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Poll: Normal or Special Day Today for School?

Normal or Special Halloween School Day?  

  1. 1. Normal or Special Halloween School Day?

    • Normal school time and assignments
    • School but with some special themed items
    • No school - Halloween only, baby!
    • Ubiquitous Other

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we're having a special day. its been stressful around here, and we all need to have some fun. that will still involve core curriculum though.


the girls both have 4.5 hours of orchestra rehearsal tonight. (in costume, with food). fortunately, they think that's special.




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Halloween activities. :) DD just left to go to a friend's house to carve pumpkins and bake Halloween cookies. She spent the morning putting up the last of our decorations. DS is finishing up some some schoolwork now, but he has a friend coming over in about an hour to start their scary movie marathon. The rest of their buddies will join them after school.

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We love Halloween, and so it is a special day. The kids have to do the basics - reading, writing, math - but anything/everything else will be special... I'll read some stories and spooky poetry, we'll watch an afternoon movie (probably Addams Family, the first one), then we go out trick-or-treating late afternoon/early evening, and finally head home for pizza and, if it isn't raining, a fire in our backyard firepit, complete with ghost stories!

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Well the bigs have their online lit class, then we have to run some errands to get some paperwork signed and delivered for ds's new job(have to drive an hour away to order his social insurance number), stop at the police station because one of the officers is one of the cadet leaders and is loning the bigs each an army helmet to complete their soldier uniforms for tonight. Then back home to have the gnomes All hallow's eve forest party for dd5's school time, and then get ready and head to the church for dinner and celebration before going out to t or t for a bit. So some school, but mostly not.

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We don't really observe the holiday. However, since we don't hand out candy and we do have the occasional angst of teens up to no good in the neighborhood, leaving to go out to eat or a movie to avoid it all doesn't work since we really need to be here.


So, it's business as usual here, but when we turn off the porch lights in order to let tot'ers know we are not handing out candy, we have to tie the dog up outside so there's plenty of noise if the window soapers come to try and get my stained glass windows. Therefore, we hunker down with popcorn, cider, and cookies and watch movies. Tonight, "Fellowship of the Ring" is on deck. We are trying to have three different family nights between now and the premier of the "Hobbit" in order to get through the trilogy by then.


Since we were on mini-vacation last week, they have a good size workload today.



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We don't really observe the holiday. However, since we don't hand out candy and we do have the occasional angst of teens up to no good in the neighborhood, leaving to go out to eat or a movie to avoid it all doesn't work since we really need to be here.


So, it's business as usual here, but when we turn off the porch lights in order to let tot'ers know we are not handing out candy, we have to tie the dog up outside so there's plenty of noise if the window soapers come to try and get my stained glass windows. Therefore, we hunker down with popcorn, cider, and cookies and watch movies. Tonight, "Fellowship of the Ring" is on deck. We are trying to have three different family nights between now and the premier of the "Hobbit" in order to get through the trilogy by then.


Since we were on mini-vacation last week, they have a good size workload today.




We have a similar tradition, only with the addition of Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner. Our movie tonight is "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe".

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We're having a special field trip day, so I answered other! Our science museum is hosting an all day spooky science event with classes or demonstrations every 30 minutes, plus the kids are encouraged to wear their costumes. We are leaving in just a few minutes to spend the whole day at the museum (our favorite place!) before coming home this evening for a quick dinner and trick or treating!

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My 3-year-old's nursery school party ate up part of our morning, so in our brief Colin-free interval Alex and I went to Panera, had a book discussion about The Water Horse, and did a little spelling. That'll be it for school. This afternoon I am at work and they're at our homeschool group's Halloween party.

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Its a holiday here!!


dd10 and dd8 did math and Latin. We took niece, age 3.5 to a storytime at the library in costume and came home and had a special (for us) lunch w/dh. Lots of outside time so far for dd8 and dn3. And we are about to carve a pumpkin!


DD10 has a robotics class this afternoon before tnTing.

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We did the same subjects, but I let the kids do school in their costumes. We'll ToT tonight.


I had my DH tell the kids I wasn't feeling well and he'd found a substitute for them...and I came in the school room dressed like this:


I made the kids address me as "Mr. Finklestein". Good times.


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We did school - core only - PE, handwriting, math, and a little bit of LOE, now the kids are working on Christmas (homemade gifts) and having some lunch. Then, we're going to start getting into costume (not bought - 2 hours worth of hair and make-up work by me) to go to a potluck supper, trick-or-treat party with our homeschool park group.

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We did the same subjects, but I let the kids do school in their costumes. We'll ToT tonight.


I had my DH tell the kids I wasn't feeling well and he'd found a substitute for them...and I came in the school room dressed like this:


I made the kids address me as "Mr. Finklestein". Good times.


Aw, you're the fun Mom! I wish I would have thought of something like that. Instead, this morning I got individual snuggle time with each of my kiddos. That doesn't happen very often any more, so I'll take it!!!

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We follow my teacher-husband's schedule and he only has conferences today and started late. So we slept in and did math, spelling, and history this morning. We'll have writing soon, then spend the rest of the day reading about the history of Halloween, making Halloween recipes, and carving pumpkins.


We'll talk about All Saints and All Souls Days Thurs and Fri, too. Essentially we're skipping our religion catechism and art and replacing them with holiday stuff this week.

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