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I had an ultrasound today....

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Oh my goodness!! That is SO exciting!! And yes, I'd recognize that BOY sonogram anywhere. :D I bet they are going to be so thrilled!


My boys are all hoping for a baby sister. In fact, my four year old keeps telling people we are having twin girls! We've had to retract that statement several times already.


Have fun!! He's gonna be so pampered. :001_smile:

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(what's the present? :bigear: )


I found a little outfit that says "Boys Rule." :tongue_smilie: It will be to the new baby care of the big sisters. They've all been saying how much they hope the baby is a boy. Well, all of them except dd3. She wants two baby sisters and a baby brother. Not gonna happen. ;)

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I found a little outfit that says "Boys Rule." :tongue_smilie: It will be to the new baby care of the big sisters. They've all been saying how much they hope the baby is a boy. Well, all of them except dd3. She wants two baby sisters and a baby brother. Not gonna happen. ;)




Well to a 3 yo, she's probably thinking, who KNOWS what's in there, a girl can dream!!

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Thanks, everyone! :)


Yay! How Fun! Hadn't you gotten rid of a lot of baby stuff before? See, you would need all new stuff anyway, LOL!


Yes, I gave away all of our baby things because we were done. :lol: It's convenient that he's a boy because we'd need different clothes anyway. Um, I did just a little blue shopping yesterday. :D

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The poor thing! When he gets a little older, I can hook him up with my brother, who was the first boy after 4 girls.


He calls us "The Hens".


We have pictures of him dressed up in our Holly Hobby doll clothes and he used to carry his matchbox cars in a yellow patent leather purse.


Your new son is in for a wild ride! Congratulations!!!! Baby boys are awesome!

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