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Things you like, other cultures you appreciate, nice things people have said...

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...happy memories, supportive family members, research studies with pleasing results, a really good new recipe you tried recently, a video that makes you believe in the innate nobility of the human spirit, common ground you've found with someone you never thought you'd agree with on anything....


Please share.


I feel like I'm drowning in whining, complaining, moaning, groaning, criticism, finger-pointing, name-calling, doom, gloom, and other general negativity. I need something other than old kilt threads to pull me through.

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Just as I was posting this my awesome neighbor dropped by with a plate of brownies. She said she'd seen my Facebook post where I said I was stuck in a funk today and couldn't seem to climb out, and she figured I could use some chocolate.


Good timing, awesome neighbor!


(And good brownies too. Fudgy. With chocolate chips.)

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I like parents who truly care about their kid's education (and, of course, love their kids to pieces!). I love the quirkiness of my ADHD daughter and am glad that she "doesn't fit the mold."


I very much admire some Buddhist ideas, especially the idea of not letting desires cause suffering in your life. The peacful meditation reminds me of long walks I've had just talking to God. I'm a Christian, but I do believe that there are admirable parts of almost all religions, and that understanding other religions leads to a greater understanding of other cultures which is a great thing to me.


I also enjoy being taken down a peg occasionally. I know that I don't know and understand everything, but sometimes I act like I do, and I usually don't like myself very much when I just have to be right!:tongue_smilie:

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I cleaned off the dining table for my son yesterday so he and DH could play Monopoly. He came in and went on about how good it looked. I said that it was okay, but it still needed a wipe down.


He said, "Oh but Mom, I don't think many pregnant women could have done much better!"



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I had a really stressful week. The kids were just awful yesterday, and when DH got home I just told him, "I have no words."


I was kinda shell-shocked by the end of the day :glare:


DH emailed me early today to let me know he had booked me a massage for tonight. He took the kids grocery shopping while I basked in relaxation for 30 mins. It was sooooooooo nice and something I never do for myself. He rocks.

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We took a "teacher's institute day" today. I made homemade chicken noodle soup and put about 268 books back up on the shelf where they belong. No pressure. Good food. Pretty bookshelves.:001_smile:


btw - As annoying as reshelving 268 books can be, it's a good feeling to know that your dc are reading.

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Impish, that is sweet about Wolf. It's those little things..... that are so great!

It took a bit of...encouragement to get here. When we were first married, it simply wouldn't dawn on him to call if he was going to be late.


Walking in on me sobbing on the couch, 3 hrs after he was supposed to be home, an absolute heaving, snotty faced mess, made him get a lot better about it in a hurry.

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I could go on and on. This is a great thread idea. Just today:


I received used book that I ordered in the mail (DK Eyewitness Mammals) and the shipper had sent along a DK animal sicker book as well. I don't know why we were so lucky but I made my kids and me smile.


My almost 2 year old said "bless you, mommy," when I sneezed.


Two of my children who are using Daily Paragraph Editing found typos in things they were reading today. DS9 found blended together words in WWS (in the free, uncorrected sample) and DD7 spotted a missing period in a photo caption in a geography book.

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Just as I was posting this my awesome neighbor dropped by with a plate of brownies. She said she'd seen my Facebook post where I said I was stuck in a funk today and couldn't seem to climb out, and she figured I could use some chocolate.


Good timing, awesome neighbor!



Yay for good neighbors!


As for me -


-My teenage son mopped the kitchen floor for me today. Sure, I asked him to so it wasn't his idea, but there was no griping. He just said okay, and did it.


-I found a purse I like. This is a big deal for me. I'm on a never-ending quest for the perfect purse.

-I'm going to be a grandma. :party: (DDIL is at 17 weeks).

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My 96-year-old Grandma who has precious little positive to say about our homeschooling, said about 6.5yo today, "She really knows a lot! I studied all that stuff in school, but I sure don't remember any of it! She's really learning a lot!" 6.5yo must have been spouting her CC history sentences behind my back or making yet another person name states so she could name the capitals. :lol:


And, it's just pretty cool for your kids to have a 96-year-old Great Grandma who can sit in the schoolroom with them and "play school" while the great-grandkid plays teacher and you read to the toddler. That's just a blessing!

