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Did you see these "reviews" of the WTM Forums??

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I am at my inlaws in Mi and obviously WTM Forums are not in her favorites :lol: So I googled to get here. This and This popped up. Have you seen these?? Somebody sure doesn't like it here These absolutely make me laugh because these are about the exact opposite of what I see this forum as. Sure there are SOME Fundie Christians (myself being one probably by most standards ;)) but WOW!! :lol: These literally had me laughing out loud!

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Though one or either of them may need an exorcist. And probably an English teacher.


Man, those are some angry, ANGRY people. What possesses people to go mental all over a forum on the Internet? (see "needs exorcist" above) Good grief.



One of the token, faith-challenged, liberal grammar squad WTMers.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Though one or either of them may need an exorcist. And probably an English teacher.


Man, those are some angry, ANGRY people. What possesses people to go mental all over a forum on the Internet? (see "needs exorcist" above) Good grief.



One of the token, faith-challenged, liberal grammar squad WTMers.




:lol: :iagree:

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I am at my inlaws in Mi and obviously WTM Forums are not in her favorites :lol: So I googled to get here. This and This popped up. Have you seen these?? Somebody sure doesn't like it here These absolutely make me laugh because these are about the exact opposite of what I see this forum as. Sure there are SOME Fundie Christians (myself being one probably by most standards ;)) but WOW!! :lol: These literally had me laughing out loud!


Well, I'm an atheist and I enjoy hanging out here.


However, one of the threads they are referring to was absolutely horrid to read.

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SmrtLearnins used to post here, so obviously something happened. *shrug*


I have seen the other one posted before. People have lots of time on their hands, huh?


I think she bowed out of all online stuff - both her blog and her friend Patchfire, who also used to post here, shut down. I vaguely remember that post about the WTM forum though - IIRC, it was in response to some specific things here around that time, though I don't remember what.


The Urban Dictionary thing is just funny.

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The Urban Dictionary one is oooooooooooooooold, and I don't care about that one.




Awww...I am ddn't realize Smart Mama had left us. I liked her. There are so many of us here who are not homophobic or racist. I feel really sad she lumped everyone in together.


Not sure why I should care, except that I liked her? :(


Are all of the lefties --and moderates-- forsaken? Can one not participate on the largest hsing board on the planet and not be assumed to be a bigot?

Edited by LibraryLover
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SmrtLearnins used to post here, so obviously something happened. *shrug*


I'm pretty sure there was a specific, pretty hateful thread (that dissolved into recipes and kiltishness) that inspired that post.


(I mean, I'm sure it's not *all* because of one thread, but I remember reading that blog post when it was first published and understanding the context.)

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I would say that those offer a pretty fair description of some of the posts on the "general" board.


I was here for a few months before I realized that there were other liberal, non-religious posters hanging around. I guess we're less likely to start threads about it or something.

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I'm pretty sure there was a specific, pretty hateful thread (that dissolved into recipes and kiltishness) that inspired that post.


(I mean, I'm sure it's not *all* because of one thread, but I remember reading that blog post when it was first published and understanding the context.)



While it's true there are some very far- right ideas expressed here (evolution is the work of the devil, Obama is a Muslim trying to take over the US from within, Gays will burn in hell, women who work dress like whores etc), there are many more of us who are not interested in that sort of rheteroic. We simply want to educate our children in ways that make them think --and think hard. There are not very many online places to go with certain questions.


I don't see the point of the broad brush. Although I understand the charges.

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While it's true there are some very far- right ideas expressed here (evolution is the work of the devil, Obama is a Muslim trying to take over the US from within, Gays will burn in hell, women who work dress like whores etc), there are many more of us who are not interested in that sort of rheteroic. We simply want to educate our children in ways that make them think --and think hard. There are not very many online places to go with certain questions.


I don't see the point of the broad brush. Although I understand the charges.


It bothers me when anyone tries to paint this board with a broad brush too. There are a lot of us liberal types here. And one of the things I appreciate most about this board is that the religious homeschoolers are not a single bloc - there are Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical Protestants here - there are YEC and OEC posters - there are people on the Christian left and the Christian right - not to mention plenty of Jews, Muslims, and even Hindus and Pagans. And the thing they all have in common is wanting to teach their children to think critically. I don't always agree with many people here and surely some are close minded bigots... but that's not the majority here by a long shot.

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We simply want to educate our children in ways that make them think --and think hard.


I do sometimes get the impression that for some the critical thinking is only OK as long as it remains within the well defined parameters of the family's belief system.

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The Urban Dictionary one is oooooooooooooooold, and I don't care about that one.




Awww...I am ddn't realize Smart Mama had left us. I liked her. There are so many of us here who are not homophobic or racist. I feel really sad she lumped everyone in together.


