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Help end the baby name standoff

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Our third girl is due at the end of December and we have had a hard time agreeing on names. Our older girls names are Ellory and Ainsley and we would like a name that goes with those. What we like about the girls names is that they are classic yet unusual (at least around here) but aren't weird. They aren't trendy. They are feminine without being over the top.


So, all that to say - here is the short list. Feel free to vote and/or make suggestions :)


Zoey Vianne


Ever Lindsey


Stella Lindsey


Mackenzie Lynn

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Zoey Vianne


Ever Lindsey


Stella Lindsey


Mackenzie Lynn


So, I like Mackenzie.... You'll never get it spelled correctly, but what's new, right? :) On the "Ever" kinda name... What about something like "Eden" ;) I think "Ever" looks like a typo :( Avery is close and I was going to do Avery Marie. :) I like "Zoe" but with the umlauts, but I don't know how to do that on here :) and not really with Vianne... To me, I think it looks like it's missing the "v" like... Vivian or Vivienne.... Anyway... just my thoughts. You're the one who gets to explain forever... well.. you and your daughter :)

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I looked up your names in my super-fantabulous book. ;)


What's crazy is that when I look up Ellery - there sits Everly as a suggestion. I've never heard of using the name Ever. Crazy. But apparently if you like Ellery, you are attracted to Ever / Everly.


I don't think any of them go, lol. The first two are both vowels and end in a y.




Mackenzie would be my first pick.


"The" book also suggested, though I know you didn't ask:








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So, all that to say - here is the short list. Feel free to vote and/or make suggestions :)


Zoey Vianne


Ever Lindsey


Stella Lindsey


Mackenzie Lynn


Honestly, Ever is just odd. No one will ever (ha ha) get that right, and she will be the butt of endless puns.


I like the alliteration of the ee sound, so I'd go with Zoey, to stay in that track.


Stellaaaaaa Stellllaaaa (Sorry, Marlon Brando from A Streetcar named Desire flashback)


Mackenzie is really trendy and overdone, in my humble opinion.


So, out of your choices, I'd pick Zoey. I also like Emma with those names.

Edited by TranquilMind
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I think I'd go with Zoey.


Ever is too much like your other "E" name and I wouldn't know if it was "Ee-ver" or "Eh-ver." Plus, it just strikes me as a WORD, not a name.


Stella = Bette Midler. (Hasn't everyone seen that movie?)


Mackenzie IS trendy, IMO.


BUT... it's not my baby. So I would just pick whichever one you think fits when you see her. :D

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Our third girl is due at the end of December and we have had a hard time agreeing on names. Our older girls names are Ellory and Ainsley and we would like a name that goes with those. What we like about the girls names is that they are classic yet unusual (at least around here) but aren't weird. They aren't trendy. They are feminine without being over the top.


So, all that to say - here is the short list. Feel free to vote and/or make suggestions :)


Zoey Vianne


Ever Lindsey


Stella Lindsey


Mackenzie Lynn



Like many others, I like Stella. Do you like the name Fable?

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I like Zoey because it ends in a 'y' like Ellory and Ainsley. :) By the way, "Congratulations!"


:iagree: I like Zoey for the same reason. MacKenzie would be my second choice, but it's too trendy for your other names. I can't stand Stella. Sorry. It just sounds frumpy to me.

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I went to the social security website and searched popularity.


Zoey was the 31st most popular name in 2011; Zoe was the 28th. I'm not sure where that ranks the name when you combine its popularity.


Mackenzie is #68.


Stella is #73.


"Ever is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth in the last 12 years."


Sounds like there will be lots of Zoe(y)s running around.


I have a kid we call Ever or sometimes Everly or Evey. If I really liked the name Ever for a girl I would name her Everleigh and call her Ever for short.

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Of the ones you have listed, I like Zoey best. Stella would get my second choice vote. Two of our pets have these names :)


Here are some other names that I think go with your other names and criteria:





Evangeline (Evie)









Josephine (Josie)









Edited by Kebo
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Mackenzie and Zoey are kind of trendy.

When I hear Stella I think of Streetcar Named Desire

My first thought with Ever is Everclear. Not exactly what one wants to think of when talking about one's little girl.


If I had to pick on of the names listed I'd go with Mackenzie. It seems to flow best with the two you already have.


If I were to suggest a new option, I think Aubrey goes with the two you have.

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I think Stella Vianne sounds very nice together. Stella Lindsey doesn't flow well.


Zoey and Mackenzie are very trendy (at least around here). I like the name Ever, it reminds me of reading about colonial days when little girls were named Patience, Constance, Love...but, it doesn't "go" with your other girl's names imo.


I'd go with Stella Vianne.

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My vote is for Stella. I believe that it's the very best girl name ever. :) (I should probably admit that my dd is named Stella...)


I can't stand Stella. Sorry. It just sounds frumpy to me.

Here's my frumpy Stella at a shop with a very fine name, indeed. ;) (I understand, though. Just before she was born I started freaking out that it was the worst possible name in the world. Thankfully, I got past that, because I can't picture her with any other name.)


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