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Boys claim "something" bothering them (ghost or something)

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Ha! Well, at least the chiro was innocent since he was out of the country. He said it was funny watching the recognition on certain patients' faces as they sniffed.


If it wasn't sage, the massage therapist must've had a heck of a party!

It is that alternative medicine being practiced.

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For those who think it might be an evil spirit....why wouldn't a demon just go ahead and cause serious physical harm, or manifest in a way that *couldn't* be denied? Why would something supposedly that powerful content itself with merely disturbing the sleep of a child?


For me, it's kind of like asking why, if Jesus wanted to make an appearance on Earth, he'd choose someone's toast or oddly-shaped potato to do so.



Spirits work in the spiritual world not the physical world - hence SPIRITUAL. If you can be manipulated by fear than that opens the door to all types of tormenting things.


The OP is a believer in Jesus Christ so I think they have a grip on the route they need to take on dealing with this.

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:iagree: but fear is a powerful thing. I had horrible night terrors until I was about 13. I was totally paralyzed by fear and "saw" all kinds of terrifying things (that honestly weren't there). I'd have your kids sleep together and see if things improve. Sleeping alone was awful for me. Having someone else in the room improved things 90%. It didn't eliminate all of my irrational fear but I realized that it was, in fact, all in my head.


I wouldn't know what to believe- I do believe these things can happen, but I think they are rare- I tend to believe it is fear itself that is strong and there might be a more physical reason for this...and fear can spread.


I started having night terrors after our house was robbed- and yes, I "saw" a man next to my bed. I would start screaming and crawl over dh to get away, sometimes they were shadows- but a presence (I thought) -they were night terrors/nightmares. My husband got us a dog (he is not a pet person) and she sleeps in our room -exactly for this reason, to make me feel safer. I've only had one nightmare since we got her. They were awful, and I was afraid I'd have a heart attack or a stroke or something, my heart rate got so out of control.


I would second the suggestion of you sleeping with them, or moving them into your room temporarily and you moving into theirs. Would a dog help them feel safe? I think you are wonderful for taking their fears so seriously.

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Call the closest Catholic church and make an appointment with the priest. Don't explain to the secretary. It is not uncommon for non-Catholics to meet with priests about these things. The Catholic church is greatly misunderstood and maligned. They fight evil (always have, always will) and these types of things are well known to them. If you aren't comfortable doing that, send me a PM and I'll find a priest in your area who will be helpful. Little black men or black shadows=evil. Did he play with a quija board, go to a fortune teller, hang crystals in his room or do anything else related to the the occult or new age movement? If so, remove them right away and tell the priest. Please let us know how it goes. Praying very hard for you and your children.

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Spirits work in the spiritual world not the physical world - hence SPIRITUAL. If you can be manipulated by fear than that opens the door to all types of tormenting things.


The OP is a believer in Jesus Christ so I think they have a grip on the route they need to take on dealing with this.


:confused: I meant no disrespect to the OP. It really was an honest question, and I am interested in hearing others' beliefs explained.

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For those who think it might be an evil spirit....why wouldn't a demon just go ahead and cause serious physical harm, or manifest in a way that *couldn't* be denied? Why would something supposedly that powerful content itself with merely disturbing the sleep of a child?




If I were a demon I'd totally mess with someone's mind before I'd do anything anyone could PROVE. It's so much more nefarious, you know, because then everyone's whispering that the person is maybe a little crazy and delusional. You could cause a heck of a lot more suffering by using a little subtlety in your actions than by slamming through the house.


Not that I have a clue how demons think. Do they think? Anyway, I find psychological thrillers much scarier than slasher flicks.

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If I were a demon I'd totally mess with someone's mind before I'd do anything anyone could PROVE. It's so much more nefarious, you know, because then everyone's whispering that the person is maybe a little crazy and delusional. You could cause a heck of a lot more suffering by using a little subtlety in your actions than by slamming through the house.


Not that I have a clue how demons think. Do they think? Anyway, I find psychological thrillers much scarier than slasher flicks.


Gaslighting. Interesting.

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Ghosts do not exist. Cleansing rituals may offer a "placebo effect" in the short term but they also encourage the superstitious beliefs that are the root source of the problem in the first place.


