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Thank you, OtherJohn

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I imagine you're a bit stressed right now, but thank you for your hard work.


Things I like about the new board:


The "Like" button (note: it does NOT connect to FB. They just listened when a million of us used to say, "Where's the 'Like' button for this post?")


The notifications when people "Like" your post or when they quote you.


The scores.


I haven't investigated all the new features yet, but I do like these ones.

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There was a lot of screaming in 08, too. I'm sure it will all be just fine when we all get settled in. :001_cool: I think it's looking pretty good.



Agreed. Looks like this board has lots of new features. Once the kinks get worked out, I'm sure it will be great. :)


I like the ability to like a post, and I like the status things so I can let you all know I'm not ignoring you, I'm off to make dinner. ;)

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I haven't been on much since the change but that's mostlly due to the newness and the slow speed for me right now. This is a HUGE resource for me and I don't think we should be unnecessarily ciritical of the admins and IT people/person. John are you alone in this? IT's a lot of work. I'm pretty computer stupid.


BTW: Didn't it used to underline words if they were misspelled? I have a problem spelling certain words :p

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I am also very pleased. I've survived half a dozen forum upgrades during my internet career, and here's what I like about this one:


-The upgrades are awesome, or will be once we get used to them.

-The powers-that-be are engaged and listening instead of ignoring confused or unhappy people.

-Glitch fixes are happening at a very fast rate.

-I think I understand the FB thing. What I found was that for me, nothing changes. I was already attentive to my internet security.

-I am excited about the possibilities of using social media to promote classical homeschooling and to support SWB/PHP.


From where I sit, it's been almost a best case scenario for a forum upgrade, and it's because of OtherJohn, SWB, and team. It's been a long weekend, but it's a BIG board.

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Yes, thank you. I have been one of the whiners, a little, but wanted to say that as I settle in the new format is growing on me. This was an ENORMOUS amount of work, I know, and I appreciate everything y'all have done for us.


Thank you, OtherJohn and Susan and everyone else!!

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Yes, thank you! I started this morning out freaking out a little over the Facebook issues, but it was a good reminder to double check all privacy settings. I think that I overall like the new look and feel and look forward to everything getting back to normal.


SWB - you truly have made a huge difference in many lives. I probably would not have made it this far had it not been for you, your mom, and the WTM. :thumbup1:

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Thank you! The mobile version is MUCH easier to use.


Yes, I am so happy with how much easier it is to read on my phone. And the more I use the mobile version, the more it grows on me. I especially like how easy it is to get to new posts on a thread with the mobile version. That was always a pain with the previous board.

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Thank you Other John and SWB. I have been through enough software changes to know that it is a nightmare and takes some time to work out the kinks. Nothing ever works the way it is advertised to and yet you work with what you have and try to make improvements. I hope the new format will make your jobs easier in the long run.

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Yes, thank you!


There is so much work that goes into a platform change. There are always kinks to be worked out, but we will get there in time. Several of the new features are very nice and I can't wait to see everything available when you're done with the change over. It takes time to get used to something new, but my hope is that everyone will come to enjoy the "new" board.

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