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I was insulted this evening.


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Have you ever met someone who you automatically get a bad feeling about and it just gets worse once they start talking to you? This happened to me recently and worsened dramatically this evening.


I am normally, by that I mean practically always, a very nice person and very forgiving but this person just got the best of me this evening.


At the gym there is a new trainer that I met last week. It started bad when he asked if I ever worked with a trainer and I told him I was currently working with one at a different gym. This person, whom I just met, felt it was just fine to reply in a smart a$$ tone - "so you've never worked with a personal trainer before then." My trainer is awesome, don't insult him, it isn't funny especially when I don't know you.


A few moments later when I remarked that I didn't see the trainer, he was standing at the counter a few feet from me, I was taking a bootcamp class from New Guy made it into a rude joke directed at the other trainer. Not cool.


Tonight NG was the instructor for the bootcamp class tonight. Initially I thought, no problem maybe this guy isn't so bad. I was wrong. In between stations prior to starting he would yell "are you ready" and some people would reply with a "yeah/yes." No big deal until he began threatening extra work until the class yelled back to him to his satisfaction. The problem was how he said it, how he threatened it. It came off as rude, not as motivating. I am not there to play power games with the trainer, this is not real boot camp I have btdt irl. I told him I was not going to yell, I don't think he expected that. He left me alone for a while. During the class he also carried around a wooden paddle and kept asking class participants if it "intimidated them." Seriously, this guy had a power trip.


The last half of the class was done using TRX straps. We started with squat jumps and he informed us that if we didn't yell the way he wanted we continue to do the squat jumps until he was happy. Once again, not in a motivating kind of way but in a smart-a$$y jerk kind of way. I just couldn't take it. Normally I am a quiet person. I let him know that if he tried to "punish" us then I would leave and never take his class again because that isn't what I was there for, I told him I already did real bootcamp and played those games, that I wasn't going to do it in class. We ended up doing a reasonable amount of squat jumps without having to yell anything. He did ask us to count the other exercises, I have no problem with counting so I played along.


Then I was insulted. He asked what branch of service I was in and when I replied he said "that explains a lot." I didn't know what he meant and said so, I said I would take it as a compliment. A few minutes later he said what service he was in and said that when working with members of the branch I was in he never liked them. Then I knew what he meant by "that explains a lot." Interesting since his boss, the owner, was in the same branch I was. I won't be going to his bootcamp class again.


If you read all of this you must be bored this evening. I hope I was able to give you some entertainment. :p


Please don't defend this guy, I truly don't think he deserves it. None of the other instructors run their bootcamps that way so his attitude has nothing to do with the culture of the place. I have no problem with trainers trying to motivate their clients, I have no problem with trainers encouraging their clients to yell. I do have a problem with trainers singling people out for not yelling or not yelling loud enough then threatening punishment on the class because of it which is why I said something.


So basically, JAWM and tell me about the not so kind person you had to deal with recently.



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It sounds shockingly, unpleasantly like . . . . actual bootcamp. Was this guy a former D.I.? I'm guessing you're AF? Having been through it once IRL, I'd NEVER enroll in a simulated version. It was unpleasant the first time around and I was getting paid for it! There are funner ways to exercise.

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It sounds shockingly, unpleasantly like . . . . actual bootcamp. Was this guy a former D.I.? I'm guessing you're AF? Having been through it once IRL, I'd NEVER enroll in a simulated version. It was unpleasant the first time around and I was getting paid for it! There are funner ways to exercise.


No he wasn't a DI. Are you implying the AF doesn't know what real bootcamp is like? :tongue_smilie: I served in the Marine Corps :patriot: , I definitely know what actual bootcamp is like and he was nothing like a real drill instructor. Now that I think about it, he reminded me of someone who just got promoted to NCO and was trying to flex some rank. His class wasn't even that hard compared to the other trainers, now those ones are more like bootcamp!

