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Silly, vague question about boys... humor me :)

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After three wonderful girls I am due to have our fourth baby, a BOY, in April. I've had so many people tell me that boys are so much easier and on the other hand I've been told that boys are harder. I've been told that girls are extremely emotional while boys are really easy going. So what's your experience? What are boys like? Am I crazy to worry about him being a little whiny mamma's boy since he has three older sisters and my husband is away for more than half the year (he's military). My dad is the youngest of four with three sisters and my husband has three sisters. They both are masculine, strong leaders but they also had their dads around too. I'm not really fretting over it too much, I'm more curious than anything. Are boys really that different to raise the first few years?


Yes, I know. It's a very silly "question". I am very excited about having a boy, but I gotta admit, I feel like I'm starting over again with no clue on how to raise kids. :lol: I figured I would through out my thoughts here since there's such a variety of people buzzing around the hive. :D

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Every boy is different, but the one quality I find most prevalent is needing to jump in the middle. It's not enough to read a story. There has to be movement and experience and full body kinetic learning going on! My history class at co-op last year was all boys and they were loud and boisterous and needed to DO. We didn't write, we didn't read a bunch, we just played and did activities and immersed them that way. Boys tend to act out their feelings more while girls tend to talk them out more in the early years. But there's no hard and fast rule. I have a 12yo who struggles with keeping his emotions in check and loves imaginary play and a 1yo who picks up the rules to every sport within the first exposure. Already they're as different as night and day.

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I was terrified when I found out I was having a boy after 3 girls. (Which is funny because I always had envisioned myself with 5 boys!) But, at that point, I KNEW girls. I had girl clothes. I had girl toys. I knew what made girls tick. The boy came. I learned what made him tick. (I think...) Boys aren't harder or easier. They are different. Some generalities which may upset some people, but I have found to be true. Boys love their mamas a bit more intensely than girls. Boys are more physical. Their love is a bit painful. A hug is a body slam. A kiss can rip your cheek off. Boy love can be bruising. :lol: To my surprise, boys are more verbal. Well, in a way, they make more noise with their bodies. It just isn't necessarily in the form of words. They truly do turn everything into a sword or a gun. At some point, most wear a cape and actually think they can fly. They love their mama with all of their being. (I think I said that already.) There is a, for lack of a better word, stronger bond between a mother and son. Not sure if stronger is the right word. More intense? Eh, it's different than with a daughter. :001_smile:

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Boys are just like girls, but with different parts. :D Some like to be loud, while others are quiet. Some like to read, others like to climb trees. Some like to climb trees and read! Sometimes boys are easier, sometimes the girls are. They tend to take turns on the difficult stuff; different ages and stages kind of thing.


Don't worry, he will let you know what he needs/wants and who he is. You will be fine, and so will he! Congrats!

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Boys are just like girls, but with different parts. :D Some like to be loud, while others are quiet. Some like to read, others like to climb trees. Some like to climb trees and read! Sometimes boys are easier, sometimes the girls are.


:iagree:I have 3 boys and 1 girl. They all have some easy and some more difficult qualities. Nothing to do with gender in my honest opinion.



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I have 4 boys. They all have different personalities...but are way different from girls....who also have different personalities.


Girls are more emotionally driven inmy experience. More independent. More manipulative if it is necessary. All different and to different degrees. Some are calm...some are dramatic...but I liken my girls to kitty Cats.


Boys are more like puppies. They are active, can break stuff without thinking about, would rather duke it out than talk about it, curious to the point of danger...and then some. My boys are more logical/ analytical. My girls are more thoughtful, introspective, artsy...


There is lots of overlap.....


Be ready for sloppy peanut butter and jelly kisses from a little man who loves you so much he wants to be your Knight in Shining Armour...or your personal Ninja....or your sweet cuddle baby. Boys are born knowing sound effects...cars zoom...guns bang...doggies bark...LOL


I know this sounds sexist...but it is really just my own observations.


Boys LOVE their Mommy. Congratulations!!!!



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Our oldest is a boy, followed by four sisters. I feel much more knowledgeable about girls as a result! Also, our son was the oldest, so I don't know if that makes a difference. I didn't treat our son any differently than our daughters during the early years, and really, I didn't see much difference for the first several years. He loved listening to stories, had a vivid imagination, he was just as attentive and willing to sit still as his sisters. I don't feel that any of our children were "easier" or "harder" given their sex, only given their personality.

