the Classical Christian method.   However, that rarely makes it into the blog because I'm usually writing about the Hilarious Incident du Jour.  :D 

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Homeschooling one sweet girl who turned six this past May. She is working on a slightly accelerated level. The main features of my blog right now are posts for every week of our studies for our first round of ancients (using HO) and life science (using Evan-Moor ScienceWorks) that we just completed. I list everything we did...books read, videos watched, and include many photos. We are also using Atelier Art 1 and have posted pics of the lessons DD has completed with it so far. I have full schedules for Teach Them Spanish! K and Grade 1 as well. I will continue to blog this year about our adventures in studying the Middle Ages and earth science, plus many other things we do.

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My blog is Simply Convivial, and I write about homeschooling and homemaking and generally living life together and intentionally as a family. We homeschool in a CiRCE-classical (more LCC/CM than WTM) style: books, talking, and a few subjects well.


I also blog at Simple Pantry Cooking, once or twice a week, with simple basic recipes or "this week in the kitchen" type posts.

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So glad this came up again, as I was just thinking about this the other day!  Mine is in my siggy, I post sporadically, but maybe knowing others might be interested will spur me on.  I post about all kinds of stuff, not just home schooling.  Looking forward to checking out some new blogs from Hivers!



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Mine is here. It's called All That School, a little play on words that my husband came up with. Life's Hope Classical Academy is the name of our school. I keep this blog about homeschooling, but plan to start including some cooking lessons for my girls, so I'll probably also share some yummy recipes in the future. I blog about planning, our curriculum choices, the progress of my kids, and whatever other homeschooling topics come up. I've also been trying to update more often. 

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