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FlyLady's Get Dressed To Your Shoes Advice?

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Okay, I'm just curious. Do you FlyLady followers all get dressed to that degree (make-up, etc.) when you are going to CLEAN? I usually throw on my grubbiest clothes when I'm going to be cleaning. Who wants to get bleach on their nice clothes?


If I'm dressed to the nines, the very last thing I am motivated to do is clean. :lol:

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Oh, no. I don't get out of my PJs on days I'm going to do a massive cleaning. Why ruin good clothing? I shower when I'm done, but at some point (generally when I'm cleaning the bathroom) I get my teeth brushed. :D



I am a FlyLady drop out as well. I rarely get dressed in anything but gym clothes (yoga pants or loose sweats and a tee shirt--could be long sleeved or short sleeved depending on the weather.) Most days not going to lie, I rarely put on a bra unless someone is coming over or we are going somewhere. Make-up is a sometimes thing...usually only when I'm going out and then usually only base and mascara. We are very casual people. We don't get dressed to do school either except into comfy clothes. :tongue_smilie:


I also refuse to wear shoes in the house. All shoes I have are outside shoes so even if I did want to wear them in the house I can't because they'll track dirt/outside in and that defeats cleaning huh lol

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I just get dressed in the way I would normally to go out to run errands. Actual pants (not PJs), a t-shirt, brushed hair and teeth, and sandals (I don't wear lace-up shoes). I'm not a make-up person anyway, so that's as "to the nines" as I get. If I'm going to use something that bleaches or stains, I put on my grubby work clothes, but am still fully dressed.


I see Flylady's point, but for me, I don't do it so that I'll be motivated to work, but because I hate people coming to the door in the afternoon and feeling ridiculous for looking like I just rolled out of bed. Or having to delay to get dressed if I want to go to the store for something.


I do make one change to her plan. On days that I plan to work out, I get dressed immediately into my workout clothes and I'm not allowed to change out of them until I've actually done it, even if I'm not planning to workout until the afternoon or evening. TMI: This helps motivate me to actually get it done because my running bra, while effective, isn't super comfy for just wearing around the house.

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I'm a FlyLady flipflop. Sometimes on, sometimes off, lol, but the dressing to the shoes works well for me. Every morning I get dressed in jeans, casual but nice shirt, walking shoes or keds, with my hair done. I certainly don't dress in my dressy outfits for everyday life. Cleaning aside... between spit up and grubby fingers I'd destry the outfits! On the otherhand, I'm dressed for most events in my casual life. :001_smile:

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I could never get into fly lady because of some of those things. I hate shoes, sorry not going to wear them unless I have to because I'm leaving the house to go to a place that requires them for me to get in.


I also don't shower and get dressed to clean, why would I do that if I'm just going to get all sweaty from cleaning?


Now I will put on appropriate clothing to go out and do yard work but that's more for my neighbors than anything. I don't think they want to see me mowing the lawn in my jammies/braless:lol:


ETA: I never wear make up unless it's a special formal dinner I have to go to for dh's work.

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Well I think the best policy as a homeschooling mom is to stay as slovenly possible, so if someone comes to the door or you need to go out for an emergency (splashing that bleach in your eye) or anything else, you look as yucky as possible and let the whole world know how much we hate being home. ;)


Of course you're not gonna dress to the 9's, not unless you're Lucille Ball, lol. But you might dress to the 8's or the 7's. Dressing to the 9's is for when you go out with your dh. You probably have a perfectly reasonable, I got dressed today, level of dress. And then you probably have an "I'm shirking the world and don't want to get dressed" level of dress. If the way you're dressed is 80% of what it would take to be presentable at the door or to suddenly go into town when your kid breaks his leg, then I think that's good enough. It doesn't take long to throw on that last something (bra, whatever), so I don't see the big deal.


Besides, you have to put on SOMETHING in the morning, so it might as well be something that makes you feel good. :lol:

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I understand her advice and agree that she takes it pretty far because she is, um, pushy. The idea is more about getting going in the morning. I do feel more motivated if I'm dressed (to the socks, I'm not a fan of shoes). But I usually don't put on my best clothes for a major scrub-down cleaning. ;) Nor am I whipping out the mascara and lipstick.


I don't do flylady any longer. This is one of the habits I built though. It made a difference for me!

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Yabbut once your home is in order, you don't need to dress in your grubbies to *clean,* 'cuz your house is orderly and already clean; you just have to do maintanence. Even if you do, we're talking about everyday attire, right? You gotta get up and get dressed, every.single.day.


I did Sidetracked Home Executives long before Flylady did. :-) Perhaps if you read their books you'll catch the vision better than reading Flylady on your computer.


