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School at the kitchen table people.... please come here


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We school at the dining room table...I don't have pictures.


We use filing crates with hanging folders for each subject. (one crate for each child) The crates go in the corner near the bookshelf when we're done for the day.


Most of the time they do a good job picking up and filing stuff when they're done. Occasionally, (about once a week) I have to remind them.

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No pictures because it is just bookcases along the wall. Honestly, I hate school in the dining room and DH hates it even more. I hate that we have to clean up all the school stuff for lunch and then haul it all out again. No choice though since there isn't any other space so we make do.

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We use the dining room table. I keep all the books and binders that I use to store all my worksheets for each subject and completed work etc in a large plastic locking tub. It keeps everything safe and in order. I have a 2 year old that would get into it all so this works well for us.

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I don't have pictures but textbooks are kept on a bookcase in the kitchen. Notebooks are kept on the breakfront in the dining room (the room we school in). Supplies-pens, pencils, etc. are kept in the credenza in the living room.


To be totally honest, most of the time the books are stacked at the end of the dining room table.

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We have schooled in our living room at a table set up on one end and now we have moved into the dining room at the table.


We actually have a built-in desk area with cabinets so that is where we are storing our books.


When we were at the table in the living room, I just used one of those heavy duty plastic drawer towers from Walmart or Meijer. Each child had a drawer for their books.


I haven't decided which area I like best yet.

Edited by melissamomof3girls
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We have a single table for everything - bread making, schooling, eating.

I really don't like it, because we're clearing the thing 3 times a day. :-(

(sometimes, we push the school stuff aside for lunch, but then everything gets jumbled)


For storage, I have a bench beside the table and I bought 2 big bins with wheels from Ikea. Just about everything schooly goes into the bins and then they just roll under the bench. BUT we have to be careful to put the lids on the bins properly, and push them ALL the way under the bench, or else crumbs and ever drink spills can wind up in there. Ask me how I know this...! :banghead:

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I bought some canvas storage bins from the Wal-Mart office supply section to put our school books in. They easily fit all of the kids' books and a three ring binder. They come in three sizes: Large, medium, and small. The one the kids use is the medium size and I bought a large one for my teacher stuff.


I store them in an old cube storage system thing that I bought a loooong time ago from JCPenney, but you could probably build something comparable or just slid them on a bookshelf.






It makes cleaning up to eat lunch or at the end of the day a breeze. They just put everything in their bin and slid it onto the shelf. :)

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I do school at the kitchen table. Here is our set up. In the livingroom behind the couch is my big cubbies holding currently used school books for all 4 kids, next to that is the small cubbies of toys and the nature center. Turning beside the sofa is my "teacher" desk. Ignore the mess, I am currently sorting library books and doing some new science theme planning. A little down teh wall from the desk is the armoire that holds our basic craft supplies (colored pencils, markers, scissors, glue sticks, colored paper etc), other craft stuff is stored int eh basement. Books not currently being used are stored in bankers boxes in teh basement (by theme), those not yet sorted are still on shelves in my office and bedroom.


In the kitchen where we work, I have a display/calendar wall. THat chalkboard is currently propped on the garbage can for today's lesson, but is normally stored along the side of a counter. Under the kitchen window is our AAS board. And on the wall opposite the calendar wall is our big white board and bulletin board. Our SL map is pinned outside the kids bedrooms.


At the front entrance I store the extra math manips etc. Rest of pics to follow in next message

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Our house has an odd layout, but my bedroom is on the main floor (which is the second floor of a three story house) and is pretty much off the dining room, with only a small hall with a pantry and a bathroom inbetween .I have a full desk and hutch in a corner and a bulletin board on that wall. The books we are currently using are in that hutch and supplies are in the drawers of the desk. Extra books for reading are on a small book shelf in my walk-in closet and there area also 4 small rubbermaid containers with various craft and project supplies, stacked. I can take some pictures if you like.


Nothing used for school stays in the dining room beyond school time. Ever.

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I have EVERYTHING that is possibly fileable in huge 3 ring binders. Every workbook has holes drilled, etc.


At school time, I pull the binders out and lay them on the floor. The kids hop out of seats, file what they are done with, get the next thing, <put it on the table & crabwalk down the hall and around the island to burn off the wiggles> and get back in their seats. When school is over, I close up the notebooks & put them away. The only bad thing about this system is that the kids can't easily lift the binders. We school on the road a lot, and having everything in binders makes it very easy to grab and go and not be missing random stuff.


