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Do you consider coffee unhealthy for a 14yo?

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My 14yo ds decided a couple of weeks ago that he wanted to start drinking coffee. I didn't stop him because I didn't think he'd like it enough to drink it more than once. Well, he doesn't actually like it, but he's been drinking a cup almost every day anyway, I think because he wants to be 'grown up.' Dh is concerned that it's unhealthy for him. What do you think? Is this something that you would discourage? Or would you not have a problem with it?




I spoke with dh about everyone's responses and he said, "Okay then. I guess it's fine. If the Well Trained Mind board says it's okay, who am I but a mere mortal." I love it! I have to consult you guys more often when I'm trying to make a point with dh. I had no idea he held you all in such high regard. I guess my references to the board as 'the fount of all knowledge' has had some effect.

Edited by MeganP
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I'd be fine with it as long as it doesn't become a huge amount. If he's just "trying on" the grownup thing, he'll probably lose interest soon if you don't make it a big deal. I let my dc have a little if they want - 7yo likes it, 9yo doesn't.

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I would discourage it. I wish I had an article reference for you, but I read a couple of years ago that caffeine has a different effect on a growing brain than on an adult brain. We were in a waiting room at the time, and I handed the magazine over to my teenage son so he could read it for himself. I told him that I was more comfortable letting nature work the usual way on his brain. :-D


So far, that's been a compelling argument for my kids, although I can't swear my 16yo has never had a cup of coffee. It's not a regular part of his day.


I love coffee, but I came to it in my 30s.

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I don't think one cup a day will hurt him. Most of my children have had a cup of coffee almost every day starting at that age since that's when they began working at the local coffee/espresso shop (and also because we just love coffee at our house!). I think in France children have coffee with warm milk at a very young age!


I'd recommend he not have coffee in the evenings though, because the caffeine might interfere with his sleep.


(* My thoughts are not scientifically based!)

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Ummm...no....says the woman whose whole family drinks it. (My 6yo puts a little in his hot choc.)


We drink mostly water. I am always amused when people think coffee is such a horror for kids when really, a cup of coffee is MUCH better than can after can of soda and such all day.

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I started drinking coffee when I was 13 with lots of cream and sugar. I don't think 1 cup a day is harmful. When I was working in Boston, I would see middle school kids taking the subway with a cup of coffee on their way to school.

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Dd has been drinking mocha lattes for a few months every once in a while. It is a treat instead of a have to have.


To my way of thinking caffeine is something adults think they need because they don't keep healthy hours. If adults allowed themselves enough sleep they wouldn't *need* caffeine (stimulants) to get going in the mornings.


So the teenager should be cultivating healthy sleep habits and foregoing morning coffee (or tea or caffeinated soda).


All of the above said as a person addicted to caffeine and sugar.

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Ummm...no....says the woman whose whole family drinks it. (My 6yo puts a little in his hot choc.)


We drink mostly water. I am always amused when people think coffee is such a horror for kids when really, a cup of coffee is MUCH better than can after can of soda and such all day.


Oh, I'll absolutely agree with you that coffee is MUCH better/healthier than soda.


Soda seems easier to keep to an every-once-in-a-blue-moon level.

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In the country my kids were born in, kids start drinking coffee as toddlers.


I don't think one cup of coffee a day is bad for a teenager, as long as he's not drinking a bunch of soda, too.


If it concerns you, switch him to half-caf or decaf.



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Oh, I'll absolutely agree with you that coffee is MUCH better/healthier than soda.


Soda seems easier to keep to an every-once-in-a-blue-moon level.


This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.

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In the country my kids were born in, kids start drinking coffee as toddlers.

Ditto for my husband, but for tea.


I remember drinking tea sometimes at age 14 or so.


It seems a lot healthier than soda.


There was a thread on here recently about how drinking coffee has helped some children focus due to the caffeine. I think it's an interesting idea. It made me wonder about places where drinking coffee/tea is common at a young age.

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Depends on the kid. FOr my kids I would be fine with it. So far 3 have been Dx with ADHD, the only one not Dx at this time is the one that steals my coffee daily. It is a stimulant and works just as well as ritalin for some kids. My 3 olders will not drink it, but if they did I would gladly brew them a cup daily. But I would only allow 1 cup daily. They don't need a whole pot at that age (or any age really), most days I only drink 1 cup too. I drink coffee to increase my focus (though all testing I have done says I am not adhd) not my energy level. I can go to sleep no problem after coffee, it soothes me.

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I think most true coffee drinkers ;) don't add all the extras. We usually just add a little milk and a pinch of sugar.


Besides, I'm quite sure a little caffeine (even with the addition of dark chocolate) is good for you. :)



This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.

