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No fireworks for us again this year....Is your area doing fireworks?

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This is the 4th or 5th year in a row they've banned all fireworks in our county - everyone was really looking forward to fireworks as it had looked like they weren't going to ban them this year since we've had quite a bit of rain.



So - are fireworks banned in your area?

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Aside from sparklers and little smoke-thingies, fireworks have always been banned here. Of course, they are not banned in Wisconsin or Indiana, and folks simply cross the state line to stock up and bring 'em home.


:D My dad used to load up his car with fireworks in the 50's in Michigan and go to Illinois to sell them

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The city mayor announced today that private fireworks are banned inside the city limits, until we get rain. They are still planning to do the city fireworks. I think they shoot those off of a barge in the river. Folks in the county can still shoot their private ones.

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I know the city will be doing a fireworks show on Saturday but it is like 20 minutes long. Add in the time to find a place to park, a place to watch them from and then leaving afterwards, it really isn't worth it. We will be crossing a border, either SD or MO, and buying some fireworks (better selection in those states). We live rurally so we really want to let the kids enjoy fireworks this year. My sister is super excited because she has lived in AZ for years now so this is the first year that she can buy fireworks to use at home. :tongue_smilie:

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Selling/buying them in our city is legal, setting them off is not. I was at the store today and there was a big tent in front where they were selling them. There was a loud man going off about stupid fireworks and the wildfires. He was kind of scary and we went in the store we were at very quickly!

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Fireworks are a big, hairy deal here. I've never known them to put a ban on them because of the dry weather.


Needless to say, I've been watering my grass a little at night in case a stray lands in my yard. I hear them going off almost every night until 11 or so. Good thing my kids don't seem to care.

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Our city passed a law years ago making fireworks of any kind illegal in the city limits, not that it stops people from buying them outside the city and bringing them home to set them off. ;) The city puts on a big display downtown, we don't go as it's too much a pain to find seating and then get back home.


We go over to my parents house where their town doesn't have any restrictions. We buy a bunch and set them off, the kids have a lot of fun.

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Unbelievably, even after this, we have them all the time in the summer. Next week, we'll have them every night, most likely for the 4th. Well, I should say that most of the time, other municipalities are handling the pyrotechnics, v. the one in the article. ;)


In NJ, personal fireworks other than sparklers are prohibited.



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I honestly don't know :001_huh:


Apparently, Canada Day (July 1st) is a big whoop de do in this small town. They're celebrating it on Sat though, since Sunday is a no no. (Still getting used to small town ways).


I don't know about fireworks, but apparently there's tonnes of activities...incl 'duck bingo' :001_huh:


Wolf had to explain that one to me. They grid out a fenced area, put a duck on it...and what ever square it poops on wins. :001_huh:


Oh. Goody. Standing around, waiting for a duck to poo.

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I haven't heard for sure yet. I think that the adjacent county has allowed the stands to open, but we're in a severe drought. My city's professional display is shot from about 200 yards from my house (the distance between being grassland that's getting a bit crunchy), so I will be completely understanding if they cancel again. And totally annoyed with neighbors who shoot illegal ones into my yard like they did last year when they were quite definitively banned.

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As of right now the public display in town is still on. It celebrates the end of the BIG yearly event here. I think it will go on, but we'll see.


The use of any fireworks are banned statewide right now and have been for awhile, as it should be! However in some areas, like here, it is still legal to sell them. :glare:


I expect there will still be lots of people setting them off near me and I'm going to be grumpy and scared about it. It's so dry here.

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I'm with ya. After seeing the neighbor who blew off a couple fingers when I was a kid, I really wish all those pyros would just grow up and leave this to the professionals. I love the public fireworks, but hate the backyard ones. I really hate that I have to listen to them until 3 in the morning for several days in a row. It will be really interesting with the dog. When the high school had their graduation, Bear barked quite loudly at their fireworks. It was as if he was shouting at them to knock it off. That lasted for just a couple minutes. I really wonder how he will deal with a 30 minute public display and then the constant bang-bang all night long. He doesn't seem to be scared, just ticked off.

