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Ok, I have a 1 month old who will NOT allow herself to fall asleep. I am on hour 5 of trying to put her to bed. I've nursed her twice, changed her, rocked her, etc. Every single time I put her down she fusses. I've tried the swing, the bouncy seat, everything! She will not let herself fall asleep if I put her down. I'm so tired! I need sleep! Why is she doing this? Suggestions???? I want to lay her down!!

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Guest inoubliable

I have to say that when I read the title of this thread, I thought someone was making homemade cereal around here again.


Honestly? I'm in the lay-them-down-and-let-them-cry-a-bit camp. Sometimes you've got to keep your sanity.

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I know you're annoyed and exhausted but she's not trying to make you miserable. Sounds like she just wants to be with her snuggly, warm, loving mama. Who wouldn't? She loves you and wants to be with you. I have no advice though since my passivity on this one has me still nursing my 2yo to sleep. Hugs to you, hoping she gives you a break soon. And congrats on your baby ;)

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3 things. 1 :grouphug: 2 my mom wrote in the babybook of a time I went 36 hours refusing to sleep when I was about that age. And how tired she was. 3. is baby willing to sleep in your arms? make tonight a bedsharing night and get some sleep with baby in your arms. You both need it.

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Lie down with her. Once she falls deeply asleep, then move her to her bed. She wants to snuggle and sleep safe in mom's arms. My son was like this. The lay em down and let him cry it out theory didn't work with him. So I don't suggest it. Just makes you all miserable. She's one month. It's impossible to spoil her at this point.

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Might not be a popular suggestion, but have you tried TV? What was magic for ds#2 was the second half of Pride and Prejudice. I laid him down on a blanket on the sofa and popped it in and it worked great for a two months. But he spent his first two months of life in the NICU, so he was more used to light and talking than a normal baby.


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I cannot count the number of times I fell asleep in my bed while my tiny infant was nursing. For real. I just plopped the baby on the boob and finally fell asleep. Maybe this should be in the confessions thread. I never had the heart to let my little people CIO before 1yo. I just put them on the boob and hoped for 3 hours of sleep.


Hugs. They are so darn sweet and trying at that age.

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I cannot count the number of times I fell asleep in my bed while my tiny infant was nursing. For real. I just plopped the baby on the boob and finally fell asleep. Maybe this should be in the confessions thread. I never had the heart to let my little people CIO before 1yo. I just put them on the boob and hoped for 3 hours of sleep.


Hugs. They are so darn sweet and trying at that age.


best sleep I ever had with babies was in the breastfeeding, bedsharing stage. Once they moved on to their own beds and/or switched to formula things got too difficult to have solid sleep. WIth the breastfeeding, bedsharing stage, pop baby on boob, go back to sleep, baby wakes up I would check diaper then just roll over and pop baby on other boob and back to sleep. I was never up for more than 5-7 minutes every few hours. Once they were in a crib and/ on formula those night wakings would have me up for 20-60 minutes each time.

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I'd try letting her cry it out for a few minutes (10? 15?) and if that doesn't work, I'd just let her fall asleep in my arms and prop myself up in my bed so I'm sleeping in a semi-reclined position. I had to do that a few times with my littles just for my own sanity. Hope you figure out something that works for her.

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I had a one year old with Reactive Attachment Disorder and charted his night time sleep patterns for over a year and a half so our therapist could be abreast of what was going on. I still have that chart (he turns 10 this month), and I just don't see how I made it through. Night terrors and scream fests no less than 7 times a night for the first year home solid. Because of the RAD, I was of no comfort. I remember him finally beginning to respond to me, and waking up one night realizing we had all slept through the night. Of course, once he bonded, he was in our bed nightly until he was 4 years old. Somehow, that didn't bother us at all because we were so awash in love for this little guy who worked so hard to learn to trust. We figured that now that he was finally able to accept and receive nurturing and cuddling, he deserved to get his fill of it!


Fast forward to last night, when hubby slept in the guest bedroom so that he could rest through my bronchial infection coughing fits and be awake to function at work at 4:00 AM, and who decides to sleep in my room to keep me company, and "just in case you need anything, mommy, I want to be there to help."


