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So is anybody else having unseasonably warm weather?


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It's been in the 80s since Thanksgiving :( It rained today and cooled off a little but that is supposed to only last a few days and we start the cycle over again. That's Texas...

Someone posted on FB that there are 2 seasons in Texas: Summer and Winter and they could possibly happen in the same week--so very true!

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That's Texas...

Someone posted on FB that there are 2 seasons in Texas: Summer and Winter and they could possibly happen in the same week--so very true!



When we lived in TX we had many times when it would snow several inches but the next day it would be at least 60F and sunny. My dh grew up in New England and he liked that the snow wasn't around long enough to get dirty.

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We had unseasonably cold temps in November, and now we're having unseasonably warm temps. The boys were out in shorts and t-shirts today. The Farmer's Almanac says it will be warm (east of the Rockies) early in the month, then colder and snowier in the middle/end of the month than normal. We don't usually have snow in December, so that would be fun.


If I recall correctly, January is supposed to be warmer again, with cold dips in February, at least in the mid-Atlantic. Weird winter. I remember being out on New Year's Eve in my shirt sleeves one year in high school, though. We seem to have these oddball winters every so often. The oddball snowy ones seem to balance them out. :)

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We are and the kids LOVE it. It is driving me nuts though because I want snow for Christmas. Avg high is roughly 33 degrees F and average low is 15 degrees F in December here. It won't be back to that level until at least Saturday and by next Thursday, it looks to be climbing up again. I'm not feeling like this will be a white Christmas.

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Yes, so much so that I cooked the chicken in the crockpot instead of the oven to avoid overheating the house. That said, we are in for a roller coaster of sorts for the weather, tomorrow is lower and then the 40s for the high by Thursday, and then back up for a few days and then back down after that.

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Here, too, in the inland Pacific Northwest. We should have snow, ice or at least sub-freezing temps by now. We had one snow in mid-November, then it's been in the 40s and 50s since. I think we have only gotten down to freezing a couple of nights. My ducks are loving it because there is still plenty of forage in their penned in area, although we did close down and winterize the pond. I'm loving it because I was able to harvest kale and broccoli raab today (in December!) for stir fry. I haven't even put the cold frames on to try and prolong these crops. They're usually goners by now, anyway! I'm also loving our heating bill so far.


We've had tons of rain, though. Hopefully the rain down at our lower elevation still equals enough snow pack on the mountains so we don't have a bad fire season next summer.

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Guest inoubliable

Warm here, too. Supposed to be a little cooler tomorrow - less than 70, but still warm for this time of year. Warming back up to 70+ a few days next week. Honestly, I'm okay with that though.

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I can't believe how many times I've said that this is the last day this year we'll see 60 plus degrees. They just keep popping up. :D


School has gone out of the window here. I keep letting my kids play outside, thinking *this* is the last nice day of the year. I am hoping our zoo visit today counts as some sort of educational activity.

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