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Do you have many friends? Do you spend much time with others?

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Besides your DC and DH, I mean?


I've been home alone since Thursday. DH and DS went to Ohio to visit his family for five days. DH called today to see how I was doing. He asked if I've seen any friends, and I said no. I only have two friends that I would even consider seeing without our kids, and both happen to be out of town.


DH was sort of amazed, and said I really need to get more friends. And now I'm thinking about it, and wondering if I feel bad, or if I feel like there is something wrong with me. I don't really feel a huge need to get out and socialize. Now, if I was going to be on my own for a lot longer than five days, then I might be more motivated by boredom. But I've been just fine doing basically nothing for these days.


So, tell me, do you all have lots of friends? If you were on your own for five days, would you feel like you had to socialize, or would you be content on your own? Should I start seeking out a lot more friends?

Michelle T

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Depends on my mood. I was all set to see people this weekend, but nothing panned out. And that was okay too. I actually have a good sized group of friends that I do things with on occasion. Hasn't always been this way. Only in the past few years have I had a circle of friends. There are probably about 5 female friends that I consider closer friends that I try to do things with here in town.

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You can come to my house and help me pack... come on, you know you want to! :001_rolleyes:


Honestly, for 2 days I'd hang out by myself. By day 3 I'd be calling everyone I know to get them to see a movie/have lunch/come help me pack. Whatever. I do like a little alone time, but I can only take so much!

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And now I'm thinking about it, and wondering if I feel bad, or if I feel like there is something wrong with me.


It never occurred to you to wonder, or to feel bad, until your dh brought it up. That tells me that you are perfectly content just as you are. It tells me that you are perfectly adjusted just as you are, no need to wonder or feel bad or change your ways.


We're all different, and life leads us to different relationships in turn. At this turn of my life, I have a lot of wonderful friends -- women who are rich in their sensitivities and wisdom and humor -- with whom I would most likely be socializing were I to be home alone for five days. I feel fortunate to have these friends, and I am drawn to and cultivate those kinds of relationships. However, last summer my children were away for more than two weeks. I spent my days mostly alone and reveled in the solitude.


You are who you are. S'all good. :)

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but I function best that way, LOL! I have about 6-7 friends I socialize with on a regular basis....I didn't used to have any friends and I just decided one day that I was sick of sitting home doing nothing all the time.


I certainly don't think it is NECESSARY to have friends....If you are perfectly happy without friends....I think that is fine.


My dh hasn't had any friends since I married him.... :(



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I tend to be a loner and it does not bother me. I have a different life than my frieds they have teens and beyond adn I have teens, 8yr, and a 2 year od so we drifted away frome ach other the past few years. I have several friends from my highschool days that I keep in touch with regularly but no friends or more just acquaintences here. If I had 5 days alone I'd go to my sisters or she would come here.

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How many members are we up to on the board right now? :lol: I have LOTS of friends! If you mean IRL friends, I have quite a few of those as well but I don't talk to them or see them near as frequently as you all! Our lives are just very different. Homeschooling keeps us on a very different schedule. I see my IRL friends at church. That's about it these days. Maybe, maybe, once a month I'll see a friend outside of church. Very sad b/c I'm such a people person and really NEED that socialization, KWIM? My dh says I get my "energy" from being around people.

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I don't have any friends in this area that I would call to just come over and hang out, separate from our respective kids. The closest friends of that sort we have are in the next state, and the closest ones that I would consider my friends (as opposed to friends my dw and I have made as a couple) are on the other coast.

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I used to have friends. When we moved here a year and a half agoI kinda dropped out of the friend thing. I'm not fru-fru enough for the "wives club." The guys dh works with - all the wives kinda live in the same small area. And I'm the weird homeschooling mom.

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DH was sort of amazed, and said I really need to get more friends. And now I'm thinking about it, and wondering if I feel bad, or if I feel like there is something wrong with me. I don't really feel a huge need to get out and socialize.


