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How old is too old?


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Please either set me straight or back me up. How old is too old to go out on an errand with a doll (and not be that weird kid)? Does it matter if the child is a girl or boy?


FWIW, said child had a doll carrier that said child planned to wear with the doll in it.



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One hundred years old? I worked at a major university with a brilliant and well spoken 50 year-old woman that brought stuffed animals to meetings. Yes, I worked in IT :D .


Seriously, I don't think there is an age limit, especially these days. You have to fight 20 year-old men for My Pretty Ponies.

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My eight year old boy still loves his stuffed animals and carries them around the house constantly. He rarely takes them outside only because he is not very careful with them and we don't want lost loved ones. I wouldn't think anything about it to see a child with a toy until at least 10 or so.

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My 6yos sneak their dolls into restaurants and stores sometimes. I would prefer that they didn't, but nobody else seems to care. I guess if they looked more like 8 or so, people might wonder if they were a little addled.




Uh, ds7 brought his favorite stuffed bear on errands with us today. Ds9 asked for a turn with said bear at Walmart. (To be fair, this stuffed animal is practically a member of the family it's so cherished.) I don't think either of my boys is "too old".

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My 6yos sneak their dolls into restaurants and stores sometimes. I would prefer that they didn't, but nobody else seems to care. I guess if they looked more like 8 or so, people might wonder if they were a little addled.


Wow. OK. Perhaps they could carry tiny briefcases, instead of dolls, to make them appear less addled? :blink:

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Who cares what strangers think? Taking a doll on errands wouldn't bother me at most any age. If it was a play group where teasing was a real possibility, then I'd probably have to think about it. My son loves his stuffies but is surprising socially clueful so I can't imagine him wanting to take one around other kids except for his good friends.

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We were likely to run into people we knew, so it wasn't a totally anonymous thing. I guess I'm wondering at what age other kids think it is odd. See, RoundAbout, your DS is 6. And you think he'd feel social pressure not to have his stuffie with him. My DH is mostly thinking about other kids thinking our child is odd for having a doll with them.

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Wow. OK. Perhaps they could carry tiny briefcases, instead of dolls, to make them appear less addled? :blink:


Well first of all, I wasn't being serious about "addled." It was tongue-in-cheek. And who cares anyway? Secondly, where I live, kids usually don't drag their dolls around.

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We were likely to run into people we knew, so it wasn't a totally anonymous thing. I guess I'm wondering at what age other kids think it is odd. See, RoundAbout, your DS is 6. And you think he'd feel social pressure not to have his stuffie with him. My DH is mostly thinking about other kids thinking our child is odd for having a doll with them.



That is so sad. :(


Is a backpack possible?

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No one at the age of your sig line is "too old".


Agreed, no matter their gender. I'm assuming it is a boy, since you mentioned it. I wouldn't bat an eye at a Kindergarten or 1st grade boy with a doll in public, particularly if they had a carrier for it.


My son is 14, and still sleeps with stuffed animals at night. He still brings his stuffed dinosaur, named "Spotty" (it has polka dots on it) with him when we go on trips. My husband doesn't think he should be doing that anymore, but I don't care at all, so I completely understand where you are coming from...if we are on the same page, that is. I figure he will stop doing it at some point, but I'm not going to pressure him into doing it earlier than he is comfortable.


I still slept with my "dog blankie" (a pieced quilt that looks like a big dog) until high school, and it was threadbare and falling apart at that point. I still have it, but I don't sleep with it anymore. ;) Maybe that is why I don't care about DS still sleeping with stuffed animals. I bet there are more people out there than you think that are the same way.

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Oh, it's okay. We can't agree on everything. We're just miles apart on this one, so I'm wondering if I have a screw loose or something. I see from all responses so far that either I don't, or everyone here does too!



If this is a legit question, I do think there are some screws loose in your family and/or circle of friends.