The only thing I don't do is put on shoes. I'm a barefoot kinda gal. But I put take a shower at night and put my clothes on in the morning (and make my bed) before I leave my bedroom. I wash my hair in the kitchen sink :D and put on makeup, so all I have to do is slip on my shoes if I'm going anywhere. I have no fear of anyone coming to the front door and finding me looking like a dog's breakfast. :lol:

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Well, when I get dressed and put on lace up shoes, I do feel better and seem to be more productive.


She doesn't say you have to get dressed up or even put make up on. She says that you put on decent everyday clothes suitable for around the house. (That will vary by each person, I guess) She recommends putting on some makeup if you normally wear it. If not, then just do your normal skin care routine.


As for stains, she recommends an apron if needed.

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Besides, you have to put on SOMETHING in the morning, so it might as well be something that makes you feel good. :lol:


Yoga pants, a t-shirt, and no make-up does make me feel good, though. ;) I have a feeling that my definition of "dressed" is different from FlyLady's. Especially since, makeup-wise, the last time I put on anything more than lip gloss was, I think, my sister's wedding about eight years ago.

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I must be a slovenly cleaner because I don't get that grubby cleaning. I have small windows of time in my day - like 10-20 min - that need to be grabbed for housework. I can't imagine having a big enough time slot to clean and then shower and get dressed. :glare:


My daily uniform is jeans and a nicish shirt. It moves seamlessly between cleaning, teaching, and errand running.

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On the days that I follow her advice on this I have a much more productive day. For some reason it makes me feel more in control of the house. Maybe because if I was at a job I would be dressed fairly decently and of course wearing shoes. For me, treating homeschooling and housework like a job always helps me to feel like I had a more productive day. (Saying this while I still am in my pajamas, drinking coffee, and surfing the forums:tongue_smilie: Guess I know how productive the day will be.)



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The one thing I totally disagree with is using any old pair of shoes indoors (even those previously worn outside), and then dashing in and out with them on. Nobody wears "outdoor" shoes in my house for any reason.


That said, I do have a pair of very comfy lightweight runners that I wear indoors for cleaning purposes, bought new and never used outside. I really, truly find that I'm much more motivated and efficient when they're on my feet. I think they're partly like a symbol of cleaning, so my mind just gets on board when I'm wearing them. I also feel "faster" in them, like I can move better and get more traction, so I go bouncing around the house with more vigor. They're my supershoes; they turn me into Supergirl. :D


I cannot do any reasonable amount of housework in slippers, housecoat, or pajamas; floppy clothes of any kind just make me go slowly and get in the way. Also, they've caused me to trip before. So I need to wear regular clothes.


Although I'm not good about it, I find if I've showered and done something with my hair and face, there is this feeling of "I look pretty good, so I guess I should bring my house up to that standard, too." :tongue_smilie:

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Make-up = moisturizer and clothing is always comfortable; oh, and I consider slippers shoes. Most flylady followers tweak her message or give up. I get up everyday, shower, put on a little makeup and get dressed in comfy clothes. If I was going to super-clean, I'd wear sweats, but with my modified flylady routine, I only do that once or twice a year. Most days are just tidy-ups and laundry/dishes etc.


(I had to try the flylady system more than once to find my happy place.) I was a drop out the first time too.


disclaimer...If I stay in my jammies or sweats...I get nothing done...


Okay, I'm just curious. Do you FlyLady followers all get dressed to that degree (make-up, etc.) when you are going to CLEAN? I usually throw on my grubbiest clothes when I'm going to be cleaning. Who wants to get bleach on their nice clothes?


If I'm dressed to the nines, the very last thing I am motivated to do is clean. :lol:

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I am a fly lady drop out but I am more likely to clean with lace up tennis shoes, a decent pair of jeans and a tee shirt. ;) Make up optional.


:iagree: When I first heard about the wearing-shoes thing, I laughed, but she sure was right. I got much more done. I also got more done because I had the checklists. When I stopped doing those things, my house went downhill. It's not horrible. It's serviceable. But it's definitely not as clean as it used to get when I was doing Flylady. I'm just too lazy to want to start again.


FWIW, my dd13 has to get totally dressed, minus shoes, before she can start her school work. When she is finished doing school, she'll get back into her pj pants. I have NO idea why she does that, but it is too funny. :tongue_smilie:

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I will not wear sneakers on our tile floors and in the usually slightly damp kitchen area anymore. On Sunday, while making pancakes, I slipped and fell so badly.


I take Flylady with a pinch of salt. Some of her advice, I've loved. Others, not going to happen. :)

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On the days that I follow her advice on this I have a much more productive day. For some reason it makes me feel more in control of the house. Maybe because if I was at a job I would be dressed fairly decently and of course wearing shoes. For me, treating homeschooling and housework like a job always helps me to feel like I had a more productive day. (Saying this while I still am in my pajamas, drinking coffee, and surfing the forums:tongue_smilie: Guess I know how productive the day will be.)