As he got older, his interests moved from playing with little Disney figures to Legos (rather than Barbie dolls, etc). We have a rather gentle, easy-going household, and he fit right in. He loved to roughhouse with my husband, but he wasn't any more of a handful than a couple of my daughters.

He DID seem to have a little more pent-up energy. He would go biking every day, even in the snow -- something my girls would NEVER even consider. In high school, he seemed to NEED to be in a sport, or if not an organized sport, at least time on his own to go on a bike ride, a long hike, a jog, etc. And in his senior year he was just ITCHING to go on an adventure on his own (which he did -- he biked through Europe). My senior daughter in high school this year has that same itchiness that he had, but not for a physical adventure, which is what his was.

Anyway, that's our experience. :)

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My girls are emotionally draining and my boys are physically draining:tongue_smilie: Easier or harder? Just different;)



ETA: I have 5 girls and 4 boys. And CONGRATULATIONS to you!!


:iagree::iagree: This exactly!!! I hope I still have my walls standing by the time my youngest boy is done growing up.....oy!!!!



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I can tell you about MY boys, as I am not an expert on other people's boys.


My sons were (and are as little man is just 4) very busy when they were little. They loved to climb, bounce, be loud, play hard, and be very, very loveable and sweet. My girls were quieter and more gentle when they were little - extremely affectionate and constantly wanting to cuddle.


Once they got into their teens, they were easy-going. They seem to be content going with the flow, and it takes quite a bit to anger them or rile them. My girls are not as laid-back as the boys and tend to go with the flow - of mood swings (which are dictated by their cycles). My girls are sweet and all that but they can get angry rather quickly and cry over almost anything. The boys are probably laid-back (5 girls and 3 boys) as a matter of survival. Maybe they want to fly under the radar when it comes to the girls' moods. :D


Oh, as much as I'd hate to sound stereotypical, my experience is that girls are a lot easier to potty-train than boys. Boys also are "messier" in the process. I've always taken a more relaxed approach when training the boys accepting the fact that it may take longer (sometimes not trying until they were almost 3). Being more relaxed and accepting this fact resulted in less stress for all of us.


You just love that little man! Congratulations! How exciting!

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My boys are still little, but they are a whole different animal to me! :leaving: To give you an idea, my DD is still asleep in bed, my boys have been up for over an hour and are tearing around the house...


I only grew up with a sister, so I have no idea about little boys. Then I had 2, and I still have no idea what I'm doing most of the time! I rely heavily on my DH's wisdom in this department! I can look at my DD and read her thoughts, I look at my boys and go :001_huh:


I absolutely adore them, they are beautiful, amazing boys. But they have been more difficult for me...


Mommyfaithe :lol:

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I think gender has very little to do with how 'easy' or 'hard' a kid can be. :)

It's all about personality. I have 2, absolutely opposite, boys. I have a girl who is a little like both of them. One boy was potty trained at a little over 2 during the day, but took waaayyy longer at night. One was completely potty trained, day and night, in ONE day right before he turned 3. DD doesn't care (and I know several girls who were similar with potty training). So yeah, I really think gender doesn't have a whole lot to do with basic personalities of kids. They'll prefer different things, but other than that...

Personally, if I had to choose between a house of all boys or a house of all girls, I'd go for all boys, hands down. But that's just me. :D

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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In my experience (I only have boys, but have many friends with girls), boys are more physically demanding, and girls are more emotionally demanding.

