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I am sick of political phone calls! (vent)

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It is early, and I've already received 5 pre-recorded phone calls this morning telling me to vote. Including one from the governor of AZ, explaining why it is important for PA voters to vote!


I called the phone company and they said even if I got a privately listed phone number, I'd still get these calls.


The political calls are outnumbering that idiot who calls about giving me lowered interest rates 10:1. I've already gotten that pre-recorded call today, too.


I wish there were real people on the other end so I could give them an earful!

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I live in a state that has one of the last primaries and the state historically leans toward one party. We get nothing here - no mailers, no phone calls, no campaign stops.

On one hand, I wish our state wasn't overlooked so much.

On the other hand, I do not miss the phone calls!

I feel so sorry for the states that are being hammered by politics right now.

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BEYOND annoyed and consider it a total infringement on my privacy. I think ALL telemarketing, advertising and political calls should be illegal for those on the pathetic Do Not Call list.


:iagree: Plus, when I'm not home to hit "talk" and "off", they leave long messages on my voice mail. I am missing personal messages because of this (mostly from my Mom and DH).


DH has my cell phone number. My mom is miffed b/c I won't give it to her -- b/c she will call me all the time to find out if something is wrong when she can't leave a message or gets a busy signal b/c political calls are stacked in call waiting while some idiot drones on about voting.


I'm not even going to vote this year, so it is doubly annoying. I decided a few months ago that I am not going to vote unless I am squarely for a candidate. I am tired of voting for reasons that have nothing to do with agreeing with most of a candidate's platform. DH is certain this means his candidate will lose because of my missing vote.


My call blocking feature holds 40 phone numbers, now all taken up by political callers and a few interest rate callers.

Edited by RoughCollie
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It is early, and I've already received 5 pre-recorded phone calls this morning telling me to vote. Including one from the governor of AZ, explaining why it is important for PA voters to vote!


I called the phone company and they said even if I got a privately listed phone number, I'd still get these calls.


The political calls are outnumbering that idiot who calls about giving me lowered interest rates 10:1. I've already gotten that pre-recorded call today, too.


I wish there were real people on the other end so I could give them an earful!


I just unplugged my phone since it rang twice while I was talking to the appliance repairman.


The only actual person who calls our home phone is dh. He has my cell number. I guess if he can't get through, he'll remember that I prefer him to use that one. It's not getting plugged back in today.

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I am getting hammered with the robo calls. Do the different organizations calling for the same party not coordinate with each other? Because spacing calls a minute apart is not a good strategy. Hint: Driving me crazy is probably not the best way to get my vote. Waking me up early is not a good strategy either.

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It is early, and I've already received 5 pre-recorded phone calls this morning telling me to vote. Including one from the governor of AZ, explaining why it is important for PA voters to vote!


I called the phone company and they said even if I got a privately listed phone number, I'd still get these calls.


The political calls are outnumbering that idiot who calls about giving me lowered interest rates 10:1. I've already gotten that pre-recorded call today, too.


I wish there were real people on the other end so I could give them an earful!





Oh I wish that political calls were part of the DO NOT call list. My house would be so much more peaceful. I voted 2 weeks ago, these calls are completed wasted on me.

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I am in Al and we don't get these here. I would rather get them anyway than the very frequent calls for the deadbeat who used to have our number over a year ago. Those never stop though they are less common than they were last year. But I know what you are going through- I used to live in FL and also NM. Swing states get that.

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I am getting hammered with the robo calls. Do the different organizations calling for the same party not coordinate with each other? Because spacing calls a minute apart is not a good strategy. Hint: Driving me crazy is probably not the best way to get my vote. Waking me up early is not a good strategy either.


Seriously! I've gotten calls on both my landline and my cell, and it's annoying. You would think they'd coordinate a bit better. I keep joking about all the famous people who keep calling, but it is irritating.


Non-PA'ers -- that maybe the real reason not to live here. Not because of the HS laws, but because of the political calls. ;)

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I haven't answered my home phone in weeks. My friends and brother know to call my cell.


Same here. I have turned my ringer off. I can't wait for tomorrow to be over!


Some of my friends that have been answering the phone have been providing false information the last few weeks because they are feeling harassed. It will be interesting to see how accurate the polls predictions end up being.

Edited by snowbeltmom
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It is early, and I've already received 5 pre-recorded phone calls this morning telling me to vote. Including one from the governor of AZ, explaining why it is important for PA voters to vote!


I called the phone company and they said even if I got a privately listed phone number, I'd still get these calls.


The political calls are outnumbering that idiot who calls about giving me lowered interest rates 10:1. I've already gotten that pre-recorded call today, too.


I wish there were real people on the other end so I could give them an earful!

I hook my phone up to my fax for awhile. This fax isn't as responsive as my last one, but the calls eventually stop. Sometimes I pick up the phone and just say, "Remove us from your calling list right now please. You have the WRONG NUMBER." Any telemarketer has the wrong number when calling me.

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It is early, and I've already received 5 pre-recorded phone calls this morning telling me to vote. Including one from the governor of AZ, explaining why it is important for PA voters to vote!


I called the phone company and they said even if I got a privately listed phone number, I'd still get these calls.


The political calls are outnumbering that idiot who calls about giving me lowered interest rates 10:1. I've already gotten that pre-recorded call today, too.


I wish there were real people on the other end so I could give them an earful!


But it might not be as many calls as the dude from JCPenney Optical telling me about a great contact lens sale!


LOL, jk. You do have my sympathy! That would make me nuts. In AZ we don't seem to get the calls, or if we do I don't get them because I don't have an actual home phone.