:iagree: with this 100%, right down to still in my PJs sipping coffee :tongue_smilie: (off the wagon again and out of sync with the day because a three hour power outage in the middle of the night woke up the kids, who apparently thought no power = party by candlelight until 3 am). :glare::sleep: I'm more productive dressed with shoes and I'm calmer because I feel ready for anything.


I will also add that when I wear shoes and socks, my callused heels become soft as a baby's bum. :lol: That's reason enough for me to do it. Oh, but I did buy special cute tennies for the house. Light and comfy as slippers but still presentable and officially shoes.


ETA: I guess I could answer the question about cleaning! :D Yes, I get dressed to clean. No, I do not wear my "good clothes" to do it. Nor do I wear makeup every day, cleaning or not. I take what I like and leave what I don't from all manner of philosophies and it works out well for me.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I take Flylady with a pinch of salt. Some of her advice, I've loved. Others, not going to happen. :)


Bingo. I'm always amazed at how people will dismiss her entire program because they get hung up on one tiny thing like wearing shoes or having a shiny sink. It's like refusing to read a book becaus the name of the first chapter is stupid.

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The Big Idea with the shoes for me was that I would go outside freely while I was cleaning up. That meant that I would actually take out the garbage, recycling, items for the local charity sale, etc. rather than stashing them for future action. It meant that when I was on a roll, I did ROLL!


The makeup and stuff I attribute to her being Southern. It's not for me so much. But the self-esteem associated with looking at least decent first thing every day can help get you moving and keep you feeling good. Sometimes.


Having said that, I like to clean before my bath. Exercise, too, generally. So I didn't always get to the point of 'feeling good about how I looked' before I started in on those things. But I did 'feel energized and capable', and that's key.

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Am I the only one who feels out-of-touch when I'm wearing shoes??? I can't stand them. Maybe it comes from being a bare-foot farm girl when I was a kid...I actually feel like I'm suffering from sensory deprivation when the soles of my feet are not in contact with the ground. I pretty much reserve shoes for 1) when it's too cold; 2) when I am in a public place where bare feet would be utterly unacceptable (stores, church, etc.--but I've often taken my kids for walks around the neighborhood with all of us barefoot; I realize that will make many of your cringe!) Um, can't think of a 3...I most definitely do not feel more ready to clean with shoes on, nor does being barefoot in any way stop me from running outside to put something in the trash, car, etc.


My feet are just SOOOO much happier when they are free!


On another note, does anyone know a good source for shoes for a toddler who has really, really broad feet? I've tried many different pairs and just can't find any to fit, and winter's coming...



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Yoga pants, a t-shirt, and no make-up does make me feel good, though. ;) I have a feeling that my definition of "dressed" is different from FlyLady's. Especially since, makeup-wise, the last time I put on anything more than lip gloss was, I think, my sister's wedding about eight years ago.


Who said it didn't?? If you don't happen to sleep in pj's, then you're putting *something* on in the morning. It was a joke. ;)

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Okay, we may be talking about two different things. If all I'm doing is straightening up and throwing dishes into the dishwasher, then I have no problem with geting dressed nicely and being ready to leave the house. I'm talking about scrubbing porcelain bathtubs with Ajax, mopping the entire house (I will break into a sweat after mopping 1,700 square feet of ceramic tile), cleaning baseboards/walls, washing windows, etc. These are things I do on a fairly regular basis because I'm a huge clean freak.


I'm not talking about a quick vacuum and make the beds.


I'm dressed every single day of the week except for shoes. We don't wear shoes in our house.


I just don't put on a stainless shirt when I'm going to be using Ajax. I wear grubbies. Then I change into nicer clothes.


I've tried FlyLady, but I can't work her routine. I don't do half of the things on her list as often as she does and the other half of the items I do far MORE often. LOL. I don't have a problem keeping my house clean though. I suppose if I did, I'd be more willing to alter her program to fit my routines. I'm not knocking her. I just find the getting dressed nice BEFORE cleaning (as opposed to after) rather odd.

Edited by Daisy
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I just find the getting dressed nice BEFORE cleaning (as opposed to after) rather odd.


I didn't remember that bit, so I had to go to her site to read about it again. She doesn't mention dressing up as in going out to a restaurant type of dressing. She says she had a job with a direct sales company that required the employee to dress up before making phone calls to make them feel professional. Then she says that housecleaning is also approached with a different mindset if the person is dressed to the shoes. She doesn't say blouse, slacks and heels. She also specifically refers to ladies staying in their nightgowns and bathrobes all day. She doesn't suggest any type of wardrobe other than staying out of the nightgown.


As for makeup, again I believe she is talking about people who don't feel "fixed and presentable" until they are wearing makeup. She isn't suggesting that everyone wear makeup.


