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"Don't tell anyone I let you listen to this"

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Does anyone else ever say this to their kids? I've been trying to introduce the kids to some older music by the Beatles, Elton John, Billy Joel. We were listening to "Piano Man" and I had to tell the kids not to tell anyone they listened to it. There have been others recently also but I can't think of any right now.


Now my dd 10 knows what getting "stoned" is apart from the Biblical "stoned" :001_smile:


I happen to know people who are very conservative about music (more so than I am).


I feel guilty yet not really. Kelly

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Listening to your kids sing "Rag Doll" is an eye-opener.


Ok, I have not let them listen to Aerosmith although I listen to them. Hmmm, someday :001_smile: I should clarify that when I say I'm conservative about music I mean about what my kids listen to, not me. I feel like such a rebel in my group of friends :tongue_smilie:



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LOL @ Ragdoll!


Yes, I have listened to some "aged" tunes and found that they are heavily sated with drugs and Tea. I try and remember that most of the songs are nothing more than empty words to the kids. I will shudder the day they realize what they actually ran around singing.


I worry more about today's "street" music rather than our own pop culture music trends influenced by our rebelious and free natures. :D

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(joining the group) :blushing:


My kids love The Beatles, Billy Joel, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Jr., Pink Floyd, Z.Z. Top and Rush.


The kids got The Beatles Rock Band for Wii when it came out. I had to explain to them that they could not walk through the grocery store singing "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" (They were 3, 6, and 9 at the time). Then I had to explain to my mom why that was a song that the kids probably shouldn't sing in public.:lol:


ETA: I also had to tell DS not to sing "Roxanne" (The Police) outside of the house either. :blushing:

Edited by fhjmom
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I just can't get over how weird it seems to think it's somehow mildly scandalous that your young children are familiar with the Beatles, Aerosmith, or Billy Joel.


Boy, what a reminder that some of us seem to live on totally different planets! I mean that in good humor, not in a snarky sense. I truly can't think of a single person in my circle of friends or family who would ever find anything about Billy Joel scandalous or shocking, LOL.

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I don't enjoy the really "bad" stuff myself, but I do introduce my kids to classic rock. If the lyrics are understandable to them, then I talk about them. If not, I just let it go over their heads - like it went over my head when I was little.


Call me a rebel, but I really don't care what others think of my family's musical / artistic interests. People are more shocked when they hear that I took my kids to see West Side Story on stage when they were 4. They have the WSS soundtrack memorized, by the way, and if you are familiar with it, that should give you a chuckle (or a gasp of horror, depending).

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Oh man, my husband is a Rock and Roll junkie. Like a crazy serious one. He's been making our daughters playlists since before they were born and used to sing Bob Dylan songs to them when they were babies. Unfortunately for him, our 3 year old seems to prefer classical music or Josh Groban. :lol: What are you going to do? She does enjoy the Beatles, Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mack on occasion though. He has hopes for when she's older.

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I just can't get over how weird it seems to think it's somehow mildly scandalous that your young children are familiar with the Beatles, Aerosmith, or Billy Joel.


Boy, what a reminder that some of us seem to live on totally different planets! I mean that in good humor, not in a snarky sense. I truly can't think of a single person in my circle of friends or family who would ever find anything about Billy Joel scandalous or shocking, LOL.


My husband said the same thing. Not about the family or friends because we do have some of those that would think it was scandalous. He just didn't think Billy Joel was all that scandalous.


Here is my dd6's favorite

right now.



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Does anyone else ever say this to their kids? I've been trying to introduce the kids to some older music by the Beatles, Elton John, Billy Joel. We were listening to "Piano Man" and I had to tell the kids not to tell anyone they listened to it. There have been others recently also but I can't think of any right now.


Now my dd 10 knows what getting "stoned" is apart from the Biblical "stoned" :001_smile:


I happen to know people who are very conservative about music (more so than I am).


I feel guilty yet not really. Kelly

I remember being told not to tell my stepgrandmother that my stepdad was teaching us to play Spades. Apparently, he had grown up with the "playing cards is evil" mentality. He could count cards, so he was a good person to learn from. Love Spades.

