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My mom is a dog racist...

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Okay after my PSA a weird funny that came about tonight.


Before tonight my mom mentioned many times how she was sure my puppy Onyx was going to grow up and attack people because he barks.


Today she told everyone at dinner that she knew he was going to grow up to be a bad dog because he is a dark color. Good dogs are always white/ light colored.


Such weird logic that we all were looking at her like this :001_huh: Finally ds8 pipes up "Gramma you are a dog racist!" That broke the silence but so weird.


SHe couldn't explain her thinking even when I pointed out things like pit bulls being generally white etc.


Anyone being this board I thought you would all get a laugh over her thinking on that one.

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My MIL was angry when given an all black puppy for her birthday. She didn't like the color?? Cutest puppy ever. She was also upset because the puppy ended up weighing in at 8 lbs. which was much too large. So very weird. This woman is also completely insane. Verifiable. I would gladly take the dog, but bringing happiness to another human is much worse than having a big black dog to complain about.:001_huh:

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Actually there are numerous studies about color being tied to temper. Fascinating reading actually.

I believe iirc that white dogs are considered to have more aggressive *tendancies* though. I could be wrong tho.

And of course, much depends on the dog and the raising of the pup.

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This reminds me about my aunt's story. She recently adopted a dog from a shelter and later received a letter from an organization thanking her for adopting a black dog. She thought it was a joke, but I googled it and sure enough, there are organizations out there devoted to promoting the adoption of black dogs.


Here is an article.

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Yes. I think there are some for cats too.


Years back when we adopted our black cat we were told by the shelter that she had been there for over a year only because she was black. They have the hardest time rehoming black cats because of superstitions tying them to witchcraft etc.

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Years back when we adopted our black cat we were told by the shelter that she had been there for over a year only because she was black. They have the hardest time rehoming black cats because of superstitions tying them to witchcraft etc.


Well that and the fact that they refuse to rehome them from labor day through thanksgiving because they don't want nutters coming in to end up using them for some Halloween ritual.

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Swellmomma, do you have any of those great pics where your dogs eyes are all glowing red from the flash? Those would be sweet to share with your mom!


"Mom, we recently took these pictures of Onyx. I think it might be worse than you suspected."





:lol: That would send her over the edge lol. Onyx isn't even a black puppy, he is brindle with ablack snout and a tail that looks like he dipped it in an ink pot. We all went out for a walk after dinner and I took the dogs, as usual random people stopped to comment on what a beauty he is. Mom's best friend/neighbor came by just to meet Onyx and commented more than once about how beautiful he is and how gorgeous he will be when full grown. Mom wasn't swaying in her thoughts even then, she was sure all these people were fools to not realize what she knew. Funniest part is mom's best friend had 2 black lobs, 1 has since passed away, but she and mom have a gate in the fence between their yards so the 2 can visit easier (friend lives in house behind my mom's) Mom talks all the time about how well trained and well behaved these 2 dogs were/are. But she is convinced they are the exception to what she perceives to be the rule.

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Well that and the fact that they refuse to rehome them from labor day through thanksgiving because they don't want nutters coming in to end up using them for some Halloween ritual.


*shudder* I had not even thought about that sort of thing.

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A few years ago I took my all black dog with me to our local no-kill shelter to get him a buddy and the workers were so relieved that I was not trying to drop him off. They told me black dogs were hard to place.

Sadly that dog, and his buddy, are no longer with us. We now have a black lab and she is the sweetest thing.

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I remember a military family I knew growing up telling their experience with their large black dog. I think it was a lab mix. They had just come back from the Middle East. Every time they walked their dog, people would run inside and hide until they passed by. They finally heard that it was a local superstition that when you died, if you were a bad person, you were reincarnated as a black dog. It was your penance.

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Years back when we adopted our black cat we were told by the shelter that she had been there for over a year only because she was black. They have the hardest time rehoming black cats because of superstitions tying them to witchcraft etc.


I've been told by several cat rescue groups that black cats are the hardest to adopt out, followed by tortoiseshells. I have a tortie right now and grew up with a black cat, when my current cats pass away someday I'll adopt a black cat again.

