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Pls help DS pick a country to study--he wants one that is obscure and unknown

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UPDATE on Ds' decision in post 88.



Ds is going to do a country study this semester. He wants one that is "totally different, that no one has ever even heard of."


Part of our problem in choosing is that we love travel and other cultures and have been proactive in studying and watching travel shows. Everything I suggest feels to ds like "everyone" has heard of that.


So, with that in mind, please suggest a country and make a case to ds as to why it is totally different and totally obscure.


Or you can choose one of the countries I have listed below and make a case to ds as to why it is totally different and totally obscure.






San Marino




former USSR countries (Which would you do and why?)



Edited to add: Basque. Does this count as a country, or is it just a region?


Thanks !!

Edited by strider
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Don't like most of your choices - some are city states and not technically countries, and I would sure hope people have heard about Finland and Greenland and Cyprus.


As for the former Soviet republics: I would select Kyrgystan. It is small, not as big as its neighbors; it has interesting landscape; one of my favorite authors is from there (Aitmatov).


Option number 2: one of the smaller African countries, Togo for example. I chose this because I know nothing about it,


I personally would choose Bhutan. Small, remote, in a beautiful area of the world, not really open to Western culture until recently. This is a place I'd actually love to visit (the otehr ones- not so much)

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The Maldives.....they are a beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean. They have a rich history and culture due to their position as a colony to several countries. Up until recently, the main industry was tourism, but they have had some major political upheaval lately. It would be interesting to research how the ousting of their president will effect the tourism trade.

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My ds did a project last year on Bhutan for the homeschool geography fair. It's a fascinating country up high in the Himalayas and is absolutely gorgeous. Few people have heard of it. My ds chose it because while looking at a poster of world flags he decided that their flag was the most interesting one of all:




As another poster mentioned, Lesotho would be another good one. I'm familiar with the country because a very close friend was stationed there in the Peace Corps about 10 years ago.

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Kyrgyzstan! Or any of the other Muslim former Soviet republics (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan). Believe me, no one ever talks about those countries. I think Uzbekistan is probably the most interesting out of the group (and likely has the most resources), although all are fascinating. If you go with one of those, I could point you toward some different resources that you wouldn't find in your local library.

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Kyrgyzstan! Or any of the other Muslim former Soviet republics (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan). Believe me, no one ever talks about those countries. I think Uzbekistan is probably the most interesting out of the group (and likely has the most resources), although all are fascinating. If you go with one of those, I could point you toward some different resources that you wouldn't find in your local library.


The bolded is exactly what came to mind when I read your subject line.

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Our oldest dd was about 10yo, and studying for the homeschool Geography Bee.


I heard the talking globe say, "Djibouti".

I immediately asked, "Where in the world is Djibouti?"


Her answer, "Oh, it's by Eritrea."


Another great homeschool moment. I was completely lost. :001_smile:



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Djibouti (pronounced ja-bootie)



It's in Africa, and NO ONE has heard of it, but it's where my DH has spent over half of the last year :)



I can't believe it was already in the thread!!! I didn't even bother looking before I posted because NO ONE ever knows what I'm talking about......

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The Basque people sure like to think of it as a separate country, but in reality, it is just part of Spain.


Just had a Basque exchange student here for a month - she'd be quick to point out that the Basque Country (and it is called "The Basque Country" in spite of not being one) includes part of France as well as Spain. I hadn't even realized that.

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USSR? Go to Georgia. It's pretty, super friendly, loads of history and really different.


I have this book (Home Baking by Alford and Duguid) and they have all these lovely pictures from markets in Tblisi and such, with the cutest little old men in sweaters holding vegetables and such. I kept talking about how cute they were and my husband was like :001_huh:

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I have this book (Home Baking by Alford and Duguid) and they have all these lovely pictures from markets in Tblisi and such, with the cutest little old men in sweaters holding vegetables and such. I kept talking about how cute they were and my husband was like :001_huh:


I love that book (all of their books, actually), and my husband doesn't get it either.

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My ds did a project last year on Bhutan for the homeschool geography fair. It's a fascinating country up high in the Himalayas and is absolutely gorgeous. Few people have heard of it. My ds chose it because while looking at a poster of world flags he decided that their flag was the most interesting one of all:




As another poster mentioned, Lesotho would be another good one. I'm familiar with the country because a very close friend was stationed there in the Peace Corps about 10 years ago.



I was totally going to throw in my vote for Bhutan too! Fascinating country.

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