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Here is a happy memory: Just after I finished med school, I was flying into JFK, and my bf (later husband -- now ex) met me. He was a Sikh, and still hadn't cut his hair. So, he showed up dressed like a Sikh taxidriver with a big, big pugherdee (turban) and dressed for the part, and held up a sign saying Dr. So and So, like I was someone important getting off the plane.


Another happy memory: My 94 year old deaf dad settling himself into "his" chair and calling out for me to bring my 1 month old son to him. "Bring me that baby! I'm good for half an hour. BRING ME THAT BABY!" It was close to the only time I ever, ever heard him shout.

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Ooooohhhhh! I think I need a recipe for THAT!


Well...I'm a little unsure of quantities because I just used what we had in the refrigerator, so it's not much of a recipe, but here's what I did:


A box of peaches (20 lbs., minus what the kids ate, so maybe 12-15 lbs.?), peeled, halved, grilled and chopped

The peach juice from the bowl the peaches were sitting in after dh grilled them

3 onions, diced small

2 green bell peppers and 3 small red bell peppers, grilled at the same time as the peaches then chopped (I didn't have jalapenos, but they'd have been a great addition, grilled and chopped.)

Juice from 2 limes

Salt, pepper, chipotle powder, smoked paprika


I mixed it all in a large bowl and canned most of it. It made 6-1/2 pints plus a little dish for the fridge.





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Probably my all time favourite memory:


Wolf's reaction when Tazzie was born.


Keep in mind, my husband was adopted. He'd never, ever had the experience of looking into another's face and seeing any resemblance, any connection. He didn't grow up with family lore, history, "Oh, doesn't he look like Grandpa!", etc. In so many ways, he felt truly adrift.


Tazzie rocked his world, completely. Wolf started this babbling, stream-of-conciousness sort of thing..."I can't believe how much I love him, you tried to tell me, but I just can't believe it..."


Then they put Tazzie in the 'pyrex pan' basinette thingie, but the heat lamp wasn't working, so he began to wail. Wolf stood by anxiously shifting from foot to foot, asking, "He's crying! What do I do? What do I do?"


So I told him to pick Tazzie up.


"Can I do that?"


"Yes, Honey. You're the Daddy."


And this look of complete...wonderment, miraculous shining moment came over his face, as he repeated, barely over a whisper, "I'm the Daddy. I'm the Daddy." He picked up Tazzie, who immediately went quiet, just staring up at his Daddy.


All time fave memory. I tear up just thinking about it.

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Probably my all time favourite memory:


Wolf's reaction when Tazzie was born.


Keep in mind, my husband was adopted. He'd never, ever had the experience of looking into another's face and seeing any resemblance, any connection. He didn't grow up with family lore, history, "Oh, doesn't he look like Grandpa!", etc. In so many ways, he felt truly adrift.


Tazzie rocked his world, completely. Wolf started this babbling, stream-of-conciousness sort of thing..."I can't believe how much I love him, you tried to tell me, but I just can't believe it..."


Then they put Tazzie in the 'pyrex pan' basinette thingie, but the heat lamp wasn't working, so he began to wail. Wolf stood by anxiously shifting from foot to foot, asking, "He's crying! What do I do? What do I do?"


So I told him to pick Tazzie up.


"Can I do that?"


"Yes, Honey. You're the Daddy."


And this look of complete...wonderment, miraculous shining moment came over his face, as he repeated, barely over a whisper, "I'm the Daddy. I'm the Daddy." He picked up Tazzie, who immediately went quiet, just staring up at his Daddy.


All time fave memory. I tear up just thinking about it.


Aw! That's really sweet!


Today I went to an Autism Education conference. There were all sorts of parents there with the quirky, hard-to-handle kids like mine, so I felt like I was around people who really understood. And I got to play with sensory toys. :D I learned so much, and came home happy to get to love on my special kids.


I'm looking at pretty things on Pinterest. I love that site.


I'm reading the manga series Fruits Basket again. For the 4th time. There are 23 books, and I'm on book 9. It seems like a silly story, but I love it SOOOOO much. I can't even tell you why, just that it makes me laugh and it makes me cry, and when I get stressed out I kind of giggle that my favorite books are Japanese comics.

