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Disney people. Am I crazy for considering going the first week of July?

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Since you mention humidity I assume you mean Florida?


I will be going with SillyAutismMan to the real, original place in Anaheim mid-July....staying across the street so as to avoid driving etc. Not my ideal time to go, but that is when my folks in CA are available.

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We've been during the first week of July. It was fine. You are in and out of covered, air conditioned spaces so often, that it really never gets to you. Or at least not to me, and I don't do heat well.

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I used to live in Orlando and, yes, the first week of July is crazy. The heat/humidity is horrid and you also run the risk of the daily afternoon thunderstorm. In addition, lines are very long. We once (never again!) attempted a July Disney World visit and spent 90 minutes in the sweltering sun, waiting for the 30-second Dumbo ride. We lived there and thought we had built up a resistance to the crowds and heat, but no, we were miserable. I highly recommend late January/early February. That is when the weather is beautiful and the lines are short.

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Since you mention humidity I assume you mean Florida?

That's what I was thinking. "Disney" could be left or right coast. :-)


I will be going with SillyAutismMan to the real, original place in Anaheim mid-July....staying across the street so as to avoid driving etc. Not my ideal time to go, but that is when my folks in CA are available.

We usually stay at a...doggonit...can't remember...across from the main entrance--we pass IHOP and a barbecue rib place on the way to the park. Anyway, staying on-site, especially at the Disneyland Hotel, is way cool, but outside the park is definitely pocket-friendly. :-)


We haven't been in over four years, and we are feeling major withdrawal. I say this as someone who has been to Disneyland over 30 times. Mr. Ellie joins me in the feelings of withdrawal. :ack2: We see hidden Mickeys everywhere, lol; and now that Mr. Ellie is working, we're trying to figure out how to visit dd/dgs in Seattle, dd in Fresno, and Micky, all on the same trip. :D


I suspect we may have to break down and to to Disney World on one trip (I have a brother who lives nearby, who can get us free passes, has a car we can use, and has a guest room where we can stay), and Seattle/Fresno on the other. ::heavysigh::

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I'm a Florida native, and I have been to WDW in July. It was only once, and it would never happen again, ever.


Be sure to bring some inexpensive rain ponchos (usually a dollar or so in the Sporting Goods section of Wal Mart). It usually rains for a few minutes each day in the summer. It's refreshing, but it gets really steamy. The cheap ponchos are small and easy to bring with you and will save you money.

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We have been in July. I won't lie. It was hot. But we managed. Dh carried the backpack with bottles of water. I also kept a couple of wet washclothes in ziploc bags for quick neck cooling. The worst part about it was that the kids did get heat rash on their legs. I was not prepared for that.


The crowds were manageable. I didn't think they were any worse then any other time of year I had been there.

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I would say, yes, you are crazy :p but I hate humidity, heat and keeping up with kids in crowds. We went in October and had a great time.


x2 - I don't do well in heat or humidity or in crowds! Not to mention the thunderstorms (and downpour rains) you will probably encounter in July. We **LOVE** going in the slower season (the beauty of homeschooling), like October, November, January, February.

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I know it will be hot and humid. Will the lines be ridiculously long? Any hints or suggestions on going during that week?


Are you crazy? Yes! Will the lines be long, well, yes! But there are things to do to cope ...


Assuming you mean Florida and are staying at a WDW resort, take advantage of extra magic hours! Either the early morning hours or the late evening hours will be less crowded and more temperate than mid-day. You can spend the middle of the day at the pool or in an air conditioned movie at Downtown Disney.


Don't go expecting to get onto lots of rides, but to just enjoy that Disney "magic" and to enjoy watching people go by, or exploring different resorts. Get to a water park no later than opening. Get a "Hidden Mickey" book and make a point of finding those while standing in the hot lines, or instead of standing in hot lines. Or search for Hidden Mickeys in air conditioned places:D


Pick your favorite rides and come up with a game plan for getting on them, whether it is fast passes or for your older kids single rider lines, and treat anything else you get on as a bonus. Chat with cast members, find out where they are from and if they are on the college program. Have your kids trade pins with cast members.


At least you are going and know it will be nuts. When my son worked there last year he said there was a bewildered family from the UK visiting during the height of the Spring Break. They assumed April would be off season, and were gobsmaked by the crowds and lines.

