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How much are you spending on your children for Christmas gifts this year?

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We are blessed to be able to finally save enough money for a wooden swing set for our boys. They have been begging for a fort ever since they watched The Lil' Rascals, and this swing set has a quasi-fort included. It was $200 less at Toys R Us than Walmart, so we ordered it. We have a friend who is going to put it together for us while we're working, and we plan on getting a huge tarp to 'wrap' it in for Christmas morning.


The rest of their presents will be LOTS of little boxes that will contain clues; all leading to the backyard.


ETA: My boys have never had a swing set and this is going to be HUGE for them.

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We spend what we can reasonably afford, not what seems like a reasonable amount to spend, if that makes sense. We don't overspend per our budget, though many people would probably say we spend too much. We have an only child with a Christmas birthday. He doesn't receive gifts from extended family, so what we buy is basically all he gets. It is our one big indulgence a year.

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I haven't added it up, in part because we haven't finalized the list yet. But, roughing it out, I'm guessing about $300 for each kid.


That does include some things that we would likely buy for them, anyway, that will go under the tree (clothing, books, etc.).


We've spent less in other years, more in a couple of years. We don't buy anything we can't afford, and we don't go into debt for holiday spending.

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We don't set a budget, and I don't really keep track of what I spend. I just try to keep it roughly even between the two kids. I know that we spend a lot more than many people, but we only have two children and we can afford it. I think you need to base your budget on what you comfortably can afford. The range of incomes on this board is likely huge, so what one person is comfortable might not work for you. In general, however, I do think that $200 per kid sounds reasonable (to me) if you are comfortable with that amount.

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I haven't added it up, in part because we haven't finalized the list yet. But, roughing it out, I'm guessing about $300 for each kid.


That does include some things that we would likely buy for them, anyway, that will go under the tree (clothing, books, etc.).


We've spent less in other years, more in a couple of years. We don't buy anything we can't afford, and we don't go into debt for holiday spending.


Excellent!! Not to go I debt buying gifts. I also put only list essentials, like a Columbia Parka for my coatless son ;)

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We don't set a budget, and I don't really keep track of what I spend. I just try to keep it roughly even between the two kids. I know that we spend a lot more than many people, but we only have two children and we can afford it. I think you need to base your budget on what you comfortably can afford. The range of incomes on this board is likely huge, so what one person is comfortable might not work for you. In general, however, I do think that $200 per kid sounds reasonable (to me) if you are comfortable with that amount.


Edelweiss! Coincidence that part of my Christmas gift to the boys this year is a ski trip to Edelweiss! I have never been there but I hear a lot about it :)

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We are spending about $100 - 150 on each of them.


However, this was a good year financially. In other years we have spent far, far less and we enjoyed it just as much.



This is usually what we spend on dd but she's an only so I don't think it's reasonable to compare with someone who has 8:lol: we have always tried to limit the number of presents/toys dd gets but extended family doesn't listen very well. This year I want to get her an iPad but dh is making us wait until after Christmas because he thinks $399 is a ridiculous amount for a Christmas present but it's okay as a school supply. We have siblings who either make significantly less money or have way more kids so we try to be considerate of that and not over do the spending. We generally open gifts with my family and his family gets lots of pictures so we would never let her open an iPad in front of family.

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I think it sounds reasonable. That is pretty much what we spend on our kids. It is a bit of a stretch, but honestly, things are so expensive these days, it's just how it is. We make do. No debt for Christmas presents though. lol. I buy things for the kids that I would buy anyway. Like clothing. Especially for the teenagers. I may splurge and buy a piece of clothing that is a bit more expensive than I normally would buy. My kids only have one set of grandparents that buy for them though. The other 2 pretty much only buy for the grandkids that live in the same state as them. Stinks. My brother may buy them something small, but they'll get nothing from any of my husbands siblings.

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We're spending $800 for the 8 of them, but that's not $100 per child. The olders are getting roughly $150 each and the youngers between $20-80 each.


I just couldn't find anything but junk for the little ones and they only wanted a few small things each. My mil wanted a list for the kids and so I gave her most of the ideas the children had given me.

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He doesn't receive gifts from extended family, so what we buy is basically all he gets.


My kids only have one set of grandparents that buy for them though.


That's a factor here, too. My kids have no grandparents. My husband's parents have both passed on, and my family hasn't been in our lives in about 20 years. They have three uncles, but only one is stable. And that one is military. So, there's not a lot of gifting from extended family. What we buy is what they get.

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If you celebrate Christmas - how much are you spending on your children for Christmas gifts this year?

Does $200 per person sound reasonable for all teen or adult children?

It sounds reasonable to me - but when I times it by 8 people it seems like a lot ...


We have found that the older they get, the more we spend. It used to be that we could spend $50 per child and get plenty of stuff. Now that they're older and their wish lists include iPods and other electronic gadgets, it costs a lot more.

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I don't really keep track. They all get a bigger present- or two smaller presents and usually they get clothes and the girls also get some jewelry. If they weren't getting Christmas presents, they would still get the clothes. We don't go into debt but what I did do, for example, is bought my middle's big present in October. Now for youngest, I am having to decide when she gets what- she has a birthday about ten days before Xmas and so does dh (about 2 weeks before). So for them, and also for me, (approx. 3 weeks after XMAS), is what does everyone give them for Christmas and for their birthday. My youngest has the following three presents she will get- hamster cage, set-up, and later hamsters (she has had them before but gave them away because we were moving and it is hard to move them); a new desktop computer; and what I think is called Plantation shutters. She has the one bedroom with only blinds and she doesn't like blinds. All of the other bedrooms have great inside shutters. She really wants that too.

I am not sure whether my oldest will be home for Christmas. He will be getting a hard drive, magazine, teaching company course, and probably a gift card.

