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What did you do while the Hive was down?

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Anyone much more productive? :tongue_smilie: Anyone not even notice? :D


I was sick all yesterday and sad to not have the lounging around distraction.


But at least I have power. I know a bunch of people - including some WTM'ers who are without at last check.

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I checked several times all day. I never realized how much I come here until it was gone! Gosh, I really missed it.


It has been a concern, though, about those that have been without power during this time. My heart goes out to them.




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YOu know, I had returned from camping yesterday - so I unpacked. Later I went to go see the WTM and it was gone! I couldn't believe it! I thought my computer was messed up, so I kept checking. I'm pretty pathetic, missing my Hive.

Glad it's back - praying for the East Coast folks.



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Anyone much more productive? :tongue_smilie: Anyone not even notice? :D


I was sick all yesterday and sad to not have the lounging around distraction.


But at least I have power. I know a bunch of people - including some WTM'ers who are without at last check.


I spent the day checking to see if it was back yet :tongue_smilie:. I read stories about the storms and the power cuts over there (suspecting that was all crucial to our being reconnected).


I also spent a good long time reading the I Capture the Rowhouse blog ;). It's one of my favourites. There you persuaded me to buy the Writer's Jungle, which I then spent a good long time reading, along with the Brave Writer website - I'm very excited :001_smile:.

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I checked several times all day. I never realized how much I come here until it was gone! Gosh, I really missed it.


It has been a concern, though, about those that have been without power during this time. My heart goes out to them.






I checked over and over again. sigh


Apparently, I need some kind of intervention. :lol:

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I started my summer to do list, still went and did my volunteer time and spent a good chunk of time updating my FB photo album about the 2011/2012 school year. Finished it just in time, today is day 1 of the 2012/2013 school year photo album lol And in between all that I checked about every 30 minutes if it was back up yet, then went and checked out the group on FB and PHP on FB and laughed about the kilt picture

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We had a big birthday party and cookout. 33 folks (that's big for in the middle of nowhere) I got home from the store around noon and cooked for about four hours.


Hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, four kinds of cake, ice cream, stuffed mushrooms, chicken salad in wonton wrappers, fruit salad, dips and chips, winebeermargueritas!!!!

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For me, the site couldn't have picked a better day to go down. :tongue_smilie: DH took the kids out for the entire day. They went to the movies, then the mall to buy everyone a new pair sunglasses, to get the boys haircuts, to pick a new bike for DH, and then out to dinner. They were gone from 10 am until 8 pm, just in time for bedtime. I planned and planned and planned without interruption. It was heavenly!

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I checked over and over again. sigh


Apparently, I need some kind of intervention. :lol:

Yeah, me too.:001_huh:



I watched some videos at Education Unboxed while I was sorting laundry/ironing.



DD and I watched a bunch of 4th of July, Nail Art videos on youtube. So now I have different designs on 5 of my nails.:tongue_smilie:

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Kept checking to see if it was back!


I did some laundry. Sorted coupons. Played video games. Cleaned up my kitchen, but it sure doesn't look like I did anymore.


I kept thinking that will the board down, I should really get some stuff done.

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I also spent a good long time reading the I Capture the Rowhouse blog ;). It's one of my favourites. There you persuaded me to buy the Writer's Jungle, which I then spent a good long time reading, along with the Brave Writer website - I'm very excited :001_smile:.


Aw. Thanks. :blush: TWJ is a good read, huh?


The other thing I did was learn about derechos with the kids. Hm, I wonder if that should be derechoes. When it came through, I was convinced it was a tornado. We found

about what they are.
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Nothing. Our power was out and it was 100 degrees, so I spent the day laying around trying to stay cool. I could have been VERY productive a) if it hadn't been so hot, and b)if the power had been on. I needed to do stuff in the basement (which was probably very cool) but I had no lights.


We were without power for about 24 hours. Fortunately, we have a generator so we didn't lose any food, and we could keep the games, nooks, ipads and phones charged. Priorities! ;) It actually was good, because the kids were BORED. The pool was FULL of carp from the trees, and the filter was full. But we couldn't run it, so they couldn't swim. And it was HOT and HUMID. So they didn't want to spend much time outside.