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I went to the doc this week. They did a high-tech, non-invasive test, made possible by the amazing advances in medicine the scientific community has given us. Everyone was extremely nice and took all the time needed to answer my questions and set me at ease. The test showed my problem very clearly, which will be easily solved without the need for pharmaceuticals.

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Well...I'm a little unsure of quantities because I just used what we had in the refrigerator, so it's not much of a recipe, but here's what I did:


A box of peaches (20 lbs., minus what the kids ate, so maybe 12-15 lbs.?), peeled, halved, grilled and chopped

The peach juice from the bowl the peaches were sitting in after dh grilled them

3 onions, diced small

2 green bell peppers and 3 small red bell peppers, grilled at the same time as the peaches then chopped (I didn't have jalapenos, but they'd have been a great addition, grilled and chopped.)

Juice from 2 limes

Salt, pepper, chipotle powder, smoked paprika


I mixed it all in a large bowl and canned most of it. It made 6-1/2 pints plus a little dish for the fridge.







Mmmmm....mouth watering just thinking about it. Thanks. :)

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I will be forever grateful that my hg medication was invented! We would only have had one child otherwise.


Last night I dreamed I cleaned the toilet and today it came true. :)


My library has overdrive now so I can check out books on my phone.

Right now I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and it's awesome. What could be better than the Bennet sisters kicking some butt?!

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I had a really stressful week. The kids were just awful yesterday, and when DH got home I just told him, "I have no words."


I was kinda shell-shocked by the end of the day :glare:


DH emailed me early today to let me know he had booked me a massage for tonight. He took the kids grocery shopping while I basked in relaxation for 30 mins. It was sooooooooo nice and something I never do for myself. He rocks.


How awesome!!



Yay for good neighbors!


As for me -


-My teenage son mopped the kitchen floor for me today. Sure, I asked him to so it wasn't his idea, but there was no griping. He just said okay, and did it.


-I found a purse I like. This is a big deal for me. I'm on a never-ending quest for the perfect purse.

-I'm going to be a grandma. :party: (DDIL is at 17 weeks).

I'm on this same quest but mine has been unsuccessful. I'm thinking my expectations are too high, but I keep looking. I want one that always has a $20 bill in it no matter how much money I spend.:D Where'd you find your new purse?


Today is the first day of fall! All things "fall-ish" will soon commence! Soups, falling leaves, crisp air etc! Love it!!


My baby will be 6 months old tomorrow. She is the cutest little thing ever. Just too sweet!


I love fall!! I love the crisp air and the apple cider, and the leaves, and the cozy evenings by the fire (ok, it's just a dvd of a fire in a fireplace, but it's still cozy).


Probably my all time favourite memory:


Wolf's reaction when Tazzie was born.


Keep in mind, my husband was adopted. He'd never, ever had the experience of looking into another's face and seeing any resemblance, any connection. He didn't grow up with family lore, history, "Oh, doesn't he look like Grandpa!", etc. In so many ways, he felt truly adrift.


Tazzie rocked his world, completely. Wolf started this babbling, stream-of-conciousness sort of thing..."I can't believe how much I love him, you tried to tell me, but I just can't believe it..."


Then they put Tazzie in the 'pyrex pan' basinette thingie, but the heat lamp wasn't working, so he began to wail. Wolf stood by anxiously shifting from foot to foot, asking, "He's crying! What do I do? What do I do?"


So I told him to pick Tazzie up.


"Can I do that?"


"Yes, Honey. You're the Daddy."


And this look of complete...wonderment, miraculous shining moment came over his face, as he repeated, barely over a whisper, "I'm the Daddy. I'm the Daddy." He picked up Tazzie, who immediately went quiet, just staring up at his Daddy.


All time fave memory. I tear up just thinking about it.


That has to be one of the all-time most awesome posts ever. I am crying - so very, very precious.


I will be forever grateful that my hg medication was invented! We would only have had one child otherwise.


Last night I dreamed I cleaned the toilet and today it came true. :)


My library has overdrive now so I can check out books on my phone.

Right now I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and it's awesome. What could be better than the Bennet sisters kicking some butt?!


:lol::lol: Dreams can come true - very inspirational indeed.



