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What do your kids want to be when they grow up?

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DD, age 7, has said for about a year that she would love to be a missionary. She's even decided she will go to Tanzania.


DS, 11 today :biggrinjester: , says he wants to be a pirate LOL! He's so funny. I told him I'd have to turn him in if he was. Mom or not, I have a law to uphold :)


So, how about your kids?

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I'm almost embarrassed to post this, but it so hilarious I just have to:


My 9yo ds is obsessed with animals, any kind... He wants to be the guy who scoops the dead animals off the roads after they've been hit by a car. :ohmy: He can think of nothing more glorious than that. :D

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Dd 12 has always said she wanted to be a Zoo Keeper. Until we visited Atlanta Aquarium. Now she wants to be a marine biologist.


Dd 8 wanted to be a "flag raiser" for many years. Not sure where that one came from - perhaps the military functions we have been to. Now, she wants to be a ballet dancer and a mom


Pretty cool I think.


By the way, I always wanted to be an astronaut when I was their age

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Just days ago my nearly 4 year-old son was asked:


Q What do you want to be when you grow up?

A I want to be just like my Daddy? [imagine my pride]

Q What does your Daddy do?

A Nothing!


Bill (who actually works quite hard writing and editing a television series)

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I dunno about my kids, but I wanna be just like Bill when I grow up too! :lol:


Really, My kids:

dd11 used to LOVE the playland at McDonald's when she was little, so every time she was asked, she'd say, "A McDonald's worker." I once asked her why, and she said so that when she's not working she could play in the playland! :D Now she wants to be a Chemist (she took chemistry last year and LOVED it!), a teacher or computer something rather!


ds14 wants to be a pastor, a physical therapist type person or a missionary pilot. Actually the three of those could go together!


ds17 wants to do SOMEthing with computers (I told him playing computer games won't pay much, so he'll need to find a different thing with computers than that! ;) ) or a soccer player.

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Both my older ones want to be aerospace engineers with one of those wanting to be a pilot also.


My 6 yr old who is too young to really know, wants to be an astronaut. But he has known more about the planets and space than I do for over a year now. He will sit and read all the astronomy boooks I have (Usborne, Apologia, etc). He was an early reader and can tell you so much about it. So who knows, maybe he will be an astronaut some day.

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My ds 11 wants to be a professional dirt bike rider (motocross)


Ds 3 wants to be an astronaut ( as long as mom can be one and protect him from the aliens, that is what he told me the other day)


DD 9 wants to be just like her dad (which is not too good of a thing, he is 30 and lives with parents still)

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For two years now my oldest (8) has said he wants to go to Mexico and tell people about Jesus. He also wants to be a major league baseball star.


My youngest (6) wanted to be Batman. Now he wants to be Flash. He runs so fast now that I think he's on his way with that one.

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Ds (11) wants to be in the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. It was AF for a long time, but he keeps changing his mind. DD (9) wants to be an artist/veterinarian. Her twin, well......, is their a job that involves the color pink? If there is, then that's what she wants to do.

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Dd has said she wants to be a horse-trainer (or something working w/ horses like running her own stable & teaching lessons).


Ds varies a bit, but it usually runs in the 'designing' category -- Lego designer, chess piece designer, computer game designer, chef (which I consider a designer of sorts...). When he was in the Lego designer phase, he even said that he would probably have to move to Denmark and was assuming the rest of us would move there along w/ him. He seemed rather put out when his sister said she wasn't planning on moving there (because she wants to go to KY -- horse country, of course). LOL.

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Didn't we have this thread?


The 10yo wants to be on Broadway, a Weird Al Yankovich impersonator in Las Vegas, a movie producer, or a director in local theater.


The nearly 8yo wants to be a transportation engineer.


The 5yo wants to fight people to save animals. I have visions of him, 16 or 17 years old, knocking at my door. I haven't seen him in months and he smells like ocean and is carrying some sort of weapon. "I had to go, Mama," he says. "They were killing baby seals again." He would go now if I let him. He's already attempting to develop an arsenal.


The 2yo hasn't declared a major yet. :toetap05:

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My ds has decided that he is going to a Time Lord.


He informed me that he is going to move to the UK, buy a blue phone box and use his Granddads house as his base when he is not off saving the universe.



Or else he is going to join an outer space mining company and change his name to Lister.


Ohh, to be in the mind of an 8 yo boy who watches a lot of English TV programs.

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My dd(18) is starting her own housecleaning business this year. Not glamorous, but something she can do and still have a family if/when God provides. I still very strongly that God is going to provide her with a Missionary husband. I don't know why, but I have always felt that way and that He has prepared her for that.


dd(15) wants to be a RN working with children


dd(13) changes day to day. I see her as a missionary of some sort.


ds(14) is handicapped and will be happy living with mommy and daddy as long as God allows. :001_smile:


ds(5) when asked keeps telling me "stop asking me that mommy". :lol: " I'm busy playing Legos."