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Wow. I've never heard of such (not to insult your mom, Brandi) foolishness about the color of a dog's fur. I wonder what it says about my dog that he is black and white. Maybe he is only half evil/bad.


I have heard about the cats though. On Halloween we keep both of them inside because from a distance or in low light they look black even though they are black/gray striped.

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I have heard that it is hard to place black dogs. For that reason there are more of them in the shelters and more of them euthanized. Sad but true.
I got a dog from a rescue last year, a pit mix that was dropped off while she was in labor. She had 9 all black pups (she is white with brown spots). We were originally going to take one of the pups but they were so cute and we were sure they would find homes quickly so we decided to take the mom instead. A year and half later all those pups are still at the rescue waiting for homes. :sad:
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All of our pets are black except our bunny, who is an albino...rescued from the butcher shop....and our turtle, who is ummmmmm green.:D

None of our pets are aggressive.....not even the green guy:D


I never knew there was an issue with this.....hmmmmmm....I have always preferred black dogs and black and white kitty cats......they are always my first pick. Interesting study.


Enjoy your new pup!!!

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I've heard of the prejudice against black dogs. From a practical level, I've never understood it. I wear a lot of dark slacks. Black fur isn't nearly as noticeable as white fur! ;)


I learned my lesson after having a chocolate and a yellow lab at the same time. :lol:

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When we adopted our brindle pit mix I was surprised to learn that brindle and black dogs are the hardest to place. I choose my pets on temperment not looks. Of course, I also had a black cat so maybe I am a reverse animal racist?


After being unable to spot my dog in the bushes, I kind of understand the fear. You can't see them and if one decides to attack it would be like the dog came from nowhere.

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I have heard that it is hard to place black dogs. For that reason there are more of them in the shelters and more of them euthanized. Sad but true.



What the heck?


I understand the prejudice against cats tying them to witchcraft (aren't we over that yet?) but what's the justification for not liking black dogs? :confused:


I'm not a dog person, but I've always had a soft spot for black labs. :)

Two of our three cats are black (well, black and white), as have been a majority of ones I've owned in the past.

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We used to have a tan corgi (best dog ever!)


We now have 2 black lab mixes.


The only thing that I didn't realize with the black dogs is that their hair is far more noticeable when they shed. The tan shedding kind of mixed it with our decor color! :lol:


Can't speak for the temperament, because one of my black labs is the sweetest thing ever, the other we almost put down for aggression. She is better now, but she isn't the nicest thing when she gets upset about food or jealousy. I am quite sure it has nothing to do with color.



Edited by DawnM
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I've been told by several cat rescue groups that black cats are the hardest to adopt out, followed by tortoiseshells. I have a tortie right now and grew up with a black cat, when my current cats pass away someday I'll adopt a black cat again.


The best cat we ever had was a tortie. We rehomed her a year ago when we no longer could afford her medical care.

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What the heck?


I understand the prejudice against cats tying them to witchcraft (aren't we over that yet?) but what's the justification for not liking black dogs? :confused:


I'm not a dog person, but I've always had a soft spot for black labs. :)

Two of our three cats are black (well, black and white), as have been a majority of ones I've owned in the past.


Wow, I'd never heard that they were harder to rehome.


I've always had dark dogs. :confused: It never even occurred to me that people don't prefer them because of their color.


With shelters, I think there are a few things that make "big, black dogs" tougher to find homes for. It's hard to get good photos of them to post online. They don't stand out against the background of a kennel as easily as a lighter colored dog. They aren't as memorable as "the dog with the spots" or "the light brown dog with fluffy hair."


Some people do seem to instinctively see them as more aggressive. Maybe it's because it's harder to make out their movements? A dog jumping on a kennel door is adorable and friendly if it's a light colored dog. It's possibly aggressive and too high-strung if it's a darker color.


I like them. The stats on adopting out a large black dog are awful though.

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Years back when we adopted our black cat we were told by the shelter that she had been there for over a year only because she was black. They have the hardest time rehoming black cats because of superstitions tying them to witchcraft etc.