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We're conservative in a lot of things, but not so much in music. Now, I can't stand a lot of today's music (Katy Perry, Lady Gaga) and think it's trash. I love "my" music, though. :) My kids listen to a wide mixture of music from the 60's - 80's. I'm totally appalled that my music-loving DD doesn't like Rush. Heresy! :)

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We listen to "oldies" on a regular basis. I took my youngest to see the film version of the Rush Time Machine Tour as she is a little Rush fan (my favorite rock band). It is fun to share some of this "old" stuff with the kids. Better than some of newer music of today!:tongue_smilie:

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I liked Punk Rock and goth music for most of my 20s. We are LDS now so most of that is out. My kids are more versed in jazz and blues. I guess some of the blues might be iffy. My 5 yr old loves to belt out songs from Wicked. Not sure that is on the ok list technically or not. ;)

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Well, I was about 9 when Like a Virgin came out, and I used to sing it all the time. No clue what it meant. I remember being shocked when I heard it again at 17 and realized what it meant. A lot of it goes over their heads. It didn't hurt anything, I have only ever slept with one man:tongue_smilie:


Another trick is to change the lyrics. Nonsense that rhymes. Lyrics are not sung all that clearly. We love the song Poker Face (i'll get him caught, show him what I'm not) , also Need you now by Lady Antebellum. For instance I changed the word drunk to monk. It doesn't make sense, but the kids don't care, they like the tune. "I'm a little monk and I need you now."


They will figure out I changed things when they are teens.

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Dd listens to all kinds of music...she's been listening to some African stuff lately. She was a huge Beatles fan when she was 3, then moved on to the Ramones. :D She went to a Meat Puppets show about a month before she turned 8....which is tame compared to the boy I used to babysit....I took him to see Incubus/Pantera/Black Sabbath when he was 8. :thumbup1:He's 21 now, and still thanks me for that.

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"I'm a little monk and I need you now."



OK, that made me LLOL. :lol: I'm not sure you made it all that better. :D


My kids down to the 2 year old know ALL the popular Queen songs and ask for them by name. They are also big Beatles fans.


Our kids also are familiar with a lot of late 80's alternative music and some punk, since that's what my husband and I (still) enjoy listening to. We do have to be a little careful though because some of our friends and church family would definitely be :001_huh: at some of the choices, but mostly we figure we're safe because they won't recognize it.


We also listen to a lot of Tejano music and one song in particular is well loved: Gusanito. My kids think it is a fun song about a cute little worm, and have NO idea it's a Tequilla drinking song. Someday, I'm sure they'll be wondering what in the world their parents were thinking.


ETA: Just so we don't totally lose our classical homeschooling cred, we also listen to a healthy portion of classical music. Of course, our boys' favorite composer is John Williams, but hey- at least they have a favorite composer!

Edited by scrappyhappymama
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Dd listens to all kinds of music...she's been listening to some African stuff lately. She was a huge Beatles fan when she was 3, then moved on to the Ramones. :D She went to a Meat Puppets show about a month before she turned 8....which is tame compared to the boy I used to babysit....I took him to see Incubus/Pantera/Black Sabbath when he was 8. :thumbup1:He's 21 now, and still thanks me for that.


Nice!!! :thumbup:

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I just can't get over how weird it seems to think it's somehow mildly scandalous that your young children are familiar with the Beatles, Aerosmith, or Billy Joel.


Boy, what a reminder that some of us seem to live on totally different planets! I mean that in good humor, not in a snarky sense. I truly can't think of a single person in my circle of friends or family who would ever find anything about Billy Joel scandalous or shocking, LOL.


I'm not even sure I'd want to be friends with someone who thought Billy Joel was scandalous or shocking. :eek:


It never occurred to me to worry about whether or not other people would approve of the music we listen to, so this thread is very interesting to me. :001_smile:

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I let the kids watch How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory with me. I've had to explain quite a bit.


I'd let them listen to my music, too, but they never want to!


Love the Beatles and Elton John, but my all time fave is Prince.


We're not quite ready to let them watch those too much, but they do like BBT when we let them. My oldest likes Sheldon.


For music, they like Skillet, Metallica, Three Days Grace. Of course, I do have to sensor some TDG songs. On their own, they have discovered Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez.

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We are pretty conservative in our house...but I love all kinds of music. I listen to anything from the 50's-current. When the kiddos were little, I had to remove the Kinks from the playlist, when they started going around singing Lola :scared:


The Hubs was not impressed...

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Well, my kids love Bohemian Rhapsody. :D

:iagree: If it happens to come on the radio we act out the scene in Wayne's World. My oldest has the timing down perfectly. I did feel a tad old when I explained I loved the song when it first came out - it did not come out when Wayne's World did.


I let my kids listen to what I did when I grew up and explain where need be. I love music too much to restrict access to it.

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I just can't get over how weird it seems to think it's somehow mildly scandalous that your young children are familiar with the Beatles, Aerosmith, or Billy Joel.


Boy, what a reminder that some of us seem to live on totally different planets! I mean that in good humor, not in a snarky sense. I truly can't think of a single person in my circle of friends or family who would ever find anything about Billy Joel scandalous or shocking, LOL.