To borrow a phrase from Franklin Roosevelt, "there is nothing to fear but fear itself."





Of course if one were to quote FDR it might do well to remember this one;


"I am a Christian and a Democrat, that's all"


Many Christians tend to believe in evil entities and unless one were to accuse FDR of lying, hopefully not something one would expect of someone of character, then he might have believed the OP rather than dismissing her concerns.

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It smells like pot (marijuana) though. A friend of mine who is a chiropractor was appalled to come back from a long weekend to find that his massage therapist had "cleansed" the office with sage. It smelled like pot for nearly a month in there.


Maybe sage doesn't make the spirits go away, maybe it just makes them really mellow for a while, man. :tongue_smilie:



My mom and I often dream of my great grandmother on the same nights. She died in our house, when I was 12. I'm now 44 and it still happens on occasion.


I think there are fascinating things about the brain that we just don't know yet. I also think there are fascinating things in the universe that we don't know yet.


I don't believe all spirits are demonic or even what we might consider ghosts. I find aspects of the paranormal interesting, and I sleep with a nightlight.

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wow....that is not how I look at any Priest or Pastor...they are usually VERY willing to help in any way. If the Priest didn't want to help I'm sure he would say so. Since when does a church send people a way? Then again...I'm Christian. Is that how Catholic churches work? I'm shocked if they do. Others have posted that they got help from a Priest that was very willing to work with them. I'm sorry this post just struck me wrong.


No, its not how the Catholic church works. They are glad to help anyone who needs them. Whether they are a believer in the Christian faith or not.



And , Bill, Bill,,Bill. What would we all do without your reason? I mean, really,who else would be here to tell someone that ghosts don't exist? I mean only you would know :D So glad that you know for a shadow of a doubt. I think we all feel better tonight.

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wow....that is not how I look at any Priest or Pastor...they are usually VERY willing to help in any way. If the Priest didn't want to help I'm sure he would say so. Since when does a church send people a way? Then again...I'm Christian. Is that how Catholic churches work? I'm shocked if they do. Others have posted that they got help from a Priest that was very willing to work with them. I'm sorry this post just struck me wrong.


For those who think it might be an evil spirit....why wouldn't a demon just go ahead and cause serious physical harm, or manifest in a way that *couldn't* be denied? Why would something supposedly that powerful content itself with merely disturbing the sleep of a child?


For me, it's kind of like asking why, if Jesus wanted to make an appearance on Earth, he'd choose someone's toast or oddly-shaped potato to do so.




Easy, children are easy targets and if its a poltergeist they get their strength thru fear. If the original poster is not afraid, her children sure are.

I remember watching a particular show on cable,, can't remember the name, think it was Ghost stories or something to that effect.

There was a lady that lived in an apartment and was being terrorized by a poltergiest. She had someone come in and the person who was looking through the house could tell it was one. She said things start off innocent like. Maybe pulling down sheets, throwing things off. The more the person is afraid the more they grow stronger and stay.


So they start off slowly. Not all poltergeist start off harming people. But the more they are afraid the stronger they become and the more violent it becomes. Even if you watch the movie Poltergeist, you'll notice in the beginning of the movie "they" do innocent type things , small things just enough to get that person afraid. Then toward the end of the movie they have her and her family is trying to get her back after they've terrorized the family. Not saying this will happen to this family. But its a good example how they just don't start off being violent.

I personally have never seen a ghost. But I surely have NOT dismissed that this is possible at all.

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And , Bill, Bill,,Bill. What would we all do without your reason? I mean, really,who else would be here to tell someone that ghosts don't exist? I mean only you would know :D So glad that you know for a shadow of a doubt. I think we all feel better tonight.


I think Bill is a ghost, and he's just trying to throw us off his trail... ;)


Or else he's that Mayhem guy from the Allstate commercials.

Edited by Catwoman
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One can believe that the fears of the OP's children are genuine and yet still dismiss a supernatural explanation for those fears.


I think it more likely that they are suffering night terrors and that their minds are picking up on details from their religious background to frame those terrors in a certain way.

