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OK I am officially feeling old.....

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So DD and I are at the hair salon today - and the stylist (early 20-ish??) is chatting away with us. Somehow we got on the topic of facebook and my DD told her that she knows about facebook but doesn't have it yet cuz she is still too young. Here is how the rest of the conversation went;


Stylist: Yeah, some of these kids are too young to be on facebook.

Me: Yeah, they should be playing outside more and not on the computer. It is just as easy to pick up the phone and talk.

Stylist: Exactly! I think 13 is a good age to get on facebook.

Me: hmmm..not sure - we will see when our kids are that age.

Stylist: Wow - things are so different from when I was a kid!!! We only had dial-up for the internet.....crazy huh?

Me: Yeah, there was no internet when I was a kid. No cell phones either.

Stylist: WHAT?? Really?? Now that is crazy.


End of conversation.

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I think about that sometimes too. We had a computer with dial up when dd1 was born. I anticipate their horror upon learning that we did not have cell phones let alone smart phones, computers etc when I was little. We were pretty happy with one tv in the house! DH's parents didn't even know how to read when he was born. I still remember our one rotary phone. :)

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Oh good grief. That is just crazy talk.....next you are going to tell me that you only had a corded phone attached to the wall that had dial tones and busy signals! :lol:


Yup, old right there with 'ya!


I still love the sound of the phones that had the proper dial rather than the push buttons. I can close my eyes and hear it right now....... :001_smile:

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YES, you had to actually turn the knob to change the channel!!!! All 13 channels!! And then we got the brown box that had the cord hooked up to the TV and the buttons you had to push down???


You had THIRTEEN CHANNELS??? We had three. Four on a good, clear, calm day. And no cordless OR cell phones, no internet, not even a computer, let alone caller ID. I could dial five numbers instead of seven if I wanted to make a call within the same town. We didn't get a VCR and a microwave until I was 7 and 8, respectively, and the VCR was only for recording shows off the TV, not for renting/watching movies, because the nearest video store was 30 minutes away.


And I'm only 29.

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YES, you had to actually turn the knob to change the channel!!!! All 13 channels!! And then we got the brown box that had the cord hooked up to the TV and the buttons you had to push down???

...and before that, the remote was one of us kids!

....to match the kitchen appliances!!! Remember when you had to roll the heavy dishwasher over to the sink & hook it up to the tap every time you wanted to turn it on......

Diva would be grateful for it...she's the dishwasher right now!

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:iagree: And a whole 4 channels to choose from! We also had the coat hanger sticking out of the top of the TV, and sometimes had to sit in a different part of the room to get better reception. :lol:
Or designate one family member to hold on to the rabbit ears with one hand and the metal frame of the window screen with the other. :lol:


(Yes. Truly. Ours was a hand-me-down t.v. on it's last legs.)

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We had a party line and had to listen for "our" ring. I still remember listening in on the neighbors calls.


How about the difference between an IPod and the old record players/8-tracks? Remember the stacks of LPs that you tried your best not to get scratched. I still remember having to clean the lint off of the needles everytime I wanted to play a record.


It was pretty hard to walk around with a record player and earphones.

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Did ya offer to pay her with one and two dollar bills? :tongue_smilie:


My kids are regularly amazed at the things that were different in my childhood, from money to cell phones, computers, cartoons only on Saturday mornings, the excitement I felt when our family got a VCR--a Betamax!--to looking things up in dictionaries and encyclopedias and not online, to records (my kids do understand the phrase 'you sound like a broken record', though), and on and on. Honestly, we're not that old (denial? :tongue_smilie:) and I think things have changed as much since I was a kid as they had for me since my grandmother's childhood, if not before.


Anyone else remember having milk delivered to their door? You know, "back in the olden days" as my kids would say. Sigh.

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....to match the kitchen appliances!!! Remember when you had to roll the heavy dishwasher over to the sink & hook it up to the tap every time you wanted to turn it on......


My grandma still has one. :glare:




I just remember the stretched out and breaking phone cord b/c I would take it into the other room and shut the door for privacy. :lol:

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YES, you had to actually turn the knob to change the channel!!!! All 13 channels!! And then we got the brown box that had the cord hooked up to the TV and the buttons you had to push down???


You had 13 CHANNELS??!! We had 6, the three main networks (ABC, NBC, CBS), PBS, and two local UHF stations. And I also remember having a black and white TV.



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My kids saw a phone with a cord and said, look, a "wall phone." They thought it was cool and had fun playing with it, it was a novelty.


They are funny, though, they are always interested about what was invented when I was a child and what was not, and they have no sense of how long ago things were invented.


"Mom, did they have paper when you were growing up?"


"Mom, did you have electricity?"


My reply usually includes, "Just how old do you think I am?"

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You're not alone! As I was reading through the post thinking about what dated me, I realized I identifed with nearly every post!:tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:But I just remember what my wise grandmother always told me -- women are like fine wine, the older they get the better they get! That's kinda of funny since she didn't drink!:lol::lol::lol:


Good night!

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I started to mulit-quote, but realized I'd have to quote just about every post. So I'll just add my 2 cents (which doesn't go as far as did when I was a kid).:lol:


-Don't forget aluminum foil on those rabbit ears - I don't think anyone mentioned that.


-I remember when we got out first push button phone. Not touch tone - that cost extra. Just push button.


-I saw the moon landing in black and white. We got a color tv the following year. Not that it would have mattered, since the landing was broadcast in black and white anyway.


-When ds was little, he found a Christmas album I pulled out around the holidays. He wanted to know how we were going to play the "big CD".


-I have an aunt who had a color tv when no one else in the family had one. Every year we'd all go over to their house (all the cousins) so we could watch The Wizard of Oz and see the Oz part in color.

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why is it crazy? When I was little my parents talked about not having TV, barely or not having indoor plumbing, things like that. My grandma had to work on a farm as a kids. She had one everyday dress and one church dress. She walked to school and took her lunch in a pail, until 8th grade because that was as far as girls went. But I don't ever remember thinking wow, that's weird. It was just like, huh...so that's the way it was.

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YES, you had to actually turn the knob to change the channel!!!! All 13 channels!! And then we got the brown box that had the cord hooked up to the TV and the buttons you had to push down???



Grin.. that is more channels than we have NOW, but we do have a remote. We just get the regular stations over the air..maybe 6.



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why is it crazy? When I was little my parents talked about not having TV, barely or not having indoor plumbing, things like that. My grandma had to work on a farm as a kids. She had one everyday dress and one church dress. She walked to school and took her lunch in a pail, until 8th grade because that was as far as girls went. But I don't ever remember thinking wow, that's weird. It was just like, huh...so that's the way it was.


My dad just turned 80. When he was very young, he lived in rural Louisiana. He remembers going to church in a horse-drawn cart. The house he was born in did not have electricity. The outhouse was out back. I'm not sure if they had water in the house or not. It was a different world back then.

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I remember my first internet experience, in highschool. We teenage girls were very excited!


My mum, in her 60's, was telling my children how she didn't have a TV when they were kids... I'm think my son asked if there were dinosaurs around then...

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