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We live in a forgotten state. :D


I have only gotton ONE political phone call. They asked if I would vote for X and I answered, "Never, ever in this life time!" and then I asked them to not call back and they didn't. :001_smile:


We watched a live TV show last night and I saw my first political commercial. I commented that it was my first commercial and then I rolled my eyes and then quickly said that I couldn't remember the last time I watched live TV.


We tape everything to watch in our free time (the little that we have) and we fast forward through the commercials.


We have only had one door-to-door political person too. That was a 2.8 second conversation of "What party? Thanks anyway and have a nice day."


This is the complete land of the forgotten. Lucky me!:D

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I haven't answered my home phone in weeks. My friends and brother know to call my cell.


BEYOND annoyed and consider it a total infringement on my privacy. I think ALL telemarketing, advertising and political calls should be illegal for those on the pathetic Do Not Call list.


As your fellow NH resident :iagree: We've been inundated with calls, and it's ridiculous. It's to the point now where I pick up the phone and immediately say, "Yes, I know who I'm voting for. Yes, I'm voting Tuesday. Yes, I know where my polling place is." That still doesn't stop some of them from barreling ahead with 20 million other questions. It is a total infringement on my privacy. A friend called the other night about something important an I missed it because I didn't recognize the number. I assume all calls I don't immediately recognize are telemarketers or political calls.


Oh, and the stacks of political fliers I'm receiving on a daily basis are annoying too. How many trees were killed during this election?

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We had decided not to answer the phone, but then our voicemail was getting inundated with messages we needed to delete. So, now we answer it and listen long enough to tell the other half, "that was our 'friend' ____" then hang up. We tried to count calls, but lost count quickly.


This morning I found myself longing for a car commercial... or McD's... or Dunkin... The ONLY time I ever watch commercials is during the morning news which I like to watch live before school. Now I've taken to pausing it, then watching it, but it takes a long pause to get through the commercials.


I remind myself that in two days it will all be done - and in the meantime - wealth is being redistributed from donors to advertising agencies to workers, etc, so I suppose SOME good comes from it. I don't know that any good comes from robocalls.

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We've been getting some robocalls from people supporting various state amendments that will be on the ballot tomorrow and some other statewide races, most notably judges. We don't get any from the presidential race any more though.


Back in the spring before the primaries we got a bunch of calls, and I started going on Twitter and tweeting at them that if they kept calling me I was going to vote for the opposition. I don't think it helped, but it made me feel better to at least try to SAY something to them. If only there were good candidates who would NOT use automated calling and people could threaten to withhold their votes and MEAN it! Maybe the ones who lost because they annoyed people to death before the election would think twice before doing that again.

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Okay, I'll be the odd one here . . . While I do NOT like telemarketing calls at all, I have surprisingly not been upset by the political calls. I have answered every survey I've gotten, listened to the robo calls from "name" people, and have engaged in conversation when possible. The "opposition" has called a few times and I have particularly been glad to talk with them - not that it does any good in terms of changing their minds, but I feel better having spoken up . . . :001_smile: To say my stomach is in knots over this election is a gross understatement; maybe that's a reason I've answered the calls . . . :confused: We are in a swing state and I have been surprised at how few calls we have gotten compared to what previous posters have said. Only two calls today. The most has been three in a day, but we've had several days with none.


Okay, I'll scurry on out of here . . . :auto:

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I have had zero political calls this year. I never thought there was an advantage to having a vote that doesn't count before.

:D:iagree: Just this morning I was explaining polling and the electoral college to the kids. I couldn't find ANY polling data for my state for this election. I get mailers every day for the state senate race, but I haven't heard or seen anything for the presidential race. I don't even think I've seen a single television ad for the presidential race, but I don't watch much television anyway.

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I made it a contest for the kids. As long as they are polite, they can say anything/rant at the recording about the candidate/political process. They are taking turns answering the phone so they get a chance. Prize awarded day after elections.... 15yo dd is winning with a rendition of (mimic of me) "How many times do I have to tell you I'm too young to vote...." & more politi-speak at hte recording..."


lisaj, at least half the calls are robo-calling politicians

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I did get polled by an actual poster for the first time ever in my life this year and I am 49. It was a state poll and while they did ask about the presidential election, many of the questions were about various state issues. I was happy to see that the governor, who had been undecided about one specific issue, decided to go the way I wanted and that happened after the poll came out so maybe I was part of the decision (me and whoever else had the same view as me and was polled:001_smile:).

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It is early, and I've already received 5 pre-recorded phone calls this morning telling me to vote. Including one from the governor of AZ, explaining why it is important for PA voters to vote!


I called the phone company and they said even if I got a privately listed phone number, I'd still get these calls.


The political calls are outnumbering that idiot who calls about giving me lowered interest rates 10:1. I've already gotten that pre-recorded call today, too.


I wish there were real people on the other end so I could give them an earful!


I have an unlisted phone number, for which we pay a monthly fee, and I have also received five calls so far today. One was even from a former President. I have already done early voting and am looking forward to Wednesday.

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Political calls are specifically exempt from the Do Not Call registry.



They are exempt on the Cdn "Do-not-call" either. I don't think they should be. At. All. I think you should be able to opt out of those, too. I'll bet it would really cut down on their phone lists. Think of the money they'd save! ;)

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I get 4-5 calls per day. Same party and same robo calls. Only one side has badgered me and they should know that as a mom the more you badger the less you get. I truly wish Denny Crane were real because I would be starting a harassment lawsuit. I can't wait for Wed when I hopefully won't have to hear from them again. I find it rude and unjust that I get interrupted that much and have no power to stop them. As a registered Independent I find it very obnoxious.:glare:

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I just got one here in AL. Recorded message telling me to vote, which I am doing tomorrow (we have no early voting here) and to vote a particular way, which I also am going to do. Since it was only one, it didn't bother me at all. Better than my creditor calls for the deadbeat who used to have my number.

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