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One can believe that the fears of the OP's children are genuine and yet still dismiss a supernatural explanation for those fears.


I think it more likely that they are suffering night terrors and that their minds are picking up on details from their religious background to frame those terrors in a certain way.


Not sure how many Christians or religious faiths as such teach their children about ghosts. Do you?

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Not sure how many Christians or religious faiths as such teach their children about ghosts. Do you?


My religious education certainly included supernatural beings of a malignant nature, yes. And there is plenty of stuff in the general zeitgeist (so to speak) to go around as well.


I believe that children have an instinctual fear of the dark and of solitude at bed time for evolutionary reasons. It paid to sleep close to the fire and close to Mom and Dad back in the day, when cold and wild animals made those activities hazardous.

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:confused: I meant no disrespect to the OP. It really was an honest question, and I am interested in hearing others' beliefs explained.



Perhaps that would be a good topic for another post.

Edited by jamajo
I meant to say thread.
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One can believe that the fears of the OP's children are genuine and yet still dismiss a supernatural explanation for those fears.


I think it more likely that they are suffering night terrors and that their minds are picking up on details from their religious background to frame those terrors in a certain way.


Not sure how many Christians or religious faiths as such teach their children about ghosts. Do you?


:iagree:. We're pretty serious Catholics here and Little Librarian doesn't know anything about ghosts or demons aside from what she's heard in fairy tales. Nothing to the degree the OP's children are seeing and hearing things. She certainly hasn't heard anything from DH or I. That said I've told her not to play with Ouija boards or anything else that's supposed to help communicate with anything you can't see.


Last month my grandmother and her sister were both in ill health. They'd talk on the the phone and we'd give them news of each other but always kept it positive as possible. The evening that my grandmother passed away was a Wednesday evening and it happened right after we left my great-aunt's house after visiting her that evening. My great-aunt was sitting up and eating but pretty disconnected with what was going on while we were there. We told her that my grandmother was not feeling well today but she sent her love. The next morning my great-aunt woke up, told her grandson-in-law that she had the stangest experience last night and then drifted off into a coma that she never woke up from. She died 36 hours later. I'm really interested in what her experience was. She and my grandmother were never seperated from each other for long and I wonder if it was my grandmother visiting her telling her it was time for them both to go.

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I hope I don't remember this in the middle of the night. When I wake up to go to the bathroom (which I do a minimum of three times a night :eek:) I might not want to leave my room to go if I remember any of this. Seriously. My imagination is way too good. I can work myself into quite a tizzy.


I am not Christian or Catholic, but I might convert if that helped. Oh yes, I'd call a priest and anyone else I could think of. Then I'd take the kids and go stay at my parents' house till it was resolved. Or move.



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I'm aware that a lot of people take this kind of thing seriously, I'm just pointing out that one can find it superstitious and non-scientific and still think that something should be done to help the children who are afraid of the dark.


Personally, I would reassure the children that there is nothing there, just like I would if they were afraid of a monster in the closet or under the bed. Then I would get a nightlight and play some sort of soothing classical music at a low volume as they go to bed, or maybe put on a looping CD of the sounds of the beach or a tropical rainforest.

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The catholic church is not the Orkin Man for your child's nightmares and Bogeymen.



Ok I have laughed a few times while reading through the posts (NOT at what the OP's kids are going through--just at some of the, um, helpful, suggestions on this thread), but this is hilarious!

Edited by LeslieAnneLevine
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Call the closest Catholic church and make an appointment with the priest. Don't explain to the secretary.


Hey! That would be me! ;)


Honestly, as secretary, I have to screen the calls.If you were to call me, I'd have to ask you why you would want to talk to the priest. He's a busy man, and everyone wants to talk to him, even if it's just to know the time of the next mass. So I have to ask, and if I can answer, I do. Otherwise, I take a message, and leave the message to the priest to call back when he's available. I do that, even if I know he's available right away, so he gets to choose if it's a phone call he wants to take or not.


So if you were to call my parish, your best bet would be to say that you're not Catholic, but you have something to ask that only a Catholic priest can answer. That would get you through most secretaries. We know there are confidential calls out there, and that type of comment would let me know your call has to be treated as confidential. (my personal guess would be an absolution, btw... or how to handle a mixed marriage, all things that secretaries don't handle.)

