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If you woke up tomorrow and

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I hope if I woke up as a man, I would be taller than I am as a woman. I would enjoy reaching all the things I currently have to stand on a chair to get. I think I would also play golf or at least go to the driving range. With my husband's driver. I wonder how far I could hit the ball if I was a man !

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This was like my biggest wish when I was younger!


Explore myself...I want to know how they (men) work/feel. :lol:




Buy a kilt.


Then this:lol:


then maybe I would just enjoy not making supper, cleaning the house, weeding the garden, or any of those other things that the guys around here have deemed 'for girls'.

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Probably fart and scratch myself....


Well, you asked.....




I would jump for joy at the thought of NO MORE PERIODS, and know what it feels like to get through a month without the hormonal ups and downs of womanhood. I often wonder how long a man could last dealing with all we women do.

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Am I dh? Is he me? Hm, that would be weird. We'd have to do each other's hair. I guess I would want to have teA? That would be weird with me though. Am I a random guy and I temporarily don't have to worry about it?


I would then go to work, and then both of our brains would explode as we tried to do each other's jobs.


I over think these threads.

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Definitely pee standing up. then go out and about behaving no differently than I do now and see if there is a difference in how I'm treated.


That would be interesting. I'd like to do that being a different body size/shape or a different skin color as well.

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then go out and about behaving no differently than I do now and see if there is a difference in how I'm treated.


This was my first thought! I'd love to go place where I normally go and see if I am treated differently and in what way. I'm a petite female and I think I usually am treated nicer and more gently than others, but nobody listens to me. I would love to test my theory that as a man my words would be more respected but I would not be treated as nicely.

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Pee standing up, then flex in the mirror. Wait, isn't that what they do anyway? :D


Amusingly, this topic came up a while back when I was in a bar with a bunch of guys. They said, nearly unanimously 'If I woke up as a woman, I think I'd spend 3 hours standing in the bathroom looking in the mirror jiggling my chest.'

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