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ASD Rollcall

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I'd love to know or see who all is dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorder. My dd, 11.5, just was diagnosed last week. Right now I'm feeling a bit alone and a lot lost. Going through the pages of this sub-board is a bit confusing because of different people using different terminology. The new diagnostic criteria doesn't help matters, either.


So Hi, I'm Elizabeth and my daughter has ASD.



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We got a lot of "NOS" instead of the Asperger's dx. Doctor doesn't want to commit until the mood issues are under control. I think maybe she's thinking that he would look less Aspie if they were. I think the Aspie is showing more now that the mood stuff is getting worked out.


I have not read it yet, but lots of BTDT moms recommend the autism book by Tony Attwood. Here's a central website with resources:



Also visit Autism Speaks.

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My youngest was diagnosed with autism back in December at 2 yrs. 11 mos. At that point, she was moderately impaired, but the developmental pediatrician said that when she's older and her speech & language have developed more, she'll most likely present similar to an Aspie.

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DS12 was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 3.5 years old. Our autism consultant commented that he would probably meet the criteria for a diagnosis of autism now.


DS9 is quirky due to social anxiety issues, but is not on the spectrum. He was been diagnosed with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia last June.


DD12 is doing great academically, but is having more issues with what appears to be anxiety and OCD. We are currently looking for a therapist/psychologist to address her needs.


Brain wiring is so complex!!

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My 4 yo has an Autism diagnosis. He was diagnosed just after turning 3. He's lower functioning and has almost no verbal ability beyond some labeling.


When he was first diagnosed we were led to believe he was moderate but he's just gotten worse over time. His language is worse today than it was 2 years ago. He attends public school because his needs are so great I just cannot meet them with having other children I'm homeschooling. He really requires one on one support. He's currently in a mod/high functioning class and they are trying to move him to a severe classroom. It has 1 teacher, 5 assistants, a SLP, and OT for 8 children.

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My son was originally diagnosed with ASD around 2yo. He had no spontaneous language until almost 4.


We know now more about the medical causes underlying my son's DX, so we don't offer refer to his ASD diagnosis anymore. Up until this year, he was in the public school special ed system, and had an active IEP under the autism criteria. He currently receives private speech, OT, developmental services and adaptive PE.

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My son is mild to moderately (depending on whom you ask) autistic. He also has apraxia, which prevents him from relying on speaking as his main form of communication. Words slip out, now and then, clear as day, but he is completely unable to reproduce them, despite getting speech therapy from 18mos-5yrs old. He primarily uses ProLoQuo on the iPad for expressive communication. He's getting much better with it, and we've been shocked to discover recently just how much he knows. He has begun reading basic sight words and names *without any instruction*!


He goes to public school, although we've been conflicted over that this past year. Basically, he was in a terrible, awful placement with very low-functioning kids and a teacher who knew nothing about autism and who had essentially written him off. We argued and pressed and demanded and advocated on his behalf, and lo and behold, got a wonderful new placement for him for next year, as he begins kindergarten. We are extremely hopeful for this fall, and I look forward to working with him this summer. I love stumbling upon something he knows! He gets so excited, and claps and cheers for himself, and looks at me with those big blue eyes as if to say, "YES!!! You FINALLY get me!!"


:001_wub: I ♥ that boy.

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8yo ds- pdd-nos

5yo ds- autism

2yo ds- speech delay, suspected on the spectrum, gets weekly speech and 2x weekly toddler group for social skills


I also have an 8 month old son. He's on track now, but so were the other 3. I'll probably bring him to be evaluated by Early Start sometime between 18 and 24 months.

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One of my 8yr old ds twins was diagnosed at age 2 as autistic, suspected of being hFA. He's the most outgoing of the entire family. He's slowly showing a grudging interest in the printed word and enjoys math and building things. His current obsession are windmills and water pipes and he enjoyed building dams in the creek back when we had rain.


I'm strongly suspected of being an Aspie, although I have not pursued an official diagnosis for myself.