You know, there are those of us who are melancholy (also referred to as introverts) personalities, meaning we need our alone time to re-energize (I am def. one of those). Then there are the sanguines, who are lovingly referred to as "the party girls"...actually, it just means they get their renewed energies from being around others. Melancholies have to be alone to re-energize. There is nothing wrong with you. If I had to guess, I would say you are a melancholy and so you are doing EXACTLY what you need to do.

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I don't have many beyond acquaintances. As a pastor's wife, I find it difficult to hang around just a couple of people. It seems I am always doing things with my family, which is fine with me. I like to be alone and, with church activities and home education, I have about as much fellowship as I can stand.


I think we all have seasons. Right now, my season is lots of time with family and coveted alone time!! Besides, I consider you my friends...

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I have a number of friends that I do things with quite often. BUT, if DH and the kids were gone for a couple of days, I'm pretty sure I'd hole up and catch up on fun-for-me projects and reading. After a couple of days I'd probably be motivated to go for dinner or to the local wine bistro with friends, but I would definitely enjoy a couple of days of solitude.

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I'm in the no real friends phase of my life. We moved two years ago and nothing has panned out long term. I had lot of friends where we used to live, but not here.


It would be nice to have someone to call and go to garage sales or get a cup of coffee. Where we used to live we had Thursday night girls night every week. Things change however and they aren't even doing it anymore.

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If I cannot see them, I have to talk to them on the phone. I know other people who don't have that same need to socialize. It would be unfair for me to assume you should be like me. I love kicking back with my friends and laughing without worrying about the kids and the house etc. That said, there are times when I'm exhausted and I just want to curl up with only my own kids and no one else!

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You know, there are those of us who are melancholy (also referred to as introverts) personalities, meaning we need our alone time to re-energize (I am def. one of those). Then there are the sanguines, who are lovingly referred to as "the party girls"...actually, it just means they get their renewed energies from being around others. Melancholies have to be alone to re-energize. There is nothing wrong with you. If I had to guess, I would say you are a melancholy and so you are doing EXACTLY what you need to do.


I'm a melancholy crossed with sanguine, I love those personality terms. I have fun making lists, but not doing them. :seeya: Just waving at another melancholy.

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get together often. I have a few friends that live out of state and we talk several times a year. I'm okay with some "by myself time". I can think more clearly when the house is quiet. Dh and the dc go to the beach next week for a few days and I'm staying home to plan for next year. I treat myself to some special meals out while they are gone and don't feel guilty one bit. It's become a time of year that I treasure, esp. since I don't like summertime heat and humidity. The kids enjoy some one on one time with their dad and make some special memories. We all go together early in the summer when it's cooler here though.


Don't let the enemy drag you through the mud and get you all discouraged that you don't have many friends. Count this time as a blessing and enjoy just getting back in touch with yourself. You know we moms don't get time alone too often.





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I have 2 really close friends here locally and one about 2 hrs away. I have a circle of friends that I know through homeschooling, but not as close to them. My mom lives here too and is probably my best friend. If everyone left me alone for a week, I would probably hang out with her.

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Honestly, for 2 days I'd hang out by myself. By day 3 I'd be calling everyone I know to get them to see a movie/have lunch


This is me too. All of my friends have kids and we have a monthly (or bimonthly if it works out) Mom's night without kids. I LOVE those nights. When my kids were in day camp for 3 days a few weeks ago, I spent all 3 days alone. Then 2 weeks ago I had lunch with a friend (a friend who no kids) and we're making plans to do it again maybe this Thurs. The next time my kids do something, I'll spend the time alone.

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I have a handful of friends with whom I can be completely real and share my deepest thoughts. Three live close enough to see regularly. We are all busy, but two of them I generally see at least weekly if not more. The other one works and has no children, so we have to be more intentional to get together and we do a couple times a month. We talk on the phone a lot more often though. Then I have a few good friends who are about an hour away where I lived until last year. I miss them. We have good friendships and a history together, but they each have at least 5 children, and two of them homeschool, so it is not easy to get together. I talk to one of them on the phone almost daily though.