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We took our first trip to Disney during the second week of July two years ago. We did not have much choice as far as scheduling due to my dh's work schedule.


We live in GA, so while the weather was hot it was not unmanageable for us. We stayed just outside of WDW, so we did not have access to extra magic hours. We arrived very early (about 30-45 mins ahead of opening each day). We toured until 2pm or so each day and then retreated to our condo. After dinner most nights we'd head back to the park to catch an evening event.


Admittedly we were lucky in that it only rained 1 afternoon out of our 7 park days. The brief rain storm wasn't a huge deal though, ponchos worked well. We entered the parks with a game plan each day and did not wander aimlessly. This, combined with extra attention payed to maximizing fast passes, allowed us to ride most major rides with ease. Crowd levels ranged from 7-9 each day of our trip.


The heat and humidity and crowds really only bothered me at the evening events like parades and shows. The rest of the day we were in and out of A/C and sat on rides giving us a breather. The crowds made finding ideal viewing spots at night tricky and because we were outside for extended periods the heat was more bothersome. I remember many people who waited forever in line for the Fantasmic show only to be turned away.


If you're more interested in park touring/rides I'd say go for it. Character lines were often shaded or inside and proved to be a nice break. If you're set on seeing lots of evening parades or shows, you might be disappointed.

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That's when we went to WDW. We were lucky :tongue_smilie: in that there was a hurricane hitting back home so it kept it nice and overcast in Florida. But it was hot and miserable and we're used to that type of weather. Only way to do it: Get up early and hit rope drop. Leave around 1-2 and come back around 6. Bring ponchos. (We were walking into MK in the rain in our ponchos while everyone else was running out. It was great for lines.) Hit the shows. Use fastpasses and have at least a generalized touring plan. And be prepared to change things up because the heat is getting to someone. There was one time we got something to eat in Epcot, not because we were really hungry, but because we wanted to get out of the heat.

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Yes, you are crazy.


People who live in Florida don't do Disney between late May (at the latest!) and September, if they can help it. There's a reason. It's what everyone else has told you. Consider them the "experts" on this. They know of which that they speak.


It's HOT and HUMID.

It's crowded.

It's miserable. Period.

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Only way to do it: Get up early and hit rope drop. Leave around 1-2 and come back around 6. Bring ponchos. (We were walking into MK in the rain in our ponchos while everyone else was running out. It was great for lines.) Hit the shows. Use fastpasses and have at least a generalized touring plan. And be prepared to change things up because the heat is getting to someone. There was one time we got something to eat in Epcot, not because we were really hungry, but because we wanted to get out of the heat.


See this? And the post before this one. See how they had to micro-manage each detail to avoid the crowds and manage the heat.


If you go before mid-May and after September (excluding Christmas and mid-March when it's Spring break time) you don't have to do ANY of this. There are very little crowds, as in walking right on rides, repeatedly, or at most 10-20 minute wait. Sometimes you find that you are actually LOOKING for the sunny spots to get a little boost of warmth. Other times the weather is just perfect. Going during the off season allows you to go at a leisurely pace, get on all the rides you want to go on, just ENJOY your time, instead of planning to avoid the hassles.

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We did it in late June a few years ago b/c my in-laws were springing for tickets and the condo. Lemme tell ya, I'd sooner pay my family's own way at double the cost than to do that again! Waiting in line for rides is not in the A/C, and my son, then 4, came very close to having a heat stroke while waiting for something. I had to rush him into an air conditioned area and a vendor gave me free ice and water so I could rub down his chest, head, and wrists. It happened SO FAST, at the point of realization that it was serious, not just him being hot..... and it was scary.


The whole experience has made dh HATE WDW. He doesn't ever want to go back. But our best friends live in FL now, close to Orlando, so he has said, with their urging, perhaps we will try it again around Thanksgiving or just after Christmas breaks.

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I live in Florida and I barely venture to my backyard in July, much less Disney. Last time we went was October, but it happened to be the hottest October in 50 years or so. We're not going back again unless it's January or February!


:iagree: Yeah, we actually do the majority of our schooling over the summer because I hate, hate, hate FL summers. HATE THEM!! I would not touch Disney with a ten foot pole in July. Uh-uh! The earliest I have been is September and the latest was May - still miserable. I get very grumpy in the heat so it was not a pretty experience.

