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Pet Peeves

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My pet peeve is the phrase "...and whatnot." It makes me crazy!



I also hate car alarms. And it drives me up the wall when people use the PRESENT tense to describe something that happened in the PAST :willy_nilly::banghead: And I often have to remind smarty pants DH that acrossed/acrost is not a word. See? Even spell checker knows that one.

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It's common here for people to replace the word "teach" with "learn" as in "how are you going to know what to learn them?" said my MIL when I confessed we were going to homeschool. It drives me crazy!!!:mad:


Oh my heavens:svengo: I confess that my FIL says, "We was going to..." "We was at...." I am no expert, but that is just so wrong, FIL. Stop it!!! :smash:

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This isn't a word pet peeve but...


My pet peeve is people that honk their car horns to try to get my attention so they can wave at me. I walk around town a lot and it happens to me all the time (I live in a small town where everyone knows each other). First of all, when someone honks, it scares the cr*p out of me. Second of all, I don't recognize cars very well so by the time the person passes by, I have no idea who it is!


It probably sounds grouchy, but hey...I'm going to run into them again eventually. Do we have to honk and wave every single time?

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My pet peeve :001_unsure: people with Type A personality. I know, I know, bad.


My dh is definitely a Type A person. Our budget meetings are tons of fun :tongue_smilie:as long as I have a supply of chocolate.


Can I just say you have brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood! :lol: My dad is type A, I mean "spreadsheets for Goodwill donations with formulas for good, excellent, and new donations" type A. My poor mom. She used to keep chocolate in her desk in the office so she could sneak it while he rambled on about something from his desk, ignoring her for the most part but still requiring her presence. My DH is a lot like my dad but I checked that part out before I married him! I had been warned.

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Can I just say you have brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood! :lol: My dad is type A, I mean "spreadsheets for Goodwill donations with formulas for good, excellent, and new donations" type A. My poor mom. She used to keep chocolate in her desk in the office so she could sneak it while he rambled on about something from his desk, ignoring her for the most part but still requiring her presence. My DH is a lot like my dad but I checked that part out before I married him! I had been warned.


That's funny. Sounds like our budget meetings. :001_smile:

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:iagree:This drives me nuts! My other pet peeves include 1) using their, there and they're incorrectly; 2) people who talk during movies or television shows.




aaarrrggghhh *runs screaming into the night*


My dh (an otherwise lovely man) can not understand the concept of no spoilers. When we are watching a show or movie together he keeps trying to tell me what is happening and what will happen next.

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I feel like doing something drastic when people leave their shopping carts (aka "buggies") all over the grocery store parking lot. For Pete's sake, people, have a little civic pride! It's not that far! Just take the cart back to the corral! (Yes, I do feel very righteous as I return my own cart).


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Goodness, yes, the mouth sounds! Gross. me. out. :tongue_smilie:


It drives me nuts when someone says that they 'seen' something; for example, "Oh, I seen him at the store last week." Um...no. :001_huh:


One of my dear, sweet offspring does things with his toes: he touches them, he puts them on things (the edge of my coffee table, the base of my dining table), he tries to pick things up with them. Ugh. It drives me up the wall. I tell him several times each day to quit messing with his flipping toes!

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When people use "loose" when they mean "lose", especially when they are referring to weight loss. Good grief, I have plenty of "loose" weight. I'm not trying for more!:lol:


Regarding confusing"teach" and "learn", I think that must be a regional thing. I have lived in the PNW my whole life and have not really heard that. Have heard plenty of other bad grammar, just not that.

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:iagree:This drives me nuts! My other pet peeves include 1) using their, there and they're incorrectly; 2) people who talk during movies or television shows.






The first movie dh and I went to when we were dating he got mad at me because I was watching the movie and not paying attention to what he was saying :001_huh: I thought we were watching a movie not having a conversation. If you wanted to talk we should have had dinner instead!:tongue_smilie:

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Supposebly, supposevly (sp? It's supposed to be the wrong word!). With that said. Now, having said that. Why blah blah blah for? (Why did you do that for?). The "I haven't seen you in a minute" phrase.


People who can't stop at a stop line by a light.


Messy coffee makers.


I have more, but it is way past my bedtime.

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When people use 'loan' instead of 'lend.'


My dad has always insisted that 'nauseous' means causing nausea and that I should say, "I'm feeling nauseated," instead. This thread inspired me to look it up. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nauseous Always a big pet peeve with him, so I still say 'nauseated' so automatically.


People driving the wrong way through parking lot aisles.


:iagree:This drives me nuts! My other pet peeves include 1) using their, there and they're incorrectly; 2) people who talk during movies or television shows.

I do this, but I'm trying to quit. Poor DH.

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When people in say they 'throw' this and that together (sharing recipe). It annoys me beyond words. We do not throw food, nor do we carelessly prepare food. I get that it speaks to the ease /simplicity of preparation but just sound so crass & gross.

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Yes! Honestly, I'd be happy to never have anyone eat around me again. It's like nails on a chalkboard.


The phrase "flesh out" makes me shudder.


Me too. It is bad enough that I eat in a separate room from my children and even then I can still hear them. Or we all eat in front of the tv, at least then I can turn up the volume and drown out the sound.

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ONE of mine is when people, especially homeschoolers, talk about "curriculums". The word for more than one curriculum is curricula.


Thank you for letting me get that off my brain. :D


Then shouldn't WTM homeschoolers discuss curricula and other matter on the WTM fora ?

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It annoys me when the servers from Chick-fil-A say "My pleasure" every time I say thank you for something. They don't particularly look like it was their pleasure, but maybe it was. I don't know. It annoys me. Maybe I just go to Chick-fil-A too much. My husband would certainly say that it is true.

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I have two that tie for the #1 spot in my life.


1) People chewing with their mouth open (with or without talking).


2) People talking when they should be quiet (movies, TV, church service, etc).


The church one really got me last Sunday. Some new people sat right in front of us and carried on a conversation throughout the songs. At least they were quiet during the sermon.


It's really difficult to worship when one is trying to drown out a competing conversation. I can do it with "kid noise" but evidently, not adults. :tongue_smilie:


We rarely go to the movies and when we do I try to pick times when hardly anyone will be there in order to avoid conversational noise. At home we don't have that problem.

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Can I just say you have brought back such wonderful memories of my childhood! :lol: My dad is type A, I mean "spreadsheets for Goodwill donations with formulas for good, excellent, and new donations" type A. My poor mom. She used to keep chocolate in her desk in the office so she could sneak it while he rambled on about something from his desk, ignoring her for the most part but still requiring her presence. My DH is a lot like my dad but I checked that part out before I married him! I had been warned.


Hey, hey, HEY.. HEY!!! respect the spreadsheet, man. :glare:

:lol: my husband calls me Mr Monk.


My pet peeve is the very fluid relationship our whole area has with timeliness. I don't mean late, I mean "around 4 on Tuesday" means some random time in the next 10 days.

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The slogan "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee" drives me insane and makes me want to boycott their products (why do they have to make such yummy stuff that makes boycotting impossible??!!) :glare:


Also, hearing "Where's _____ at?" and "just between you and I" make me want to run screaming from the room.


I've always thought it was "Nobody does it like Sara Lee". Huh, I learn something new everyday.

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For me it's hearing "no problem" after "thank you". What happened to "you're welcome" :confused:


I do this one and I'm trying to say "you're welcome" more but it seems so strange. I always feel weird saying "you're welcome" because I can't accept that I should be thanked for things. I have a hard time feeling worthy of being thanked. That is the reason I use "no problem".



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