I need my friends. Maybe being a single mom makes my friendships more important to me than they would be if I had a husband, but I think that friendships would still be extremely important to me. I don't like big, shallow crowds of people, but I treasure true, heart to heart friendships.

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This is the truth. I have no friends here. My friends live a minimum of 90 miles away, then three hours away.

There are ladies that I have a speaking acquaintance with, but not "friends". I blog back and forth with some horse friends (waving at you all wildly) and I have some internet mom friends whose children go to college with my ds. I keep in contact with my IRL friends mostly over the internet too. Family all about 800-900 miles away.


I am pathetic. Is it any wonder this board is so important to me? Thank goodness I have dh and the dc.

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This is the truth. I have no friends here. My friends live a minimum of 90 miles away, then three hours away.

There are ladies that I have a speaking acquaintance with, but not "friends". I blog back and forth with some horse friends (waving at you all wildly) and I have some internet mom friends whose children go to college with my ds. I keep in contact with my IRL friends mostly over the internet too. Family all about 800-900 miles away.


I am pathetic. Is it any wonder this board is so important to me? Thank goodness I have dh and the dc.


You are far from pathetic! Each of us has different needs and circumstances. I do have a handful of closer friends here. It has taken a while to get there though. I was never one of the "popular" types, never part of the crowd. I consider this place part of my extended circle for which I am very thankful! I think you are a pretty cool woman. Nothing pathetic about you!

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I am very fortunate to have many activities that my children are involved in: swim team, scouts, brownies, 4H, and a tutorial. But out of those activities I have a group of four moms that homeschool, and we get together at one another's homes. Truly our friendship is a gift to each of us.


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I have two very good friends, one of whom I've been close with since high school. Beyond that I have a handful of more casual friends and acquaintances.


If I were to be home alone for a few days, I think I'd seek solitude rather than go out.

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I have 3 very good friends who are moms of my dc that I enjoy quite a bit. Also, I'm friends with thier old teacher (she also happens to have a ds the same age as my ds). I also have 2 friends that I've had since my own school days that I stay in touch with. The rest are all acquaintances. BUT, I am the kind of person who rarely wants to get together to do anything - until I'm forced into it and then I go and its fun. I'll chat on the phone with them, but its usually one of them who has to call me. Its not that I don't want to socialize with these people, its just that I'm not that particularly social. Occasionally I will instigate a get-together, but maybe about 4-5 times a year (when I absolutely HAVE to get out of my house!). I wish I was more social - but I'm not. My friends know this about me, so they are perfectly comfortable pushing and guilting me into doing something :).


Now, if my family left me alone for a few days? Well, I don't think I'd even answer the phone! I'd wander aimlessly around my very clean house wondering what I should be doing, but probably doing absolutely nothing. :D Enjoy your gift of solitude!

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if I did not have my dh and dc around.....peace, quiet and no need to make meals....just bags of chips, good books and this message board. Seriously though, my 2 sisters who live about 1000 miles away are my best friends. I moved to Georgia over 1 1/2 yrs ago, and have made lots of aquaintances, but no soul sisters. Sigh! I miss the fun of laughing over silly things, and having friends to share lifes funny moments with and the tears when they occur.

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I'm as introverted as the next person, but five days would even do me in. I think I'd be more inclined to want to get out and enjoy myself if everyone else were gone, since I wouldn't be exhausted from all the usual laundry/cleaning/cooking/chattering/bickering.


I tend to hang back and not want to go do things, but I will make time for my friends. I finally figured out that it's not that I'm so introverted, it's that the endless list of other commitments were things I didn't want to do in the first place. I am positively exhausted and my nerves are shot from any kind of large or crowded gathering, or one that requires me to interact with a whole lot of people at once. But one on one, I enjoy people.


I enjoy a movie or lunch out with friends, but I can also enjoy a trip to the bookstore or library alone. I sometimes have to make myself get out, and then I come back to my little corner and visit you guys.