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:iagree:. We're pretty serious Catholics here and Little Librarian doesn't know anything about ghosts or demons aside from what she's heard in fairy tales. Nothing to the degree the OP's children are seeing and hearing things. She certainly hasn't heard anything from DH or I. That said I've told her not to play with Ouija boards or anything else that's supposed to help communicate with anything you can't see.


Last month my grandmother and her sister were both in ill health. They'd talk on the the phone and we'd give them news of each other but always kept it positive as possible. The evening that my grandmother passed away was a Wednesday evening and it happened right after we left my great-aunt's house after visiting her that evening. My great-aunt was sitting up and eating but pretty disconnected with what was going on while we were there. We told her that my grandmother was not feeling well today but she sent her love. The next morning my great-aunt woke up, told her grandson-in-law that she had the stangest experience last night and then drifted off into a coma that she never woke up from. She died 36 hours later. I'm really interested in what her experience was. She and my grandmother were never seperated from each other for long and I wonder if it was my grandmother visiting her telling her it was time for them both to go.


Just to let everyone know that my question was serious and not snarky. I really was interested in how many faiths teach children about ghosts. Because we've belonged to quite a few and none of my children have ever been taught about it. Not even in the Catholic faith.


Now if your an adult and you want to talk about the supernatural, well then , that's fair game.

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Just to let everyone know that my question was serious and not snarky. I really was interested in how many faiths teach children about ghosts. Because we've belonged to quite a few and none of my children have ever been taught about it. Not even in the Catholic faith.


Now if your an adult and you want to talk about the supernatural, well then , that's fair game.


Read the original post again.


My middle son, age 10, has been complaining for about a year now, of what he says are 3 or so demonic spirits that bother him. They wake him up, they make strange noises, they have black shadows that scare him. Says they call him by his name, and stand around his bed talking to him when he tries to sleep.


Demonic spirits. My religious upbringing certainly included them. I would think any religion that included the bible would teach about demonic spirits.


I don't think there is any such thing bothering this kid, but if the parents grow visibly alarmed, I could see these children latching onto a supernatural explanation.

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I don't know where I stand on supernatural beliefs but I would do everything possible to exclude natural causes. A few possibilities like mold and night terrors have been mentioned here and I would be combing Google to exhaust all natural possibilities because it would be too easy to skip over some harmful natural cause if one was too focused on the supernatural.

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Night terrors/sleep paralysis/sleep hallucinations. All extremely common in kids. All cause very vivid, very real hallucinations. My three kids had all had them. When my youngest was in the middle of one, we even called my older kids in the room to watch. He was seeing everything and anything. Things jumping out to get him. Things crawling on the wall, demons reaching out to grab him, you name it. They will generally outgrow it by their teens.



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Night terrors/sleep paralysis/sleep hallucinations. All extremely common in kids. All cause very vivid, very real hallucinations. My three kids had all had them. When my youngest was in the middle of one, we even called my older kids in the room to watch. He was seeing everything and anything. Things jumping out to get him. Things crawling on the wall, demons reaching out to grab him, you name it. They will generally outgrow it by their teens.




My only thing about the night terrors is that it doesn't explain what her husband experienced. While wide awake...

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My only thing about the night terrors is that it doesn't explain what her husband experienced. While wide awake...


Hypnogogic hallucinations begin while the person is still awake, but beginning to enter a sleep state. If I remember right the husband was reading at the time of his experience, and reading is something that can send the mind drifting toward sleep. I think it could have been a hypnogogic hallucination.

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my son was wide awake lastnight too. It happened almost as soon as he laid down. He never had a chance to fall asleep.


Sorry-- wasn't night terrors or hallucinations.


And hubby was writing a bible study/reading for that. Wide awake, I was next to him when it happened.

Edited by joyfulheart
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I would believe them. Growing up, we lived in a house that was "haunted (for lack of a better word)" by a little boy. For awhile, no one in the house knew each one was seeing it as we didn't say anything. You could wake up and see him just staring at you or walking down the hall. When relatives came once and were freaked out seeing him walked down the hall. That was how each of us told of what we saw. My family thinks something happened to him with an used piece of furniture they bought as he showed up sometime after it came.