My wonderful mom bought her timeshare in July. LOL We basically go down there for a week and swim and watch cable T.V.

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We did it in late June a few years ago b/c my in-laws were springing for tickets and the condo. Lemme tell ya, I'd sooner pay my family's own way at double the cost than to do that again! Waiting in line for rides is not in the A/C, and my son, then 4, came very close to having a heat stroke while waiting for something. I had to rush him into an air conditioned area and a vendor gave me free ice and water so I could rub down his chest, head, and wrists. It happened SO FAST, at the point of realization that it was serious, not just him being hot..... and it was scary.


The whole experience has made dh HATE WDW. He doesn't ever want to go back. But our best friends live in FL now, close to Orlando, so he has said, with their urging, perhaps we will try it again around Thanksgiving or just after Christmas breaks.


We did the free birthday days a couple of years back. Since then we've added a baby with a June birthday. I often tell her there (she's two, she has no idea what I'm talking about) that there will be no Disney adventure for her birthday. LOL Poor kid.

I hate that about your son. My friend has a daughter who is very susceptible to heat exhaustion and it comes on her fast. Scared us a few times in the late spring months playing at a park.

I hope you will give Disney another chance. Totally worth it if the weather's right. I think my favorite times are Jan - March and late Oct- November. We went once at the beginning of December and that was not too bad.

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I wouldn't pass up on a vacation to avoid lines and hot and humid weather.


We went in September and there was a hurricane.


I know it will be hot and humid. Will the lines be ridiculously long? Any hints or suggestions on going during that week?
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I would say, yes, you are crazy :p but I hate humidity, heat and keeping up with kids in crowds. We went in October and had a great time.


I've been there the first week of July and also in October. Will never do July again. Now, if you love hot, humid, lots of people, long lines, etc., you may have a nicer experience than we did.

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I'm a Florida native, and I have been to WDW in July. It was only once, and it would never happen again, ever.


Be sure to bring some inexpensive rain ponchos (usually a dollar or so in the Sporting Goods section of Wal Mart). It usually rains for a few minutes each day in the summer. It's refreshing, but it gets really steamy. The cheap ponchos are small and easy to bring with you and will save you money.



We went on Fourth of July the year we went. It's the first time I've ever seen cars turned away from the entrance because the park was to capacity.


When the park is that crowded, it is miserable. It's hot, sticky, crowded EVERYWHERE, with no breathing room at all. People lose patience, everyone (aside from the staff) is rude, the smell of sweaty humans was nauseating, and shopping/rides/food lines were just not worth the price of admission. It was so crowded that they opened up a "backstage area" to funnel traffic. No one could move on Main Street! God help you if you had to push a stroller through that insanity (which we did).


Never. Again.

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We went the first week of July a few years ago and we will never go again during that time. It was not only hot but packed to capacity. On the 4th they were turning people away from the MK (which is where we were). At one point we had planned to go back to the hotel and the guys at the exit told us that we might not get back in. We opted to stay in the park.

When the fireworks went off that night we literally could not move. This is not an exaggeration or a misuse of the word literally. :D We could not move in any direction for about 20 minutes and then when the fireworks were over we were merely swept along with the crowd. We were staying on property and it took us an hour and a half to get on a bus to get back. We were beat by the time we got to our room. We were there July 2-11. After the 6th though, the parks felt deserted, so I'd go after that.


If you stay on property, our favorite moderate resort is the Caribbean Beach Resort. If you go value resort, the All-Star Movies is great and if you go luxury, the Yacht and Beach Club is the way to go, IMO. Okay, the Grand Floridian is really the way to go, but it's super pricey even compared to the other resorts.

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Yes, I think you're crazy. :D The best Disney vacation we've ever had was in January, right after the holidays. Yes, it's cooler, but it's great for walking around the parks and the crowds were much lighter than any other time we've been there.

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I wouldn't do it when it's busy. We are so spoiled being homeschoolers!! We went in early May and it was AMAZING. Warm enough for the water parks (which were awesome!) but no crowds. It was us and a bunch of families from Europe. We rode everything as much as we wanted (except Soaring and Toy Story - those get nuts really fast - but we rode them each twice) saw all the shows, got tables without reservations, rode more stuff, etc. It was the best Disney vacation ever. If at all possible I would wait and go after school starts.