I think *I* need to get out a few times a week, so I make myself, and I'm always glad I did afterwards. If you think you do, then find something you enjoy, but if you don't feel that, then you're fine as you are. :) Your dh was probably projecting how he'd feel, don't you think?

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I can't answer for you, each person has different needs when it comes to friends.


We just moved, so I'll speak to what I had in Florida, not what I have now. Yes, I had a lot of friends. Three that I am very, very close with and we would get together regularly with and without kids. Probably about 4 or 5 more that I would get together with on a semi regular basis. When I went back to Florida, kid free, to pack and move our house, I had a girls night out with 6 of us that are very close. I am also planning a trip back at some point to see them all and one has already flown out to see me here.


In our new home, I have 2 that I would hang out with without kids. Both are other pastor's wives in our church and their families have been active in getting us settled. Our husbands are all cut from the same cloth, so we have spent a lot of time together as families. We've been here for 8 months.

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Besides your DC and DH, I mean?


I've been home alone since Thursday. DH and DS went to Ohio to visit his family for five days. DH called today to see how I was doing. He asked if I've seen any friends, and I said no. I only have two friends that I would even consider seeing without our kids, and both happen to be out of town.


DH was sort of amazed, and said I really need to get more friends. And now I'm thinking about it, and wondering if I feel bad, or if I feel like there is something wrong with me. I don't really feel a huge need to get out and socialize. Now, if I was going to be on my own for a lot longer than five days, then I might be more motivated by boredom. But I've been just fine doing basically nothing for these days.


So, tell me, do you all have lots of friends? If you were on your own for five days, would you feel like you had to socialize, or would you be content on your own? Should I start seeking out a lot more friends?

Michelle T


DH took kiddos to see his family last month for five glorious days. I needed the quiet to be a reinvigorated and happy woman. It was a blessing and worked wonders. I went to dinner with a friend each night and it was enjoyable having an adult conversation. It was surprising just how many friends have been downgraded to acquaintance status as we've all become busy with our own lives. Never thought I'd say this, but it's really okay. Homeschool takes a huge toll on one's social life. That can always be renewed, but the children are only young once. I would rather enjoy them now and have the annual martini with my girlfriends when DCs are out of town. Soon enough we can have a daily coffee clutch as the college years near.


Did I even remotely answer your question? LOL Basically, don't worry about it! Plenty of time for friends later, unless you feel that piece of the proverbial puzzle missing now.

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I did go out to dinner with my mom tonight, so I had one meal with another human being! :001_smile:


DH is totally different from me in this area. He has TONS of friends, and hates to spend any time alone. If DS and I were gone for a few days, he would have planned out every minute in advance, and would not spend a minute home alone. So I guess he just can't understand my need for solitude.


Part of it is being shy though, something I need to work on overcoming. Well, I do still have a couple days to think about ways to change in this area! And the house is clean, I haven't cooked one meal, been doing a lot of reading, and way too much time here. It's been a nice time, actually.

Michelle T

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No, and the ones I do have live 2 hours away. It's pretty lonely. We've only lived in this town for a couple of years, and that included a semester of commuting to uni, and a pregnancy and a bit. I just haven't had enough time to make friends here yet. However, there is nothing like motherhood to make you appreciate time alone! If you really were broken, you'd have noticed already. There is nothing broken about wanting to lead a quiet, peaceful life!

One thing I used to do when I lived in our home town was invite friends for a girlie dinner once a month. Everyone bought a plate, so it wouldn't get too expensive. If everyone bought chicken, we ate lots of chicken. If everyone bought cake, we ate cake! If someone couldn't make it this month, they knew we'd be there same time, same day, same place next month. If no one came (some times of year are like that) I was at home eating dinner anyway. A very good way to entertain for homebodies. Plus, you can be sure of compliments when preparing your impressive recipes!



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The older I get the less friends I have. I'm so busy with my family and homeschooling that I don't really need that much social contact. I think my neighbors think I'm anti-social. We went from living in a German community where no one just knocked on your door to talk to living in military housing where everyone wants to know everything about you. GRRR! I just can't wrap my head around it. I'm busy, they have a different life from me and honestly I've become very picky in whom I call my friend. I've been burned a couple of times and that made me very standoff-ish...kwim.


