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Anyone schooling tomorrow?


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Yep, we are schooling. DS13 decided to do some of his work today though since DH has offered to take him to a Blue Rocks baseball game tomorrow afternoon. I'm quite pleased that DS seems to understand that doing fun things on school days does not preclude you from getting your work done.

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Maybe? We are still out of power from the hurricane, so all of our routines are in turmoil. If we get power, then DH will probably want to go into the office since he missed all of last week. I'd do at least a light day of school in that case. If we have no power and DH stays home, we'll probably escape to the Y and swim.

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We're supposed to do school tomorrow, but my DH, who is okay with us home schooling, teased the kids, telling them that none of the other kids have to do school tomorrow. So now my kids are revolting and my husband just sits there and laughs.


We will do school. I have to work tomorrow (work full time from home). I only have to do a half day, so I'll be done at 7:00 am and then we'll hit the books. I plan to make it a fun day, but we'll get everything done.


My husband, btw, is in the dog house right now. :(

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No because DH is off and the kids don't get to see him much with his work schedule. But DD asked to do some light school. I'm going to try and fit some fun math with games and c-rods into the day and see how everything else plays out. If we do something great, if we don't that's great too.

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We actually usually take Monday off because we have our coop on Monday but the coop is close tomorrow for Labor Day. But we have a really busy week the rest of the week so I'm actually planning on doing a full school day tomorrow. Tuesday we have a science class at the local science center, Wednesday we have a La Leche League meeting, Thursday gymnastics and Friday a park playdate with our homeschool group. If I don't do a full day tomorrow then we will be behind for the week.

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Yeah that happened here today too. We are schooling tomorrow and a friend asked them if they are looking forward to their day off at church this morning. I told her we were schooling but would meet up with them after. After we left church I heard a lot of whining. I can't change our schedule though as I'm going out of town on Thursday.

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I was considering it but then my sister and her kids showed up for the weekend and our house is in disarray and there are still a few things undone. Tuesday is soon enough for K :tongue_smilie: besides, it's a well known fact in this house thAt school starts on Tuesday in town and I have a little boy with some B&B yearnings.

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Nope, we're taking off tomorrow completely (the past couple of weeks have been light weeks). It's one of DH's (very few) holidays, so I don't want to spend it doing schoolwork. Then again, we've been doing schoolwork for almost two months and have over 30 days so far, so I feel pretty good about the pace we're setting.


(Now, Columbus Day is different -- DH doesn't have off that day, so we'll probably be doing school that day.)

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