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Call your local Catholic parish and make an appointment to speak with the priest. Tell him what is going on and ask if he can bless the house. Also if you think it is needed each diocese has a priest trained in exorcism.


It isn't something to attempt to do on your own. You could possibly make it much much worse.


:iagree: And want to add that if you can find a Traditional Catholic priest {normally the ones that do the latin mass} they are a little more educated about this than those of today.


My college was terribly haunted - 150+ year old catholic school. They actually went around on the holiday breaks and summer breaks and blessed each room thoughly with holy water, holy oil and blessed salt. It REALLY helped it a lot.

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Read the original post again.




Demonic spirits. My religious upbringing certainly included them. I would think any religion that included the bible would teach about demonic spirits.


I don't think there is any such thing bothering this kid, but if the parents grow visibly alarmed, I could see these children latching onto a supernatural explanation.


Umm, didn't see anything in the poster's post that she taught her children about ghosts. What, because she mentioned she was Christian? Yeah, so am I? Doesn't mean that I teach my children about ghosts... So your point? We've belong to many Protestant faiths, and are newly Catholic ( almost 1 year) and they have NEVER been taught about ghosts or demonic creatures in the faith.


I agree, with others to make sure you rule out any health issues first. But also I still suggest setting up a video camera, especially a full spectrum HD camcorder will pick up such things if its there. Or it may pick up him having night terrors. Either way you can't go wrong.

Edited by TracyR
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So sorry your family is having such a hard time of it. It sounds miserable for all of you.


FWIW, I think what your kids are experiencing is real. Whether real in the sense that there are spirits, ghosts, or whatever (and I am, personally, open to that possibility, and would be investigating that avenue heavily) or real in the sense that it is a vivid hallucination... Whatever is happening is real. Your DH has experienced it, too. Clearly, there's something going on - whatever the cause.


I have skimmed most of the replies, but this thread is so long that I have not read them all. Another idea has occurred to me, and I want to throw it out there, in case it hasn't been mentioned... When I read the comments about mold, it sparked the idea...


For years, I had experiences with ... I don't know what to call it ... ghosts? Vivid hallucinations? I don't know. Whatever it was, when it happened I believed firmly in ghosts. It was all so, so real. Now, I don't know what it was.


An extended medical ordeal led me to find out that I had chronic tick borne diseases (I know, here I go, the crazy tick lady again)... After getting treated for Lyme and co-infections (primarily Babesiosis) ... No more ghosts. No more hallucinations. Zip. Nada. It's been years now. Tick borne diseases, some of them, can cause vivid hallucinations.


Or maybe my experiences were real, and I'm simply not open to them anymore. I have no idea, but am thankful they are gone!


Anyway, just another thought to ponder as you figure this out. Since you live on a farm, or near one, with cattle etc nearby... I thought it might be worth mentioning.


Although, I must say that for all of your boys, plus your DH, to have similar infections causing similar hallucinations... That would be a bit odd.


Still, more food for thought.

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You could do a Google search and see if there is a group of paranormal investigators in your city / state.


There's a paranormal research group about 40 minutes away from where we live that comes out and investigates any "unexplained phenomena" and they don't charge a dime.


That's where I'd start. And then follow their recommendations (calling a priest, burning sage, etc.). I'd let them do the video taping and voice recording, etc.

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I would believe them. Growing up, we lived in a house that was "haunted (for lack of a better word)" by a little boy. For awhile, no one in the house knew each one was seeing it as we didn't say anything. You could wake up and see him just staring at you or walking down the hall. When relatives came once and were freaked out seeing him walked down the hall. That was how each of us told of what we saw. My family thinks something happened to him with an used piece of furniture they bought as he showed up sometime after it came.


That is frightening. Did your family get rid of the piece of furniture??

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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I just wanted to post and say that I am praying that you can identify exactly what is going on and praying that you can find the most effective way to deal with the situation.


There is nothing worse than to have to worry about your kids and knowing they are scared. And there is nothing worse than something out of your control happening.