Boys seem more difficult until we boy-parents don't have to deal with as much drama in middle school :)

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I was terrified when I found out I was having a boy after 3 girls. (Which is funny because I always had envisioned myself with 5 boys!) But, at that point, I KNEW girls. I had girl clothes. I had girl toys. I knew what made girls tick. The boy came. I learned what made him tick. (I think...) Boys aren't harder or easier. They are different. Some generalities which may upset some people, but I have found to be true. Boys love their mamas a bit more intensely than girls. Boys are more physical. Their love is a bit painful. A hug is a body slam. A kiss can rip your cheek off. Boy love can be bruising. :lol: To my surprise, boys are more verbal. Well, in a way, they make more noise with their bodies. It just isn't necessarily in the form of words. They truly do turn everything into a sword or a gun. At some point, most wear a cape and actually think they can fly. They love their mama with all of their being. (I think I said that already.) There is a, for lack of a better word, stronger bond between a mother and son. Not sure if stronger is the right word. More intense? Eh, it's different than with a daughter. :001_smile:


This describes my boys. It's a relationship like no other. I love my girls. But my boys are going to live with me forever. Well at least that's their plan for now. It's good to be a mom of boys.


I have 4 boys. They all have different personalities...but are way different from girls....who also have different personalities.


Girls are more emotionally driven in my experience. More independent. More manipulative if it is necessary. All different and to different degrees. Some are calm...some are dramatic...but I liken my girls to kitty Cats.


Boys are more like puppies. They are active, can break stuff without thinking about, would rather duke it out than talk about it, curious to the point of danger...and then some. My boys are more logical/ analytical. My girls are more thoughtful, introspective, artsy...


There is lots of overlap.....


Be ready for sloppy peanut butter and jelly kisses from a little man who loves you so much he wants to be your Knight in Shining Armour...or your personal Ninja....or your sweet cuddle baby. Boys are born knowing sound effects...cars zoom...guns bang...doggies bark...LOL


I know this sounds sexist...but it is really just my own observations.


Boys LOVE their Mommy. Congratulations!!!!




Yep this too!! Boys are so amazing.

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Boys rock! Of course with an only child it's hard to not be biased. :D But I have one sister and wow, I'm glad I had a boy.


Boys give you hugs and want to play in the hose. My son liked cars and trains and light sabers.


At 14, he's my biggest help in the kitchen. He still comes downstairs and gives me a hug first thing, even with his deep voice. He'll sit on my lap sometimes too.


When he was 3 he got a kitchen and a ride-on forklift for Christmas. He used them both equally.


We just spent two hours learning Japanese together. He comes and talks to me in the evening. Last night he brought down his memory card and showed me a sword he designed on the computer.


Yup, boys are cool, not scary. But again, I'm probably biased.

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After three wonderful girls I am due to have our fourth baby, a BOY, in April. I've had so many people tell me that boys are so much easier and on the other hand I've been told that boys are harder. I've been told that girls are extremely emotional while boys are really easy going. So what's your experience? What are boys like? Am I crazy to worry about him being a little whiny mamma's boy since he has three older sisters and my husband is away for more than half the year (he's military). My dad is the youngest of four with three sisters and my husband has three sisters. They both are masculine, strong leaders but they also had their dads around too. I'm not really fretting over it too much, I'm more curious than anything. Are boys really that different to raise the first few years?


Yes, I know. It's a very silly "question". I am very excited about having a boy, but I gotta admit, I feel like I'm starting over again with no clue on how to raise kids. :lol: I figured I would through out my thoughts here since there's such a variety of people buzzing around the hive. :D




I know exactly how you feel! I was in the same boat about 6 months ago! I was so excited to have a boy after having 3 girls! But I was also terrified! I remember very clearly the ultrasound tech's response right after we found out we were having a boy. She said "it got awfully quiet in here!" It did. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. I had never had a boy before. I wasn't prepared! I didn't have any boy clothes, bedding, toys, etc. ! I also knew that raising a boy would be very different than raising a girl! So I know exactly how you feel. Everyone thought I was so silly for being so worried.


I don't really have any advice to give you as far as raising boys, because I have only had about 6 months of experience. But I do know that it has been a wonderful six months. I am loving having a boy. I can tell he is different than the girls. He acts like a boy. I can't really explain it but I can tell he is a boy! You will love it, don't worry! Congratulations!!! I am excited for you!:D

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Wow, thanks for all the replies. It's fun reading through them. :D What really makes me laugh is that many of the descriptions would fit my youngest dd. She is very physical. She does not come to me, she runs to me and knocks me over. She doesn't hand me things; she throws me things. She won't exactly yell at her sisters; she hits them when she's mad. She rarely sits still very long and she has been my most destructive child. She is obsessed with the toilet. She's not potty trained yet but I've found her up to her elbows in it. She LOVES cars and can identify many models on the road. And loving me? My other girls were complete daddy's girls by this time. But this little girl follows me everywhere and loves to cuddle. Daddy is fun but she would much rather be with me. :001_smile:


Maybe a boy won't be so foreign after all. :lol: Thanks again for humoring me. This thread has been so much fun to read.

