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I fell and now I am upset

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Friends, I have been working since before Christmas on some neck, back, and shoulder issues. Some of those issues are related to scoliosis and bone spurs. Some is due to rotator cuff injury.


I have had amazing improvement. Some symptoms are the best they have been in two decades. It has been exciting becoming strong and reducing pain dramatically.


Yesterday I fell. I feel so stupid about it. My sandal caught on the curb and I fell on my bad side onto the pavement.


My hand is swollen and I have a nasty bruise on my hip. My shoulder, neck, and back really, really hurt.


I'm so afraid that I have ruined all my work of the last six months. I am sick and tired of all the medical appointments and honestly, this has been horribly expensive, even though we have good insurance.


I went to the chiropractor this morning and am doing all the things I am supposed to do in terms of ice, stretching, and anti-inflammatory medicine.


I'm just frightened that the impact on my bad shoulder will undo all my hard work. I hope it feels better before we go camping in a few days.


I could use some hugs.

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Friends, I have been working since before Christmas on some neck, back, and shoulder issues. Some of those issues are related to scoliosis and bone spurs. Some is due to rotator cuff injury.


I have had amazing improvement. Some symptoms are the best they have been in two decades. It has been exciting becoming strong and reducing pain dramatically.


Yesterday I fell. I feel so stupid about it. My sandal caught on the curb and I fell on my bad side onto the pavement.


My hand is swollen and I have a nasty bruise on my hip. My shoulder, neck, and back really, really hurt.


I'm so afraid that I have ruined all my work of the last six months. I am sick and tired of all the medical appointments and honestly, this has been horribly expensive, even though we have good insurance.


I went to the chiropractor this morning and am doing all the things I am supposed to do in terms of ice, stretching, and anti-inflammatory medicine.


I'm just frightened that the impact on my bad shoulder will undo all my hard work. I hope it feels better before we go camping in a few days.


I could use some hugs.



So sorry! I have the same problems as you from scoliosis. All I can say is that I know how you feel! Glad that your injuries aren't more serious. A friend had a simple fall on some stairs and now is practically immobile (not paralyzed but disabled nonetheless).


I found that Benadryl helps a lot to "unclench" my neck and shoulder so I don't wake up with worse neck and shoulder pain - poor man's muscle relaxer :001_smile:. I do have allergies so it's like killing two birds with one stone.




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Having been through the long-term PT deal, I can empathize.


Crossing my fingers for a rapid rebound back to where you were, and maybe that will even give you a little lift if it works out.


Here's to strength from healing.

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Oh, honey, that stinks! :grouphug:


Whatever you do, though, keep moving with the ice/heat/anti-inflammatories. You do not want to lose tone in your rotator cuff, hip flexors, etc while you heal. Setbacks are not losing everything! Remember that and repeat it to yourself often.

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I am so sorry. Falling is scary. But, the best thing I have found is, unless it is broken or severely injured, keep moving to lessen stiffness.


I had a nasty fall outside last month. I went to toss a ball for the dog, but stepped on his lead as he was taking off to chase it. It was a spectacular fall - like cartoon banana peel fall. The kids said they hadn't ever seen me that high off the ground unaided. In addition to icing it and taking ibuprofen, I just kept active.

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So sorry! I have the same problems as you from scoliosis. All I can say is that I know how you feel! Glad that your injuries aren't more serious. A friend had a simple fall on some stairs and now is practically immobile (not paralyzed but disabled nonetheless).


I found that Benadryl helps a lot to "unclench" my neck and shoulder so I don't wake up with worse neck and shoulder pain - poor man's muscle relaxer :001_smile:. I do have allergies so it's like killing two birds with one stone.





Hmmmm . . . I will have to give Benadryl a try tonight. I never thought of that. I don't like prescription muscle relaxers because they make me incoherent for days.

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Oh, honey, that stinks! :grouphug:


Whatever you do, though, keep moving with the ice/heat/anti-inflammatories. You do not want to lose tone in your rotator cuff, hip flexors, etc while you heal. Setbacks are not losing everything! Remember that and repeat it to yourself often.


I'm really glad you and Ellen said to keep moving. I have been stretching and doing mild range-of-motion kinds of things, but was unsure if I am just supposed to lay in bed or not. I didn't want to lay there, so I defaulted to gentle stretching and motion. I appreciate the affirmation to do so.

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Friends, thanks again for the kind thoughts. Today was better. I just keep stretching. I do have some sore spots in my neck and shoulder. The one in my shoulder is worrying me. I see the physical therapist tomorrow.


Oh I am so glad, was thinking about you yesterday. Keep us posted!

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Can't believe I forgot to mention this *headdesk*


Two things that works wonders when Wolf has strained muscles (and I get charley horses in my bad arm, thanks RSD:glare:)


Magnesium (combined w/calcium) is good, and for the pain? Midol. Yes, seriously.


Also, I forced Wolf to start glucosamine. He did the whole guy thing, whining, turning up his nose, blah blah blah...but now he notices in a big hurry when he misses some, and recommends it to everyone.


Soaking in epsom salts can help too.


These are just things I've learned that can aid in muscle recovery/healing, plus some pain reduction.


Wishing you all the best :grouphug:

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Thanks again. It was a little better today too. On the one hand, the shoulder has gotten a lot better fairly quickly. For that I am so thankful, and would like to think that the hard work of the last six months has actually provided some protection. Honestly, six months ago a fall like would have put me flat on my back for days.


On the other hand, I do think the fall jarred my shoulder exactly the wrong way, because I have a particular muscle tension pattern that seems like what I had before. I think some swelling in the shoulder is raising my first rib. I will just keep with the exercise and stretches and continue praying that it settles down and does not get as acute as it was before. Only time will tell.


Thanks again.

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