I believe in a God who CAN help you find the problem and help you with a solution.



Edited by DawnM
typos late at night
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As was mentioned, holy water is powerful and blessed salt even more so. You can get holy water at any Catholic church and can ask the priest to bless salt that you bring. It might be interesting to get either and, without your sons' knowledge, bless their rooms. Then see if there is any difference. It may or may not help, but it might be interesting all the same. I really hope that you do speak with a priest and would love to hear what he has to say.

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For those who think it might be an evil spirit....why wouldn't a demon just go ahead and cause serious physical harm, or manifest in a way that *couldn't* be denied? Why would something supposedly that powerful content itself with merely disturbing the sleep of a child?


For me, it's kind of like asking why, if Jesus wanted to make an appearance on Earth, he'd choose someone's toast or oddly-shaped potato to do so.



I am not an expert on toast-like apparations of the Messiah appearing miraculously.


Having experienced this as a child (my family practiced Santeria and other things), my take on this is that a child is more open to the spiritual realm. Like I said earlier, Freud suggested the line between reality and fantasy/myth/magic is "blurry". I do think little ones at that age are more open to things that cannot be seen. Take for example the miracle at Fatima was seen by children.


I do think there are unique situations where in the family line or a gift of discernment is in that individual and at that age, they do begin to see or (like I did) communicate with the spirits. I never thought of my familiar spirit as a child as demonic, by any means. He certainly knew a lot about my family and was like a guardian to me. I never saw him except for a few times. Many times the communication was done (and I do not wish to freak anyone out) via a psychic connection. I remember being told by a great-aunt I had the gift to speak with those who were no longer alive. I never saw it as evil.


That being said, when I grew up and became an adult, I realized how much I had opened myself up to that side and how trapped I had become over the years believing in falsehoods. When I became born again and renounced that past -- it was quite interesting to see my familiar spirit guide manifest into something very violent and unhappy at losing control over my life. It is long gone and I am fine. But the years of lies really messed me up. One interesting thing I found that God redeemed that psychic gifting and turned it into a gift of discernment. I can meet a stranger and get a "read" on them like when I was a youngster -- but the gifting is much more kinder and gracious rather than being ugly.


There is so much to the universe that our eyes cannot understand. I do believe the land cries out for justice if blood was spilled. I do believe there are lost souls roaming the earth. And I do think spirits can mess with an innocent child as that is an easy "door" for the rest of the child's life the spirit can work thru. These beings have been here for ages. They have all of the time in the world. Why not wreck some revenge and mess with an inncoent soul? That is at least my take on it.


To the poster who mentioned the burning sage... there is good reason why we natives burn it OUTDOORS. ;) That stuff can seep into clothing and furniture.


As for Night Terrors, those do occur. My son had them all of the time as an infant and toddler. Let me assure all of you a night terror is very different from what I experienced as a child with an unknown entity tyring to drive fear. Even if you are not psychic or gifted in discernment, your body will feel the fear of something malevolent in a room. Even if it is not evil, you can sense you are not alone in a room or building as the spirit is curious and wants to know why you are there. They will make their presence known. Animals also are good discerners of situations like this and most likely refuse to go into that house or room. Totally different thing with something biological like a Night Terror.


I believe there are reasons for things like this: it could be spiritual or biological. Imagination can create nightmares. I would personally go to a doctor and rule out any causes for a night terror -- blood labs for example. My son did have a rare genetic disease later dx'ed in life but the main symptom he had as a child was the night terrors of his metabolism going haywire. While in crisis, both hubby and I did not feel it was related to anything spiritual if it helps.

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Ghosts do not exist. Cleansing rituals may offer a "placebo effect" in the short term but they also encourage the superstitious beliefs that are the root source of the problem in the first place.


To borrow a phrase from Franklin Roosevelt, "there is nothing to fear but fear itself."




:iagree: Nightmares can frightenly vivid especially to children. To this day, I remember exactly what the antagonist in my first recalled nightmare looked like. The scary dreams that are set in your own living space can be hard to distinguish from reality in certain sleep stages.

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Thank you Bill, the voice of reason.


