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Would this bother you?

Do unnecessary condiments bother you?  

  1. 1. Do unnecessary condiments bother you?

    • Yes, they are obviously uncouth philistines.
    • No, you are silly, Mrs Mungo.
    • Other
    • Mmmmmm.....baaaaacon.

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Oh, yeah, that would bother me.


Next time, hide the salsa. And the ketchup.


One of my bffs used to put ketchup on *everything.* She and her family came over for dinner once; I had prepared enchilada crepes...yes, crepes, carefully handmade, cornmeal crepes. With a tasty, handmade filling. And she asked for ketchup. :blink: She came to visit me from California last summer; we haven't seen each other for at least 15 years. And I hid the ketchup. :lol:

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Not all folks have the same degree of taste - I, for example, have NO sense of smell, so herbs, etc. elude me and I would indeed add salsa to an egg dish as w/o the heat I can not taste much of anything in it. In fact, I had an omelet yesterday with pepper jack cheese and broccoli in it, and had to put s/p and salsa on top.


Perhaps your hubby could not really taste the fancy cheese or long-cooked onions. Too subtle for him. At least he took a couple bits before reaching for a condiment.

Edited by JFSinIL
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It could have been worse. Yesterday, I made a Paleo salad with red cabbage, almonds, chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, extra-virgin organic olive oil, and balsalmic vinegar. I loved it! I put some on a plate for my DH, and when he came inside, he said he doesn't eat garbage, and threw it away. He reserved the chicken and proceeded to melt cheddar cheese on it, then ate it. He said he wants normal food, like HOT DOGS.


Some people cannot be helped.


(I bought him the cheapest hot dogs I could find at Wal-Mart yesterday. $.75! And yes, I am offended by the use of the term "garbage" in referring to my cooking. I am comtemplating evil toward him. :glare:)


I think this is VERY different.. your dh was rude and hurtful. :(


There's a HUGE difference between what your husband did and what Mrs. Mungo's husband did -- liking salsa on quiche versus being a jerk to your wife. Way diff. I'm sorry he treated you that way!

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But that's STEAK sauce! It goes on steak!


i can understand people thinking it's weird if you put ketchup or mustard on your steak…but steak sauce??


(i'm a vegetarian, but dh eats steak - with steak sauce)


I think steak sauce on a good steak is a kick in the head. :lol:


I don't begrudge anyone who uses it though. ;)


I'd have NEVER guessed that anyone would think steak sauce on STEAK was wrong. Ketchup? Mustard? Ranch dressing? Okay yep, I can see people finding those strange… but.. steak sauce… goes on steak.


Yeah I know I just repeated myself. It's 6:15am. YAWN. :p

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It could have been worse. Yesterday, I made a Paleo salad with red cabbage, almonds, chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, extra-virgin organic olive oil, and balsalmic vinegar. I loved it! I put some on a plate for my DH, and when he came inside, he said he doesn't eat garbage, and threw it away. He reserved the chicken and proceeded to melt cheddar cheese on it, then ate it. He said he wants normal food, like HOT DOGS.



Your salad sounds yummy, and your DH was rude!

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Yes, it would bother me. I live with certain family members who put ketchup on steak and leave the dressing off salads and deconstructs casseroles to remove the mushrooms or onions. It's not because I'm a bad cook, it's because they don't know how to eat.


Sorry about the salsa and quiche. It's the equivalent of chewing with your mouth open or eating with your face 3 inches from your plate, spoon held like a shovel. It's them. Not you.

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I'm glad to hear that it is pretty common for spouses to top off meals with some sort of condiment. My dh uses ketchup or BBQ sauce on everything, even filet mignon! I'll never undrstand, but he is happy so I've learned to get over it (ok, I hold a grudge sometimes!).


You put a lot of effort into making a delicious quiche, so I can understand your feelings.

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It could have been worse. Yesterday, I made a Paleo salad with red cabbage, almonds, chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, extra-virgin organic olive oil, and balsalmic vinegar. I loved it! I put some on a plate for my DH, and when he came inside, he said he doesn't eat garbage, and threw it away. He reserved the chicken and proceeded to melt cheddar cheese on it, then ate it. He said he wants normal food, like HOT DOGS.


Some people cannot be helped.


(I bought him the cheapest hot dogs I could find at Wal-Mart yesterday. $.75! And yes, I am offended by the use of the term "garbage" in referring to my cooking. I am comtemplating evil toward him. :glare:)


Oh honey. :grouphug: That would have been the very last meal for a very long time prepared by me to offer to him.


Your salad sounds really good, though :).

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I would have done the same thing. I don't like the flavor of eggs. I love omelettes and quiche, but the egg must be well disguised. Iam one of thpse people that even adds hot sauce to my already spicy enchilada soup.


I would not be offended, eggs are one of a few foods that people are pretty particular about. I only eat scrambled or as an omelettes with many additional goodies, DH only eats over easy. My kids only like them over easy. My sister and mom....with salsa.


