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So, now what? Do I call the Dr?

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My bleeding and minor cramping from last night hasn't really changed any, but after taking another test this morning and getting a very, very faint (more so than the one I took on Friday) positive, I'm pretty certain that the bleeding is ominous. I should be a little over 5wk - plenty far to have a strong positive, especially after the darker positive I had on Friday. I had planned to call the OB today to get things started, but now I'm not sure what to do.


I've never done this before. My heart hurts and I need some direction. Do I still call the doctor? What do I tell them? This just sucks. Yes.....I said "sucks".


UPDATE on page 3

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I would call the nurses' line to let them know. They will likely tell you to wait and see, as there is nothing they can do if you are miscarrying. (I realize you know this....just saying what they are likely to say to you.)


That way, if you do have any complications, they have this on your record.


I hope that you aren't miscarrying, but if you are, I am so sorry. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry you're going through this.


When I worked L&D, we recommended women come in to be assessed, but you can decide if you want to do the hospital thing or just wait it out at home. It depends on how much bleeding & discomfort you are having, and how long you want to wait. A natural miscarriage may take a few days. Calling your healthcare provider's office or the birth center/hospital to talk to someone usually helps if you aren't sure what you want to do.


Again, I'm so sorry. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Also so sorry and still hoping everything is going to be okay.


I've been through 2 miscarriages. One required medical help and the other didn't. The one I was able to handle at home was much preferred. Not a time I wanted everybody poking at me.


Again, so sorry!

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yes, call the doctor. They need to know, even if you decide to not come in. I had a natural miscarriage go horribly wrong years ago, and I wish I had done the same. This way they will get a heads up that you are having issues.


I'm so sorry. This is so hard. BTDT.

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I am so sorry. I've lost four babies. It's really hard.




I would call the dr, mostly because you can bleed really badly and/or there's always a risk for ectopic. Two of my losses were ectopics so I freak about them. If you feel any pain or dizziness then go to the ER. Your body can sometimes hold on to tissue and cause an infection. Let the dr at least know what is going on and to be on alert in case you need to go to the ER.



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At five weeks, they'll probably tell you to just miscarry at home. It's very early, and it will most likely be just like a heavier period.


If there is any chance that your dates are off, they may want you to come in. They'll do an ultrasound and see what's there. Then you'll have the choice of miscarrying at home or getting a D&C.


I had four miscarriages in a row. One was as early as five weeks, and they don't really do anything for that (blighted ovum..sac visible, but no baby developed in it). The other three were D&Cs. Two in the doctor's office and one in a hospital (that one was twins at 12 weeks and they were worried about excessive bleeding...there was none). The procedure is easy and the recovery is non-existent. I was back to my normal schedule within an hour.


Hang in there. :grouphug:

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if it is just light spotting it might not be a miscarriage. I'd call the doctor and ask about having bloodwork run, etc. I know though that at 5 weeks you couldn't see anything on my ultrasound, and i'm 26 weeks pregnant now, so that didn't mean anything.

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A little more hope.


I went to dr bleeding. I had shots every other day for seven weeks and bed rest. Six weeks after all that ended, I went into labor (19weeks). I was on medication to stop labor and went to dr weekly. So it wasn't the best pregnancy. 34.5 weeks and I had a darling little (well, not so little!) boy. He is now 17 years old :)


Eta: I didn't get a positive pregnancy test til week 7! I had ultrasounds and treatment before the test finally popped!

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Thank you everyone!


As I suspected, my HCG was already down to 2. She said because it's already that low, I've obviously lost the baby and she doesn't need to see me again. She did do a quick internal and said that I had a small polyp on my cervix, which she removed. She told us that they can sometimes make it hard to get and/or stay pregnant. Then, she told us to wait a cycle if we wanted to try again.


I was okay until she started talking about the emotions and how even though it was an early loss, it was still a loss and not to be surprised if those emotions hit me over the next few days. She went on to explain that it wasn't anything I did or didn't do. I started crying - exactly what I DIDN'T want to do. I'm sure I'm not the first (nor the last) person to cry in her exam room, but ugh.


Anyway.....I'm not sure where we'll go from here. DH wants to tell the kids what's going on, I'm not sure I do. DH kinda wants to tell his parents, which, I'm really okay with, but I don't want to tell my mom. DS's birthday is tomorrow, so I'll pour myself into that for now I guess. The last 4 days have been almost more than I can handle emotionally. Thank you for all the support and prayers!

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Anyway.....I'm not sure where we'll go from here. DH wants to tell the kids what's going on, I'm not sure I do. DH kinda wants to tell his parents, which, I'm really okay with, but I don't want to tell my mom. DS's birthday is tomorrow, so I'll pour myself into that for now I guess. The last 4 days have been almost more than I can handle emotionally. Thank you for all the support and prayers!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I would recommend at least telling your 11yo. Walking through hard times is one way our children learn how to respond to real life. Plus she could easily be really worried as she will know something is wrong.

Edited by HiddenJewel
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Thank you everyone!


As I suspected, my HCG was already down to 2. She said because it's already that low, I've obviously lost the baby and she doesn't need to see me again. She did do a quick internal and said that I had a small polyp on my cervix, which she removed. She told us that they can sometimes make it hard to get and/or stay pregnant. Then, she told us to wait a cycle if we wanted to try again.


I was okay until she started talking about the emotions and how even though it was an early loss, it was still a loss and not to be surprised if those emotions hit me over the next few days. She went on to explain that it wasn't anything I did or didn't do. I started crying - exactly what I DIDN'T want to do. I'm sure I'm not the first (nor the last) person to cry in her exam room, but ugh.


Anyway.....I'm not sure where we'll go from here. DH wants to tell the kids what's going on, I'm not sure I do. DH kinda wants to tell his parents, which, I'm really okay with, but I don't want to tell my mom. DS's birthday is tomorrow, so I'll pour myself into that for now I guess. The last 4 days have been almost more than I can handle emotionally. Thank you for all the support and prayers!

:grouphug::grouphug: Oh Kristen, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Praying for you. It's okay to cry.

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Seems like you have a very good doc who addressed the emotional side of this as well.

Grieving and processing are very important. Don't deny those very real emotions so healing can begin.

Sorry for this emotional roller coaster ride!

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