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Help! Stroke? What does this sound like? UPDATE #55

Cindy in FL.

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My dh and three of the boys are at a wedding 3 1/2 hours from home. They went there yesterday and dh performed the service at 5:00 today. After the service dh was unable to remember the last 2 hours and his pulse is elevated to 130. He did not eat lunch as far as the kids know. There is a doctor there who thinks it could be a TIA or stress related. I'm a bit freaked out and think he should be taken to the ER. I don't want my 17 yo to drive him home if something is wrong. Any thoughts?

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I would trust my instinct and tell him to go to the ER if your gut feels like it may be something serious. I'm not sure how old he is but the memory loss would concern me, especially such a huge gap like that and with the elevated heart rate (assuming his heart rate is typically normal and not naturally higher). Hopefully someone else can come with more info. I hope he's OK!

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The hospital is 4 hours from here, so I am waiting to get an update before I figure out what to do. Some people think it is his body's response to the stress of performing the wedding. I don't know what to think right now.


I'm glad he's on his way to the er. Will you be able to meet them?

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Was this wedding particularly stressful for him? Has he had these symptoms before?




The hospital is 4 hours from here, so I am waiting to get an update before I figure out what to do. Some people think it is his body's response to the stress of performing the wedding. I don't know what to think right now.

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He takes certain things VERY seriously, so he was probably stressed about it. He never mentioned it, though. He spent many, many hours preparing (he's a lawyer, not a minister). He has never had the symptoms before, but he's never done a wedding before, either! I'm hoping and praying for the best possible explanation!

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It is certainly possible that it was just too much stress, not enough sleep. Stress can really mess with the body! Hopefully he can get some rest and feel just fine.


He takes certain things VERY seriously, so he was probably stressed about it. He never mentioned it, though. He spent many, many hours preparing (he's a lawyer, not a minister). He has never had the symptoms before, but he's never done a wedding before, either! I'm hoping and praying for the best possible explanation!


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My dh and three of the boys are at a wedding 3 1/2 hours from home. They went there yesterday and dh performed the service at 5:00 today. After the service dh was unable to remember the last 2 hours and his pulse is elevated to 130. He did not eat lunch as far as the kids know. There is a doctor there who thinks it could be a TIA or stress related. I'm a bit freaked out and think he should be taken to the ER. I don't want my 17 yo to drive him home if something is wrong. Any thoughts?



ER right away. Stroke, low blood sugar, heart issue, infection, seizure, all could cause this.

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He was just seen by the neurologist. CT scan was negative. The neuro strongly believes it is Transient Global Amnesia. They will keep him over night for observation and do an MRI tomorrow as a precaution.


That being the case, I am going to stay home. Dh has been under a lot of financial stress lately, because his business has been slow and we have put a lot of money into a new business which is supposed to open tomorrow. He and the boys were supposed to drive home tonight to man the business in the morning. If I stay home tonight I can open tomorrow. I think he would want me to do that since he seems to be ok.


Thanks everyone!

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I was told they couldn't do an MRI until tomorrow. I was hoping the CT was sufficient, but I don't know much about strokes.



I'm sorry. I was posting at the same time as you. I hadn't seen what you wrote bc I was writing mine.


The CT being negative is good bc it wasn't a hemorrhagic stroke or a tumor or lesion.


There usually aren't emergency MRIs so that makes sense.



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