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Am I the Only Christian Who Thinksthis is Totally Ridiculous???

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My mother sent me this website earlier this week becuase she intends to be on it while the kids and I are ToTing.


When she first told me about it, I thought she was saying, "Jesus WEAN" and I couldn't figure out why Jesus needed to be weaned.


Ah well. I hope it brings her comfort in whatever it is she's looking for.

Edited by Jennifer3141
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Jesus Ween???? Yeah, they could have chosen a better name LOL.


And here I thought it was silly that for our church's trunk or treat, each trunk must be decorated in a Bible theme. Seriously? I can understand no blood, gore, witches, goblins, etc....but a Bible theme? Could I at least put up some cob webs or something?


I'm as conservative a Christian as they come....but Jesus Ween and Bible themes?

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Jesus Ween???? Yeah, they could have chosen a better name LOL.


And here I thought it was silly that for our church's trunk or treat, each trunk must be decorated in a Bible theme. Seriously? I can understand no blood, gore, witches, goblins, etc....but a Bible theme? Could I at least put up some cob webs or something?


I'm as conservative a Christian as they come....but Jesus Ween and Bible themes?



Spiders are biblical, aren't they? ;)

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Jesus Ween???? Yeah, they could have chosen a better name LOL.


And here I thought it was silly that for our church's trunk or treat, each trunk must be decorated in a Bible theme. Seriously? I can understand no blood, gore, witches, goblins, etc....but a Bible theme? Could I at least put up some cob webs or something?


I'm as conservative a Christian as they come....but Jesus Ween and Bible themes?


Ohhh, I'll bet you could come up with a really good, gory, scary, nasty Bible theme!! People stabbed, beheaded, blood licked up by dogs, and so on. So much to choose from!

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Jesus Ween???? Yeah, they could have chosen a better name LOL.


And here I thought it was silly that for our church's trunk or treat, each trunk must be decorated in a Bible theme. Seriously? I can understand no blood, gore, witches, goblins, etc....but a Bible theme? Could I at least put up some cob webs or something?





After thinking about this a bit...that would make me want to do a scene like Jezebel's death or one of the tons of other gory scenes in the Bible. Sorry....too much snark left it me :tongue_smilie:

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There is someone in our neighborhood who gives out tracts every halloween. We always take the kids around in a herd, so I don't check the bags after every.single.house, but it annoys me. "The real treat at halloween is Jesus!" It shouldn't, but ugh. If you want to be anti-halloween, then leave your light off.



Also, their whole premise is on an archaic definition? I think "Ween" and I think of a band. I thought it was another Christian rock band initially. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ween When I see "JesusWeen" I think, "Do they know that Halloween = Hallow- e'en = hallow evening = all hallow's eve"? it's not hallo-ween.

Edited by amey311
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Ohhh, I'll bet you could come up with a really good, gory, scary, nasty Bible theme!! People stabbed, beheaded, blood licked up by dogs, and so on. So much to choose from!


After thinking about this a bit...that would make me want to do a scene like Jezebel's death or one of the tons of other gory scenes in the Bible. Sorry....too much snark left it me :tongue_smilie:


Oooh...Saul and the Witch of Endor? Jael putting a tentpeg through Sisera's head?

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Would it be totally wrong to show up at a trunk or treat with a car decked out in big ugly plastic snakes poking through rotted apples? Or maybe several tear- stained face child mannequins drowning in a sea of blue crepe paper as a Playmobil ark floats by? A scarcrow dressed as Abraham holding a knife to a doll's throat, maybe? That would be like two mints in one.

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I'm not about to join or anything, but Jesus did correct his disciples when they prevented others from casting out demons, and he said something like, "if they're not against us, they are for us." The EO Church says, "we know where God is, we don't know where he isn't." That said we'll be trick or treating in our Star Trek uniforms and dodging the Reformation speech at church this year.


I think Hallow-Jesus is a better name. Doesn't "hallow" mean worship? Edited to add that I just looked it up and it means to set apart as holy, to venerate. So, yes, I think Hallow-Jesus is a much better name. Now I wonder what "ween" means. Off to look that up.