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We were likely to run into people we knew, so it wasn't a totally anonymous thing. I guess I'm wondering at what age other kids think it is odd. See, RoundAbout, your DS is 6. And you think he'd feel social pressure not to have his stuffie with him. My DH is mostly thinking about other kids thinking our child is odd for having a doll with them.


If your DS doesn't care, what does it matter what other kids think?? If he starts to get self conscious and begins to worry what his peers think, he will stop doing it. Simple as that. Why bring attention or make a big deal out of something that just...isn't??

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DS6 (almost 7) takes a stuffed puppy or cat almost everywhere we go. Doesn't bother DH. DS10 takes at least one of his stuffed parrots (and sometimes a whole bucket full of them) many places. He leaves them in the van though. But they do always make the trip. :lol:


They'll set their own limits. :) It's kind of sad that no one would think to bat an eye at DD, who also carries a stuffed cat everywhere. Poor boys.

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Please either set me straight or back me up. How old is too old to go out on an errand with a doll (and not be that weird kid)? Does it matter if the child is a girl or boy?


FWIW, said child had a doll carrier that said child planned to wear with the doll in it.




Well, neither of mine took anything anywhere past toddlerhood, I'm pretty sure. Maybe sticking a stuffed animal in a suitcase for a sleepover, but other than that, not on a daily basis. I'd rather have the item be clean and at home on the kid's bed, so that's kind of how we did it.

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I do think there is a balance between teaching self expression vs. clue-ing kids into social norms. I have friends who focus solely on the former and I don't think they are doing their kids any favors. OTOH I think one of the reasons my son has a "split personality" about his stuffies is that he is at the top of the height charts. He looks two years older than he is and often has much older kids trying to befriend him.


I wouldn't discourage it unless I thought active teasing or social stigma was a possibility. And in that case you just have to have a feel for the situation.

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If this is a legit question, I do think there are some screws loose in your family and/or circle of friends.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Are you saying that it is obvious that little kids should be able to have their doll with them?


I do think there is a balance between teaching self expression vs. clue-ing kids into social norms. I have friends who focus solely on the former and I don't think they are doing their kids any favors. OTOH I think one of the reasons my son has a "split personality" about his stuffies is that he is at the top of the height charts. He looks two years older than he is and often has much older kids trying to befriend him.


I wouldn't discourage it unless I thought active teasing or social stigma was a possibility. And in that case you just have to have a feel for the situation.


FWIW, it was my DD, not my DS. I only didn't say gender because I thought that maybe because my DH is a man, he might be seeing it more as a guy and remembering being a little boy, so I was trying to keep it vague.


The reason my DH actively discouraged bringing the doll was because he thinks social stigma is a possibility. Admittedly, my DD is quite clueless about social norms, so he was trying to be helpful to her.


I took dolls places occassionally until I was at least mid-elementary school aged, but I will admit that I was never "cool", so it is possible I did that beyond when it was "normal" to do.


I actually would have thought that a 1st grade kid having a doll with a cute little carrier would be fun for friends to see and talk about with their friends, not something to be embarassed about.


As far as the hygiene stuff goes, we do generally keep the favorite bedtime lovey at home. This was another doll (loved and special, but not THE ONE).

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I actually would have thought that a 1st grade kid having a doll with a cute little carrier would be fun for friends to see and talk about with their friends, not something to be embarassed about.


You would be right. :) I can't begin to imagine any reason for a 6 year old girl to be embarrased about carrying a doll in a carrier. I can't imagine judging it either. It is sweet, and all too uncommon these days. Hmmm. Which would I rather see vs which is now apparently culturally acceptable/expected... A 6 year old engrossed in her mom's cell phone or a 6 year old enamored of her baby doll.

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My daughter carried around her dolls and took them into stores up until she was around 10. She had a real baby stroller she put her babies or stuffed animals in, and also a car seat and carry all for them. She never got any negative comments or looks from anyone. Some of her friends even told her that they wished their parents would let them take their babies with them like I did.


I figured she was only little once, so I let her enjoy her childhood. I also taught her to be self confident and if someone would have made fun of her, she would have laughed in their face and kept going.