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I have three boys, and they're all different from each other. (Well, we don't know much about the baby's personality yet.) My older son is shy, sweet, gentle, very very snuggly. He wouldn't leave my lap when we went anywhere until he was about three. He's my most compassionate with the baby and is someday going to be an amazing catch of a partner (me, biased? LOL). He does move and play and everything but is definitely not my most active child. My middle son is busy and curious and active; the world is his oyster, and by golly, he's gonna take it on. He's much more typically "boy" than his older brother, ready to roughhouse and wrestle and GO. (In fact, he tries wrestling with DS1, and DS1 backs off because he's afraid of hurting his little brother.)


(Now, my DD is my most active and pretty darn rough-and-tumble. She's more likely to try to do something with the baby, like change him or play with him, than just to pick him up for a cuddle like DS1 will.)


Boys are awesome. I love having a daughter, because she's girly along with the rough-and-tumble, but the single greatest surprise of my life has been just how amazing it has been to be a mom of boys! I always figured I wanted a boy of my own, but I truly had no idea how much I'd love it. And little boys, oh, goodness, little boys love their mamas!

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I grew up in a family of girls, my DP grew up in a family of boys. I have two boys.


It all seems pretty much the same to me. My sisters and I were LOUD and crazy. My DP's brothers were (honestly) sort of mean. Our boys are bookish yet LOUD, always charming and like unicorns and star wars..sometimes together, lol.


So, I think it is more about personality than gender. And OMG, my 11 year old boy is emotional and a drama queen. Wow. I was thinking I would be spared the drama with two boys but I guess not. That's ok, after growing up in a household of girls, I can handle drama. Freeze me out with 'nuthin' sorts of answers and I don't know what to do. March up the stairs crying and slamming doors? Now that I can work with!

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I really think people are individuals. Knowing what gender someone is tells you some really important think about that person, but not whether s/he is emotional or logical, outgoing or shy, active or relaxed. These things cross genders. My boys are all so different. If anyone of them had the exact same personality he has but was a "she" I would naturally conclude that those traits are all related to gender.


He's just going to be who he is, personality wise, and discovering what that personality is like is one of the greatest joys of parenting. No book on "raising girls" or "raising boys" will prepare you for that unique person, because he won't be "a boy." He will be himself.


As a retired military wife (but you know, I'm not the one who retired, lol) I think having your Dad gone 6 months out of the year is less than ideal for either gender. I am not convinced it's harder for boys than girls. The need for a Dad is common to both genders, though the relationship is different. I bet your girls are doing fine because they have a great Mom, a supportive community, and enough contact with their Dad to feel safe and attached to him. Your son will too.


Thank you for your sacrifice and your service. And enjoy your boy. I have no girls, so I can't give a true comparison, but I am pretty sure you will find him a total joy and delight.

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My boys are sensitive and emotional, so don't assume.


However, they're also SO physical. And they really need a lot of physical touch and love. One of them really needs to have wrestling time.


Boys are great. :D You'll have a blast. And with all those girls around, he's sure to grow up understand women - and the world needs more men who understand women!

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Our eldest is a girl, followed by 3 boys in 14 months, followed by another girl. (They are now between the ages of 8 and 4).


DH refers to the boys as "The Knuckleheads" or "The Three Stooges".:tongue_smilie:



The girls are his "Sweet peas".


That's all I have to say on the matter.