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Oldest is a vet nurse, next is on his way to being an engineer and then the rest:


17 yo criminal justice major-thinking csi

15 yo neurologist

13 yo singer/acting maybe director

12 yo unsure

10 yo pastor or writer

8 yo: unsure

5 yo a mommy :)

3 yo-I am just hoping he makes it that long :D

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dd1-15 has been answering massage therapist finally changed her answer to translator or something with languages. That one would suit her. (She doesn't like touching people or being touched, so I really didn't understand her other choice.)


dd2-13 a teacher, swim coach, and or homeschooling mama (same answer since time began)


dd3-13 doesn't have a clue and never has had one


ds- 11 A professional video game player working for microsoft. Yes, mom, that is a REAL job, and I'm practicing hard right now so they will want me later!

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My older son wants to be a screenwriter. He has talked about it for years (he just turned 10). He has read every book on screenwriting that our library has and he spends countless hours in front of an open Word document. So far his screenplays have a strange "Spongebob meets Eragon meets Star Wars" feel to them.


My younger son wants to be a race car driver and a video game developer and an actor (in "fighting movies") and a firefighter. Unlike his brother, who doesn't mind sitting quietly for much of the day, younger son needs action and excitement. He likes things like snowboarding and extreme sports (unlike his brother, who would rather sit down with a book).


So far, neither of them has gotten interested in any "practical" careers.

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At 10 he wants to write and direct Star Wars 7,8, and 9.


Believe it or not, Star Wars 7 is coming out in August; it's animated. I think it's called The Clone Wars or something like that. I know this from living in a house with three Star Wars fanatics.

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My dd16 spent years and years talking about being a vet when she grew up. In the last year though, she's gravitated toward cooking and nutrition and wants to be a pastry chef. She's taking cooking classes in high school and wants to go to a culinary school after her senior year.


My ds11 has always had a fascination with vehicles. When he was younger, he wanted to be a police officer so he could drive a police car with sirens, a construction worker to drive the big machines, and a truck driver to drive a semi-truck. Now he says he wants to work with cars but he isn't sure what he wants to do with them just yet. He might be a mechanic.


My ds10 has never talked about her future. I can't think of her talking about being a grownup when she was younger. She and I were talking last week and I asked if she was going to go to college since she an energetic schoolish type learner and she surprised me by saying she hopes to get married and have children rather than having a job outside the home. She wants to be a mom and homeschool her kids. :)

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My daughter (13) dreams of being on Broadway, the next Patti Lupone. She'll settle for being a working musical theatre performer, though. And she's planning a degree in Arts Management, so that she can run a regional company someday.


My son (10) has said for years he wants to be a robotics engineer, ideally working with the space program in some way. He's into performing, too, though. So, every now and then he talks about wanting to design sets or costumes or special effects for stage shows.

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Well, he absolutely must do this one! :lol::w00t::lol:



Yeah, as homage to his brothers. The 21yo is a D&D champion, the 8yo loves Stephen Hawking, the 10yo memorizes long passages of anime, even the 2yo has that classic geek curly hair. The 5yo is cool, not nerdy. But he's the one that sings it, under his breath, while going about his normal Lego conquests. I think the 10yo's fav is Canadian Idiot.

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DD, age 7, has said for about a year that she would love to be a missionary. She's even decided she will go to Tanzania.


DS, 11 today :biggrinjester: , says he wants to be a pirate LOL! He's so funny. I told him I'd have to turn him in if he was. Mom or not, I have a law to uphold :)


So, how about your kids?


I recently heard that most missionaries decide to be missionaries before the age of 12. So that is very cool that your 7 year old wants to be a missionary. My 12 yo. wants to be a professional baseball FAN:lol:. Yep, you read that right. I had to break it to him that you don't get paid to be a fan. I think I have talked him into being a sports writer so that he can still fulfill that fan idea. Boys are so funny!


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My oldest decided at age 2 that he wanted to study dinosaurs. Ds is now 14 and even more serious about paleontology. We are planning our summer vacation around a dinosaur dig.


Ds12 has always wanted to be whatever ds 14 wants, so he says he wants to be a paleontologist, but he doesn't have the same passion for it. However, I can see him illlustrating his brother's work:) He draws all the time and has a talent for putting all those negative emotions into his drawings:) His cartoons crack me up.


DD8 often says she want to be a fashion designer:) Since she was little, she has taken silk scarves, blankies, towels, etc to create dresses for herself. She draws ladies in fancy dresses all the time. Her favorite gift is her fashion design studio from Hearthsong.

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Dd6 seems resigned to her fate as a dancer (ballet/contemporary, I think). She told me the other day, "I just think I was meant to be a dancer, you know? I've been doing it all my life." lol... We shall see. ;)


Ds doesn't seem to know exactly yet. But I tend to think his love of acting and writing will come into it somehow.

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