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If a WTM mom lived in the world of Peanuts:


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I'm really hesitant to post this bc I'm really "live and let live" and don't want to overstep.


But there is this gang of kids in my neighborhood who wander around with absolutely no parental supervision.


Some of them look almost feral...there is a girl is so bossy and mean and tries to control everyone. She organizes football games and one boy always ends up on the ground, flat on his back. I'm afraid he'll break his spine or something.


Oh, and speaking of feral, I need to call the dog warden. They have a dog that is never leashed. I can't say that they don't pick up his poop because I've never seen the dog poop...hmm...


And there is a boy who must NEVER bathe. Seriously. It's as if a cloud of dirt follows him around. Is that in and of itself worthy of a CPS call?


They sometimes hang out on a bridge over a creek nearby. And that, to me, is just. too. dangerous. There are better places to talk than a bridge over a creek. My kids know better.


Another weird thing is that they spend all their holidays together. Where are the PARENTS? Who is raising these kids?


So what do you think? Mind my own business? Or...?

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I think most of them are about 8.


But one boys still drags his blanket everywhere and sucks his thumb so I don't know...


Don't let that blanket and thumb-sucking thing fool you. I know a kid like that who wrote a book report on Peter Rabbit that turned out to be quite intellectual:


"In examining a work such as Peter Rabbit, it is important that the superficial characteristics of its deceptively simple plot should not be allowed to blind the reader to the more substantial fabric of its deeper motivations. In this report, I plan to discuss the sociological implications of family pressures so great as to drive an otherwise moral rabbit to perform acts of thievery, which he consciously knew were against the law." (Now that I think about it, this kid sounds like a homeschooler.)


OTOH, his round headed friend kept procrastinating; I don't think he ever got around to writing the report at all.

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Gang of kids? Are the all of the same family?


it sounds like they have different rules than your family and that makes you uneasy. The parents are probably at home or at work. The are obviously free range kids. There is nothing illegal or inherently dangerous about that.


If your community has leash laws that are not being followed you can call about the dog.

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I don't think I'd really "do" anything, except to make a point of saying hi and being friendly with them when I passed them. If they got to recognizing me, I might throw out a friendly question in passing "Catching anything?" if they're fishing off the bridge, etc. Just some little friendly connection.

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I know there's a mom - I see her (well, part of her) on a bike with a little kid riding behind. At least she believes in exercise and fresh air.


But the poor blanket kid - do you know he spent half the night in a pumpkin patch? Fell asleep there! The only one who noticed was the bossy big sister. Gotta wonder where his folks were.

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I think I know these kids! It's really weird; did you know that they're somehow capable of time travel? I know this sounds crazy. However, they were actually travelers on the Mayflower! They explained the crossing, first Thanksgiving, etc. to all of my kids when they were young. The weirdest part? They have video documentation to prove the whole thing!

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I know there's a mom - I see her (well, part of her) on a bike with a little kid riding behind. At least she believes in exercise and fresh air.


But the poor blanket kid - do you know he spent half the night in a pumpkin patch? Fell asleep there! The only one who noticed was the bossy big sister. Gotta wonder where his folks were.


Not only that but the mom keeps running over this kid named Dale!

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I know there's a mom - I see her (well, part of her) on a bike with a little kid riding behind. At least she believes in exercise and fresh air.


But the poor blanket kid - do you know he spent half the night in a pumpkin patch? Fell asleep there! The only one who noticed was the bossy big sister. Gotta wonder where his folks were.


I heard that last Christmas the kids had to go and buy their own Christmas tree, too. Isn't that supposed be a family activity???


The tree they got was really, really small. Kinda sad looking, really. I guess they don't get much in the way of an allowance either. So distressing....

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I heard that last Christmas the kids had to go and buy their own Christmas tree, too. Isn't that supposed be a family activity???


The tree they got was really, really small. Kinda sad looking, really. I guess they don't get much in the way of an allowance either. So distressing....



Aw...it wasn't such a bad little tree.

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I am so dense. At the beginning I thought the op was talking about real kids in her neighborhood and kept wondering why everyone was laughing and making jokes about it. Then when I saw the kids were 8 I started really feeling bad, thinking what's so funny about this situation usually this is a very compassionate group. Especially when it comes to children. Then it finally dawned on me that maybe I missed something the first time I read through.

Now That I get it I will :rofl: :rofl: with you guy's This is funny!

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I was just outside and I want to vent here about one of our neighbor's sons. At least once a week he goes on this meandering, pointless wander around the neighborhood including in and out of our fenced yard leaving this irksome dotted line everywhere he walks! Grr. Sorry to go o/t. ;-)

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I was just outside and I want to vent here about one of our neighbor's sons. At least once a week he goes on this meandering, pointless wander around the neighborhood including in and out of our fenced yard leaving this irksome dotted line everywhere he walks! Grr. Sorry to go o/t. ;-)



I get it.


My neighbor's kid drags a stuffed tiger around everywhere he goes, talks to it like it's real, makes the most gruesome snow art, seems to be incapable of having an actual conversation with any adults, and is just not very polite. Good vocabulary though. His parents always look so tired.

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I get it.


My neighbor's kid drags a stuffed tiger around everywhere he goes, talks to it like it's real, makes the most gruesome snow art, seems to be incapable of having an actual conversation with any adults, and is just not very polite. Good vocabulary though. His parents always look so tired.


The snow art would be especially concerning to me. Have you talked to his parents about his obvious need for therapy?


Personally, I am more than irritated by my neighbor's cat. It is morbidly obese, consumes lasagna by the pan-full (he has stolen it from our dinner table), and torments their dog incessantly. I'm thinking of calling animal control. I mean, I love animals, but even I have limits...

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Lisa, I agree, obese cats are the worst. Well almost. The neighbor wife is the cutest sweetest thing, and man, if I had a figure like that! But the guy...holy cow, can that guy pack away a sandwich! He builds those things and they're as tall as his arm is long. How she puts up with him, I don't know. His poor teens, he's such a lousy example, won't lift a finger most weekends, sleeping on the couch while the rest of the family does yard work....

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My word, Valerie! I have seen this family, too! The wife does have an amazing figure, and the dad...well, there are just no words. To think, that after all of the trouble he puts his spouse and kids through, he got a sandwich named after him! Sometimes I just don't understand this world...

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