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Do you consider coffee unhealthy for a 14yo?

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Heartily agreeing with the "coffee is better than soda" attitude. A cup or two a day is fine.....

I've also never purchased any coffee with caramel coloring or other ingredients in it. I personally think the flavored coffees taste horrible, though.....


:iagree: If you're buying canned sweetened coffee, then maybe it has the sugar and artificial ingredients of a soda. But brewing your own with a high quality coffee is WAY better than soda in my world. My 11 year old loves coffee, but right now we try to keep it to a minimum. If he wants some in the morning with milk as a teen, I'd be fine with it. We do not add sugar to coffee and do not like flavored coffees either. A latte no flavoring no sugar is a treat for me.

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(didn;t read past page 1 of previous replies)


1 cup of coffee a day, with regular or no sugar (not fake sugars) and real milk or cream (not chemical coffee lighteners) seems OK enough to me. FAR better than bottles of soda with high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors & flavors, and other nasties. And for the record- many non-cola sodas have caffeine. Barq's rootbeer, Mt. Dew, Sunkist orange soda.


So yeah- coffee isn;t so horrible. Better he drink coffee to act grown-up than a beer, right? :D

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This is in no way said snarky or rude. How is coffee more healthy than soda I am really wondering? I notice I view coffee like it seems some of you view a soda and I just find it funny! To me coffee is so disgusting and I cannot even handle the smell of it. I am under the impression that most coffee has artificial flavor and such as well as carmel coloring just like dark and flavored soda does.

Either way you go it it is caffeine fix. Soda rots your teeth coffee badly stains them and makes your breathe stink. Unless you make it otherwise coffee is full of sugar and junk too. I would think they are both just as equal in their badness.



Coffee is water and coffee beans. No artificial anything, no colorings, no sugar - unless you specifically choose to ADD those things.

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Not a problem. Only one child drinks it and she's 15. I think she started when she was 13. It helps get her going, but if she is staying home right after I disappear as she becomes a motor mouth and I feel overstimulated by the onslaught of words and thoughts. LOL

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We live in the coffee capital. Seriously you cannot throw a penny without hitting a coffee stand!


We have a fancy espresso maker. DD doesn't like the taste, however DS has a mocha (with delicious homemade dark chocolate syrup) a few times a week. I choose the mild setting and give him 1 ounce.

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My three-year old loves coffee. He begs for sips of mine. (I only give him one or two and distract him). I wish I could get my 10-year old to try it, because I think one tiny cup might help him with his focus issues, as others in this thread have mentioned. We do not drink soda - at all. So, obviously I join in with those who think one cup for a 14-year old is fine.


Is this thread giving anyone else coffee cravings? I have stopped drinking it temporarily while dealing with adrenal issues, but I really awnt to go brew a pot now. Thanks a lot! ;)

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Since dd needs it for her ADD, it's fine with me. I'd rather have her functioning... :D I hope they are providing it on her raft trip. They did have them bring an insulated mug, so I assume so.



This is not true for everyone. This may be true for some but I think it is all in their heads because it does not work for any of the add adhd in my family. Granted everyone is different but I have had counselors and doctors say that if a cup of coffee is your drug you do not medically have add or adhd.

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This is not true for everyone. This may be true for some but I think it is all in their heads because it does not work for any of the add adhd in my family. Granted everyone is different but I have had counselors and doctors say that if a cup of coffee is your drug you do not medically have add or adhd.


Must depend on the person and the doctor. My brother's doctor told him just a few weeks ago that the improvement in his ADHD was likely due to his new coffee habit.

Everyone reacts in different ways.

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Must depend on the person and the doctor. My brother's doctor told him just a few weeks ago that the improvement in his ADHD was likely due to his new coffee habit.

Everyone reacts in different ways.


Caffeine has no effect on me whatsoever as far as I can tell. Doesn't keep me awake (even if I drink espresso at midnight), and does nothing for my ADD. Bummer on both counts.


This may be true for some but I think it is all in their heads because it does not work for any of the add adhd in my family.

Heh, well I also sometimes think that maybe this "caffeine keeps you awake" thing is just all in peoples' heads. :lol: But then I think I must just not have some caffeine receptors or something... Edited by matroyshka
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My 3 yo will steal your coffee when you aren't looking. She loves it! Occasionally she gets "coffee milk" (half milk, half coffee) but she requests it so much I've decide to just get her some decaf.


OTOH, we grew up drinking coffee so... :)

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I only read the first post in the thread and only because I felt that this thread fit PERFECTLY with the thread about treating adult children like adults. If I had a concern about coffee (or coffee and teens), I'd share that. If I thought it should be researched, I'd either do so or encourage my kid to. But in the end, I think a 14yo can decide whether or not to drink coffee.

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