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Is anybody familiar with the saying: "A son is a son until he takes a wife; a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life."? I think that's how it goes. Basically boys adore their mamas till they get married. I already dislike my future daughter in law. :lol:

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Is anybody familiar with the saying: "A son is a son until he takes a wife; a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life."? I think that's how it goes. Basically boys adore their mamas till they get married. I already dislike my future daughter in law. :lol:




I am just experiencing this now. My 2 oldest are girls and I have not had any issues. My 3rd oldest is a boy and he just recently got engaged and moved out. I am having a very hard time with this:glare:

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Is anybody familiar with the saying: "A son is a son until he takes a wife; a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life."? I think that's how it goes. Basically boys adore their mamas till they get married. I already dislike my future daughter in law. :lol:

This has not been my experience. When I met my dh he was 19, and was basically done with his family. He wanted to move away and have nothing else to do with them. Over the course of a few years I'm the one who convinced him to stick it out and maintain a relationship with them, and now we are all very close. My MIL gets along much better with dh than she does with his sister. They are all close, but MIL and SIL bicker all. the. time.


I'm really close to my mom, but my sister isn't.


A friend of mine has 3 grown children, 2 boys and 1 girl. One of the boys is married, lives locally and they see each other all the time. The other boy moved to another state to be with his kid (ex wife moved there). The daughter got married and moved to another country.


It really is all about personality and circumstance, not gender.

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I am just experiencing this now. My 2 oldest are girls and I have not had any issues. My 3rd oldest is a boy and he just recently got engaged and moved out. I am having a very hard time with this:glare:


My father's mother did not care too much for my mom when they started dating. My parents are having a tough time with my brother's wife. My MIL has never said it, but I often feel like she thinks I'm not good enough for her son. I suppose that's life though. I definitely would not have married my husband had he been a big mamma's boy and kept her in first place. :tongue_smilie:


Yeah, I'm a little hormonal right now. :lol::lol:

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Is anybody familiar with the saying: "A son is a son until he takes a wife; a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life."? I think that's how it goes. Basically boys adore their mamas till they get married. I already dislike my future daughter in law. :lol:

My mom has discovered this.


Unfortunately for her, she long treated her only dd like absolute crap, and is finding that the 'daughter for the rest of her life' thing isn't working out as well either.

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Boys aren't harder or easier. They are different. Some generalities which may upset some people, but I have found to be true. Boys love their mamas a bit more intensely than girls. Boys are more physical. Their love is a bit painful. A hug is a body slam. A kiss can rip your cheek off. Boy love can be bruising. :lol: To my surprise, boys are more verbal. Well, in a way, they make more noise with their bodies. It just isn't necessarily in the form of words. They truly do turn everything into a sword or a gun. At some point, most wear a cape and actually think they can fly. They love their mama with all of their being. (I think I said that already.) There is a, for lack of a better word, stronger bond between a mother and son. Not sure if stronger is the right word. More intense? Eh, it's different than with a daughter. :001_smile:


I have 2 girls and 4 boys and this has been my experience also. My little guys are determined to literally love me to pieces!:lol:

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Boys aren't harder or easier. They are different. Some generalities which may upset some people, but I have found to be true. Boys love their mamas a bit more intensely than girls. Boys are more physical. Their love is a bit painful. A hug is a body slam. A kiss can rip your cheek off. Boy love can be bruising. :lol: To my surprise, boys are more verbal. Well, in a way, they make more noise with their bodies. It just isn't necessarily in the form of words. They truly do turn everything into a sword or a gun. At some point, most wear a cape and actually think they can fly. They love their mama with all of their being. (I think I said that already.) There is a, for lack of a better word, stronger bond between a mother and son. Not sure if stronger is the right word. More intense? Eh, it's different than with a daughter. :001_smile:


This is my experience of mothering 2 boys too. My older is definitely on the bookwormish, low energy side of boys, but even he gets this pent-up energy that he needs to let out or he goes crazy. For him it's subtle, he'll start picking paint off the window frames, pushing his little brother, or crying over silly things. My younger is the quintessential boy, easier than his brother because he's more straight forward in his behavior, but so active I am exhausted by the end of the day. I nannied for girls and boys and they can be very different though of course there's a spectrum. My boys are a bit of a mystery to me sometimes, but I love them and I love their knock-me-over little boy hugs and their attempts to "be gentle with mommy" as my DH tells them :)

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Boys love their mamas a bit more intensely than girls. Boys are more physical. Their love is a bit painful. A hug is a body slam. A kiss can rip your cheek off. Boy love can be bruising. :lol: To my surprise, boys are more verbal. Well, in a way, they make more noise with their bodies. It just isn't necessarily in the form of words. They truly do turn everything into a sword or a gun. At some point, most wear a cape and actually think they can fly. They love their mama with all of their being. (I think I said that already.) There is a, for lack of a better word, stronger bond between a mother and son. Not sure if stronger is the right word. More intense? Eh, it's different than with a daughter. :001_smile:


Yup. My boys love me ferociously. Dd and I are close but the boys' love is somehow more visceral. You will love having a son.