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um.....kept refreshing till they were up again? :tongue_smilie:


I don't think I really got anything done....except slept.


If there was no WTM forums....where on earth would I go to babble incessantly every night? :lol:


This!! I don't post a ton but apparently I spend way too much of my awake time on this site or thinking about this site b/c I checked it A LOT yesterday.


I don't have any FB or e-mails for people on here, and I was surprised to find myself having WTM Withdrawal!! I found myself feeling isolated from Homeschool Land (which is apparently how I think about this site:001_huh:). Do I sound like a Smurf or something? Or just a mom who needs to find more IRL homeschool friends...:glare:



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I have a cold....and was miserable. I wanted to plan out my curriculum purchases....but without the hive here for reference...and me feeling crummy...

We'll...I put it off for today.


Still feel crummy....maybe I'll go bake in the sun until the snot dries up....GAH!

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I checked the board about 25 times or so. :D


Otherwise, I read some other websites, talked on the phone for a while, we went to church and dinner last night. Not too much.


I'm not on FB so I didn't even know there was a group over there. I was really glad to see Jedi Bob's message last night so I knew it wasn't just me and the world wasn't ending or anything. ;)

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I was all set up to do some research and planning on Friday night, but without being able to search on here, I didn't get very far. I bought snacks and everything. I guess I'll have to do it tonight.


Instead, I caught up on Grey's Anatomy, then spent yesterday at a softball tournament.

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I watched a lot more episodes of Law & Order Criminal Intent on Netflix that I normally do in a day. :D Except for a short period of time when BOTH Netflix and the Hive were down... then I actually had to clean house.


What are the odds, right??!?! I got up to check my connection, and then I realized OH, the storms. hence the nap and the ice cream sandwich.

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Anyone much more productive? :tongue_smilie: Anyone not even notice? :D


I was sick all yesterday and sad to not have the lounging around distraction.


But at least I have power. I know a bunch of people - including some WTM'ers who are without at last check.


I made blueberry jam till 1130pm, and am finishing up another few batches after picking 30 pounds of it yesterday morning. Hard work, but will be so good.

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Pulled a 4-H rocket science float in the local Freedom Festival Parade (the rocket team carried banners to go with it), showered very hot horses, refilled water tanks, repaired ten feet of fence that the STUPID llamas and sheep tore down so they could talk a long walk down the road, herded said stupid animals back to their pasture, cleaned up a dead chicken - looked like a coon or weasel got it, very disgusting - watered the strawberry patch and said a prayer of thankfulness that dispite the lack of rain, we don't have a watering ban yet, watered my stupid, rebellious, stunted, stubborn apple trees who continue to be allowed to live because they are too small to cut down and use for smoking salmon....otherwise I'd euthanize the ^%$#$#$#% trees, tried to make contact with nephew and wife in Baltimore and we still haven't heard from them but I don't think Balitmore was hard hit so my guess is they went off for the weekend with friends, repaired the hole in the barn where I think the above mentioned coon or weasel came through and will do more barn proofing tonight when the temperature goes down, did some cooking which I hate - I'd rather repair fence any day - brushed the white horse who had promptly rolled in some rather loamy area after his shower and was unrecognizable...he is my friend's favorite and the one that had been sick (recovered completely YEAH!!!!!!) and I'm pampering him, and checked over a lame duck to see if the leg was broken. Oh, and cooked supper for dear friend's husband who is not fairing so well in the heat. (This would be the twin's maternal grandpa.) His Lyme's is flaring up and he's pushing himself too hard (he's a solar contractor). So, I made some sauted chicken with mushrooms, red and yellow bell peppers, celery, and bean sprouts served over rice with and a side fresh cherries. He hasn't been eating well since his wife has been gone for two weeks. He is not good about taking care of himself and he wants to help me take care of the farm, but he's developed a hay allergy and in this heat, his asthma goes nuts when he is in the barn. I'm doing my level best to keep him out of there even though he's stubborn. Do I get a gold star for having my own husband plus one more????? Seriously, the whole polygamy/poly husband thing...no thanks. One man is plenty. Two is just NUTS!


