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I might be having twins!?

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I hope they can get you in for your u/s soon, you must be dying to find out! Did you have a feeling you were having twins before this? For some reason I knew I was having twins before I even had a + HPT. I told my dh and he didn't believe me. Well you can bet he believed me at my u/s when the dr said "here's the baby.......and here's the other one" :eek:!


Good luck and I hope you get the results you want!




I actually mentioned early on to dh that I thought there MUST be two because I was sooo sick and sooo tired. . .he then reminded me I'm always so sick and tired. I think you forget about that part of being pregnant.


I'm just excited to find out either way. . .then I know if we need a girl name or a boy name. Or one of each, or 2 boys, or 2 girls.:lol:

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I actually mentioned early on to dh that I thought there MUST be two because I was sooo sick and sooo tired. . .he then reminded me I'm always so sick and tired. I think you forget about that part of being pregnant.


I'm just excited to find out either way. . .then I know if we need a girl name or a boy name. Or one of each, or 2 boys, or 2 girls.:lol:


That's how I knew there was two for me. I knew I was pregnant SO much earlier (and I knew early) and then I got twice as sick, and twice as tired and it was just like someone took those pregnancy hormones and doubled them.


Good luck!

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Yes indeed! My only concern is trying to nurse two at the same time. I'm sure that would be something to see.:lol:




When I told my mom in law about our visit and the "possibility", she laughed hysterically. We have always been terrified of twins. My brother and sister are twins. . .and I have twin nephews. But now that I think there might be 2. . .I want 2. :)


I can't WAIT till my ultrasound. I'm certainly not doing a good job of not getting my hopes up.



Can;t wait to find out!!!!!! I have a friend who nursed twin boys in public without any issues. Football hold style, one on each side. SIL nursed hers at once on a My Bre@st Friend nursing pillow when they were little.

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We just had twins and this board was a tremendous help to me...

They are our number seven and number eight children...


They are now 2 and a half months old.


All I can say is: it is really INTENSE.


I have benefitted from the Le Leche Mothering Multiples book.


I nurse them exclusively and I really, really dislike tandem nursing.

Co-sleeping is impossible for me. They are in a pack in play next to our bed.


They are beautiful, amazing, precious and a joy to our whole family.


It has also been the hardest time of our lives (my husband and I).


I had to have a C-Section because they were breech/breech.

My first C-Section after six easy, fast vaginal births. It was a hard shock.

I also ended up with pre-eclampsia- It developed at the very very end of my pg. I carried them to 40 weeks 1 day which is very, very unusual for twins. For me, the multiple pregnancy was very very different than singleton.


I had no idea we were expecting twins and found out at 14 weeks via ultrasound.


My only symptom was ravenous and I mean ravenous hunger and also fatigue.


I hope it is the news you desire!


Our little twins are an incredible joy and blessing.


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That's how I knew there was two for me. I knew I was pregnant SO much earlier (and I knew early) and then I got twice as sick, and twice as tired and it was just like someone took those pregnancy hormones and doubled them.


Good luck!


Ask Renee in FL - I went to her house for a party before we knew it was twins and I was just sitting around feeling awful with no energy. She was really worried about me! Then we found out it was twins.

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Mine weaned at 3 1/2. I'm generally of the demand feeding camp, but with them I took the "if one guy's hungry, everybody eats" tack. Otherwise, I literally wouldn't have slept their first year or so. After the newborn period, I could nurse them on a bench at the mall without causing a scene. :D



I'm still nursing my 15 month old twins, we prescribed to this idea as well. I rarely tandem fed them, they have always been quick nursers, and I like the one on one time with each.



Twins are NO JOKE. Amazing and exhausting. I wouldn't have it any other way though, that's for sure!



OP, good luck! Let us know either way! :D:D

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My boys are 11. Twins were never even on my radar...no family history or secret longings or anything. We found out when I was at 10 weeks because I was so darn sick and uncomfortable that we did an ultrasound just to make sure the baby wasn't etopic. Nope. Just two of them in there.