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Disney is always crowded that is why I hate the place to be honest. Vacation time for the public school is much much worse. I grew up skipping school and going for the day so I have been at everytime you can imagine. I will never take my kids during the hot months of summer again no way! It is hot and miserable. I also hate to sound the rude one but in the lines with people sweating and stinking it is disgusting.


I cannot stand being around the older teens on their vacations either, again I know it is rude but I can't stand most of the behaviors. We only take the kids during times the public schools are in session. I don't think it is much fun for kids to stand it heated lines either.


We went one year and most of the people were older couples and young couples with littles and had a wonderful time. We didn't wait no more that 10 minutes in a line and actually got to see and do everything. The weather was great too it was in November. The kids weren't overheated hot and cranky, there wasn't a bunch of ill behaved kids there it was great.

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dh and I have been to Disney World many times. ONce before dc, dh and I went to a convention in Orlando in Aug. A bunch of us went to Epcot (we figured with the lagoon, big pond, whatever it is, that it would be cooler). We spent most of our time going from one vender to another buying cold sodas (ice water was not refreshing enough). Then it poured rain in the afternoon. I think we went on 3 rides total. We now take our dc every year but go in either Oct. Dec. or Jan and have a wonderful NON-HOT time.

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As somebody who lived in Orlando for years, yes, it will be very hot.


There are misters set up.


Bring rain ponchos for the 1 o'clock shower.


Also, I often saw giant groups in matching t-shirts during the summer.


Not abandoned, but not Christmas size crowds either.

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OH MY GOSH!!! July ??? yes, you are definately having a lapse in judgement LOL We go the first week of March and that is hot enough. And the lines are great, no more than 30 minutes wait (for the good ones).


Plus in March they have the free meal plan :)

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Former Florida native here who up to a few years ago had only gone between October and April. Three years ago my inlaws paid for us to go mid-July (hotel, tickets, everything) for 3 days. You don't really turn that down. It was fairly terrible. Insanely crowded...and we had a double stroller which I eventually wanted to leave there (never felt that way any other time at all). Hot. Terrible lines, even with fast passes. Now, since we didn't pay we had no issue getting there before it opened, getting right in, and leaving by 1. We stayed out of the killer heat for the afternoon and came back in around 5:30 (still super hot in July in FL) and stayed til close. Had a thunderstorm everyday, but missed some being out of the park in the afternoon. Just would not choose it if at all possible not to.

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Every day of the year at Disney can be magical. In July make sure you have fun dinner reservations all day long. And try all the kids activities at all the different resorts. If you make reservations in advance, your kiddos can have lots of fun at all the pirate cruises, Alice in Wonderland Tea, etc. Since these are limited to a certain number of kiddos, you do not have to worry about crowds. For the adults, try some of the backstage tours and special events which are also limited in size. And our favorite pasttime is resort pool hopping in the summer. Just do not get caught.


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I have lived in FL my entire life, grew up in Orlando and now live in Tampa. I wouldn't go to Disney or any other theme park in July - EVER.


Honestly, if you are going to be in FL in July, go to the beach. Your kids will have a blast, there's usually a seabreeze blowing cool-ish air off the water, and the water keeps you cool. My kids could play in the waves with boogie boards all day long at the beach, but we'd ALL be miserable at Disney.


BTW, the best time we've ever been to Disney was mid-December, right before the local schools got out for Christmas/Winter break. No lines whatsoever, and the weather was beautiful!

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Don't forget to put your underwear in the freezer for a couple hours if you decide to go.




Oh yeah, laugh if you want, but man, when your personal items are happy for the first hour or so, your good mood lasts a good part of the day. :tongue_smilie:

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Don't forget to put your underwear in the freezer for a couple hours if you decide to go.




Oh yeah, laugh if you want, but man, when your personal items are happy for the first hour or so, your good mood lasts a good part of the day. :tongue_smilie:




Maybe with enough requests, the manufacturer of this will come out with an intimates line.

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It will be crowded and HOT. But if you are staying on property or close by, I would consider splitting the day up. Go first thing in the morning when the crowds are less and the day is cooler, then go back to the hotel to swim and relax and eat (cheaper outside Disney too). Then go back in the evening. It will be cooler, less people and you can see the fireworks and illuminated parades.


We have resident passes so some of June and all of July are on our blackout period. Works for us because it can be downright miserable with the heat, humidity and crowds.

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