Maybe I'm just nuts!:001_huh:

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My kids are going with their grandparents next week . . . and I've asked DH to go to work from M-W because I need some peace/quiet/solitude/ME-time.


I don't think it's odd that you spent 5 days by yourself . . . I'm going to spend 3 days alone and I. can't. wait.


Warmly, Tricia

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I've enjoyed reading these posts, I realize I don't have any real friends. I would enjoy a little quiet time if dh took the kids for a week, then I would probably hang out with my mom. I am busy with the kids and things so normally if we do anything we do things with my dad and step-mom or church stuff. I just figure it is the phase of my life I am in. I wouldn't be against having a friend, I would probably even welcome it, but I have always been a shy person so the other person would have to start it.

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So, tell me, do you all have lots of friends? If you were on your own for five days, would you feel like you had to socialize, or would you be content on your own? Should I start seeking out a lot more friends?

Michelle T


You know this has come out this past weekend in our house.


We are military living "on the economy" (meaning "not on post"). Our closest family is a 12 hour drive away (the next closest would be another day's drive).


We have lived here almost 3 years and are just starting to make "friends". (Please note that "friends" and "aquaintances" are different.) But, we live in an area where most people don't move away. So, they have family and life-long friends all within a 20 mile radius, it seems.


My kids look at their friends social calendars and get depressed. (For that matter, so do I.) Additionally, as military we feel like outsiders and don't want to "barge in on others" (which is exactly what it feels like when the others in question are so "settled"). This makes it a bit harder to make friends. . .


I am "content" on my own. We've been doing this for almost 20 years now, so I've grown accustomed to it. . . Wish it were different though, in all honesty.

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I don't have any real friends where we live right now. I have acquaintances but I have found it harder as I get older to make friends. We move about every 2 or so years with my husband's job and so just when I get a great friendship going...we move. I have long-distance friends but that is hard to maintain.

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I depends on where I am. Back in MN, I have a lot of friends. Good friends. People with whom I have a lot in common--kids, homeschooling, God. I miss them.


Here, I have good friends, but, we don't have much in common. Most of them are either empty-nesters, or they didn't have any children. I do things with them at times, but, they don't necessarily call and ask me to do something with them. It's lonely here. Sometimes I can't stand it!

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I did go out to dinner with my mom tonight, so I had one meal with another human being! :001_smile:


DH is totally different from me in this area. He has TONS of friends, and hates to spend any time alone. If DS and I were gone for a few days, he would have planned out every minute in advance, and would not spend a minute home alone. So I guess he just can't understand my need for solitude.


Part of it is being shy though, something I need to work on overcoming. Well, I do still have a couple days to think about ways to change in this area! And the house is clean, I haven't cooked one meal, been doing a lot of reading, and way too much time here. It's been a nice time, actually.

Michelle T



Well, it sounds to me like you are probably an introvert and your husband is an extrovert. It is not uncommon for introverts to be misunderstood. Our society tends to "value" extrovert behavior and see it as more normal. (in general ladies, not on this board certainly. You all are a very understanding bunch!)


I've posted this before, but you may get a few laughs out of reading Caring for Your Introvert.


I tend to have acquaintances more than friends because I am a very introverted and private person, but I think it is important even for us introverts to have one or two others to confide in, to share our burdens with.

I tend to do that with dh and with my sister. Then, I have a friend or two that I share with, but less of me. Then, I have a small group through church that I share with, but even less of myself personally. And, there are all of you, some of whom I know better than others. I had a larger group of "friends" when the dc were younger and we were all in a co-op together. Only one of them was the kind of friend I could be honest with if I was having a bad day, kwim. The rest were "surface" friends, someone to do something with, but not someone to share your deepest thoughts and ideas with. Sharing a piece of yourself is a very special thing and an introvert does not do that easily.