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Guest tdk316

No official diagnosis (waiting to see how the OT and speech work first) but one with sensory processing disorder (SPD), ADHD and severe anxiety and the other with other speech and SPD issues... you're not alone! Just read a good book - "Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid" - it's a lot less judgmental than the title suggests. I identified with a lot that the authors were saying, especially about their acceptance processes. It's worth a look IMHO. :001_smile: Hang in there!

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My 7yr old ds is on the spectrum - dx PDD-NOS. Doc said he fits aspie characteristics, except for a speech delay. He was diagnosed a year ago, and I remember the lost/overwhelmed feeling all too well. Sometimes it still hits me like a ton of bricks, but less often. You have lots of support here, so post whenever you need it!

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Ds2 has Asperger's (in addition to ADHD and a seizure disorder). He is 13 and is "officially" in 6th grade -- working at grade level or above in math, reading at about a 4th grade level. He scares me with math -- although I wouldn't say he's advanced in math, he understands concepts intuitively. I'll start explaining the lesson, and he'll cut me off -- "Got it, Mom. I know how to do this." Emotionally, he's probably more like 8 or 9. He loves nature (tarantulas and sharks in particular), the Titanic, and anything related to Legos. When he's talking about subjects of interest to him, he uses this pedantic "little professor" voice and will talk your ear off. He can recite endless streams of movie dialogue ad infinitum (and ad nauseam :D). He has the lowest frustration tolerance level known to man and, although he has good days (or at least parts of days), in general he hates school. He was in ps for a year several years ago, and it was a terrible experience for him and for our family (I'm sure it was no picnic for the school, either). Over four years later, he still gets upset when talking about his time in ps. So we homeschool (which we were doing before he was diagnosed and before his year in ps), and it's the lesser of two evils for him. Anger is a problem for him; he is terribly irritable when he's frustrated and wants to punish the world. Any kind of competition upsets him. I think counseling would be a very good thing, but we're running into roadblocks with his pediatrician (who thinks meds would be better for him) and the insurance company.


He may yet drive me to drink, but when he is having a good day, I couldn't be happier.

Edited by Maverick_Mom
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I suspect ds13 has aspergers along with a mood disorder, so far his Dx changes constantly based on who sees him and no one can agree on a course of treatment so he remains untreated.


DS8 is thought by most of those working with him that he has PDD of some sort. I have to get him the psychoeducational testing before the neurodevelopmental clinic will bother to see him. So it could be a while before that Dx comes along.

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Ds 7 was diagnosed last year at 6 with High Functioning Autism. He also has ADD, tourettes and Sensory Processing Disorder. He really REALLLLLLLLY struggles with school work. I am sure if you look you will see a rollar coaster of posts from me about him. Good days and really bad days! We are on a downward spiral currently :001_huh:

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One DD is diagnosed Gifted w/AS (it is different than just AS according to the specialists).


I would think it would be since someone isn't required to be Gifted in order to have an AS diagnosis. My son has the AS, the Gifted, and LDs. (I never knew that was possible.)


I'm worried about the new criteria; I'm afraid my son might be stripped of his diagnosis. I guess we're "fortunate" in the sense that we still have an ADD and 3 LD diagnoses to fall back on if he needs accommodations. It still concerns me.

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No dx here, but 13yo highly suspected of HFA or possible Asperger's. Just starting to consider getting a dx. I'm sure gifted, dealing with anxiety, and (at least lately, not sure if it's just puberty) attention and/or forgetfulness kind of stuff....


Closest we've gotten to any dx's include the ps dx in K of semantic pragmatic disorder (language processing) and "probably a little hyperlexia." In his pK year he saw a child psych who said he was highly intelligent, reading on at least a 4th grade level (at 4 years old), and "the rest is probably just self-esteem issues, don't you think...?" Um... no...! :001_huh:


It was such a relief to me when I discovered info on HFA/AS and knew that my son was really dealing with some true issues, and that it wasn't just me being a bad mom. You are not alone!

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