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What weird food combinations have your kids invented?

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Today, the kids and I were having chocolate fondue with strawberries, raspberries and blueberries after lunch. My DS mentioned that he'd like to try cucumbers with it, so I grabbed the container of cut up cukes from the fridge and we had a go. It was pretty good.


I can't say that I would have ever thought to mix cucumbers and chocolate. Although I love chocolate chip zucchini loaf.

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My 6 year old ds has a long-held dream to open "Nathaniel's Taco Hotdog" when he grows up. According to him, it's going to sell clothes and socks too. And, you can even rent out a room if you want to live there. :)


He asked me if we could have Taco Hotdogs for dinner sometime, so guess what we are having tomorrow night. He gave me his "secret recipe" and I've got all the supplies. Should be interesting!

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My DD used to eat kalamata olives on peanut butter sandwiches.


My DS doesn't eat any weird combos (he barely eats anything that is combined with other foods!), but he did go through a period where he wanted to use mouthwash. After a few days, we figured out that he had gotten the wrong idea from a commercial and thought mouthwash was a SUBSTITUTE for tooth brushing!! So what if it tastes awful, he thought, at least it's not as HARD as BRUSHING, :lol: !!!

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My 14yods last week ate a bowl of vanilla ice cream and poured Frank's Red Hot Sauce over it, just like you would use chocolate syrup. And he did it intentionally and ate the whole thing.:confused:


I can totally see my DS doing something like this. He DRINKS Frank's straight from the bottle.


They didn't invent it (I think it was on iCarly), but my kids' favorite weird food combo is spaghettti tacos.


My kids have been bugging to do this since they saw in on iCarly, too. I finally picked up taco shells when I got groceries last time. Guess what we're having for supper one night this week? :)


None because according to them *everyone* dips their french fries in their chocolate frosty.


They would be correct! :D



And...Woohoo! My first ever successful multiquote!

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Nohing -because I won't let them eat anything weird :lol:


My DD has been asking me to make her a peanut butter and cheese sandwich and I always refuse. In my mind - feeding your kids weird and gross stuff is "bad parenting" or something :lol: It's just one of those things I can't bring myself to do because it makes me feel neglectful.


(Totally not saying it IS neglectful of course -it's just MY "thing I can't do" :ack2:) Maybe when they are older and I care less about their stomachs :lol:

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Tuna and peanut butter on bread. This happened because I sometimes have tuna (usually with a little olive oil) while she has peanut butter bread. So she decided to combine. She says it's good. I haven't tried it myself. ;)



My 9 year old dd loves tuna and peanut butter sandwiches - glad to see she's not the only one :D

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