It's no big deal. But I do have a momentary bit of pain everytime my DH weds salt and pepper to a meal I have worked hard on. ;)

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Yes, it would bother me. I live with certain family members who put ketchup on steak and leave the dressing off salads and deconstructs casseroles to remove the mushrooms or onions. It's not because I'm a bad cook, it's because they don't know how to eat.


….or because that's how they LIKE their food. ;)


[from a ketchup lover]

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I voted no. I put unnecessary condiments on everything. My dh, who loves to cook, would disagree :D I think he about has heart failure when I put sour cream on his lovely bacon wrapped potato wedges with this light honey sauce on them :lol:


Maybe I should have voted MMM...bacon ;)

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My dh and both dc believe that if a food is good, it will be better with hot sauce, and if it's bad, hot sauce will make it palatable. Just the other day, I had to shake my head when EK sprinkled hot sauce into homemade chicken noodle soup. She also puts hot sauce on creamed corn, tuna salad, you name it. She puts hot sauce on almost everything.


I've gotten used to it, and I'm not offended when they put hot sauce on everything I cook. I just buy a variety of hot sauces and let them have at it.

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My husband and my MIL put hot sauce or tabasco on just about everything I have ever cooked for them. Now, I am not against a spicy dish- yum! But when it's supposed to be savory or delicate or something else instead, well then, no.


For the first few years I would try to protest, "But it's not supposed to be a spicy dish!" Yet they still persist. Now, I just love them as (the Philistines) they are. :lol:


I didn't see your post before I posted mine, but I deal with that same kind of barbarianism at my house. :lol: And like you, I've learned to live with it. It doesn't bother me in the least.

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DH puts that Mango Habanero sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings on everything. I've learned to live with the fact that he prefers to desecrate my chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes and casseroles and whatever else he can get his hands on with that nasty sauce.


However, I'm a little irritated when I ask him how dinner was, and his reply is, "Good, a little too spicy." It's chicken stinking alfredo! It wasn't supposed to be spicy!


I think it's more about getting a reaction out of me than the food tasting better with sauce.

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Oh honey. :grouphug: That would have been the very last meal for a very long time prepared by me to offer to him.


Your salad sounds really good, though :).


Thus why I bought him the hot dogs. Forgot the buns. Oops.


He's usually not that rude. I'll have to ask him after every meal how he liked it. Breakfast: "How was your hot dog?" Lunch, "How was your hot dog?" Dinner, "How was your hot dog?" I'm not really a subtle person. And this after cleaning from 5 am until 11 pm (we're having a party and I'm in cleaning h*ll).

Edited by cdrumm4448
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Well, there are times when my husband (who, I admit, cooks more often than I do and is a better cook) makes something that I just happen to ENJOY eating (fill in the blank) on. It might be ketchup or gravy or A1 or sour cream or extra salt, or whatever the case may be. If I put it on it's because I LIKE adding that flavor, not because I DON'T like what he made.


Every now and then he acts a little offended and it makes me nuts that he would take it so personally or that I should have to feel awkward about eating my food the way I enjoy it.


So, I had to go with "You are being silly, Mrs. Mungo."


Sorry. :D


:iagree: I should have read before I posted! I grew up with a bunch of blue-collared hicks who loved to put ketchup on EVERYTHING! They ate with gusto and were appreciative of the cooks and the food. They just loved ketchup...a lot! :tongue_smilie: No one ever batted an eye. I guess that none of us ever learned how to eat :lol:


For the record, my dh loves quiche and eggs in just about any form!

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Ha! At least he actually tasted the food before adding something. I think it is offensive when people add extras to food before even tasting it.


I wrote almost this exact same post on another forum about a year ago.


My quiche, plus DF's Sriracha. He brags about my cooking and my quiche to his friends and coworkers, but he still adds Sriracha! Phooey.


Not a good thing to do when courting someone. LOL


It is a bit impolite but also forgivable. I now plate Sriracha for him at every meal. I would just make the food spicier, but then my children would starve.

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YUM, that sounds delicious and sour cream would be perfect on that! :D


We are kindred spirits!! And yes, it is delicious. He can't make enough for us and we have to portion them out or we will cheat and grab another one. The first time he made them, we did not portion them out and younger dd went back for seconds and they were all gone. Oh, she was not a happy camper.


I think any kind of potato skin with bacon is better with sour cream ;)

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Philistines! But then I balk at using steak sauce on a good steak, too. My dh loves salsa and puts in on everything, especially eggs. He just looooooves it with eggs. Yeah, I'd be annoyed if I'd spent a long time making a lovely quiche that was then smothered in salsa, but I wouldn't have been surprised that the salsa was added. Just the way dh is.

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I said other because honestly my dh always adds hot sauce/spices/etc or he makes a comment about how I could've better seasoned something even if it tastes delicious. He'll take a bite and go "yum this is great" and on the next bite he goes "this needs tabasco" or "you know what would be really great in this....." it took me awhile to get over it. I cook for my taste buds though, he could drink hot sauce from the bottle whereas I can't....it's easier to make something hotter, harder to take away the spice.