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Oh, I'm sure they are all different, but in my experience my two girls were VERY "easy" babies/toddlers/young children" and my son has been quite the handful.


They slept through the night between 6 and 8 weeks of age, he still wakes up at night at 6 years of age (only he finally doesn't wake ME up anymore and just comes and lays down on my floor at some point in the middle of the night lol).


They were easygoing babies who were happy whether you held them or put them down, he was a baby who CONSTANTLY wanted to be held and nursed and got mad when put down up until he was able to move around on his own. Then he was less grumpy about it.


They took nice long naps, he took catnaps.


They were calm toddlers and preschoolers who liked to cuddle, hear stories and would sit and color and so on, he's all movement and motion and barely stays still for a cuddle and is only pretty recently willing to sit down and listen to stories for any length of time and so on.


Then again...I know other families with boys who are just as calm and snuggly and content as my girls were. So, you never know! :D

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I was so startled to find myself pregnant with a boy (Button), 'cause I'd had all sisters growing up. And then Bob-bot's a boy too. !!!


I think the boys are harder when they're little, but if you train them well they're not so mean to their mamas when they're teenagers. It's the training them well that's killer 'round here.


Also, for better or worse, they're all different! Button is _intense_. Not an easy child, but super bright and super sweet and just crazy intense. Bot-bot's a mellow, happy, amenable little fellow. Hallelujah!


many congratulations and happinesses for the family that's already arrived, and the little one on his way.

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Congratulations! I have 2 boys (ages 7,8) and 3 girls (ages 5,2,1). The boys are noisy, rough, dirty, smelly. But, they are also pretty straightforward, what you see is what you get. Two of my girls,(5 & 1 year old) are drama queens already. They get their feelings hurt easily. My five year old loves shoes and loves to shop. They're just different. Some differences are due to gender, some due to personality. I'm so thankful I have a few of each.

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had 3 girls and then a boy.


He is a bit easier. We are working on the whiny momma's boy stuff. I've had to make a concerted effort to keep especially my oldest from spoiling him. I think it would have been the same with a baby sister too though since there are 10 yrs between them.


Dh makes a special effort to do guy stuff with him. We do live on a farm though and that helps with boy stuff too.

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In my experience (I only have boys, but have many friends with girls), boys are more physically demanding, and girls are more emotionally demanding.

Boys seem more difficult until we boy-parents don't have to deal with as much drama in middle school :)


:iagree: My boy is only 5, but he was a completely different parenting experience than my girls were when they were little. I had 3 girls then him. Before he was one, we had been to the ER for a concussion because he was climbing on chairs before he could walk and for a broken nose when he crawled up on the couch and over the back - also before he could walk. I don't think any of my girls would have considered doing that. He was never bad, just physically more adventurous than my girls were.


Have fun! And don't slap all the people who will ask if you kept trying for a boy! It makes me want to have one more just to stop that nonsense!!!

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And don't slap all the people who will ask if you kept trying for a boy! It makes me want to have one more just to stop that nonsense!!!


Ugh. When my third girl was born, I had someone ask me if we had been trying for a boy. I was a little irked with her. I love my three girls and was thrilled with all of them... honest to God! We had a fourth because we wanted a fourth, boy or girl. We were going to stop regardless of what sex we ended up with. I don't know how many people I replied to saying that we were having a baby, not a puppy. Sheesh!:001_huh: I'll do my best not to slap anybody from here on out!:lol:

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Boys are just like girls, but with different parts. :D Some like to be loud, while others are quiet. Some like to read, others like to climb trees. Some like to climb trees and read! Sometimes boys are easier, sometimes the girls are. They tend to take turns on the difficult stuff; different ages and stages kind of thing.


Don't worry, he will let you know what he needs/wants and who he is. You will be fine, and so will he! Congrats!


I love this perspective! I agree wholeheartedly.

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