My stuff is also in a binder, plus I have C-rods & abacuses and so on all in a humungous Land's End bag. I put it all back in there when we are done, again so I can grab and go as needed.


I try to clean out, add new stuff, etc. on Sundays.

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We school at our table. :001_smile: I just cleaned off lunch and now the kids are doing science experiments.

The logic stage kids keep their binders and books primarily in their bedrooms. The books that the family shares go on a bookshelf in the living room. (We found the book shelf on a curb in the neighborhood.) The rest of the obnoxious looking supplies go into a deep TV armoir that we found on craigslist. My husband retrofitted the inside of the cabinet for adjustable shelves. He took an old white fiberboard bookshelf (the kind you buy for $20), cut it, spraypainted it black, and then affixed it to the insides of the TV cabinet.

I love it because the cabinet is deep enough to hold plastic drawers for supplies and also plenty deep enough for 3 ring binders. I love that I can shut the doors on it. :001_smile:

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My sister was getting rid of an entertainment center that had doors that closed in front of the tv. It's in really good shape, and matches the woodwork in my kitchen, the only issue was that it was too deep to fit behind my table. So I had Dh cut it in half and add shelves. I used command hooks to hang rulers and pipe cleaners, hole punch, etc. on the inside of the doors. It works great, and now all of our things are behind closed doors, for when I want my kitchen to be a kitchen and not a schoolroom. :)

Edited by Mallorie
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Thanks ladies! It was very informational! I got a lot of ideas! Tina I'm mainly stealing yours!!!! I have the perfect wall!


Thank you...this setup has worked really well for us and I absolutely LOVE the wall length shelf there along that wall...holds SO much! Then when I added the baskets on top, I fell in love all over again :D Good luck!

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In our dining room, we have a longish, low bookcase. Two shelves have books, and then I keep a workbasket for each kid on top of it, where they keep workbooks, pencil boxes, etc. We also have a small, three-drawer dresser that we keep arts and crafts supplies in, and then a vase of flowers, or something similar on top.

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Each child has a crate with most of their school supplies in it. I keep the crates under coffeetables, chairs, or shelves in the main living area. The children can grab their crate and sit at the dining or kitchen table to work. There's also a shelf near the kitchen where I keep library books and books needed by multiple children. Also, I tend to colorcode school supplies so I know at a glance who's item it is. :001_smile:

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We school at the kitchen table.


Here are a couple of pictures.






I hate it, but it is what it is. My oldest has a basket of her day to day books and another one of those white bookcases in the family room where she does the majority of her schoolwork.

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Most of our books are in bookshelves throughout the house, but our school books are in the kitchen. Here are a few pictures. :blushing: I'm kinda embarrassed but you make due with what you have, kwim? I just snapped a pix so not everything is put away. We still have science to do after lunch.







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Our hall closet is just off of the dining room where we do most of our seat work. We used to use it like a linen closet with sheets, towels, etc, but I decided all that stuff could be kept in the bathrooms or the appropriate bedroom. Much easier to find room in the bathrooms for a stack of towels and store an extra set of sheets in a bedroom closet than it was to find a handy place for all of our school stuff. You can't see it all that well in this photo (I had originally taken the photo to show our workboxes), but there are two shelves above the printer where we manage to store all of our day-to-day binders and books. It's a small hall closet... the other half is for coats! There is room on the floor for a crate with our math manipulatives, a big supply tote (staplers, markers, crayons, tape, glue, etc), and an everyday pencil/supply box for the kids. I even confiscated the floor space of the adjacent coat closet... that's where I keep my file box and a crate with most of our library books.



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We work at the dining room table, but nothing is kept in the dining room. Each kid has a tote box that sits on the floor of our office, which is near the dining room. I have tote box for my stuff. We can bring the whole tote to the table, but we tend to just grab each subject as we're working on it and then put it back. In the office is also a big bookcase for all the various books and binders that we don't use on a daily basis. And of course all the stuff stacked all over the floor. :)


The kids have their own long desk in the office, with a computer, but they rarely work at it. They use it for computer games and art projects mostly.

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We have a very small house and the kitchen table is sadly our only work space. We have a four shelf cupboard in the kitchen that we keep all of the books/supplies we use daily. Art stuff is tucked all over the place and we have boxes of stuff in the basement. We need to move. LOL


Edited to add: We have an alphabet poster up for DD5, but that is all we have on the walls. It's an open-concept between the kitchen/dining/living room and the way it is set up there is pretty much zero useable wall space in our "teaching area". :(

Edited by Jess4879
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We school at the kitchen table, in our dining room, which I pretty much made a homeschool room. We use bookshelves - we just added a game/puzzle shelf and its been a great addition. We purchased an extra-large table, even though we are a family of 3, it seats 8. It allows us to not have to clear the table for dinner because one end can be clear and the other we can leave whatever we were working on. It has been working great!


