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For those who took a summer break, when are you starting up again?

When do you start the new school year?  

  1. 1. When do you start the new school year?

    • First week of August
    • Middle of August
    • End of August
    • First week of September
    • Never stopped

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I try to follow the schedule of my DD's cousin (who goes to a fancy private school). Just because they like to play together, and if she has started school already then my DD won't really mind starting too. But this year they are going back on August 6th. and that seems really soon LOL

When she was in K & 1st grade we didn't start till Sep. 1st. But that seems really far away. LOL


So tell me when you start back? Or if you never stopped?

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Yeah, the planning and ordering is so much fun. I hope the teaching lives up to it :)


August 13 - if I can get off my duff and finish getting ready. I'm procrastinating. All the planning and ordering is done (the fun stuff), and I have printing off/copying (not the fun stuff) to do.
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Oh, I know what you mean. Our pool turned green so we haven't been outside for like a week cause of the heat. And they are starting to get antsy :(


This coming Monday (23 July). The kids aren't playing outside because of the heat. Rather than them complaining about being bored, we'll start early and break frequently when it's nice enough to play outside again.
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I try to follow the schedule of my DD's cousin (who goes to a fancy private school). Just because they like to play together, and if she has started school already then my DD won't really mind starting too. But this year they are going back on August 6th. and that seems really soon LOL

When she was in K & 1st grade we didn't start till Sep. 1st. But that seems really far away. LOL


So tell me when you start back? Or if you never stopped?


August 20th, although my son will take 1 class at our ps that starts Aug 8th. I think a couple of my dd's online classes start in Sept.

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August 20. pS here starts Aug 6, but DD and I are going to go visit family out of state for the first two weeks of Aug, and since I know it will take a few days to get back in sync, I'm starting school officially the following Monday. That's also when dance, co-op, and homeschool science start, so it's a good week to be official.

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This coming Monday (23 July). The kids aren't playing outside because of the heat. Rather than them complaining about being bored, we'll start early and break frequently when it's nice enough to play outside again.


:iagree: Of course, I'm more ready/excited than the boys.:glare: But we've been out for six weeks, and that's plenty.;)

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Feelin' a little awkward about it, but we one took one week completely off at the end of May. With that exception, we never stopped piano, math and reading. Science started again in mid June. Everything else started again week of July 2. :001_unsure: The days seem to run pretty smoothly though, so it's all good.

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We've always started after Labor Day or ds' birthday, whichever comes last. This year his birthday falls on Labor Day. However, he'll be taking a class at the high school, and school starts August 8th. I can't decide if we'll start when school starts, or if I should just let him get used to taking a class (he's never been to school), and start our homeschooling later like we've always done.


So, we might end up with 2 start dates - the one he'll have for his ps class, and our homeschool start date.

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DD starts back to her enrichment program on the 9th. We'll probably start ramping up with independent work the following week, and really get into the swing of things once I finish my summer externship (which has me working nearly full time).

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Rather than them complaining about being bored, we'll start early and break frequently when it's nice enough to play outside again.



I don't plan on starting until the end of August, but I told my kids if they don't stop complaining about being bored we will just start school early. This is the first year we have not schooled the whole year long. Maybe there was a reason I never took a long break.

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We started Kindergarten July 2nd. I was planning on starting in June, but life circumstances pushed it back to July. We still aren't doing our full load, since I still need to order one or two things, but we do Math, Science, Reading and History daily right now and it is working out well.

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Officially, August 27th. Will be doing a three week Olympic Unit that I am counting as school and hopefully, taking a few days at the beach in September but all the regular stuff will start last week of August. Still have some ordering and planning to do:auto:

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I don't plan on starting until the end of August, but I told my kids if they don't stop complaining about being bored we will just start school early. This is the first year we have not schooled the whole year long. Maybe there was a reason I never took a long break.
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This coming Monday (23 July). The kids aren't playing outside because of the heat. Rather than them complaining about being bored, we'll start early and break frequently when it's nice enough to play outside again.


We are doing this too...for the same reasons.

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Well, this got alot more replies than I expected. Thanks everybody. I think we will be starting the middle of August. If I can get rid of the rest of these books (see my for sale post) and finish organizing the school room (see my "I need a school desk" post).

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