It was worth every morning with bloodshot eyes :o


Hang in there, maybe try a car ride? That sometimes worked for us. It's always easy to say "This too shall pass",but it doesn't do a whole heck of a lot to help you sleep!!!




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Get thee to bed with that baby!


She won't still be there when she's 11, I know because mine only stayed until age 9, lol.


If people give you grief, feel free to trot me out as a horrible story- "well, the baby sleeps with us because its easier, but I know this lady who's son slept with them until age 9!" and they will all agree that a baby sleeping with mum and dad so they can get some sleep is not nearly as terrible as a 9year old boy.


(he's 11 now, still doesn't sleep, but does it in his own room.)

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I swear I'm not trying to start any conflict.

Even those who advocate for cio, in the medical community, NEVER recommend cio with such a young baby (as yours, OP). Putting the baby down in a safe place for a minute, while you collect yourself a safe distance away, if you are *that* frustrated, is another thing entirely.

OP - when my son was going through something similar, my grandmother showed me how to put him, tummy down, on my thighs (while I sat), while I bounced him lightly in that position. Best trick EVER. Now, months later, it's still his favorite way to fall asleep!

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If she's overstimulated, she might really need your physical presence to calm down. Go to sleep with her (you need the rest!), then boot her when she's out cold if you wake up in a bit. :) If it's just one night, she won't get used to it. I started out cosleeping because 1) I want to SLEEP, darn it, and 2) my babies would cry until they vomited and then cry and choke on vomit, but I had them out of our bed by 6 months, barring the occasional miserable night.

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Thanks everyone. I'm not really frustrated, just very tired. Every time I get her to sleep and then move her, she wakes up. I haven't tried the car yet. I'll try that tomorrow. I don't let her cry it out but at times I do have to put her down. I should be allowed bathroom breaks, right? Sigh...

I'm also afraid to fall asleep with her. I am a heavy sleeper and don't hear her when she wakes up. Hubby wakes me. I want her to sleep in the little crib that's right next to me!

My hubby finally got her to sleep at 1 am. I'm gonna need a nap later!

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I have to say that when I read the title of this thread, I thought someone was making homemade cereal around here again.


Honestly? I'm in the lay-them-down-and-let-them-cry-a-bit camp. Sometimes you've got to keep your sanity.


Ha! Nope, I don't make my own cereal :) I just want sleep! The cereal should come from the store.

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I cannot count the number of times I fell asleep in my bed while my tiny infant was nursing. For real. I just plopped the baby on the boob and finally fell asleep. Maybe this should be in the confessions thread. I never had the heart to let my little people CIO before 1yo. I just put them on the boob and hoped for 3 hours of sleep.


Hugs. They are so darn sweet and trying at that age.


Me too. I never really intended to cosleep but exhaustion took over.

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I agree, co sleep, pop a boob in and go right back to sleep. I couldn't put #1 down or she would start projectile vomiting, baby wearing was a life saver and she lived in a Mayawrap. With #2 I used a Mei Tai until baby got head control then switched to the Ergo and put her on my back. #2 was a dream baby, I could put her down and pee lol. I got broke in with a very high needs #1 so now I find it weird to be able to put down a baby and walk away so I didn't even think to put #2 down, it was just habit by then:)

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I'm glad you know you are a heavy sleeper. That's one of the things that can make co-sleeping not work for a family. Can baby sleep with dh? So you on one side, then dh, then baby? At that age if baby wouldn't sleep we would rock them until they were out, then lay down with them on top of us. No transferring once they were asleep. We'd lay in the middle of the bed so even if baby somehow slipped off (never happened) then they would 'fall' onto the mattress. Then we could get some rest ourselves. Not sure if this would help you, but maybe dh could do this? It's rough having a non-sleeper, hopefully this is a one-off and not a pattern.

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7 kids and I co slept with all of them and they'd just latch on all through the night as they wanted. I would sleep on my side with them in the crook of my arm.


An idea, can you put a mattress on the floor, you and she fall asleep there then you move up to your bed?


Can you put her in a sling and then sleep sitting up on the couch?