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Ugh. Good on you for saying something. I do not understand what is up with this yelling thing. A while back I also had to politely but very firmly tell an exercise instructor that no, I was not going to shout anything in class, that i was just there for some exercise, and that I hoped that that was not going to be a problem. She looked totally flummoxed but backed right off.


This pseudo-military trend in gym classes cannot end soon enough for me. Bring back step aerobics, I say!

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Ugh. Good on you for saying something. I do not understand what is up with this yelling thing. A while back I also had to politely but very firmly tell an exercise instructor that no, I was not going to shout anything in class, that i was just there for some exercise, and that I hoped that that was not going to be a problem. She looked totally flummoxed but backed right off.


This pseudo-military trend in gym classes cannot end soon enough for me. Bring back step aerobics, I say!


I <3 step! I am thinking of taking a BodyStep class tomorrow morning. :thumbup1:

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I would complain to the management. They should know if he is treating people this way. I am sure that there are other people who have been upset enough not to return who will not say anything.

Yikes. I'd complain to gym management ASAP.

I agree. I would complain. How dare he insult former service members, no matter what the branch. I would be seriously POed.


I never even thought about complaining. I am usually not one to complain to management, but I am usually pretty easy going. I just thought I would avoid the guy. I'd hate to think that he could get fired over my complaint. I think if people don't like him then the class size will decrease and people will notice. I will think more about this. Thanks.

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I never even thought about complaining. I am usually not one to complain to management, but I am usually pretty easy going. I just thought I would avoid the guy. I'd hate to think that he could get fired over my complaint. I think if people don't like him then the class size will decrease and people will notice. I will think more about this. Thanks.


You said that he's new there. I doubt he'd get fired over this--more likely they'd speak to him, maybe give him some more training, which he obviously needs. It's not okay for him to treat patrons this way. It IS okay for you to speak up and prevent him from treating others this way.

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Wow. What a ... jerk. You could have really had some fun with him if you wanted to be a jerk back. :)


Since, Marine Corps bootcamp is the ONLY bootcamp that will transfer to any branch of service. If he didn't go to MC bootcamp, then he didn't do "real" bootcamp and that explains him. He's jealous. :p LOL

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I refuse to take any "boot camp" classes at a gym. I went through real boot camp. Sure, it was Navy boot camp and the didn't let us shoot real guns, but still. I laughed my way through real boot camp. Some random dude all up on a power trip thinking he is something for teaching a gym "boot camp" class? That guy would get put in his place. Tell me to suck it up and deal. Tell me I can make it through the workout. But insult my service? Thank God I do not have a concealed-carry permit. :;):.

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If he is like this I am quite sure you aren't the only one who has been offended by his rude comments. The problem is, if no one says anything to management, management won't be able to do much about it. If enough people complain, they have their ammunition to deal with him appropriately.


Another vote for filing a complaint with the powers that be.

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You said that he's new there. I doubt he'd get fired over this--more likely they'd speak to him, maybe give him some more training, which he obviously needs. It's not okay for him to treat patrons this way. It IS okay for you to speak up and prevent him from treating others this way.

Yeah, I think you should talk to management about this. They can't fix a problem if they don't know it exists. If you were running a gym and this was going on, wouldn't you want to know about it?

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I never even thought about complaining. I am usually not one to complain to management, but I am usually pretty easy going. I just thought I would avoid the guy. I'd hate to think that he could get fired over my complaint. I think if people don't like him then the class size will decrease and people will notice. I will think more about this. Thanks.


Oh, DO please share your experience with the management. I would not worry about the guy getting fired. Either he shapes up or ships out. It won't be on you, but on him. If the gym owner wants to keep business, he will make sure his employees are working toward his goals. I am sure that ticking off members is NOT one of his business goals:).

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I agree that you should complain, that is completely over the top.


The part that makes no sense to me is that the purpose of all the yelling, punishment, insults, etc in real boot camp is to break down an individual's personal ego in order to build a cohesive group. Every service member is intended to change their focus from self to team. There is no reason at all to attempt to break personal ego OR to build team in a gym class. It makes no sense, and shows that the guy was too stupid to even realize what was going on in his boot camp, no matter what service he came from. I would not take a class from someone like that, ever again.

