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s/o of the tea thread - What are you drinking right now?

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Just for fun, what are you drinking right now? If it's been a long day and it's whiskey admit it. :001_smile: If it's a coffee or tea or something else fun then let us know. Links are appreciated it if it's really fun.


I'm drinking Titanic Tea from Harney and Sons. It's a tea they recreated for the 100 year anniversary of the sinking.



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It's only noon here, so a bit early for a tipple. But I'm off to the store soon to pick up some wine to go with dinner.


Water in the meantime.

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Water. I had a few beers with dh last night and am paying for it with an all day headache:(. The older I get, the less I can handle any alcohol. I think I'll be a tee totaler by the time I'm 40:glare:


I'm 43 and I've been like that the past 2 or 3 years. Just about any alcohol gives me an immediate headache and icky stomach. I can handle maybe one small glass of wine, as long as it's a very specific type of wine (Riesling).


I'm drinking water. I have hot tea in the morning with breakfast, and in the evening with a snack. It's all water in between.

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How do you make yours? Ive been wanting to start some, but need a scobi:glare:


A friend gave me a scoby and I used this recipe (minus the second fermentation). If you don't have a friend who has one, there are places online you can buy them. HTH :)

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It's now a, ahem, proper hour. Indulging in a Bridgeport IPA before making dinner. :D


Tomorrow is our annual Ice Cream Social, so I've spent most of the day cleaning. Nothing like a hoppy beer to cut through the dust that seems to somehow have passed the blood-brain barrier.

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