At that age my kids lived in their slings. During the day when they fall asleep, I would easily lift it over my shoulder and plop them in their crib.

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Ok, I have a 1 month old who will NOT allow herself to fall asleep. I am on hour 5 of trying to put her to bed. I've nursed her twice, changed her, rocked her, etc. Every single time I put her down she fusses. I've tried the swing, the bouncy seat, everything! She will not let herself fall asleep if I put her down. I'm so tired! I need sleep! Why is she doing this? Suggestions???? I want to lay her down!!




Have you tried warming up the crib a bit with a warm water bottle or a pad? Take it out and see that it is not too hot but pleasantly warm. This may convince her to snuggle in and stay put.

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Warm up a receiving blanket in the dryer. Then roll it up and place her down next to it. Rub the bottom bedding too so it is not just a cold sheet. Make sure she is very tightly wrapped in her own blanket so her own body jerkings don't wake her up. Hope you get better sleep soon.


I was thinking along the same lines. Is she one who would like swaddling? The boys really liked being swaddled at that age. One or both of them (I can't remember) liked having one or both arms out, but still wrapped tightly. Otherwise, they would flail and wake themselves up.

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My hubby has slept holding her and that did work. I did finally get her to sleep in her bouncy seat. It's so crazy that she refuses to fall asleep. Once I get her to sleep at night she'll sleep for 4 or 5 hours straight. I just don't get it!! I wish I could figure her out! She's only 4 weeks so I know it will get easier.

I do have a sling and a carrier. I need to start using them. My 3rd was really high needs but she had health issues so that was why. This munchkin needs sleep and I do too!

On the plus side, I guess I get to read every. single. post on the forum while I sit here and hold her all night. We need to start some more new threads for some interesting night time reading. :laugh:

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Tonight I am armed with a new (adorable) swaddle blankie. We are going to try the happiest baby on the block thingie. That man had better be right! I have 2 goals: 1) MUST. take. shower. tonight and 2) be asleep before 1 am


Thanks for all the encouragement. :thumbup1: We will make it through this. I think it's so hard because it's Christmas and I have so much to do and I can't get it done!

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I was thinking along the same lines. Is she one who would like swaddling? The boys really liked being swaddled at that age. One or both of them (I can't remember) liked having one or both arms out, but still wrapped tightly. Otherwise, they would flail and wake themselves up.


Yes, swaddle! Really tight with arms close to the body. Also, try to catch her tired signals as early as you can as little extroverts get overstimulated and can't sleep.

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Tonight I am armed with a new (adorable) swaddle blankie. We are going to try the happiest baby on the block thingie. That man had better be right! I have 2 goals: 1) MUST. take. shower. tonight and 2) be asleep before 1 am


Thanks for all the encouragement. :thumbup1: We will make it through this. I think it's so hard because it's Christmas and I have so much to do and I can't get it done!



I remember those days. I had 5 kids under 5 at one point. Look, at times like this, people get crossed off the list. You do what you have to do for YOUR family, and that's it. I promise you, people will understand. Try and peacefully walk through each day, (wearing her) and just do what you can. These are NOT the days for superwoman, they are for keeping insanity at bay. You can't let yourself get run down and exhausted putting everyone elses needs first. Your health and subsequently her hapiness will suffer.


Sometimes I think during seasons like this it is a *blessing* that you have to sit and nurse. It's God's way of planting your ass in a chair and resting for a few minutes.

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Tonight I am armed with a new (adorable) swaddle blankie. We are going to try the happiest baby on the block thingie. That man had better be right! I have 2 goals: 1) MUST. take. shower. tonight and 2) be asleep before 1 am


Thanks for all the encouragement. :thumbup1: We will make it through this. I think it's so hard because it's Christmas and I have so much to do and I can't get it done!


Oh, I hope it works for you. We did The Happiest Baby on the Block swaddle with the last 3 and it sure worked for us. It just worked for a friend, too. I LOVE that book. One nice thing about the tight swaddle is that if the baby has a hard time settling when you put her down you can tip that little burrito easily and pat rhythmically to settle her (like you used to be able to do with tummy sleepers.).