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I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.



Depends on whether you buy cheap coffee or quality coffee. We buy organic beans and grind them at home. My husband drinks caffeinated. I drink decaf or, occasionally, half-caf. I put almond milk in mine; dh and dd17 drink their black.


No sugar, no artificial cr@p. Healthier than soda.


And our pediatrician has also said our son could benefit from a bit of coffee, for attention/focus issues and for asthma. Sometimes he makes himself some.



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Ummm...no....says the woman whose whole family drinks it. (My 6yo puts a little in his hot choc.)


We drink mostly water. I am always amused when people think coffee is such a horror for kids when really, a cup of coffee is MUCH better than can after can of soda and such all day.




We love coffee here. Even the dog :lol:


Seriously, my thought is all things in moderation. As soon as something becomes "forbidden" it is the one thing most desired.




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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.


No caramel coloring here. :-D And I can control the amount and type of sugar.


Soda doesn't just rot your teeth. It's a huge contributor to obesity.


Coffee can stain your teeth, but there are lots of studies showing coffee drinkers are less depressed, less likely to get dementia, more likely to stay mentally alert in old age, etc. I haven't seen any such studies about soda.

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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.


Coffee is a completely natural food. It is part of a plant that has been roasted. It has no colorings or artificial flavors added. In fact it is full of antioxidants and is generally considered a healthy, calorie free drink when used in moderation (as long as you don't add milk and sugar which obviously add calories). In fact just two weeks ago this was in the NYTimes:



If you google "coffee and health" you will find plenty of articles of coffee's benefits on everything from cancer to depression.

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Thanks for all the responses. He rarely drinks soda - doesn't really like it. And the coffee isn't bought from a coffee shop and full of artificial stuff. It's just ground coffee brewed at home that he drinks black, no sugar. He never has more than one cup in a day. I think it's fine, and I'm going to discuss this further with dh, try to convince him that it's not a hill to die on and let ds drink it.


Thanks, everyone.

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When taking my son in for educational testing in 8th grade, the therapist commented that my son's morning "soda" or coffee was a self-medicating issue. He had discovered what helped him concentrate. She indicated that it was perfectly acceptable but would prefer he go with the coffee without many additives. Although he is rail thin, she thought we should encourage the coffee over the soda.


So I have no problem with my son drinking a little coffee in the morning.

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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.

Coffee has no sugar and "junk" in it. It is added. Usually by the drinker. I don't know what artificial flavor and caramel coloring -- do you mean those powdered beverages with coffee and whatever flavoring? I meant the coffee bean.


Soda has way more sugar (or, really, high fructose corn syrup) in it. Most people don't put 10+ lumps of sugar in their cup of coffee.


Coffee with milk in it seems a lot more nutritious to me than a glass full of high fructose corn syrup.

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Ummm...no....says the woman whose whole family drinks it. (My 6yo puts a little in his hot choc.)


We drink mostly water. I am always amused when people think coffee is such a horror for kids when really, a cup of coffee is MUCH better than can after can of soda and such all day.



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Guest GraceFilled

Our children love coffee and we have no problem with it. There are more and more studies showing the benefits of drinking coffee daily.

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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.


Coffee doesn't contain artificial flavour or colouring. It's not full of sugar... people either drink it black or add a teaspoon (or perhaps two) of sugar. That's a tiny amount compared to the average of ten teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coke, with slightly more or less in other varieties of pop. But, unfortunately, the sugar is not even in the form of sugar... it's in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, a worse offender.

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I would discourage it. I wish I had an article reference for you, but I read a couple of years ago that caffeine has a different effect on a growing brain than on an adult brain. We were in a waiting room at the time, and I handed the magazine over to my teenage son so he could read it for himself. I told him that I was more comfortable letting nature work the usual way on his brain. :-D


So far, that's been a compelling argument for my kids, although I can't swear my 16yo has never had a cup of coffee. It's not a regular part of his day.


I love coffee, but I came to it in my 30s.


Melinda I read that same article....do you remember where? I keep meaning to find the reference.


Anyway, my ds is 12 and I keep caffeine away from him most of the time. I am in the minority though....seeems kids half his age drink caffeine soda on a regular basis.


As for coffee.....I began drinking it with my mom in the mornings when I was about 15. It was/is a social thing with us. I still only drink about 2 cups a day....sometimes one.


So a 14 year old? I think one cup a day will not be that harmful. Too much sugar in it could be as harmful as one cup of coffee per day.


JMO of course.

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Melinda I read that same article....do you remember where? I keep meaning to find the reference.