Mental health problems, on the other hand, do exist as do hallucinations. I would encourage you to run away from any sort of ghost and demon excited pastor and run towards a logical rational answer, and possibly towards a play therapist.


I would also mention that the power of suggestions is very strong for children and I would actively discourage any sort of glamorization of these occurrences.


:iagree: Whoever mentioned sleeping with the children had sound advice too. In the midst of dreams or hallucinations, it is easier to re-center yourself if you are not alone in bed.

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The problem I have is that exorcisms, holy water, salt, or whatnot are all magical incantations that are more likely to induce hysteria in the kids rather than defuse the situation. What is needed is clear-headed, rational talk.


Children are afraid of monsters under the bed. It is a parent's job to reassure children that monsters are imaginary and cannot harm anyone.

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I haven't read each and every post, so forgive me if this has been posted already, but I have read enough to make my eyes water. :tongue_smilie: Honestly, OP, I am amazed at your calmness, and I doubt that I would be as self-controlled. :eek: Last night my dh did his nightly devotion after supper, and this was his passage (he is going in order in the New Testament):

Ephesians 6:10-18

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand..."

I do not mean to offend anyone. We, as Christians, take this seriously, and so does the Lord. :grouphug:

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Have your home checked for mold, and have your boys checked for allergies to mold.


Black mold in a house can cause hallucinations. Our house that had it was built in 1917, but mostly it occurs in newer houses where something was done wrong in construction. If you are the only owner and your house is 13 years old...At the time we were having our house inspected (12 years ago) the mold inspector told us that several builders in our city were having problems with black mold in their brand new houses. It was even on the news.


Try googling "mold hallucinations"


(I'm perfectly willing to believe in ghosts, but I prefer to start with the physical world.)


I had the mold hallucinations as an adult due to extreme black mold in our apartment. It went on for 1 1/2 years. You can have a mold remediation company come do an inspection for free and also have your house tested for mold (but that's costly, around $375). Hugs to you and your family and many prayers.

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I just wanted to post and say that I am praying that you can identify exactly what is going on and praying that you can find the most effective way to deal with the situation.


There is nothing worse than worry about your kids and knowing they are scared. And there is nothing worse than something out of your control happening.


I believe in a God who CAN help you find the problem and help you with a solution.




:iagree: i'll be praying for your family. regardless of the reasons, your boys are afraid and that's so hard as a parent. i definitely think sleeping in there with them is necessary for right now. this will allow you to follow what is going on more closely. also, without sounding like a total nut job, i would encourage you to also pray if there is something in the house you need to get rid of. i don't mean weird obvious stuff either - i'm not implying that. i just mean something that is in the home that seems normal enough but may need to go. anyway. just a thought:grouphug:

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Did anyone else lose sleep last night??


OP, my prayers are with your family.

I would definitely pray and take authority over my children and my home.


I had a situation where I felt there were malevolent spirits trying to not only come in my house, but antagonize me. It was during a very rough time in my life...and I felt I was under siege...especially seeing beings in my garden and around my home. My dh prayed our hedge of protection...and then told me to LOOK beyond...and SEE the army of the Lord camped out around us. I looked and I saw, and I have felt comfortable since then. the Army of the Lord encamps around His people. Greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world.


My prayers are with you....and yours...


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(Bold mine)

mixing up New Age (or, just not Christianity) and Christianity isn't a good idea.


What if it's a New Age demon?


The problem I have is that exorcisms, holy water, salt, or whatnot are all magical incantations that are more likely to induce hysteria in the kids rather than defuse the situation. What is needed is clear-headed, rational talk.


Children are afraid of monsters under the bed. It is a parent's job to reassure children that monsters are imaginary and cannot harm anyone.


:iagree:Ghosts, demons, etc. are not real, but your children's fears are real. Rather than feed those fears it's important to help them understand they're just that - fears. If it continues after repeated reassurances, I'd have a doctor look for a physiological cause.

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A house blessing by a priest is not scary for children or a placebo. The priest prays that God would bless the family & house, walks through the house singing a hymn, and sprinkles blessed water. That's diifferent than an exorcism but you might start with that.

Also, if something tries to stop you from praying, don't listen.

Your family has been on my mind & I have been praying for you.


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