I think this is strange. I usually have at least one black cat in my house because I think they are beautiful. My black cats always seem to have very gentle personalities too. Maybe I'll try to get a black cat the next time I adopt from a shelter.

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Wow. I've never heard of such (not to insult your mom, Brandi) foolishness about the color of a dog's fur. I wonder what it says about my dog that he is black and white. Maybe he is only half evil/bad.


I have heard about the cats though. On Halloween we keep both of them inside because from a distance or in low light they look black even though they are black/gray striped.


Go ahead and insult her, I agree. I had heard about it with cats but never thought of it with dogs. But when she right out said dark dogs are bad and light ones are good I was flabbergasted.

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I think this is strange. I usually have at least one black cat in my house because I think they are beautiful. My black cats always seem to have very gentle personalities too. Maybe I'll try to get a black cat the next time I adopt from a shelter.


Years ago we adopted two cats from a shelter and the ladies there told us that coat color was tied to temperament. They said black cats were the most gentle and to get a black if we wanted a "lap cat". Calicoes, they said, more more active and hyper. One of the cats we adopted was all black and she was very sweet and was definitely a lap cat.

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ooookkaaaayyy. well, you know, black labs are sooooo dangerous . . . . .the way that tail goes back and forth, they can knock a person down. maybe even drown you with that tongue covering your face ;)

Edited by gardenmom5
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I just asked my eleven year old, "If you were going to choose between a black dog and a white dog, which would you choose?" She immediately said, "Black!" I explained about the black dog prejudice and she said, "That's so sad! Black dogs are so pretty!" I asked my nine year old the same question and got a long stare. I said, "The dogs are the same in every way except color." Another long pause, then, "I would choose a black poodle." hehe She met a standard sized poodle one time (which was black) and she's loved them ever since.


As for my own dogs, I have a white one with some light brows spots (a shih tzu) and a very dark brown chihuahua. But I would have gotten my shih tzu regardless of color. I got him from some people who had had an oops litter. I didn't go picking him based on color.

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With shelters, I think there are a few things that make "big, black dogs" tougher to find homes for. It's hard to get good photos of them to post online. They don't stand out against the background of a kennel as easily as a lighter colored dog. They aren't as memorable as "the dog with the spots" or "the light brown dog with fluffy hair."


Some people do seem to instinctively see them as more aggressive. Maybe it's because it's harder to make out their movements? A dog jumping on a kennel door is adorable and friendly if it's a light colored dog. It's possibly aggressive and too high-strung if it's a darker color.


I like them. The stats on adopting out a large black dog are awful though.

That just sounds like preconceived notions. I work in a shelter and the darker colored dogs seem to get adopted faster. The black retriever mixes go very quickly - even the high strung ones. They seem friendlier. Perhaps those soulful eyes really capture people's hearts. The white pitties seem to stay forever in the shelter, whereas the brindle and darker pitties go faster. Perhaps people like darker colored dogs here.

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I've been told by several cat rescue groups that black cats are the hardest to adopt out, followed by tortoiseshells. I have a tortie right now and grew up with a black cat, when my current cats pass away someday I'll adopt a black cat again.




I love torties!!!! I think they are gorgeous. We had one when we were first married. She was an awesome cat. Otherwise, I have always had a black cat.


We have 2 black kitties (Spock and McCoy) and a big tabby (Mr. Meowgie) now. I love our little black kitties. My lovey (Spock) is on my lap as I type this :D.

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This reminds me about my aunt's story. She recently adopted a dog from a shelter and later received a letter from an organization thanking her for adopting a black dog. She thought it was a joke, but I googled it and sure enough, there are organizations out there devoted to promoting the adoption of black dogs.


Here is an article.



My mother is part of a Schipperke rescue group. Schipperkes are little black dogs. She has 3 of them herself and sometimes an extra or 2 running around. I linked so people can see them. Some people have never heard of schipperkes. They are a little strange looking :lol:. I think my family has always gone for the underdogs...and cats.