I don't how to make the pictures smaller? Sorry so big.....:001_huh:









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We school at the kitchen table, it's the only place in our small home. For last year and half of this year, I kept everything in one of the kid's rooms. So, yes, every day I hauled everything I needed out and back. Just this week we rearranged a few things so that I have three small shelves to keep some of the stuff I use every day. This way I only need to retrieve the things we use less often, when they're needed. The trick, I believe, is to go up. Use wall space.

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I have 2 of the 9 cubby bookshelves in my family room. I like them better than regular bookshelves because they are short enough to look like furniture with lamps and collectibles on top. I have 3 fabric boxes in each that corral messy stuff. These hold our daily books and supplies, and books we are reading or use for research. Our other materials that we don't use all the time are in another room.


We school at the kitchen table, or at the coffee table, or upside down on the carpet, and when they finish a subject they put books back and grab others.

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We have a bookshelf in another area of the house that stores all of our curriculum and books that are not used daily. I also have a large plastic file box stored in a closet that has all of our weekly file folders ready to go for each week of the year.


Then we have a file crate (looks like a large milk crate). I move the weekly hanging file folder to the crate to store loose papers and worksheets, then 4 weekly binders (one per child and mine), and all the reading books and other curriculum books that we will use for the week. On Monday I carry it downstairs. It sits on the kitchen table during school and then I put it just inside the doorway to the room during meal times. On Friday I carry the crate back up stairs and reload it during the weekend. We keep a large pencil organizer on the kitchen counter that is big enough to hold crayons and such along with our pencils.

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We school at the table as well. I blog almost everyday with pictures, so you can check them out if you like.


My kitchen is the schoolroom. I have a whiteboard where I do most of my teaching (I'm a stand-in-front of the board kind of teacher mom) and a bookshelf close by that houses my daily stuff like teacher manuals, Lance and Ethan's stuff. Just things that I use on a daily bases.


The kids put their books related to school in their room. We have a very small place and have tons of bookshelves through out the house.

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I just posted some new pictures of our school room on my blog. We school in our dining room. Any organized work is done at the table. Individual work can be done at the table, in the living room or in their bedrooms. They each have a desk in their bedrooms.


Hope that helps! :001_smile:



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We school at the kitchen table, in our dining room, which I pretty much made a homeschool room. We use bookshelves - we just added a game/puzzle shelf and its been a great addition. We purchased an extra-large table, even though we are a family of 3, it seats 8. It allows us to not have to clear the table for dinner because one end can be clear and the other we can leave whatever we were working on. It has been working great!


I don't how to make the pictures smaller? Sorry so big.....:001_huh:











No thermal laminator should be kept in it's box. Just say'in. :tongue_smilie:

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We don't have a specific place to homeschool. We usually use the dinner room table or couch. We have bookshelves and a window seat I utilize for school stuff. Here are some posts on my blog that show what we use.





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We school at the living room coffee table. We keep pencils/small supplies in 2 plastic pencil boxes. Those supplies, along with daily use notebooks and textbooks are kept in heavy-duty black stackable plastic crate -- 1 per student. (The link is to white; we have black, which doesn't show scuffing and dirt.) Each student puts everything into his crate at the end of the day and the crates are stacked in the laundry room.



Storage of Items Not Used Daily:

Other books, Teacher Manuals, etc. not used as frequently are in a bookcase in the hall (the base of the bookcase is a cupboard with doors, so messy looking things go into the cupboard part -- sort of like this one, but about twice as wide). Maps are rolled up and kept in the narrow space between that bookcase and the wall. Science and art supplies are kept in stackable, lidded boxes on a shelf in the laundry room.


We don't have a huge house, so it's never more than a few steps to go get something from the hall or the laundry room if suddenly needed.


ETA: Science experiments are conducted at the kitchen counter, or out on the back porch. So it's easy to grab the plastic box of science supplies from the laundry room on the way to the kitchen/porch for doing experiments.

Edited by Lori D.
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We used to all be out in one room, but then I got a couch for that room so now I have the two dining room tables pushed together (in the dining room) and the shelves in the old room.


This was what it looked like (and last Christmas, to boot!)




But now, instead of the table being there, a couch is, and that table is in the red dining room. So we all just bring what we need to the table.

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