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We've only been able to buy "popper" type fireworks in my town in N TX since we moved here 12 yrs ago. It makes for a very blah 4th IMO. I'm used to the fun fireworks we could buy in KY, and those weren't big at all! We can't even find sparklers here. :(

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Frugalmama, the news tonight said that the city fireworks were still on. (so far.... we do have almost a week to go though)


Woohoo! Hoping they don't cancel the public shows - we can sometimes see the Windcrest ones from our front yard if it's not too cloudy.

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NOOOooooooOOOO!!!! Say it ain't so!!!




Okay... so it ain't so??? :lol:


I'm so confused. :tongue_smilie:




To my fellow San Antonians... my husband and I got engaged while watching the grand finale of the 4th of July fireworks show. He popped the question (and the ring) while we were sitting on a blanket under the fireworks at Randolph AFB.


My son says that July 4th is his mom and dad's "engage-iversary". :D


Aww that's so sweet! I've never seen the Randolph show, but I've heard it's good.


They said on the news tonight that individual sales were off, but the big city shows were still on :D

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NOOOooooooOOOO!!!! Say it ain't so!!!




Okay... so it ain't so??? :lol:


I'm so confused. :tongue_smilie:




To my fellow San Antonians... my husband and I got engaged while watching the grand finale of the 4th of July fireworks show. He popped the question (and the ring) while we were sitting on a blanket under the fireworks at Randolph AFB.

My son says that July 4th is his mom and dad's "engage-iversary". :D


Awesome! Wish my dh had done that! Of course, I probably would have smacked him for interuppting my fireworks! And as of now, city/professional fireworks are still allowed.


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We are leaving town so I don't have to hear the fireworks.


Okay, that's not really why, it's just a bonus. I swing between feeling like it's kind of cool that we can sit on our lawn and see a few dozen professional quality shows being put on in every direction from peoples' front lawns and the middle of our street and so forth... and feeling like the noise all night for days, the smoke hanging so thick in the air that it makes visibility low, and the general war zone feel to the sounds are completely INSANE.


I've really never experienced anything like fireworks in inner city DC around the fourth. Not in other cities, not anywhere. It's truly bizarre here.

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I honestly don't know :001_huh:


Apparently, Canada Day (July 1st) is a big whoop de do in this small town. They're celebrating it on Sat though, since Sunday is a no no. (Still getting used to small town ways).


I don't know about fireworks, but apparently there's tonnes of activities...incl 'duck bingo' :001_huh:


Wolf had to explain that one to me. They grid out a fenced area, put a duck on it...and what ever square it poops on wins. :001_huh:


Oh. Goody. Standing around, waiting for a duck to poo.



I am literally laughing out loud. Loudly. Oh my gosh. This is hilarious. Can I come to Canada? I want to play duck bingo. Please let me play duck bingo. It's just been added to my bucket list. In fact, it's just been moved up to the top of my bucket list. Duck bingo. Freakin' great. (For the record. I'm still laughing. I don't know why I find this so amusing, but I do!!!)


Anyway, back to the original topic- I didn't realize some places cancelled fireworks. I wish they'd cancel them. I hate fireworks. Always have. Pictures of me as a kid on the fourth of July always include my mom holding her hands over my ears, or me holding my hands over my ears. My mom and DD will be watching fireworks together this year, as they have every year since DD was born. I've never watched them with DD. (Does that make me a horrible mother? I really hate them. :tongue_smilie:)

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I am literally laughing out loud. Loudly. Oh my gosh. This is hilarious. Can I come to Canada? I want to play duck bingo. Please let me play duck bingo. It's just been added to my bucket list. In fact, it's just been moved up to the top of my bucket list. Duck bingo. Freakin' great. (For the record. I'm still laughing. I don't know why I find this so amusing, but I do!!!)

Let me clarify: this is NOT a Canadian thing. It's a this particular small town thing. I've lived in 2 diff provinces, and this is the FIRST I've time I've ever heard of duck bingo.


Frankly, I'm a bit skeered.

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Let me clarify: this is NOT a Canadian thing. It's a this particular small town thing. I've lived in 2 diff provinces, and this is the FIRST I've time I've ever heard of duck bingo.