At 6 years old, my daughter would dress up in her ladybug costume, put her high heal play shoes on and go to Walmart dressed like that.

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Well since I'm a doll lover and collector I may be the wrong person to ask but...... I know adult women who take their dolls out with them in real strollers and baby carriers so I say .....never too old lol.


Seriously though my DD is 6 almost 7 and sometimes takes her dolls out with her. No one says anything rude to her...most think it is sweet. I don't allow it often though for the reason that taking three small kids plus their toys is too much for me to manage....they get dropped, lost or dirty. My DD has often expressed a wish to bring out her doll stroller but although I think it perfectly fine to do so I don't let her...for the simple reason she would get tired of pushing it after a while and I would have too...lol.


My 3yo DS takes his "puppies" everywhere he goes though. I can't really get around that as he is totally attached. He is good about carrying them though and they are easier to wash then a doll if they get dirty.


I rarely see children carrying their dolls or stuffies with them though -I think it is more about the inconvienience to parents then the uncool factor. My kids drive me insane with those little shopping trolleys....I'm not about to let them loose with doll strollers.


I think adults wouldn't blink an eye up till about 10 years old but other kids might around 8...not because there is anything wrong with preteens that love dolls but because kids just grow up too fast these days.

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Guest Adamwalker

Please either set me straight or back me up. How old is too old to go out on an errand with a doll (and not be that weird kid)? Does it matter if the child is a girl or boy?


FWIW, said child had a doll carrier that aftermarket parts said child planned to wear with the doll in it.






When you think you don't have goal to live is then you become old.

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Uh, ds7 brought his favorite stuffed bear on errands with us today. Ds9 asked for a turn with said bear at Walmart. (To be fair, this stuffed animal is practically a member of the family it's so cherished.) I don't think either of my boys is "too old".


Boh my boys still take a teddy with them when they go out. Eldest is big for his age. No one has ever commented negatively.

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My son is 7 1/2 and will still bring a stuffed animal or doll around with him.


My oldest is going to be 19 years old in April and has one of her favorite stuffed animals at college with her. She sleeps with it on her bed, along with her baby blanket. I think she still brought dolls/stuffed animals to sleep-over parties until she was 12 or 13. She went to public school, as did most of her friends.

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My 8yr old dd still takes her baby dolls with her. She has a car seat and carries it in stores. I have no problem with this, she is a little girl. Even at 9, 10, 11, she would be a little girl. I do find the world is trying to make these little girls grow up too fast. If my dd seems weird to her peers then so be it. Her peers will be just as weird to her for not playing with baby dolls. Who's view is correct? Who gets to pick what age a child should stop playing with baby dolls?

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DD just got an American Girl Doll catalog yesterday. They have pictures of girls that look as old as 11 (maybe even older) with their American Girl Dolls. They sell travel cases for these dolls. Things geared to take your doll out of the privacy of your home and into the world. Apparently AG thinks it is normal for older then preschool girls to do this.

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My 6yos sneak their dolls into restaurants and stores sometimes. I would prefer that they didn't, but nobody else seems to care. I guess if they looked more like 8 or so, people might wonder if they were a little addled.


Addled? Really? My 8yo has two little plushies she keeps with her at all times. It hasn't been a problem.

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This is entirely why the American Girl doll company exists and makes a killing. They sell their dolls to older girls. My almost 5yo carries a look-alike fake AG doll everywhere she goes. It's adorable as long as I don't have to hold the doll.


My almost 11yo dresses her AG dolls and brings them with us in the car sometimes. The dolls don't leave the car anymore, and she doesn't play dolls with her friends unless they are doing the dolls' hair.

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My 6yr old asked for an American Boy Doll for his birthday (I don't know if they even exist, he calls any good boy doll an American Boy Doll). I thought that was so cute, but when my 9yr old asked if he could have one too, my heart just about melted!


And both boys would definitely bring them places, though the 9yr old would probably leave his in the car.


I played with Barbies for quite a long time...

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