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Lie down with her. Once she falls deeply asleep, then move her to her bed. She wants to snuggle and sleep safe in mom's arms. My son was like this. The lay em down and let him cry it out theory didn't work with him. So I don't suggest it. Just makes you all miserable. She's one month. It's impossible to spoil her at this point.

this is what I did with all my children.

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I'd go to bed with her. Actually, first you might take a bath with her, then go to bed with her.


If she were older, I'd suggest a little crying it out, but with a 1mo, yeah, you should go to bed with her.


It becomes a vicious cycle--she's not quite ready to sleep even though you need her too, so you tense up, then she knows you're tense and *she* tenses up, and it just goes from bad to worse. Y'all need to relax. Take a nice bath, go to bed with just a towel wrapped around you so you're skin to skin (put a diaper/puddle pad under her, of course!), and pull the covers up over you both, and nurse and go to sleep.

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With my last one, who would wake every single time I tried to put her down, I found Dr. Sears' baby sleeping advice very helpful. The thing that worked best was making sure she was in a deep sleep before putting her down. The first sleep a baby falls into is light -- s/he will still twitch or "fall into a hole". But keep rocking or nursing and the baby will soon fall into a deep sleep. You know it's deep when you can pick up their arm and it just falls back without any twitching or reaction. When my littlest one was in the deep sleep (and it takes a bit longer to get there but it's so worth it), I could put her into a crib with no problems.


Also, I found lowering her way down into a crib woke her up. I used a bassinet and then crib with a higher set mattress those early months.


Here's a link to an ehow article on the Dr. Sears method. Hope it helps! I remember sleep deprivation!


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Tonight I am armed with a new (adorable) swaddle blankie. We are going to try the happiest baby on the block thingie. That man had better be right! I have 2 goals: 1) MUST. take. shower. tonight and 2) be asleep before 1 am

Take your shower when Mr. Lexi is home and can watch/hold/rock the baby and the olders.


Could Mr. Lexi go to bed after you? If so, you could shower around 9 and go to bed with the baby, then Mr. Lexi could move her into the little bed next to you when he goes to bed. If she's all swaddled, and he puts warm blankies in her bed, then maybe she'll stay asleep.

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My hubby has slept holding her and that did work. I did finally get her to sleep in her bouncy seat. It's so crazy that she refuses to fall asleep. Once I get her to sleep at night she'll sleep for 4 or 5 hours straight. I just don't get it!! I wish I could figure her out! She's only 4 weeks so I know it will get easier. I do have a sling and a carrier. I need to start using them. My 3rd was really high needs but she had health issues so that was why. This munchkin needs sleep and I do too! On the plus side, I guess I get to read every. single. post on the forum while I sit here and hold her all night. We need to start some more new threads for some interesting night time reading. :laugh:

It definitely sounds like she is overtired and you could be missing her sleep window.

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I have a 3 month old right now, and she's the only one of my kids I've been able to get to sleep well at a fairly young age. What I did with her that I didn't do with my others is 1)swaddle, 2)white noise (a box fan on high turned to the wall so it is not blowing on her) 3)pacifier - none of my other kids would take one, but she will. The combination of these 3 things is like magic for her.

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I've got a 1 month as well and she can be that way as well- although not 5 hrs long. She is a lot like #1; was. I agree that they are getting overtired -mine would just scream in my arms- she has cried up to 30 min even lying next to me in bed. I couldn't nurse ber to sleep even when I tried. I do cosleep though so it makes it easier. I've been trying to catch her cues earlier though-it seems she is ready for nightime sleep about 7- we take turns holding her and laying her down when we can. She hasn't had a night like that in several days now. I bought a used swing yesterday to help me get a break during the day and it I working well so far. I'm hoping it will give her a place to sleep at night before we go to bed. My last 2 were so easy I got spoiled- we just all went to bed at the same time- cosleeping and all slept well. Fwiw D's is the best sleeper now- I wish I knew then what I know now- perhaps I wouldn't have gone so crazy from sleep deprivation. I coslept with him as well but dh spent many nights walking laps around the house.

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I cannot count the number of times I fell asleep in my bed while my tiny infant was nursing. For real. I just plopped the baby on the boob and finally fell asleep. Maybe this should be in the confessions thread. I never had the heart to let my little people CIO before 1yo. I just put them on the boob and hoped for 3 hours of sleep.