I wish I did. I read it in a magazine at the optometrist's office, so it's not even a magazine we subscribe to. I want to say it was Time or Newsweek, but it might have been Ladies Home Journal or something like that.

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My dd, 14 in a few weeks, has been asking about drinking tea. She's had lots of herbal and decaf Earl Grey till now, but nothing with caffeine. I recently let her drink some iced tea, and it seems she's like me - caffeine has no effect.


How do people feel about tea, and those who restrict coffee because of caffeine, do you also restrict iced tea and caffeinated sodas (cola, Mountain Dew) in your kids?


My kids haven't had any caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) till now, but especially as it seems to have no effect I'm thinking she can have her iced tea... ?

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When taking my son in for educational testing in 8th grade, the therapist commented that my son's morning "soda" or coffee was a self-medicating issue. He had discovered what helped him concentrate. She indicated that it was perfectly acceptable but would prefer he go with the coffee without many additives. Although he is rail thin, she thought we should encourage the coffee over the soda.


So I have no problem with my son drinking a little coffee in the morning.


ER was also in 8th grade when he discovered that he could concentrate better if he had coffee in the mornings while he did his schoolwork. He had a couple of cups of half-caff coffee with creamer & sugar. He is convinced that he has ADD (but not ADHD) because he has a hard time concentrating when he's studying.

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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.


There are a number of food/drinks I think are disgusting but that doesn't make them unhealthy. Caffeine in general, and coffee in particular both have known health benefits. That's how it makes it healthier than soda.


To the OP, I don't think there's any problem with a teen drinking coffee in moderation.

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Ummm...no....says the woman whose whole family drinks it. (My 6yo puts a little in his hot choc.)


We drink mostly water. I am always amused when people think coffee is such a horror for kids when really, a cup of coffee is MUCH better than can after can of soda and such all day.




I think a cup of coffee is much better than a can of Mountain Dew or even most juice drinks. Now, if he starts drinking 3 cups a day, that's a different story. And anything after noontime I would require to be at least half decaffeinated.

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I think it depends on what he's replacing. If he's having a cup of coffee instead of a soda then I think it's fine. If he's having a cup of coffee instead of breakfast or even a glass of milk then I'd want him to cut out the coffee, or have the coffee in addition to his breakfast.


I don't think coffee is necessarily healthy, but I don't think it's as bad as a lot of other things we put in our bodies. I'd pick my battles carefully.

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Heartily agreeing with the "coffee is better than soda" attitude. A cup or two a day is fine.....

I've also never purchased any coffee with caramel coloring or other ingredients in it. I personally think the flavored coffees taste horrible, though.....

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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Your impression is wrong. There is nothing at all artificial in coffee. It's made from a roasted plant bean and water. It's a whole food, and lately there have been lots of studies showing it has lots of health benefits they never anticipated. The dark color is completely natural and full of healthy antioxidants. The flavor is also completely natural, as is the caffeine (which is chemically extracted and added to sodas that have it, rather than naturally occurring).


If you're talking about fake "coffee" powdered International-foods style beverage, or the Starbucks concoctions with a bit of coffee and a ton of added sugar, syrups and whipped cream, well, yeah, those aren't healthy, nor is something coffee just because it includes it as an ingredient. I don't consider a cake an egg just because it includes an egg in the recipe.


But there's nothing wrong with coffee itself.

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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.


Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.

I have my Trader Joe's coffee right here, and the ingredients read "Whole Bean Coffee." I don't see any artificial flavors, colors, additives, anything... unless you count "Nitrogen flushed can to help ensure freshness"... but I don't.


I have a can of root beer here too (not caffeinated)... it has Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Caramel Color, Sodium Benzoate, Natural and Artificial Flavors, and Quillaia Extract (whatever that is)


I do add sugar to my coffee. 2 teaspoons is about 8 grams compared to the 45g of sugar in the root beer. Comparing caffeinated soda to caffeinated coffee... it looks like 71mg is the FDA limit for a 12 ounce soda, and an 8 ounce cup of coffee could have anywhere from 100 to 150 mg. So about twice as much caffeine. I'm okay with that.


We drink coffee, tea, and soda here... decaf after 2pm (DH drinks only decaf at any time), all in moderation. I wouldn't have a problem with a kid having a cup of coffee or tea or a soda, but I wouldn't want it to be a large proportion of their daily diet. As long as they eat well the rest of the day, a single drink isn't going to ruin their health.

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I am not a coffee drinker, although everyone else in my family is. I think it is fine for a 14 year old to have the occasional cup of coffee. My 14 year old does not care for the taste. My soon to be 12 year old, however, has always loved coffee. Sometimes I put a little coffee in a glass of milk for her. She loves it.

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