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Our bigger ones will probably be about $150 and the younger ones about $50. I don't like to get stuff just to have.....well, stuff. The older kids are getting some electronic gadgets and the littles will most likely get consumable stuff like art things. They go through so much of that!

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Sounds reasonable. For us we spent a total probably about $600 for all 3, but that's not all actual cash. I saved up rebate money all year ($200) did MyPoints and got gift cards ($100), and we save up points on our Cabelas credit card to use on gifts ($300). We used cash for family gifts and gifts for a few friends.

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We are very blessed financially, but I refuse to go overboard with Christmas just because we can. This year I am using the poem 'Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read' as my guide. Parker is very, very excited about this and insists that we all use the poem! So 4 gifts from us in these categories, something from baby brother, a gift from Santa (actually two, but they go together), and a stocking of fun. Roughly the same as we did last year, but with a twist to make it easier for me. As for actual amounts I don't really look at cost so much as value & quality. If I know it will be loved and used and it will be long lasting I am willing to invest.

Edited by Jocelyne
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I notice a lot of people do this differently, but our presents to the kids do NOT include essentials we would buy them anyway.


Same here. We don't do clothes for Christmas. Clothes are necessities, and in our family, Christmas is for luxuries. Now, in their stockings, they might get pencils, disposable shavers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, even underwear & t-shirts (we have HUGE stockings), etc. But also in their stockings, Santa leaves candy, gum, CD's, DVD's, small craft kits, make-up, cologne, etc.

Edited by ereks mom
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In years past it's been about $60 each. This year it's not so much about the amount of money, but about stuff. I'm so sick of all the stuff. So, each child is getting a book, an article of clothing and a toy. From us. They will still get quite a haul when you add in both sets of grandparents, cousins, etc.

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I usually spend $400 per child, and we have 4 kids. I notice a lot of people do this differently, but our presents to the kids do NOT include essentials we would buy them anyway.


I'm guessing a lot of people buy their kids "essentials" for Christmas because they don't have the money to buy them the rest of the year either.


When your kids are in need of essentials that you don't have the money to buy it seems silly to spend the money on luxeries -why would you spend your limited money buying your kid a toy when they don't have a warm jacket for winter KWIM.


Considering you spend $400 per kid - I'm guessing your finances are good and your kids are not already going without the essentials through the year.


Not picking on you -just explaining why some buy things that might not be so fun at Christmas- if you can't afford the essentials throughout the year Christmas is a great tme to buy things that are needed if the alternative is going without.

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We are very blessed financially, but I refuse to go overboard with Christmas just because we can. This year I am using the poem 'Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read' as my guide. Parker is very, very excited about this and insists that we all use the poem! So 4 gifts from us in these categories, something from baby brother, a gift from Santa (actually two, but they go together), and a stocking of fun. Roughly the same as we did last year, but with a twist to make it easier for me. As for actual amounts I don't really look at cost so much as value & quality. If I know it will be loved and used and it will be long lasting I am willing to invest.


That is really cool! I may have to borrow that next year ... this year is already done.



I think we spent about $150 on our only child this year. But that is very atypical. We were blessed this year as DH got a new job and has been getting a lot of overtime. Both sets of grandparents buy gifts and I also have some extended family that will buy for DS. We usually don't have to get very much. Of course, the older he gets the more expensive it becomes...

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I think I am going to spend about $100 per kid I think. We just got back from a Disney vacation and I had $300 Disney dollars from gifts and my Disney Visa, so I let them each buy a $100 Lego set at the Lego store if they agreed to PB&Js in the parks and not eating out. They agreed! So, they just got a big gift.



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This year we are spending a lot. Notice the "we" in that first sentence? When I say we like that my husband asks if I have a mouse in my pocket. I use Christmas to buy the kids things I want them to have, but wouldn't just get. I got each of the boys a Playmobile set. They are also getting nerf guns (from siblings), books, a puzzle and Your Story Hour CD's plus one or two small gifts each. They will like the books, puzzle and CD's but I bought them because I wanted them to have them, not because it is what they want. Dd8 is getting more stuff because she isn't getting a big set of anything. She is getting two $50ish dollar gifts and a detective kit full of stuff plus books, a puzzle and audio CD's like the boys. Baby is getting a train table and some odds and ends. We are also, as a family, getting a stack of games. I've spent a lot, but I've gotten almost everything on sale. The glaring exception being the exorbitantly expensive Playmobile sets.


This isn't typical of our Christmas spending. Two years ago I also spent a lot. I've usually spent a lot less. It really depends on what I want the kids to have. For example, I wasn't intending to get Baby much of anything this year. I got the train table this year because I've always wanted one and I decided this was the year because the boys will still play with it, but they won't in a few years.

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Money is tighter than usual here so $200 each. In years past it would have been $400 each so this is about 1/2 of what I usually do.



DD13 is getting more, but it is a laptop that she has saved 1/2 the money for. She is putting in $200, I am putting in $300 (matching her, and adding a warranty). I am also spending about $100 on some other items.

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DD-8's American Girl doll was $65.00 new in box from EBay. I also bought her a pretty red crinoline dress and matching AG dress for $19.00. I made her clothes for the doll $7.00 and will buy her something to read. So less than $100.


I made 2 yo's presents, all out of material I had in my sewing stash. A doctor at work is knitting her a sweater and I paid about $40 for the yarn and will get her something to read so less than $50.00


I have ni idea what to get my son but today he called and asked if I would crochet him and his daughter matching blankets. That will be about $100 together for the Lionbrand homespun yarn...gotta watch for coupons!


My 2 step daughters always get $50.00 gift cards to a store in the mall because I can't shop for teenage girls. They love the cards and love picking what they want.

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