All of this makes me remember June Cleaver. That woman was cooking and vacuuming wearing an apron, pearls, and heels. She was presented as the ideal homemaker.

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Okay, so my jeans and old t-shirt are probably fit her recommendation.


I just know if I'm wearing my nice jeans and my nice shirts (the very few I have) the last thing I'm going to chance is ruining it with a bottle of bleach a toilet brush, kwim? :lol:


But on the flip side, I wouldn't be embarrassed to have the UPS guy show up at my house either.

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Okay, we may be talking about two different things. If all I'm doing is straightening up and throwing dishes into the dishwasher, then I have no problem with geting dressed nicely and being ready to leave the house. I'm talking about scrubbing porcelain bathtubs with Ajax, mopping the entire house (I will break into a sweat after mopping 1,700 square feet of ceramic tile), cleaning baseboards/walls, washing windows, etc. These are things I do on a fairly regular basis because I'm a huge clean freak.


I'm not talking about a quick vacuum and make the beds.


I'm dressed every single day of the week except for shoes. We don't wear shoes in our house.


I just don't put on a stainless shirt when I'm going to be using Ajax. I wear grubbies. Then I change into nicer clothes.


I've tried FlyLady, but I can't work her routine. I don't do half of the things on her list as often as she does and the other half of the items I do far MORE often. LOL. I don't have a problem keeping my house clean though. I suppose if I did, I'd be more willing to alter her program to fit my routines. I'm not knocking her. I just find the getting dressed nice BEFORE cleaning (as opposed to after) rather odd.


Keep in mind that Flylady is really meaning to help people who are missing the "clean freak" gene. ;) The program wasn't written for someone who already has a plan for scrubbing base boards. ;) And I know that when I get into a dirty house funk, my personal habits fall aside. I stay in pj's all day. (I'm that way today but I'm sick.) So I think it is about getting someone who might be barely coping to the point that they can feel like working. She's taking it out for the extreme situations because it is an important basic when someone is that far into the funk.

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I get up very early on Saturdays (or Fridays, if we are going away for the weekend) and do the dirty work - scrubbing the toilets and floors, bleaching, etc. - in grubby clothes. Most of the cleaning I have to do the rest of the time doesn't really get me dirty. And I have a 9 yo boy, and they are pretty much made for dirty jobs. :001_smile:


So, yes, I do get up and get dressed, including makeup, first thing in the morning. Otherwise, I don't feel like cooking, cleaning, or homeschooling. And I am ready in case anyone comes by. Plus my dh and dc don't have to look at me grubby. :001_smile:


I don't do FlyLady (I have a system I developed from Sidetracked Home Executives instead,) but I agree with her.


ETA: Sorry, I forgot the shoe part... no, I don't do that. We don't wear shoes in our house, though we don't ask guests to remove them. I have the carpets celaned regularly (a dozen Cub Scouts here every other week... enough said,) but I just prefer no shoes. It's really the "real clothes" and makeup that do it for me, anyway.

Edited by angela in ohio
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I think FlyLady also assumes that once you get going with her system, you won't have any heavy duty cleaning. She says that you will eventually be cleaning things that are already clean or something to that effect. So, I assume that she isn't using bleach or getting sweaty.


On an unrelated note, I don't use bleach for cleaning. Bleach is not friendly to septic systems.

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I'm another drop out. Dressed up - no. Make up - ok. Shoes - definitely not. I don't like shoes in the house, partly to keep dirt out and partly because I laid every inch of laminate myself, and no-one is going to scuff it if I can help it!

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:seeya: Another Flylady drop out here. I tried her system years and years and years ago. We don't wear shoes in the house. So, when I was trying Flylady....I bought a pair of shoes to wear just in the house. It was weird. I just couldn't get used to it. It didn't help to have little children wondering why mommy is wearing shoes but shoes aren't allowed to be worn in the house. :confused: :001_smile: Anyway...that didn't last long and before I knew it those shoes were worn outside the house and not inside.

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Keep in mind that Flylady is really meaning to help people who are missing the "clean freak" gene. ;) The program wasn't written for someone who already has a plan for scrubbing base boards. ;) And I know that when I get into a dirty house funk, my personal habits fall aside. I stay in pj's all day. (I'm that way today but I'm sick.) So I think it is about getting someone who might be barely coping to the point that they can feel like working. She's taking it out for the extreme situations because it is an important basic when someone is that far into the funk.



:iagree: Her system is GREAT for people who are naturally like this or who are in a difficult season of life. I'm a fairly naturally organized person (as she calls "Born Organized") so I just cherry pick the stuff of hers that I like and drop the stuff I don't. But when I'm in a hard time (first or last bit of pregnancy, etc) then I follow her to the letter and it is so helpful. Once I'm back to myself, I just do my own thing again.

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