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Wow. What a ... jerk. You could have really had some fun with him if you wanted to be a jerk back. :)


Since, Marine Corps bootcamp is the ONLY bootcamp that will transfer to any branch of service. If he didn't go to MC bootcamp, then he didn't do "real" bootcamp and that explains him. He's jealous. :p LOL



THIS, TOTALLY THIS! How did you resist?

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Have you ever met someone who you automatically get a bad feeling about and it just gets worse once they start talking to you? This happened to me recently and worsened dramatically this evening.


I am normally, by that I mean practically always, a very nice person and very forgiving but this person just got the best of me this evening.


At the gym there is a new trainer that I met last week. It started bad when he asked if I ever worked with a trainer and I told him I was currently working with one at a different gym. This person, whom I just met, felt it was just fine to reply in a smart a$$ tone - "so you've never worked with a personal trainer before then." My trainer is awesome, don't insult him, it isn't funny especially when I don't know you.


A few moments later when I remarked that I didn't see the trainer, he was standing at the counter a few feet from me, I was taking a bootcamp class from New Guy made it into a rude joke directed at the other trainer. Not cool.


Tonight NG was the instructor for the bootcamp class tonight. Initially I thought, no problem maybe this guy isn't so bad. I was wrong. In between stations prior to starting he would yell "are you ready" and some people would reply with a "yeah/yes." No big deal until he began threatening extra work until the class yelled back to him to his satisfaction. The problem was how he said it, how he threatened it. It came off as rude, not as motivating. I am not there to play power games with the trainer, this is not real boot camp I have btdt irl. I told him I was not going to yell, I don't think he expected that. He left me alone for a while. During the class he also carried around a wooden paddle and kept asking class participants if it "intimidated them." Seriously, this guy had a power trip.


The last half of the class was done using TRX straps. We started with squat jumps and he informed us that if we didn't yell the way he wanted we continue to do the squat jumps until he was happy. Once again, not in a motivating kind of way but in a smart-a$$y jerk kind of way. I just couldn't take it. Normally I am a quiet person. I let him know that if he tried to "punish" us then I would leave and never take his class again because that isn't what I was there for, I told him I already did real bootcamp and played those games, that I wasn't going to do it in class. We ended up doing a reasonable amount of squat jumps without having to yell anything. He did ask us to count the other exercises, I have no problem with counting so I played along.


Then I was insulted. He asked what branch of service I was in and when I replied he said "that explains a lot." I didn't know what he meant and said so, I said I would take it as a compliment. A few minutes later he said what service he was in and said that when working with members of the branch I was in he never liked them. Then I knew what he meant by "that explains a lot." Interesting since his boss, the owner, was in the same branch I was. I won't be going to his bootcamp class again.


If you read all of this you must be bored this evening. I hope I was able to give you some entertainment. :p


Please don't defend this guy, I truly don't think he deserves it. None of the other instructors run their bootcamps that way so his attitude has nothing to do with the culture of the place. I have no problem with trainers trying to motivate their clients, I have no problem with trainers encouraging their clients to yell. I do have a problem with trainers singling people out for not yelling or not yelling loud enough then threatening punishment on the class because of it which is why I said something.


So basically, JAWM and tell me about the not so kind person you had to deal with recently.




What. a. (rhymes with tick). And, oh yeah, Marines are known for being lackluster. :001_rolleyes:

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No he wasn't a DI. Are you implying the AF doesn't know what real bootcamp is like? :tongue_smilie: I served in the Marine Corps :patriot: , I definitely know what actual bootcamp is like and he was nothing like a real drill instructor. Now that I think about it, he reminded me of someone who just got promoted to NCO and was trying to flex some rank. His class wasn't even that hard compared to the other trainers, now those ones are more like bootcamp!


In that case . . .he sounds like a creepy little poser on a power trip.

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