Wow, that is a long list, but it all went so fast that it didn't seem long at the time.


Faith - who may murder a predatory animal tonight if one more of her friend's laying hens is savagely exterminated.

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I emptied both of my tall bookcases and sorted the books. I have 5 bags of books for goodwill (nothing worth selling), 1 bag for giveaway at the next Charlotte Mason meeting and 6 boxes to reshelf. I found a buyer for my tall bookcases and replaced them with a prettier bookcase.

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Normal Saturday stuff, went to the grocery store, cleaned one and a half baths (left one for today, still have to do it), ran the vac downstairs, sat around the pool with dh AND checked in here about a bizillion times:tongue_smilie:


Apparently, this IS where I get my news because we live in South Central PA and I had no idea that the DC area (about 2 hours south of us) had such horrible storms. I need an emergency back-up in case this ever (what are the chances?) happens again;).

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I sweltered. I shopped for ice. I consolidated as much food as I could into our freezer, added bags of ice, and then slowly gave up hope that the food would be salvageable. I gave away 100 pounds of ice to Sabbath-observant neighbors. I read to the kids. I was grateful for our shady lot that leaves our house more or less habitable as the temp climbs up near 100 every day.


This morning we went to church (no AC, but we could plug in and charge our phones) and now I am at the laundromat. (No AC! Why doesn't the laundromat have AC?!)


We are going to friends tonight for dinner and a swim. Then I think we'll all sleep in the basement together because it's the coolest part of the house.


I'm having a hard time, y'all.

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I sweltered. I shopped for ice. I consolidated as much food as I could into our freezer, added bags of ice, and then slowly gave up hope that the food would be salvageable. I gave away 100 pounds of ice to Sabbath-observant neighbors. I read to the kids. I was grateful for our shady lot that leaves our house more or less habitable as the temp climbs up near 100 every day.


This morning we went to church (no AC, but we could plug in and charge our phones) and now I am at the laundromat. (No AC! Why doesn't the laundromat have AC?!)


We are going to friends tonight for dinner and a swim. Then I think we'll all sleep in the basement together because it's the coolest part of the house.


I'm having a hard time, y'all.



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I sweltered. I shopped for ice. I consolidated as much food as I could into our freezer, added bags of ice, and then slowly gave up hope that the food would be salvageable. I gave away 100 pounds of ice to Sabbath-observant neighbors. I read to the kids. I was grateful for our shady lot that leaves our house more or less habitable as the temp climbs up near 100 every day.


This morning we went to church (no AC, but we could plug in and charge our phones) and now I am at the laundromat. (No AC! Why doesn't the laundromat have AC?!)


We are going to friends tonight for dinner and a swim. Then I think we'll all sleep in the basement together because it's the coolest part of the house.


I'm having a hard time, y'all.


:grouphug: I saw how you guys were still without power. Someone else I know is without water as well (well on an electric pump). I feel really blessed that we don't lose power... pretty much ever. Other than maintenance and one maintenance accident ages ago, we've never lose power here.

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I missed it sorely, although I did get some lesson planning done. It felt like the whole "internet" was down--that's how much time I spend here.



Pinterest was down for a while Friday night too, and I was totally lost!


Honestly, I did not realize how much I rely on the Hive. Wow. Being forced to go without made me realize just how much it means to me to have access to these boards.


So, are there T-shirts? Y'know, like: "I survived the Great WTM Forum Outage of 2012?" :D

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I was reading Imp's thread when it went down. At first I thought the thread was deleted for some reason, but soon realized the whole board was down. I checked several times Friday night and Saturday to see if it was back up. I'm usually pretty unplugged on weekends though so it wasn't bad. I often pop in when I sit down to take a break from whatever I'm doing, and I did miss being able to do that.

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So, are there T-shirts? Y'know, like: "I survived the Great WTM Forum Outage of 2012?" :D


:D cute


I organized and decluttered. I got a lot done. Every time I sat down for a break, I tried WTM. There was nothing to see, so I just got back to work. :tongue_smilie:

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