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I have 4 or 5 close girlfriends that I talk to on the phone and see occasionally. I have a few male friends that I have the same type of relationship with. My brother comes overnight every week to visit my son and I. I occasionally wish for less friends, because it seems like every time my introverted self actually has time without son or hubby, that is when my friends call, or want to make plans, etc., and I feel guilty blowing them off if I want to keep my alone time. However, I do not wish to be wholly friendless, so I tend to not really make the wish/prayer, and just hope an opportunity for alone time presents itself later. Oh well. It is a fine balance that I am still working on.

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It never occurred to you to wonder, or to feel bad, until your dh brought it up. That tells me that you are perfectly content just as you are. It tells me that you are perfectly adjusted just as you are, no need to wonder or feel bad or change your ways.


We're all different, and life leads us to different relationships in turn. At this turn of my life, I have a lot of wonderful friends -- women who are rich in their sensitivities and wisdom and humor -- with whom I would most likely be socializing were I to be home alone for five days. I feel fortunate to have these friends, and I am drawn to and cultivate those kinds of relationships. However, last summer my children were away for more than two weeks. I spent my days mostly alone and reveled in the solitude.


You are who you are. S'all good. :)


This is exactly what I would have said if I could have said it as well as Doran!!

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This is a neat thread. I have one BFF. LOL! We've been together since we were 13 (17 years). I am very dependent on her. She knows me so well. I also have 3 other really good friends. And then I have my mom, who I am really great friends with. Actually one of my younger brothers is one of my closest friends, but he lives 950 miles away. If my DH and DC were gone for several days, I would probably get together with a friend and have dinner or go over to my mom's house and watch a movie. But I don't think I would feel bad if I didn't!

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Well I only have two friends in our area LOL. One lives an hour a way and the other about 15 min. We don't get together all the time as schedules conflict some. But I'm not lonely, I'm a shy quiet person by nature. :tongue_smilie: It would be nice if we had a few more family friends but everyone in this area seems to keep to themselves.

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Besides your DC and DH, I mean?


I've been home alone since Thursday. DH and DS went to Ohio to visit his family for five days. DH called today to see how I was doing. He asked if I've seen any friends, and I said no. I only have two friends that I would even consider seeing without our kids, and both happen to be out of town.


DH was sort of amazed, and said I really need to get more friends. And now I'm thinking about it, and wondering if I feel bad, or if I feel like there is something wrong with me. I don't really feel a huge need to get out and socialize. Now, if I was going to be on my own for a lot longer than five days, then I might be more motivated by boredom. But I've been just fine doing basically nothing for these days.


So, tell me, do you all have lots of friends? If you were on your own for five days, would you feel like you had to socialize, or would you be content on your own? Should I start seeking out a lot more friends?

Michelle T


Dh used to worry about me the same way. My lack of friends used to bother me, too.


A couple of yrs ago, though, I came to a pt where I just realized that that's part of my personality. I can accept it or worry about it. I can enjoy it or fret about it.


I decided to embrace it. Dh is completely freaked out. (He thinks it's his job to help me w/ this stuff, encourage me to get out, etc.) LOL He's sweet, but it's been a real release to let go of the "expectation" that I'll have other women friends. Umm...not that I have men friends. I have kids, lol. That's it.

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I have one very close friend, who is also a homeschooler, and a dozen or so people we go out drinking, dancing, etc with on the weekends. We spent 8 or so years being total homebodies, and that has taken a dramatic turn this year. DH and I found a sitter, and we now go out 2 or 3 nights a week - sometimes alone, sometimes with friends - it's been fabulous, and such a welcome change of pace. We're going out Wednesday, and I'm already counting down the hours!

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well we're pretty new here, moved from CT to FL 1 year and 4 months ago. I like all the homeschoolers I've met in my group and we're starting to do things with others more this summer. However, I have not gotten a girl's night out. I used to do that in CT at least once a month. So I do miss that, and my good friend that I moved away from. She was a kindred spirit. It's sad not to have someone like her close by.

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