Edited by JenniferB
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Ohhh, I'll bet you could come up with a really good, gory, scary, nasty Bible theme!! People stabbed, beheaded, blood licked up by dogs, and so on. So much to choose from!


Oooh, didn't David cut off Goliath's head after he killed him??? I could totally do that LOL. Not sure my church would appreciate it LOL!

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The name does not even make good sense.


The name Halloween is a bas****ization of the words All Hallows Eve. October 31 is already a holy day.


People tend to forget their history.


Now I have another thing to look up. To make it easier for me, do you have a link?

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The name does not even make good sense.


The name Halloween is a bas****ization of the words All Hallows Eve. October 31 is already a holy day.


People tend to forget their history.


Which reminds of an article "10 Ways to Have a holy Halloween" and the first one was to stop calling it Satan's Holiday, it's not.

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My mother sent me this website earlier this week becuase she intends to be on it while the kids and I are ToTing.


When she first told me about it, I thought she was saying, "Jesus WEAN" and I couldn't figure out why Jesus needed to be weaned.


Ah well. I hope it brings her comfort in whatever it is she's looking for.


Well sheesh, maybe Mary wasn't into extended breastfeeding?


Or why we need to be weaned off Jesus. Would make for an awesome Atheist Halloween campaign name. :D

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When she first told me about it, I thought she was saying, "Jesus WEAN" and I couldn't figure out why Jesus needed to be weaned.



This is what I kept thinking as I read that name! :lol:

Yeah, about that. What did they EXPECT with a name like WEEN?

I know they gave the definition and all but I don't think it's going to be

as effective as they hoped.

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People tend to forget their history.


Or never learn it in the first place. :glare: IM(H?)O - if one wants to rail against something and raise a stink (which is A-Ok by me!) at least one should educate oneself thoroughly on their issue.


I don't much care for Halloween and it has nothing to do with my religion. I just don't care for scary and gory and intense scenes of death. But we live in a rather tame and nice neighborhood and so we dress up and TorT and have a ball. :D (And while I don't like the aforementioned, it is nothing more than a personal preference and others should feel free to celebrate how they like. I can just choose to avoid that which unsettles my stomach!)

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Or never learn it in the first place. :glare: IM(H?)O - if one wants to rail against something and raise a stink (which is A-Ok by me!) at least one should educate oneself thoroughly on their issue.


It's the Xmas kerfuffle that always does me in. People needs some Classical schooling so they understand the Greek letter and what X represents.

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Or never learn it in the first place. :glare: IM(H?)O - if one wants to rail against something and raise a stink (which is A-Ok by me!) at least one should educate oneself thoroughly on their issue.


I don't much care for Halloween and it has nothing to do with my religion. I just don't care for scary and gory and intense scenes of death. But we live in a rather tame and nice neighborhood and so we dress up and TorT and have a ball. :D (And while I don't like the aforementioned, it is nothing more than a personal preference and others should feel free to celebrate how they like. I can just choose to avoid that which unsettles my stomach!)

I had a huge long reply and then realized I'm probably preaching to the choir. :D


Let's just say :iagree: and leave it with that.




(I'd hoped to get by this year without getting my Irish up about Halloween.)

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Oooh...Saul and the Witch of Endor? Jael putting a tentpeg through Sisera's head?


My daughter actually dressed up as Jael for Awana Bible Character night. LOL. I told her not to retell the entire story to any child who was a Spark or younger. :lol:

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The name does not even make good sense.


The name Halloween is a bas****ization of the words All Hallows Eve. October 31 is already a holy day.


People tend to forget their history.


Almost verbatim what my 16yo said (not the "bas***" part, though;))


Well sheesh, maybe Mary wasn't into extended breastfeeding?


Or why we need to be weaned off Jesus. Would make for an awesome Atheist Halloween campaign name. :D


Okay, this is the best!

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This makes more sense as an SNL sketch.


I know plenty of people who focus more on something like a harvest fest, lots of Catholic families who put the emphasis on the next day, All Saints Day, and have their dc dress up as saints. There are plenty of more natural ways to reinvent this particular event.

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