(shameless plug for the schipperkes above :D)

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I have a black lab and a much larger yellow lab. The number of folks that will not get close to my (very harmless) black lab amaze me. The yellow lab just does not have that same effect on people. Can you guess which dog I take to the door with me if salesman ever show up :lol:

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Growing up I had a black cat. She was extremely nasty. Seriously, the nastiest cat EVER. She would just claw you for no reason at all.


I don't think it had anything to do with her fur color though.


I don't like dogs...so what does that make me? :tongue_smilie:;)


This reminds me of the cat my best friend had growing up. She was all black, but small and looked very cute, but was the meanest thing ever. I remember one time their Reverend had stopped over for a visit and he was just about to pet the "cute little kitty" sitting on the top of the couch by the door when my friends dad yelled, "Don't pet that cat unless you want to risk losing a finger!"

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Four black dogs here, ranging from 100 lb (I got him off death row) to 30 lbs. Black dogs are very hard to place. The 40 to 60 lb black dog is a real bear to rehome.

I like all my dogs, and they all have good personalities and tempers. I've dealt with many, many dogs and I can't say I've ever noted a correlation between color and temper. Breed and attitude, yes!


Cats now--there is a little bit of a color thing going. I find white cats really tough to read, and there's a saying that all calico cats have a devil gene which generally proves to be true. I think they are just so pretty that they have an aversion to being treated as anything other than the divas they appear to be...

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never heard of such a thing.




I have a white dog and a black dog. They are both very sweet, very calm dogs. And they are small dogs, which are generally yappy, but they are quiet, non aggressive, very well trained dogs. We got them both as adults.




they just had a litter of 8 puppies together.:001_smile:

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Four black dogs here, ranging from 100 lb (I got him off death row) to 30 lbs. Black dogs are very hard to place. The 40 to 60 lb black dog is a real bear to rehome.

I like all my dogs, and they all have good personalities and tempers. I've dealt with many, many dogs and I can't say I've ever noted a correlation between color and temper. Breed and attitude, yes!


Cats now--there is a little bit of a color thing going. I find white cats really tough to read, and there's a saying that all calico cats have a devil gene which generally proves to be true. I think they are just so pretty that they have an aversion to being treated as anything other than the divas they appear to be...



my calico cats were always nice cats. I had three black cats at one time, all three different temperments. One black cat was a real diva, the other two black ones were very reserved.

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Our last Great Dane rescue is solid black. When we went in to look I asked if it was true that black dogs were harder to place and they said yes and showed us "Jack"


He had been there 5 years. They practically packed his bag and hid him in our car when we showed an interest in him :D.


Any way - sweetest - best mannered Great Dane we have ever met/owned - and yes, people pull thier children back rather than let them pet our "gentle giant" :glare:

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I've only ever recently heard of that black dogs were difficult to place. Something I'll never understand because all of our black dogs growing up were such sweethearts (usually some type of black lab crosses).


I miss our two black beauties that we had to rehome when we moved. :( We still get to go visit them when we visit Canada, but they are both so sweet and adorable. One is a golden/black lab cross and the other is a black lab/hound cross.


I am also a dog "racist", though, I must admit. Unless the dog weighs a MINIMUM of 25 lbs when full grown, it doesn't deserve to be called a dog, IMO. :D I don't care what color it is.

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I've only ever recently heard of that black dogs were difficult to place. Something I'll never understand because all of our black dogs growing up were such sweethearts (usually some type of black lab crosses).


I miss our two black beauties that we had to rehome when we moved. :( We still get to go visit them when we visit Canada, but they are both so sweet and adorable. One is a golden/black lab cross and the other is a black lab/hound cross.


I am also a dog "racist", though, I must admit. Unless the dog weighs a MINIMUM of 25 lbs when full grown, it doesn't deserve to be called a dog, IMO. :D I don't care what color it is.


Well you can't help it if you prefer dogs instead of rats as family pets :lol:

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Swellmomma, do you have any of those great pics where your dogs eyes are all glowing red from the flash? Those would be sweet to share with your mom!


"Mom, we recently took these pictures of Onyx. I think it might be worse than you suspected."




:smilielol5::smilielol5:I love it!

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