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Today was one year

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since my mother died of inflammatory breast cancer. I didn't cry today. I don't know if I was supposed to. I guess life doesn't always allow time to cry. I do cry, but its really unpredictable.


If you are Orthodox/Catholic, etc. and pray for the souls of departed please remember my mother, Paula.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. It gets better.


This week will be two years since my own mother died. (my father died in '75.)


eta: if you feel like crying, allow yourself to as it is part of the healing process. If you don't feel like it, that's okay too. I had crying jag's for five years after my father's death. not so much after my mother's, though I certainly felt sorrow at times. I think it was because I was so much older and my perspective was very different.

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I lost my mom 9 years ago in September and I was just telling a friend that the Christmas season has never been quite the same. I miss her- all the time and in many ways. But I have finally reached a place that I can talk about her without crying. I remember happy things now. It is a blessing.


I will pray for you during this time of grief.

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My mother's 70th birthday would have been Thursday.


It seems that the anniversaries for which I brace myself pass easily.


But I can get blindsided by the smallest memory.


If you cry or if you don't, the loss is the same.


I hate cancer. Praying with you.



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I have lost both of my parents and a dh. I really didn't cry that much when I lost her. I had been through losing a spouse and felt that I needed to stay strong for my step-dad. I was now the matriarch of our family and I felt I had to stay strong for my sis. Plus, I guess I have become numb to that pain in the first few days. I have my initial shock cry, then I go into business mode. I find that I usually don't cry at times when you would think you would fall apart....their bday, the anniversary of their death, etc. Then out of the blue something will hit me and I will tear up. I cried the whole time I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner because that was her job.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry.


I lost my mother to the same disease when I was 19. It does get easier, but certain events will trigger a fierce longing for her to be here. When that happens, I set aside some time to remember her and be glad for the time we had.

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I'm so sorry. It's 7 years ago today that I lost my mom. I find that I don't cry when I think I should, but then it will hit me and I'll be crying on the way to the grocery store. Grief is a funny thing.


My Mom died a little over 2 years ago from matasticed breast cancer and I am the same way. I have said those exact words,"Grief is a funny thing". I think that I am coping well, but then some random thing triggers a deep sadness and sense of longing and I have to work through it all over again. I have often found myself crying in the car.


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