Ds15 wrote a two-page story today that made me laugh out loud at the end. He wrote it in the style of the Life of Fred books, which he is using for math.


I drove dd18 to about 7 or so daycare centers today so she could apply for a job. One asked her to stay and fill out the application. Hoping she will get a job there after having looked all summer (Chick-fil-a, Kohl's, Target, Aldi, etc., etc.) to no avail. It looks very promising.


Dd12 went with us. We played hangman while we waited for her sister. I chose the word "daycare" and she guessed all the letters but the last one before it hit her. She thought it was hilarious since we were sitting in a daycare parking lot and it took her that long to figure it out.:)

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This is TOTALLY cheesy. But I'll jump in with it anyway.

Like, today I am just 200% amazed and in love with my little girl. I don't know if it was because of being at the hospital where she was born and lived for the first month of her life (All my doctors appointments are now there. Like, optometrist, everything lol) and the fact that it was 2 years ago and she was on life support and now she's ALIVE, she's healthy, she's not behind at all, she talks, she lights up every room she's in... I don't know. But today, I'm remembering how I felt when I got to bring her home, and I was so worried that she wouldn't bond well with us because her life so far had existed so much in sterile NICU rooms with nurses and doctors and constant monitors humming over metal cribs, and instead she would not fall asleep anywhere but with us. It kind of drove me nuts, as I'm a strict sleep-in-your-own-bed from birth person! And she usually did, but LORD HAVE MERCY it was tough. In the NICU she was constantly monitored, so she could have blankets, etc in her crib (once that time came, when she was out of the heated bed and was really only in there while she learned how to eat) so then she came home to a pack and play in my room with none of that - not to mention the quiet! - she HATED it. Startled herself awake all the time, even if I did get her to sleep in there. But anyway, I remember holding her one night, and she's sleeping, and I'm watching tv, and I just keep thinking 'Thank You. Thank You SO MUCH.' and looking at her and just being so thankful that things didn't end the way I had feared. Those first 5 days of her life, in particular, were agonizing, and I sometimes would FORCE myself not to linger on thoughts that maybe I wouldn't get to hold her again since I left the OR. Or if I did, it wouldn't be because she was getting better. I prayed constantly. I woke up in the middle of the night praying. I never stopped.

And now there's just a little scar. Well, 3 little scars, but 2 are barely visible and aren't seen by anyone anyway - the other is. Some people say they feel bad for her, she has this scar, it's going to be there and she'll be so self conscious of it. I say she doesn't have to be. That scar is a symbol of her LIFE. Without that scar, there wouldn't be any.

So anyway, yeah. I totally rambled on and on about that, sorry. But this evening I'm really feeling that. :)


(and totally corny, but for SOME reason they played that bruno mars song in the background on X-factor the other night, '...and when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile, you're amazing just the way you are.' and yeah, totally hearing that in my head tonight and seeing DD's face with it. Yep, I'm a total and complete nerd. And I don't even like Bruno Mars... :P)

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A lovely babushka helped me with the door to my flat this morning when I was carrying 5 liters of milk in a pot. I'd already passed her three times on the stairs since I'd had to run back to my flat for more money; she lives on the fourth or fifth floor and has to walk down and up all those stairs any time she wants to get outside. She had to rest halfway through each flight, but she still hurried over when she saw me having a hard time with my door.


That sort of thing is completely normal here. Neighbors help each other. I'll be watching for a way to return the favor.

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I overheard my children telling their Dad that this has been "the best homeschooling year ever!" And my 9-year-old further commented that he thinks it is "because of the way Mommy has it set up. We're not just doing a bunch of random stuff each day". We were pretty unstructured our first few years, and that worked well at the time, but it was clear it needed changing. Thank you hive members for all your advice and ideas; without finding this board, I do not think this would be "the best year ever".


Oh, and I am utterly enjoying homeschooling this year too. Best year ever from my perspective as well. :D

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Princess declared her birthday yesterday "The best birfday EVAH!"




This is very good news indeed! Yippee!!!!


DD17 is consistently scoring in the 90+ on her Calculus. Teaching it pretty much to herself while recovering from knee surgery. I'm SOOOOO proud of her!

