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Can you hear this sound?

Can you hear the sound on the linked web page?  

  1. 1. Can you hear the sound on the linked web page?

    • I am under 25 and can hear it.
    • I am under 25 and can not hear it.
    • I am over 25 and can hear it.
    • I am over 25 and can not hear it.
    • Other.

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I can hear it. It's a little annoying, but not horrible. The toddler didn't really seem to notice it.


A similar thing was going around a few years ago. I didn't hear that one, and thought it must be a hoax, but then my DS commented on the horrible noise.

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I can't hear it anymore, but was very sensitive to it when I was a small child. Going to the shopping mall was torture for me (my brother had the same problem). I guess in the long run, it has helped our financial bottom line, as I still don't associate shopping with fun, but rather with a headache.


ETA: Never mind ... I didn't have my speakers on ... I did hear that sound -- not quite the same that I remember from the 70s and 80s, but definitely annoying.

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I love torturing the kids with these things. (Jokingly of course) I just tried it and once again I hear nothing. My 6 yo on the other hand goes "What was that?!?" My DD down the hall did not come covering her ears so I will have to play it as she comes in. My dog did perky her ears up.


ETA: Apparently DD was literally as far away as possible in my house when I was first playing it. I played it while she was still down the hall (doing pull ups apparently) and she hollered at me to turn it off.

Edited by jenn-
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This just in: it does work on the iPad after all. I tried it again for my 11-year-old son. He got angry and said "I hate that noise! What is that! Turn it off!" This time I heard a faint buzz, like florescent lights, and felt a sensation. I'll try it on my teen when she gets home from school. :D the dog remains unaffected. :D

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but when it's "playing" I start to get the weird headache that I often get at the mall. Good to know my headache isn't about a lack of oxygen (my usual scapegoat at the mall)




I'm 48 and could only hear it when I turned the sound up high, but my ears started hurting after a while, as if it was very loud.


My puppy started barking immediately, and both my kids came walking out of their rooms to ask what that awful noise was about.

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I couldn't hear a thing. Apparently the dogs could not either because it didn't phase them at all. Recently we did a found a site where we could play noise along the entire spectrum of human hearing. It was really strange because we could hear some sounds that the kids couldn't not and vis-a-versa. There were also sounds in the middle of the spectrum that we could not hear. I always thought that you begin losing the ability to hear at the far ends of the spectrum but apparently that is not the case. I have also found that you do not have to actually conciously hear the sounds for them to give you a headache.

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I'm 49. It sounds like the "pitched" high-frequency sounds they use on hearing tests. doesn't tend to take long to start looking for the source and wishing for a gun to shoot it, or just leave the store.

About 10-15 years ago they played on the news one of those "only young people can hear" sounds (yeah, right) that they use as teenage ring-tones so they could have their cell phones in class and the teachers wouldn't know. I wanted to shoot the darn phone.


It makes my eyes water.

Edited by gardenmom5
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How funny. I can hear a very quiet sound that is somewhat annoying but not what other people are describing. My kids can hear it very well. I clicked play and they both covered their ears cringing and clenching their teeth and telling me to turn it off. They shook their heads and put their fingers in their ears as if to clean them out.


ETA: Ha! I waited for them to walk away and get distracted and I turned it on again and they immediately said, "ARG! Turn it off!" From across the room. I'm going to test it on my husband next. He has very good hearing and is kind of a sound snob. ;)

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I played it and couldn't hear it. Oddly enough, my kids started crying "What is that noise? Oww!!" I tried stopping and starting it and they could tell me when it was on or off, I still couldn't hear it. However, I did get a case of vertigo like feeling. Bizarre.


Oh, ETA: I'm 33. I sent it to dh who is 35, I wouldn't be surprised if he heard it. We were outside when I played it, the kids could hear it a good 20 fr from my phone lol

Edited by Gingerbread Mama
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I'm 49. It sounds like the "pitched" high-frequency sounds they use on hearing tests. doesn't tend to take long to start looking for the source and wishing for a gun to shoot it, or just leave the store.


I am also 49 and can hear it. My kids were across the room at the dining table when I tried it. I did not tell them ahead of time. The both grabbed their ears, "Do you hear they? WHAT is that?" Apparently, it does work on them.


My dh would not be able to hear this. I tried an app on the I-phone that tested this with different ranges of sounds and he could not hear anywhere near the high-pitched sounds I could.


It is strange to me since I blew out an eardrum in my twenties working as a flight attendant (note to self, do not fly with a bad cold.) I have a hard time hearing people on the phone out of that ear.

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Over 40, really loud and annoying. I pressed pause almost immediately. I have always hated high sounds like that. My husband cannot hear sounds in that range. He has a "noise bomb" on his phone that he gets a kick out of because it doesn't bug him, he likes to see if other people can hear it.

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51 and could barely heart it. It didn't bother me.

13yo in next room doing math yells "knock it off." Super mad.

19 yo says nothing, so I call her over and while we're talking I turn it on. She grabbed her ears, asked me to stop and wanted to know why I kept doing it. :lol:

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52 here. I couldn't hear it until put on the earbuds. High pitch ringing noise. Unfortunately not annoying because my ears ring all the time. However, my technicians have a test tape when working on amplifiers that is so bad it makes my ears vibrate and shut down. Don't know what frequency it is - will have to find out because it's really annoying.


Son is next room (12) can't hear it.

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I can just barely hear it, like for a split second and then I can't hear it. I'm soon to be 45. My kids can hear it. I turned it on when each was individually in the same room, without telling them. My oldest is almost 20 and she couldn't stand it and was covering her ears and saying now her ears hurt (what a drama queen :001_rolleyes: :lol: ). My youngest keeps saying, "Are you serious mom? You can't hear it?"



Here is a place where you can order the device, and try out tones for different age groups:




This was neat to try. I can hear the 15 KHz (not quite as lound as the ones above it), which should be audible for 40 years and younger (so that makes me feel pretty good :lol: ). The ones below I can't hear at all. My kids can hear them all. Again with the "Are you serious mom?". She's fascinated by this.


Yes, I can hear it.....and BTW: were there some swear words in bold to the right of that when you clicked on it? THAT bothered me far more the the sound.


You're kidding, right?? Because I'd hate to think that my eyesight is as bad as my hearing apparently is getting.

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You're kidding, right?? Because I'd hate to think that my eyesight is as bad as my hearing apparently is getting. [/color][/size][/font]


She's talking about the Mother&^%$ing Pterodactyl. I never noticed it, since it IS The Oatmeal after all. Not exactly G rated.

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I could hear it, but it didn't bother me. My mom could faintly hear it. My 8-year-old son, 12-year-old son, and 17-year-old niece could hear it and hated it. My 12-year-old daughter could hear it, but it did not bother her at all. She couldn't understand while everyone was freaking out.

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