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This is exactly my pet peeve. If someone at least 'tastes' it first, I am a bit placated but when they add condiments w/o even tasting,it stabs at my heart. It isn't a biggie but when you take pride in your cooking, it is nice to have your intended flavors appreciated!

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This is exactly my pet peeve. If someone at least 'tastes' it first, I am a bit placated but when they add condiments w/o even tasting,it stabs at my heart. It isn't a biggie but when you take pride in your cooking, it is nice to have your intended flavors appreciated!



:iagree: At least taste it first. Don't just pile on ketchup or salt or pepper.

What is even worse is when stuff is piled on without tasting and than they don't like it:glare:

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Thanks, everyone. I amglad to know there are lots of kindred spirits out there. That makes me feel better. He wasn't rude about it. I didn't fly into a rage or anything, although I did call him a Philistine in a joking manner. :)


It could have been worse. Yesterday, I made a Paleo salad with red cabbage, almonds, chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, extra-virgin organic olive oil, and balsalmic vinegar. I loved it! I put some on a plate for my DH, and when he came inside, he said he doesn't eat garbage, and threw it away. He reserved the chicken and proceeded to melt cheddar cheese on it, then ate it. He said he wants normal food, like HOT DOGS.


I would never cook for someone like that again. Wow. I am sorry. :(


I'm a good cook too. My husband has eaten the exact same thing for two years now... he turns his nose to anything else. Yesterday I made an amazing focaccia. He wouldn't even consider it. It could be a lot worse than salsa so quit yer complainin'! :tongue_smilie:


Pooh, I *love* focaccia, YUM!


Was your salsa homemade???


I wouldn't be at all offended if he has pouring on my homemade salsa.


No, I haven't made salsa lately, this was jarred salsa. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, this would bother me. The 'sauce'of choice is Ranch Dressing at my house. I've had to instruct my Philistines that it is RUDE to do this...Since the cook has slaved to prepare a meal, it should be eaten as is. I especially want them to NOT DO THIS at someone else's house. Mine do it less often here at home after I've explained (for the 10th time) the message it sends and how it makes me feel. They're getting it, slowly. Hang in there.

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I have to say that I am totally shocked that there are so many that would be bothered by this (in a truly "I had NO idea that people would really care about this" shocked way - not a judgement way.) If it is true that people have different personalities and one is not better than the other, different color hair, skin, eyes, height, etc. and one is not better than the other, why is it not understandable that people would have different taste buds and what tastes good to me might not taste good to someone else? So if they like the taste of salsa on quiche...why would I care? And if I was trying to make something so someone would enjoy it but they would enjoy it more with salsa, salt, cheese, or ice cream on it...why would I not want them to eat it in the way that they would personally most enjoy it? There absolutely must be something more here that I do not get. To say that you must like something in the way that I would personally most like it is...hard for me to understand. If I cook a great steak for someone and they tell me they would enjoy it more with peanut butter on it I would get out the jar and hand them the knife! I cook for only two reasons: 1) sustenance 2) to please someone with something they would enjoy. Oh maybe this is the difference: I don't cook for personal fulfilment (although I guess if I really please someone then I am fulfilled so then we are back to why it wouldn't bother me if they add salsa because then they are pleased and I am fulfilled so it's a win for both of us instead of me just being content with what I made.) OH I can 't win in this one!

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My husband does the same thing. It doesn't bother me at all.


He likes food much spicier than the rest of us, so I cook it to appeal to the masses (the other 4 at the table) and he customizes it to his personal tastes. Everybody wins. Every year on his stocking at Christmas he gets a collection of new spicy salsas from me.


I assume SWB doesn't get offended at all the people here who tweak TWTM (or abandon it entirely) to suit their specific family situations and yet still congregate here all the time. They seem like the same kind of things to me.

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I assume SWB doesn't get offended at all the people here who tweak TWTM (or abandon it entirely) to suit their specific family situations and yet still congregate here all the time. They seem like the same kind of things to me.


I think TWTM is like a taco bar. Nobody could fit all of the options into one taco. :lol:

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I had to put "other" because I put ketchup on scrambled eggs (still) and when I was a kid got in trouble for wanting ketchup on roast beef sandwiches. Truth to tell, my mom's scrambled eggs often had skin on them, which I didn't like and the ketchup covered it up and my dad did it, too. My mother was annoyed at the ketchup on eggs, but irate at ketchup on roast beef sandwiches, though mayo or butter was fine. I liked the moisture of the ketchup as well as the flavor. (Wouldn't do that now.)


So... while extra condiments on something that I've made that I think is wonderful just the way it is DO bother me, I have no right to say anything, KWIM? I do anyway, but try to let it go quickly! ;)

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This is the problem!! My head says, "pshaw, no biggie." It just isn't working. :tongue_smilie:


Yep. I would want to give him a slap upside the head....BUT, my sane side...eat it however you want....then the little teeny, tiny voice in my head goes....jerk.



Who is also a really good cook and dh finds he needs to put hot sauce all over everything.

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