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Do you have a facebook account?

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I am just curious how many of you do. I am not putting an other option because either you do or you don't ;)



Yes if-

You have an account that you are active on.

You have an account that you seldom to never use but it has not been deactivated

You have one under your name that somebody else uses



No if-

You don't have one.

You used to have one but it has officially been deactivated




Any other variations in answers put in comments :lol:


FTR- I have one :001_smile:



Oh forget it. I forgot the poll again. :lol: So, do ya?? :D

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Yes. I love using Facebook! I get to see what's going on with family and friends all over the world. (I have friends in France, Mexico, Uganda, and Japan, as well as all over the U.S.) It's fun! It's an easy way to communicate, share pictures, etc.


Just now I was looking at photos of a school festival in Japan, admiring my friends in their kimonos. Fun!



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Yes, it's really a nice way for me to keep in touch with my BILs. One of them lives with MIL and I really like being able to chit chat to make sure she's doing well, or just to tell her hi. We're states away and facebook is just so much easier than calling.


And I am addicted to some of the Zynga games. :)

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Yes, I have one now. I avoided it for years, thinking it was a young-person-thing. Then my brother invited me to join after he had his son. I wanted to see photos, so I joined. I love it. I have friends all over the world that I can keep in touch with, people who I rarely e-mailed back and forth with, but now get to see what's going on in their lives through their posts. I keep in touch with cousins that I hadn't spoken with in years as well as old high school friends. I'm not actually fb friends with anyone who I know locally. I just use it to keep up with people in far off places.

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Yes. I resisted for a long time but I got one because of some long lost friends and family members who kept asking if I had an account. And it has been really nice being more in touch with them.


But I am tempted to deactivate it regularly and need to get more active on google + and hope more people will move over there.

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I have a Facebook... and today is the first day I've been truly EXCITED about it.


DH had this close friend for quite a while, and because of a lot of circumstances in our lives and in his, we lost touch over the years. I just FOUND HIM on Facebook. Or I assume I've found him. There's no picture of him, but his friends list includes both his ex-wife and his daughter, and he has a super unusual last name. So.... YAY!!

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No. I had one that I deactiveated after a few months. I didn't see the point. I played the stupid games, talked to a few people I'd known in years past and then nothing.


If I want to talk to my friends here I get in my car and go visit or they come to me. Or one of us will pick up the phone and call the other and have an actual conversation.


If I want to talk to people from my past, I can do that when I go "home" for a visit. The conversations will last no more than a few minutes of small talk anyway.


Family get an actual phone call or a visit or if necessary email.


I don't see the draw of the status updates. Big deal, you are going to bed. Oh, you just had an ice cream - Who cares? It seemed it was all a way to say, "Look at me. See what I can do? I'm so wonderful someone will pay attention to me."



Okay, I'm done. Don't take any of what I said personally. Especially if you were not my facebook friends.

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Yes, I have an account. Wouldn't have kept it if it hadn't changed. I like being able to hide certain types of posts or post status updates only to certain friends or hide certain people from the news feed. It's helped me keep in touch with people far away, but it does get annoying sometimes. Now that I never have to see if anyone is throwing sheep, though, I am happier with it.

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I do have a FB account. I am not super active on it, but it seems to have its purpose. I use it to keep in touch with old friends from college, internet, my former location, etc. Not a lot of communication, but just a bit. All of us are busy and not likely to exchange a lot of calls/e-mails, but FB works well. Also, I have found that I'm closer to my sister (and my SILs) -- again, our schedules are busy and don't mesh well, and my sis isn't likely to call me for every little thing in her day, but she might post it on FB, and I'll offer a sympathetic word or cheer or something. Or I'll post something cute the kids said, but I'm not going to call everyone just to tell them that, y'know? FB lets my sis feel like she's in the loop with her niece and nephews. And for my local friends, FB has let me get to know them in ways that we don't necessarily have time for when we're hanging out at the playground or whatever, when we don't get to finish conversations because of the kids and such.

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I've had a Facebook account since high school. I use it to keep in touch with family, friends - in my generation it's one of the main ways to communicate. We even have a (joking) saying that it's not real until it's Facebook official. ;)


I've also become very familiar with the various privacy settings and I use the "custom" feature regularly.

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