Hugs. They are so darn sweet and trying at that age.




This exactly

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I remember this with my niece. For months on end, the only thing that worked with her was music and dancing. LOUD music - and one song in particular - we had it played at my wedding, just especially for her. Why do I remember it so well? Because the kid rarely ever slept, so my sis, parents and I would take her for a night every couple of weeks so my SIL and bro could sleep. They would also often come out to our house (I lived at home at the time) for a "visit", which included plopping the baby down in her carseat, saying "Hi", then laying down on the couch or recliner and napping.


When I went through it with DS (to a much lesser degree), he just came to bed with me. I slept topless, with just a nursing bra so it was very easy to pop out a boob. I'd wake up the next time he woke up with the boob still hanging out, so I'd put that one away, crawl over him to switch sides and pop out the other. Ironically, DD was the best sleeper as a baby and is HORRIBLE now. DS was the bad sleeper as a baby and is easy to get him to sleep now.

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It definitely sounds like she is overtired and you could be missing her sleep window.


I agree. I also have a few more thoughts, based on my own experiences.


I know it's controversial, but neither of my girls would sleep on their backs for more than a few minutes, no matter how they fell asleep. Even if they fell asleep their normal, preferred way (nursing), if they rolled to their back at any point, they'd be awake moments later. I totally get the reasons for the back to sleep thing, but I could not figure out how to implement it with either baby. Swaddling, warming the bed, in the crib, out of the crib, moving them, letting they stay exactly where they fell asleep--it simply did not work. If you are desperate and brave, you might try putting her down on her tummy and seeing what happens.


I know you also said you're nervous about co-sleeping, but you could sidecar the crib to your bed (take one side off and smush it up against your side of the bed). We did that for both babes, and it was perfect--I would nurse them to sleep in their crib with just my top half in there. When they fell asleep, I'd roll them to their tummies and slide out and into my own space. Heaven!


Have you paid close attention to what you're eating? My oldest was so incredibly sensitive to caffeine that even the teeny chocolate chips in a granola bar I ate for breakfast would mess her up for two days. I quit drinking coffee when I figured out the caffeine connection, but it took a few more weeks to figure out that even a cup of decaf, a granola bar, or a few scoops of chocolate chip mint ice cream still posed a huge problem for her. It was a very long two years *sigh*. Thankfully, DD7 had no such issues!


Also, I wouldn't be surprised if she was still trying to sort out her days and nights. If she was like mine were, it wasn't that long ago that she was still sleeping in your tummy while you went about your day and waking up to party just when you were settling in to bed at night.


I'm really sorry, I remember those days like they were yesterday :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Figuring out the co-sleeping thing, and the caffeine thing, and the nearly to-the-minute sleep window thing were all key to getting my oldest to sleep at night. Co-sleeping saved my life, but we still had some major bumps along the way. If I lived closer, I would offer to come and hold her for awhile so you could rest!!!

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OH, you poor thing! After the first one, we learn to do without sleep, but it sure makes it hard! My fourth one was given to me to make me humble. She wanted to be held at all times... I wish slings had been more common then, because that was what she wanted. However, I certainly wasn't allowed to do anything while I was holding her. Also, according to her, nursing was ONLY for food, not for comfort. With my other three, if they fussed... "have a snack, baby". But with her, ummm.... no. Also, according to her, babies are not rocked to sleep, they must be walked to sleep, for hours. If she ever actually fell asleep, I must continue to rock my whole body, even after having put the baby down, in the exact same motion as I left the room, or she would immediatly wake up. Really. For over a year. She had terrible asthma, so if I let her cry, she would have an asthma attack. The only other way she would ever go to sleep was sitting in her bouncy chair, next to a RUNNING shower.


But to comfort the OP.... this too shall pass. She will be 15 on Sunday! She still only sleeps about 5 hours a day, but other than that she is mostly delightful.


(I should note, that she came right after number 3 who believed in 5 hour naps, after being rocked for 15 seconds, and 12 hour nights. She was a real shock after that bliss.)

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