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DH and I celebrated our 15th anniversary on Wednesday. We went to a fondue restaurant, which we've never done before...the food was SO good. We really splurged...had a 4-course meal. First course was a cheddar cheese fondue, with various breads, vegetables, and green apples for dipping. Second course was a spinach salad with portabello mushrooms, bacon, tomatoes, and a vinagrette dressing. Third course was a meat course: chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, duck (which was new to both of us), and potstickers. We dipped this in a coq a vin broth to cook. The last course was a chocolate fondue, with bananas, strawberries, brownies, Rice Krispie treats, pound cake, and cheesecake to dip with.


It was probably the best meal I've ever had. :001_smile:

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This may sound silly, but because of the rain yesterday, today's soccer games are cancelled.:D That means a WHOLE DAY of nothing scheduled. DH doesn't know it but we will be venturing into the city today to hit the Museum of Natural history!:tongue_smilie:


:D I hear ya! I feel the same!


My two kitties make me so happy. (I guess only the cat people will relate.) Luna is just the most precious, gentle girl and Thor is a hilarious extrovert. They especially love my dd and go crazy with meows when she shows up.

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I'm so happy this weekend. I've been staring at my new fireplace. We ripped out the old wood mantel and the fireplace surround has been tiled with stone looking tile. Monday our wood stove gets put in.


After taking that learning styles test posted here, I've been noticing how visually oriented I am. It has peeled back another layer of understanding for me. Beauty and harmony in my line of sight give me so much pleasure. My fireplace is beautiful. :-) And I designed it myself.

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It is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL fall day outside (I was out all morning)


I found two books in an out of print series I loved as a child in a local charity shop today.


One of my students (I teach high school) got the highest grade on the test they had last week. The kids were talking about the test in class on Thursday and I heard her exclaim "It is the first time I've EVER had an A* on a test!". Her answers were some of the best in the class. Made me happy.


My dad and niece are coming tomorrow. I haven't seen either of them for over two weeks! And while I was out today I found a new book by an author my niece loves. So excited to give her the book tomorrow.


Yesterday was another beautiful fall day, and after work I went for a run/walk on wooded track behind my house 3.2km and I didn't die. It has been over a year since I last went running.


*Her year doesn't have the A-F system but for ease of explanation we will go with that.

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I posted about Dolphin Tale- good movie.


My friend and I did not let the rain stop us. We took our usual Friday walk in spite of the drizzle, and it felt good.


The kids are happy with the Halloween costumes they picked (some scary weird-looking Star Wars guy for ds2 and Draco Malfoy for ds1).


I have lots of fresh pears from my CSA share, and they are DELICIOUS!

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I feel like I'm drowning in whining, complaining, moaning, groaning, criticism, finger-pointing, name-calling, doom, gloom, and other general negativity. I need something other than old kilt threads to pull me through.

Oooh....kilts aren't enough? This is serious.:)


Okay, things I like...


*Being inside, warm and cozy, while it's snowing outside.


*Watching the awesome power of a thunderstorm.


*Books. Lots of them.




*A combination of the first, third, and fourth on this list.




*Spending time with a really good friend.


*Spending time alone. Completely alone. Especially in my house. Love it when no one else is there.


On to other cultures, countries.........


*The colors of Greek islands--white washed houses, azure blue skies, pink flowers.


*Jerusalem--just being there and feeling the history permeating from the very stones.


*Paris--spending hours wandering and then tucking up in a cozy cafe.


*And one nod to the U.S.--the coast of the Northwest. I loved the spectacular landscape--huge boulders tumbled into the sea, wild surf, houses perched atop cliffs. It was usually foggy when I was there (love fog) and as I drove inland there would be a place where the fog would just stop. It was like a wall. You could look back and see where the fog stopped and be in sunshine yourself. Maybe it's not usually that way, but that is my memory of it.



And last but not least--my favorite creatures on earth--my cats.

Thanks for making me remember all this. It's been nice. And yes, in the background I hear bits of bickering, etc. I think I'll keep some of these in the forefront of my mind today.:) Hope your days get better......