Frankly, I'm a bit skeered.


I've heard of chicken sh#t bingo, but that was in Louisiana. Maybe it's an Acadian thing?

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Nope, not just Canadian. 'Round these parts, the folks play "cow pie bingo"... using, obviously, a cow and a large pasture.


Y'know, everything's bigger in Texas. :lol:

Apparently, that gets played around here too, but ducks are smaller and more...productive. So more rounds can be played.


The fact that Wolf has the need to educate me about such things makes me wonder about the future of our marriage :tongue_smilie:

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We live near a small town with a tiny shoppng mall, and the fire department sponsors fireworks almost every year. The county hires a group to do fireworks in the mall parking lot! You can see the show for miles around. People line the streets and also watch from nearby businesses. Our Bible study group (15-20 people) gathers in the back parking area at dh's business and we watch from there. It's just around the corner from the mall, so we have a great view without the crowds. This year, the fireworks are scheduled for this coming Saturday night.

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For the second time ever we have some fireworks ok'ed here but not all types. It was hilarious because the state gave all these reasons for not having any, yet across the border in new mexico they had the same type of environment and yet they weren't banned. It was a dumb bureaucratic thing for state government. Now we finally have some forms of fireworks we can buy here, not as many as NM or other states, but it's at least something. My kids love them, even though I won't let them handle them yet.

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I haven't heard for sure yet. I think that the adjacent county has allowed the stands to open, but we're in a severe drought. My city's professional display is shot from about 200 yards from my house (the distance between being grassland that's getting a bit crunchy), so I will be completely understanding if they cancel again. And totally annoyed with neighbors who shoot illegal ones into my yard like they did last year when they were quite definitively banned.


The fireworks stand between Austin and Bastrop is open and selling!

I'd be happy if they were banned. I liked fireworks as a kid but now I'm just scared!

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I've heard of chicken sh#t bingo, but that was in Louisiana. Maybe it's an Acadian thing?


Nope, not just Canadian. 'Round these parts, the folks play "cow pie bingo"... using, obviously, a cow and a large pasture.


Y'know, everything's bigger in Texas. :lol:


:lol::lol: Today is a new day, and these games still amuse me just as much as they did yesterday. Really, this disturbs me. I consider myself a fairly cultured person. DD and I go to, and enjoy!, the orchestra, the ballet, plays, foreign movies.... we read good literature, don't watch a lot of junk of TV.... and somehow.... :D

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I haven't checked for our local Freedom Festival. However, if they have not called it off, I'm going to be mighty angry. It's dry, dry, dry...this county is an inferno waiting to happen and it really would be stupid to have a fireworks show when it's dangerous for me to even go out and roast a hot dog in my metal fire ring. Whether or not the fire department is there with a water truck or not, is neither here nor there. The powers that be need to role model responsibility.


Of course, the neighbors next door that always get REALLY drunk and play with firecrackers will not be stopped. Likely dh and I will have to sit out there at the property line all night long with the hose. The 30 year old that owns the place is a totally irresponsible human being!


I really wish that some of the rain that drowned Duluth would have headed south and east and dumped over us.



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Well...I am in Colorado. And since everything is on fire, the governor has banned all open burning in the entire state. That is actually a good thing. But cities/towns can get special permission to have fireworks. I have only heard of a few in the Denver area that are actually doing them. But there aren't any near us. And I am ok with that...I can wait until we go to Disneyland in a couple of years and get a much better show anyway! :lol:

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:lol::lol: Today is a new day, and these games still amuse me just as much as they did yesterday. Really, this disturbs me. I consider myself a fairly cultured person. DD and I go to, and enjoy!, the orchestra, the ballet, plays, foreign movies.... we read good literature, don't watch a lot of junk of TV.... and somehow.... :D

I feel the same way. Kinda horrified facination

Cow pie bingo here too. I don't know how you'd play duck bingo--they never STOP!

I think that's the whole point. More winners, more rounds faster.


Wouldn't surprise me if they fed the duck bread soaked in prunes. :glare:

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