I wanted those babies so badly! Even while sick (like actually in the bathroom), I kept thinking, "I'm so glad I'm sick! I must still have enough hormones for them both!"


Good luck!

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I'm still supposed to have an ultrasound either this upcoming week or the next. . .


My midwife is a lovely mennonite lady and the gal who is doing the ultrasound is coming from out of state. . . .she has a patient due last week and waiting till deliver, so I won't know EXACTLY when I'm having my ultrasound till she has her little one.


I'm actually starting to freak out a little bit:svengo:. . .

still excited but nervous!

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Twins are soo much fun. My twins are # 3 and 4 of the six and there older sisters were only 3 and a half and just turned 2 when the twins were born. It was hard but we survived!! (and we still had two more lol) You can do it;) Since all six of ours are girls sometimes I wish we would have a set of twin boys

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And it's TWINS!!!:D

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.;)

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And it's TWINS!!!:D

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.;)



I am sooooooo excited for you!


It will be tough, but fun, fun, fun!


Start taking EXTRA good care of yourself NOW! Follow your doctor's orders!


Eat lots of good, lean protein, drinks lots and lots of water. And you are forbidden to vacuum for the remainder of your pregnancy. That's my advice to you.



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Yes indeed! My only concern is trying to nurse two at the same time. I'm sure that would be something to see.:lol:



It is a circus, but definitely doable. You have to use several pillows, and do nurse tandem, otherwise you'll be nursing 24/7. Congrats! You will be very busy for a while. Do your mom or MIL live close by? The first 2 weeks can be a little overwhelming...and if someone can be there daily for about 2 weeks then you'll be doing well.


It really is a lot of fun. Especially when they are walking, and you can hear 2 little diaper swishy bumb running around the house.

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Yes indeed! My only concern is trying to nurse two at the same time. I'm sure that would be something to see.:lol:



It is a circus, but definitely doable. You have to use several pillows, and do nurse tandem, otherwise you'll be nursing 24/7. Congrats! You will be very busy for a while. Do your mom or MIL live close by? The first 2 weeks can be a little overwhelming...and if someone can be there daily for about 2 weeks then you'll be doing well.


It really is a lot of fun. Especially when they are walking, and you can hear 2 little diaper swishy bumb running around the house.


Nursing both at a time was a life saver! I do have to say that it was impossible to do in public.


My twins are such a blessing. The first year was a lot of work but I have loved the experience!

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I am sooooooo excited for you!


It will be tough, but fun, fun, fun!


Start taking EXTRA good care of yourself NOW! Follow your doctor's orders!


Eat lots of good, lean protein, drinks lots and lots of water. And you are forbidden to vacuum for the remainder of your pregnancy. That's my advice to you.




AuntieM: We must have had the same doctor!:grouphug::grouphug:

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OP, many congrats :):)


And you are forbidden to vacuum for the remainder of your pregnancy. That's my advice to you.



No kidding. I was supposed to be laying low, on some vague, undefined not-really-bedrest, when dh called to say we were having unexpected houseguests. So, I vacuumed, including the guest room on the 3rd floor. I can't say whether that did it all by itself, but at my appt the next day I was suddenly 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced (at 27w, and immediately put on complete bedrest until I delivered at 33w). I can't explain it, but vacuuming was never a good thing for the contractions.

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AuntieM: We must have had the same doctor!:grouphug::grouphug:


Hey, you know what I just realized? I had a different OB for each of my four pregnancies. I *loved* my doc for the twinnies. He was reasonable, fairly conservative, watchful, but didn't over-order on all the testing (well, ok, 5 ultrasounds but no other crazy stuff). He was anti-turbutaline-unless-absolutely-necessary, and I loved him for that. Shortly after my babes arrived, I read a research article about the correlation between turbutaline use and multiple birth kids with ADD/ADHD. Nasty stuff. I understand that it can become necessary, but I have observed quite a few twin-pregnant women ignore their doc's advice about getting enough rest and curtailing activities, satisfied to have a t-pump inserted to ward off the contractions. It just seems prudent to me to do everything in one's power to avoid that stuff as long as possible, if there are non-drug options.