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Yesterday, we went to the flower shop in town to get a single white carnation for a science experiment. The lady at the counter was so nice talking to both kids, and when she rang up the flower, it totalled $1.60. I already had a dollar out and was waiting to hear the change amount so I could dig out the coins. While I was digging, someone sitting a little down a hallway asked the lady what we had purchased. I believe it was the store owner. When she found out, she said, "NO CHARGE. Not for a science experiment!" :) Since I already had the dollar out, I thanked them, and left the dollar with them, suggesting, "In case someone comes up short..." (We have a decent amount of struggling people in our town).


I got a 60 cent discount and felt on top of the world! :D

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It's Apple Butter Weekend at my church. (Locals--come by if you want to help!)


They buy tons of apples (a special kind, from PA), cut them up, and cook them in 4 giant copper pots (I mean GIANT) over wood fires set up on our patio at the church. People take turns stirring with huge wooden paddles. Two days of cooking, two days of folks sitting around the circle in camp chairs, talking and fellowshipping, and stirring, and laughing, and eating, and stirring...


It's a unique way we show our community that Christian life pervades all of life--it's so much fun!!


Next week, we have a cheesy, family-friendly fair, complete with those silly games (duck pond, anyone?), roasted pig, fiddle music, and an awesome garage sale. We reserve two pots worth of one-day processed applesauce from today's batch to make into apple butter next week at the fair.


Come by! It's a grand, simple, fun time.

Edited by Chris in VA
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I've had a tough week. My grandmother passed away. It's very complicated, but I do have a few good memories. She and my grandfather owned a farm all throughout my childhood. One night my brother and I were spending the night, and she woke us up in the wee hours of Easter morning to see a minutes old baby lamb. It was so special, and I've never forgotten it.


My little brother, Kevin, (who is also my best friend) is in the army and is stationed in Alaska. He is being deployed in December for the 3rd time. Yesterday, he got to fly (or probably "help" fly) a Black Hawk, and he was so excited! When he called, he was giddy, just like a kid. It was so cute!! He actually flew the helicopter to his son's school and surprised the kids. When they came out, they asked for Kevin's autograph. In the pictures, he is smiling so big! It's the happiest I've seen him in a long time. He is my hero. I am so blessed to have him.


My husband brought me poptarts this week. That man knows what his woman likes!


And now a kid funny: A couple of nights ago, my middle dd looked at me and said, "Mom, please don't ever break up with daddy. But you can break up with that shirt anytime now." What a funny girl!!


I spent last weekend in Charlotte with my oldest dd for her birthday. It was WONDERFUL!! We have been having a hard time lately, and it was a really special weekend. :) She is just the coolest kid in the world!


Cora is doing great with school. I worried because she is so...spirited. I didn't think she would be interested, but she is doing so well!


Our chickens are starting to lay!!


IT'S AUTUMN!! My favorite time of year! I love pumpkins, crunching through leaves, corn mazes, fall festivals, Halloween, crisp air, and wearing jeans and sweaters.


I made a fabulous apple pie on Thursday, and we ate it for breakfast.


Life is good!!

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A loving committed lesbian couple who are friends of mine recently adopted an adorable baby girl, K.


L is a tough-as-nails divorce attorney who melts when she holds K. N, L's partner, is a nurturing social worker. They have lifelong financial security, robust mental and physical health, a lovely stately old home, a bouncy beagle, a doting grandmother a few blocks away, and a gaggle of hip smart friends.


They had been actively seeking to adopt for quite awhile. After a couple of disappointing endings, N got a late night call that there was a newborn girl at the local public hospital whose parents were interested in adoption. L and N were at the hospital within five minutes.


The overwhelmed parents were students at local state university. Fortunately they did not suffer from any physical or mental health problems. The adoption was swiftly and smoothly finalized.

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It's Apple Butter Weekend at my church. (Locals--come by if you want to help!)


They buy tons of apples (a special kind, from PA), cut them up, and cook them in 4 giant copper pots (I mean GIANT) over wood fires set up on our patio at the church. People take turns stirring with huge wooden paddles. Two days of cooking, two days of folks sitting around the circle in camp chairs, talking and fellowshipping, and stirring, and laughing, and eating, and stirring...


It's a unique way we show our community that Christian life pervades all of life--it's so much fun!!


This sounds like a great tradition! Wish I could come by and check it out, but I'm on the other side of the country. :D

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