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Psych or Parks and Recreation?


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Parks and Recreation really hits its stride in Season 2.


When I first started watching season 1 I didn't like it at all and stopped watching after 3 episodes.


Then my oldest daughter who watched it kept bugging me to give it another chance and insisted I would LOVE the show by season 2 if I hung in there.


So I went back and started watching it again, this time I made it through all of the first season (only 6 or 7 episodes) and went right into season 2. By episode 3 of season 2 I was in LOVE with the show !


It really is that good !


Watch the first season knowing it is not that great (but the background for the charcters is important) then just keep going to season 2 and you will find you are really enjoying it and can't wait for the next episode.


My husband and I got to a point where we would stay up until 4 AM on weekends doing marathon sessions of watching one episode after another of Parks and Rec, because I had to see what was going to happen next :)

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Psych! It's funny from the start and Spellingg Bee (second episode, and I spelled it right) is still one of my very favorite episodes (I've seen all 100, most multiple times), but it's about the 6th episode of the first season where they really hit their stride and got totally awesome. Watch for the pineapple. There's one in every episode.

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I just have to post an update because of what I said earlier in the thread. After hearing that others did not care for the first season but really enjoyed it after that, I decided to give the series another look. Imagine my surprise when my boys and I started looking forward to lunchtime so that we could watch P & R! Honestly, it is so much better after the first season. Caveat: my boys are older...if you have younger kids, you may want to preview due to the sexual references. My boys are all in college now and P & R sexual references are pretty tame to what they encounter on a daily basis.

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I vote for Psych, although to be honest -- I've never watched Parks and Rec. (Although some of my kids do.) I must say that I haven't liked the more recent seasons of Psych as much as the earlier ones though.

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I have to agree that we didn't watch P&R at first because we didn't like the first season; however, it did get really good with the addition of new cast members for season 2. The original cast settled and the new members gave it some depth.


Psych is amusing. We watched a few seasons. After that long the episodes started to feel the same. Good cast but it needs a shake up.

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