Not sure why I should care, except that I liked her? :(


Are all of the lefties --and moderates-- forsaken? Can one not participate on the largest hsing board on the planet and not be assumed to be a bigot?


It bothers me when anyone tries to paint this board with a broad brush too. There are a lot of us liberal types here. And one of the things I appreciate most about this board is that the religious homeschoolers are not a single bloc - there are Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical Protestants here - there are YEC and OEC posters - there are people on the Christian left and the Christian right - not to mention plenty of Jews, Muslims, and even Hindus and Pagans. And the thing they all have in common is wanting to teach their children to think critically. I don't always agree with many people here and surely some are close minded bigots... but that's not the majority here by a long shot.


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The Urban Dictionary one is oooooooooooooooold, and I don't care about that one.




Awww...I am ddn't realize Smart Mama had left us. I liked her. There are so many of us here who are not homophobic or racist. I feel really sad she lumped everyone in together.


Not sure why I should care, except that I liked her? :(


Are all of the lefties --and moderates-- forsaken? Can one not participate on the largest hsing board on the planet and not be assumed to be a bigot?


Can one not be conservative and not be assumed to be a bigot?

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Wow. That was just plain scary. And not at all how I have seen this forum to be. But I guess to each their own....But seriously. SCARY. :001_huh:


Oh, and one more observation. It seemed like rant of a lunatic. But then all the people that agreed and applauded her...I think that is almost more unnerving than just the one angry person. And now I am done with my observations.

Edited by kalliemorgan
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One of the token, faith-challenged, liberal grammar squad WTMers.


May I join your club, please?


I don't get the anger. I don't get the reactionary tone to that post and many of the comments. Look, I've had my challenges on these boards, but only in ways that could reasonably be expected when you pull together such a large group of people who share only one thing (and some not even that).


My deep, dark secret is that I resigned several years ago from an e-mail group for UU homeschoolers, because the folks on that list were some of the most intolerant people with whom I've ever tried to have a conversation. My experience has been that, for the most part, my heathen-liberal-vegan-pacifist-not-always-WTM-approved self feels much more welcomed and accepted here than among what should be "my people."


I've been around since "the old boards," and I've never seen anything to justify the kind of venom spewed on those pages. It makes me feel equal parts angry at the misrepresentation and so sad for the people who felt wounded enough to write those comments.

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I don't know. The question confuses me. :) What are these beliefs?


I ask with respect.


I'm on the kindle so this will be short and choppy. I am politically conservative and a fundamentalist Christian. I am not a bigot. My inlaws are also politically conservative and fundamentalist Christian and they are bigots. Your comment above seemed to imply that conservatives were bigots by saying that liberals and moderates were not bigots just because they posted on this board (which includes people who are not liberal or moderate which seems to mean conservative). Perhaps I misunderstood?


I believe there are bigots in every belief system.

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Wow, I really do miss all the good stuff. Whoever said they're not reading the right threads.... right there with ya, sister! ;)


Interestingly, I joined this board for two main reasons. First, the terrific wealth of knowledge and terrific curricula suggestions. (Maybe that's two, but I'm counting it as one.) And second... I wanted a board that wasn't based on religion, that was more broad based, and where people value academics.


I am Christian, but homeschool in at least a somewhat secular manner, and we're not homeschooling *for* religious reasons. Anyway, the WTM boards that woman describes are just NOT the WTM boards I've grown to know and love. Strange.

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Perfectly stated!


Wow, I really do miss all the good stuff. Whoever said they're not reading the right threads.... right there with ya, sister! ;)


Interestingly, I joined this board for two main reasons. First, the terrific wealth of knowledge and terrific curricula suggestions. (Maybe that's two, but I'm counting it as one.) And second... I wanted a board that wasn't based on religion, that was more broad based, and where people value academics.


I am Christian, but homeschool in at least a somewhat secular manner, and we're not homeschooling *for* religious reasons. Anyway, the WTM boards that woman describes are just NOT the WTM boards I've grown to know and love. Strange.

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I'm not sure what "conservative" means exactly. Not sure what liberal means either.


In fact, did you know that in Germany the terms are kinda opposite in meaning to how they are used here?


They're opposite in Australia, too. I don't think many Americans really know what they mean, or that most Americans fit into one or the other. Me, I'm socially conservative but politically independent.


Wow. That was just plain scary. And not at all how I have seen this forum to be. But I guess to each their own....But seriously. SCARY. :001_huh:


Oh, and one more observation. It seemed like rant of a lunatic. But then all the people that agreed and applauded her...I think that is almost more unnerving than just the one angry person. And now I am done with my observations.