Rag doll, livin in a movie

Hot tramp, daddy's little cutie


Hot times, get it while it's easy

So fine, come on up and see me

Rag doll, baby won't you do me like you done before


Not exactly the character I'm trying to instill in my precious little girl - but I just like the music! (I can't tell you how many times I used that line on my parents!)


Then she wants to find the video - ummm, not today.


Of course, my parents had me listening to Abba - "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme a Man After Midnight". I grew up a relatively moral person!

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I liked Punk Rock and goth music for most of my 20s. We are LDS now so most of that is out. My kids are more versed in jazz and blues. I guess some of the blues might be iffy. My 5 yr old loves to belt out songs from Wicked. Not sure that is on the ok list technically or not. ;)


I've been introducing blues and jazz also. My ds really enjoys blues.

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I was thinking about letting the kids listen to Bohemian Rhapsody but decided against it. I'm still thinking about it.


I'm just glad I'm not alone :grouphug:


I love Queen. The kids like most of it, but not Bohemian Rhapsody. :confused:

How can you NOT love Bohemian Rhapsody. Of course, I have Mike Myers and Dana Carvey in my brain when I sing it. They don't have that sentimental attachment I'm afraid.

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Listening to your kids sing "Rag Doll" is an eye-opener.


I LOVE Aerosmith. My kids KNOW not to change the station. I told them that the music HAS to be great because the dude us UGLY.


Just today I made the rule that " Children should be seen and not heard when 80's hair bands are playing in the car."

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It never occurred to me to worry about whether or not other people would approve of the music we listen to, so this thread is very interesting to me. :001_smile:


I don't guess I worry about what other people think so much. At least not until my ds comes in belting out "Do me, Do me, Do me all night" with a group of VERY conservative friends. I did blush!

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ha ha ha yeah sometimes I think I should tell zach that--but then he would add in "but mom told me not to tell anyone"--he literally would LOL it's so funny dh listens to heavy metal music and I'm listen to country/southern rock/80s rock....whenever dh puts a metal song on or something kiddo will say "daddy,turn that off,it's illegal for kids my age to listen to that" LOL he's country just like mom LOL drives dh crazy

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We listen to all kinds of music, and some not so appropriate. (no explicit language or anything). I have found because my kids have always been homeschooled that I have sort of an obligation to expose them to pop culture. I know one way that people break the ice with others is when they talk about things of a certain era. If my kids didn't know about these things then they may feel like they are out of the loop. We all know who Michael Jackson is for instance. It's a way to socialize and to be personable with others. My kids are 16 and 14

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We're very open-minded when it comes to music. Unless it's about explicit s*x or boat loads of swearing, it's good. But, this is coming from a lady who sang Jane Says by Jane's Addiction as a lullaby to her boys. And my youngest has still claimed this as his favorite song. (It's a song about a prostitute trying to get her act straight.) But, slow it down and it's got a great little melody.

Their favorites right now are FooFighters, Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam and my oldest is getting into techno. I've been trying to find some good stuff for him at the library. My good friend is a DJ and when I asked him to give me some recommendations he said, "Mommas don't let their babies grow up to like techno." :)

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We never restricted music except when I would be driving some of the homeschool kids in my car. Then I would do that by who their parents were. Many were just like us, anyway.


As my kids have learned, I don't know what most songs are about because a lot of the time, I can't understand the lyrics. Even when I can, I really don't listen much to lyrics.


I have warned my college daughter not to be playing James Brown when others come over- specifically his song Get Up I feel like I am a Sex Machine.


Anyway, all my kids are socially conservative even if they listen to all kinds of music and watch R rated movies (not the youngest, usually). BUt in their own behavior-they are quite conservative.

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Well, my kids love Bohemian Rhapsody. :D


We let dc watch the clip of this in Wayne's World on YouTube. Dh and I headbang to it whenever it comes on the radio (dh sets the dial to 70/80/90s rock,) and they had to see why. :lol:


Dh has let them watch short clips of other movies that he quotes frequently, and I always tell them NOT to tell people that they have seen those movies. :eek: The last one was a clip from SNL about some people *ahem* who go to a gym, because they wanted to know why dh and I say "babe" to each other in a certain way.


We're pretty conservative (they've never seen a PG-13 movie, for example,) but dh and I have some fond inside jokes we have to share with dc. :D

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It never occurred to me to worry about whether or not other people would approve of the music we listen to, so this thread is very interesting to me. :001_smile:



LOL, same here. We listen to all kinds of music, and I've never thought twice about it. My kids know Queen, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Beethoven, Aerosmith, and Casting Crowns. :lol:


Heck, "You Shook Me All Night Long" plays when my husband calls me. :D

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