And wapiti, the no vacuuming sounds like a joke, right? But in all the reading I did - copious amounts once I learned I was carrying twins - I repeatedly came across the suggestion that vacuuming was a common trigger for early labor. I actually had one book titled How to Prevent Premature Labor that made quite a case for quitting that chore immediately!


So, OP, I am not kidding! Time to teach the oldest kid how to use the carpet sweeper! And fwiw, my 6yo *loves* to vacuum. She thinks it's great fun.


OP, many congrats :):)





No kidding. I was supposed to be laying low, on some vague, undefined not-really-bedrest, when dh called to say we were having unexpected houseguests. So, I vacuumed, including the guest room on the 3rd floor. I can't say whether that did it all by itself, but at my appt the next day I was suddenly 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced (at 27w, and immediately put on complete bedrest until I delivered at 33w). I can't explain it, but vacuuming was never a good thing for the contractions.

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I actually mentioned early on to dh that I thought there MUST be two because I was sooo sick and sooo tired. . .he then reminded me I'm always so sick and tired. I think you forget about that part of being pregnant.


I'm just excited to find out either way. . .then I know if we need a girl name or a boy name. Or one of each, or 2 boys, or 2 girls.:lol:


A mother's intuition is right again, congratulations!!! Were they able to tell you the sexes? When is your due date? It is a crazy ride but wonderful! There are lots of twin mommies here to help answer any questions :001_smile:. you have.


As for breastfeeding it can be done. I bf mine for 13 months and only quite because I had lost so much weight I was unhealthy! We started out doing a lot of tandem nursing but as they got older I had to separate them because they would just play :boxing_smiley:.


I'm so excited for you, congrats again!



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And it's TWINS!!!:D

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.;)


Ooh...I was hoping to see an update to this thread! :001_smile: Congratulations!!! :party:

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And it's TWINS!!!:D

I know we were expecting it, but I immediately got shaky and couldn't stop giggling!

Separate placentas, good hearts, good spines. All looks good.


Now I can look into how on earth I'm going to manage once they're here!

I'll probably start another thread at some point on how to survive twins.;)


Get a nursing pillow that is half a circle and straps behind you! That is what I used.

http://www.amazon.com/Double-Blessings-Ez-2-nurse-Breastfeeding-Keylime/dp/B003CTDA4O/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1317903466&sr=8-3 shows one that looks a lot like what I had...20 years ago ;-)

I would put one swaddled baby on the couch, fasten the pillow, scoop the other babe out of a bouncy chair, sit on the couch, fasten the baby in my arms and scoop up the one on the couch into position. Be sure to have a book, kleenex, t.v. remote, etc within reach. OK, I would nurse them to sleep then be afraid to move, so I'd sit for two hours and watch t.v., read, etc. until they woke up or I had to pee. They were my first. Anyway, the pillow and the couch are your friends for nursing two at once when there is no other adult around to hand the infants to you.

Edited by JFSinIL
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Get a nursing pillow that is half a circle and straps behind you! That is what I used.

http://www.amazon.com/Double-Blessings-Ez-2-nurse-Breastfeeding-Keylime/dp/B003CTDA4O/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1317903466&sr=8-3 shows one that looks a lot like what I had...20 years ago ;-)

I would put one swaddled baby on the couch, fasten the pillow, scoop the other babe out of a bouncy chair, sit on the couch, fasten the baby in my arms and scoop up the one on the couch into position. Be sure to have a book, kleenex, t.v. remote, etc within reach. OK, I would nurse them to sleep then be afraid to move, so I'd sit for two hours and watch t.v., read, etc. until they woke up or I had to pee. They were my first. Anyway, the pillow and the couch are your friends for nursing two at once when there is no other adult around to hand the infants to you.

I had that one, too, then handed it off to a friend who had twins after us. Best.thing.ever. when they're little.


Also, a blaze orange double jogging stroller? Not the best choice if you wish to get through the grocery store in less than 2 hours.

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