And for what it's worth, I like kilts AND religious threads. :D

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The Smrt Mama post was in response to a particular egregious thread on the general forum, in which a lot of self-righteous victim-blaming was applied to rape and sexual harassment. I think there was some anti-gay stuff going on at about the same time as well, and it got to be too much for her all at once.

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I'm on the kindle so this will be short and choppy. I am politically conservative and a fundamentalist Christian. I am not a bigot. My inlaws are also politically conservative and fundamentalist Christian and they are bigots. Your comment above seemed to imply that conservatives were bigots by saying that liberals and moderates were not bigots just because they posted on this board (which includes people who are not liberal or moderate which seems to mean conservative). Perhaps I misunderstood?


I believe there are bigots in every belief system.



I don't know what was misunderstood, because I don't know what you think I am thinking. :) What is a bigot to you? What is the difference between your fundamentalist Christian beliefs and your inlaws' beliefs?


I am always wanting more information so that I can be better informed.

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I am at my inlaws in Mi and obviously WTM Forums are not in her favorites :lol: So I googled to get here. This and This popped up. Have you seen these?? Somebody sure doesn't like it here These absolutely make me laugh because these are about the exact opposite of what I see this forum as. Sure there are SOME Fundie Christians (myself being one probably by most standards ;)) but WOW!! :lol: These literally had me laughing out loud!


Meh ... just another B.O.B. I guessed I missed an epic thread. Please don't post the link! I don't find such things interesting or helpful.

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The Smrt Mama post was in response to a particular egregious thread on the general forum, in which a lot of self-righteous victim-blaming was applied to rape and sexual harassment. I think there was some anti-gay stuff going on at about the same time as well, and it got to be too much for her all at once.
Yup. The threads are still here, and might be worth a read before assuming "lunatic!"
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The Smrt Mama post was in response to a particular egregious thread on the general forum, in which a lot of self-righteous victim-blaming was applied to rape and sexual harassment. I think there was some anti-gay stuff going on at about the same time as well, and it got to be too much for her all at once.


:iagree: I remember the thread and it was pretty bad. One of the worst I've seen on here, in terms of bigotry. Did it eventually get locked or deleted?

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Sorry. I only read what was posted. She just seemed really super angry. I judged it off of that. I won't be reading the other stuff, though. Sounds like discouraging things, anyway. And I need as much happiness in my life as I can get! :)

Yup. The threads are still here, and might be worth a read before assuming "lunatic!"
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It bothers me when anyone tries to paint this board with a broad brush too. There are a lot of us liberal types here. And one of the things I appreciate most about this board is that the religious homeschoolers are not a single bloc - there are Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical Protestants here - there are YEC and OEC posters - there are people on the Christian left and the Christian right - not to mention plenty of Jews, Muslims, and even Hindus and Pagans. And the thing they all have in common is wanting to teach their children to think critically. I don't always agree with many people here and surely some are close minded bigots... but that's not the majority here by a long shot.


:iagree: I am an agnostic who has politically liberal opinions but personally makes very conservative choices. Because of that, many of my acquaintances and a few casual friends have no idea how liberal I am politically. When I first met DH (some 20 years ago), his mom (a conservative Christian) went around telling everyone about the wonderful girl her son had met. She told everyone she thought I was Pentacostal! :lol::lol::lol: Go figure! :001_rolleyes: (And I have nothing in the world against Pentacostals, of course. It just goes to show how little you can judge a book by its cover. I was just a girl with long hair who happened to love skirts. :tongue_smilie:)


The Smrt Mama post was in response to a particular egregious thread on the general forum, in which a lot of self-righteous victim-blaming was applied to rape and sexual harassment. I think there was some anti-gay stuff going on at about the same time as well, and it got to be too much for her all at once.


Haven't we all been there? Haven't we all been so incredibly riled up and offended by a thread? But then we act like adults, put down the mouse, walk away, make a cup of tea, take a walk...


I saw her post shortly after it was written and I was disgusted, partially because we were all lumped together, partially because of the excessive vitriol, partially because this was not her first time posting on these forums and then turning around and bashing us on her blog. Bow out, by all means. If this forum is not for you and provokes such venom, just bow out. Obviously, she did but for me it was too late for her to keep any respect I ever had for her.


At some point you have to accept that you are going to disagree with certain posters here about virtually everything they stand for. There are like-minded people and there are polar opposites. That is what I love about it! But at some point (daily, perhaps, for the most sensitive among us :lol:), you have to put on your big girl panties and walk away from a conversation that makes you want to slap people around. :tongue_smilie:

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The Smrt Mama post was in response to a particular egregious thread on the general forum, in which a lot of self-righteous victim-blaming was applied to rape and sexual harassment. I think there was some anti-gay stuff going on at about the same time as well, and it got to be too much for her all at once.


Thanks for filling us in! I definitely don't remember it, but I'm not on here everyday.

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