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Need some prayers and positive thoughts...

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My daughter went to jail again and I have her four year old son living with me. He is a wonderful boy and we are very happy to have him. He has a sister, age 22 months, my granddaughter, who is currently in my house tonight but her custody belongs to her daddy. This is where the prayer part comes in.

Her daddy is a drug dealer, drug user, and a drunk. He is on probation from selling drugs. He drags this little girl all over town with him at all hours while he is making his rounds. His probation officer isn't too interested in him, but we are hoping to get CPS involved so I can get this little girl to stay with me legally. Now, I have some insider help at CPS (Dh works there) but that just means that we have to be extra careful with things so that the daddy can't claim we are not respecting his rights. If you are so inclined, a little prayer to the effect that things work out the best way possible for this little girl would be wonderful.

My daughter is also three months pregnant to this same daddy, and this jail term has prevented her from having an abortion. If you are further inclined to prayer and positive thoughts, please pray that this little boy she is carrying also has things work out for him as well. In fact, this whole family needs some help, so any little prayer or positive thought you can send would be very appreciated. I know there is a lot going on now, with the fires in Colorado and the storms, and everything else going on in the world, but if you are so inclined we would be very grateful.

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What an awful situation for you and your g-kids. And.... while you just wanna smack your daughter "upside the head" (whatever that expression means) it's that thing about your kids are your kids.... for better or worse :( I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with the problems from all of this. I have to say that maybe your g-son will be protected from further harm(while in utero)!! Prayers that you get all your g-babies and can also win the lottery. I'd need a full time nanny!! :) Glad you're able to "step up to the plate" even though it's not the most carefree life you could have!!! Your g-kids will be thankful, too!!!

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Update: My granddaughter's daddy came to my house and took her this afternoon. The CPS caseworker who got the case told me to call if he showed up, so I did. But she was at lunch and I wasn't able to get through to her in time for her to get the temporary order she wanted to get to stop him.


That little girl cried and cried when her daddy tried to take her. I confronted him as much as I could and tried to talk him into letting her stay with us. He is homeless, living with 'friends'. He has had only one job since getting out of jail and he quit that after a week. He is selling drugs again and has no plans to get a job. He told me that he was planning to apply for cash assistance and food stamps because he is a single dad now. I had to give him the diapers I had because he didn't even have any. I know he just wants her so he can apply for benefits. He has no clothes for her, no bed, no car seat, nothing. She has a little doll that she loves, but it wasn't with her and no one knows what happened to it. This is just killing me.


The CPS worker says she can get some kind of temporary order to take custody of my granddaughter from him pending an investigation into his living situation and all that, and she let his probation officer know about it so that when he checks in there they will ask him about the little girl. No one knows where he is staying, even the probation officer says he isn't at the address he gave them. The only good thing is that this isn't a big town and someone will see him with her. He is angry with us for talking to CPS about him and said he won't let us have the little one for visits anymore.


My four year old grandson is settled in here, but he misses his sister and he is worried about her. I haven't heard from their mom (my daughter) yet from jail.


On one hand I want to hope that he plans to step up and be a dad and that he will try to do the right thing for her, but I'm so afraid that really isn't suddenly going to happen.

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You don't have to have CPS involved to petition for custody of a grandkid (at least not in Texas). Pretty much, the judge would likely order a drug test, he'd fail, and you'd get her. Problem solved. Same with baby. He'd have to prove he could provide for the children in order to get them back. In my niece's case, the judge ordered child support paid to the grandmother, parenting classes, drug education, drug testing, etc. In the end, she went on with her life and the little girl lives with grandma. BTW, she initially got the child by filing for emergency temporary custody. That would probably be your best bet.


Anyway, so it may be a shot since you don't want any CPS conflict of interest issues.

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